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LY | . Biology SOL Review Packet name: /EAC MEE . Scientific investigatlor oe A. Stops to the Scientific Method 1. Make observations/Do research: to determine what problem you want to address 2. Develop a Research Question: what specifically co you want to determine? 3, Develop a hypothesis: based on research from a variety of sources ®. scientific Journals: are the best place to locete current findings on the newest technologies ». encyclopedias: are a good place to find infomation on extinct species or historical theories © state/local agencies: can help with loca policies or local research (example: can help research the effects of pesticides on the squiel population) * Conduct a Controlled Experiment- testing the hypothesis and collecting deta and observations 5. Interpret and Analyze Data: Using tables and graphs 8 Draw Conclusions: including improvements for future experiments 7. Communicate Results: so others can bud onthe experiment B. Terms: Word Bank: experiment, variables, hypothesis, constant, contol, Independent variable, dependent variable. ie lUmUU usually in“IF..THEN form, a Vaz sasees ~ are the factors that are measured in an experimant, 3 _Doverev ber - is the variable that you purposely ‘change...variable “I change. 4 Derevbent ~ is the variable that changes as a result of changing the I. 8._Lowr2oe isthe baseline ‘measurement that you compare your data to, 6. __Lors ve __- the things) that are purposaly kept the same in the experiment 7. _LxPEC irrenT_. ign stucired way totes a hypotetis, C. Sclentitic Tools - Identity the tool used for each of the following tasks: Word Bank: beaker, graduated cylinder, balance, light microscope, electron microscope 1. __Baeack - used formeasuring mass 2 2 Fe ceascoPE «used for examining extremely smal specimens » 3 226K AB CSCO ysed tor examining small specimens, was used to decover cals a _Cregrurrects (9 L220 -\s0d tor measuring precise volumes of liquids 5 eek less accurate tool for measuring volume D. Microscope Cate the names of the parts of the microscope. Word bank: er abjecive lens, ms, laptyagin, fing fects, course focus, stage bare, base, stage lps; lame, arm, revolving sasepiece bes | youn IR ‘Total Magnification stl I enc, Fo] | Onular Lens x os eet Objective Lens Example: rn Crome = ees Total = 10x 100 = P ys ATHaA te! Ler - used to make BIG changes in focus 2 SAPHI AA adjusts the amount of light a. __ORTECICVE Lens = changes the magnification 4 __ Sue Cures = holds down the side 5. ___OpwtAt Lens - what you look through 6. Draw a picture demonstrating how to properly put on a coverslip to avoid bubbles. FY 4. Characteristics of Living Things 5 Smaseine.7 Themes of Blology: Word Bank: cels, metabolism, ‘romaostasis, reproduce, heredity, evolution, interdepersenre LES - smallest unit of allie Lleresorr Zet and use energy in order to carry out ite functions pea renee = organisms rely on each other to survive Ke Peo CE ether asexually or sexually Hon S TASES. maintaln a constant intemal envionmen ex. body temperature Hee eerry Pass on traits to offspring 7. C2 VOLY TION scoutatiora of ‘organisms change over time 2 pepe 2. Blological terms in order from smallest to largest Cell tissue organ> organ system> organism-> Population> srecies> community:> ecosystem> blosphere 1. __ Ceee the smallest unitof ite SS 2 ES we ! group of eels that cary outa similar funetion See ease —_Omean 3. @ group of tissues that carry out a specialized function in the body 4 OE) SYSTE*T » 9 group of organs tat work together to perform body functions 5. _QE6I57 a single tving ting a _Feropprou 2 g10up of organisms of the same species that lve in the ‘same area anc can intrbreed 7. SPECIES a croup of ‘organisms that look similar and can produce fertile offspring 8. Sete vv ETL sa group of ‘aifferent species that lve in the same habitat {and interact with on another 9. __LZeesyeret community o otganisms and their nomiving environment » 10. SPU: aot the world {and it's atmosphere that support ite 1M, Life at the Molecular Level ‘hInorganic Compaunds~ (Typcaly 00 NOT contain carbon) 4 Water: Word Bank: hycrogan bonding, floats, acids, body temperature, capillary action, water, polar, 7, 4, 14, 0, cohesion, solvent, adhesion, bases, high heat capacity, homeostasis, surface tension) ptMaer mclecules tave an unevenly cistiouted charge, this means that the molecule is Foca », A ree¢en Eo~DA- ig th attraction between the postive end of one ‘water molecule and the negative end of another water molecule, «¢. Many ofthe unique propetes of water are caused by hydrogen bor priser cri Is the movement of water up thin tubes, Guo _ Cot con) which means that water molecules ‘stick’ to each other and aie 70°) which means that water molecules can ‘stick to ‘other substances. yy The oroperty that helps bugs stand on water is caled_ Sure ACE Zeus co") ~ Water expands when It freezes which makes ice LinsTs Water has a_ Jka Mixer Car4Cl77 which means it takes alot of energy to raise or lower its temperature, This is important because it helps organisms Tranain, Zico0s SSS by keeping acortant ay DenprwnzAt wee = s < = 4. Bocause water isa polar molecule, itis called the universal => 22. VET vtich means that it can dissolve many substances. @. Cals ara mostly \W47E!C_, therefore much of your entire body is made of water _sthe pl scale is from 0-14. Alors ranges, GES _ramgoe-rs. & neutal solution has apHot 7 _. 2. The Water Cycle: Fil inthe bins with {ettors rom the diagram. a waterfalls tothe ground inthe form of precipitation (eter b. itpercolates through the sol to make ground water (letter) ©. atthe ose go into the grounds clad rn oft (eter > ) r/and are necessary for_Z2°E It 1. Carbohydrates Word Bank: monosaccharides, built glucose, broken down a. Carbohyerates are Z¥Z0T to store energy in plants and are » Sport” Davil tobe used as cellular energy to accomplish the charts of te orn SACCHA0 72'S aro te bultng blocks of carbohytrates, example Ov veos © 2. Uplds Word Bank: fat, cute ol, store, wax, inulto ‘a lipids are organic compounds that include include fac. OL, ana_WAK ua eo 0270 egy nei «: teaves have a protective tipi ayer called the CY TECLE” tat prevents water ss. 4. lipids ke those in whale blubber and human fat help bar ergarieme, protecting them and keeping them warm 4, Protlns: Word Bark: unchanged, ano acids, activ ses, peptge, enzymes, speed up, substrate piss sao upat_Areve Acz eS joined gear by ® FERTESE bonds. b ZY EYES _ aro special group of proteins that_ GA UT reactions. «Enzymes have ACISIE S576 wit spect shapes that allow ther io Roane an oe ere a. Enzymes are_UWiciJ4rigre}> _ during reactions. f@. Circle the substrates, Box in the enzyme AFTER the reaction. Draw a “rangle around the products. ‘4 Mhelele Aclda: Word Bank: adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, hyérogen bond, ouble hols nom suas, bose, Watson & Crick, mudleotides, Rosalind Bennie ‘ovble helix, genetic, deoxyribose, phosphate, DNA, RNA, nirogen meee 8. The two types of nuceie acids are TN ang ENA ». The butting block of a nucle acid is a E which fs made of a uGtrt a BiesPuer “aaa _Nezcoser BAe & LDA Is common to all living things and It stores genetic information, d. Inna, STa1E bonds with Craw ang Pte bonds with Fister rE — © Thentrogen bases are held together ty //Yo>ieacen) Tyo ¢ f. The shape of a DNA molecule is a Da we Meer discovered by Wros © C, 9. Loceiras Frasteal took X-ray photographs of DNA that helped determine DNAs stucture h, EFLECAT ION Is a proces 8 that makes an exact copy of DNA. ‘The sugar in DNA Is OX; but the sugar in ANA is_JEE ase J. InDDNA adenine bonds with ZZrr2- atin RNA It bonds with _LAz-#c=2_, * ENA. 9 single standea, and SAA a doutie ‘stranded, ENA a copied ty} wnich becomes the Patter for making proteins, 1m 12E2 STFC _ engineering invotves inserting forelgn DNA into host ONA to make recombinant DNA, IV, Life at the Cellular Level ‘A. The Parts of the Cell Theory 1 Ace Levine Ws Moe oF Ces . » Corse tor Basse Kurimrvie Boer or errt a Ces Chee Fro Ornse Coes 1B. Development of the Cell Theory Word Bank: Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schieiden, ‘Schwann, Virchow 1, Ze cow ev HOEX- frst to observe living microorganisms through @ microscope: 2 Doorn _- observed cork and named cells 3,_ Sup Erbe - studied plant calls 4 warns _- studied animal cells 5.__VzrEC How _- concluded that all cells come from preexisting colls . Types of Cells Word Bank: prokaryotes, eukaryotes, both 1._ Ger have a nucleus 2 ee have organelles 3. Oo = includes the kingdom Eubacteria and Archasbacteria 4.__FZO ____- donothave organaies (miniorgans) 5. Eun - includes Protists, Fung), Plants, and Animals a eon have DNA, (HINT: ALL kingdoms have tis in common) 722K __- go trough mitosis 8. Heo = go through binary fision 8. 77+ ___- have ribosomes to synthesize (make) proteins Prokaryote 2. Cellular Organeltes: Word Bank: mucous, mtochondia,vacuco, ribosomes, ogi body or apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclecius, centriole, cell wall, cytoplasm, 9 chloroplast, lysosomes, cell membrane 1 ye cous. ‘chromosomes is here 7 ey ‘ommend center of the cell; DNA in the form of “<= small organelle in the ruceus that makes ribosomes Eason. the ste of protein symthesis in prokayrotes and eukaryotes ete Me EP“ wansport system of the cell 2 4 6. 8. Se - collects, packages 7. a 8. and distributes proteins ysasavre = = contains digestive enzymes to break down old cell pats VAC 0LE storage tank of the col LE TIONED » crsanete tat conducte ‘Tespiration' for the cell 10. _£ Erect 2/672- tne powerhouse of the co 11 6, AE CCO°A | erga that conducts ‘photosynthesis or plant cle 12, ELPA assists in cl evsion in anima col ony 13._ CY 70% As-7 | {he Jely-tke materia in which organelis float inside a cell 14 Cece Ware * made of ellulosa (plants) or chitin (tung); Boundary ee 15, £ HE RPE onctos 28 cel, controls what gets ino and out ofthe call a fe Ticubataeh ‘numerous in heart muscle calls because of need for energy 17, Zi = numerous cells that produces large quantities of proteins & Plferences between plant and animal ces (oma the tabi) Plant (ay ‘Aalinal Ebcovie| Rover Tague 7 pane” | CueovorsT | Zoupenoie CEM WAY Dr omg F. The Fluld Mosaic Model and Movement through the Cell Membrane: Word Bank: ditfusion, proteins, cell membrane, active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis, ‘phospholipids, energy, low, high, carbohydrates, water, facilitated ditfusion, Minoeyols,cemost, phagocytosis ee ore Tierems , » pee 2, The Flu Mosele Model describes he Cee femme 4 Passive transport is also called _-DZEFUSTv~) and it doesn" require LET 4, Passive transport moves molecules move from areas of Healt 0 vd concentration 5, 246 24%b DITUSIN citusion where carter proteins help molecules across the membrane 6 OEHehES is a type of diffusion involving only the movement of water molecules 7. The type of transport that requires energy is Az reve Tips 8, The movement that requires eneray moves molecules trom _ZOv) to ‘ott concentrations. 9, Atve transport that moves substances into the cals called VP CY 7OSTS » 10, Moving solid paricis into th colli called _ZA-#t-0C7 TOS=S 11. Moving quid int the celis caledie cated 72VO0ATASTS _ 12 Ace waneport ha moves adstances out one cali caled _27D67 72S Z St 48, Molecules are transported across the cell membrane by canier ZZZoTEI~S raha a V. Colt Division (z, dlhosie {Word Bank: nucieus, roped, interphase, prophase, Seon canbeies,wlostass fSiisc, cantons chetptts chpmiain, centoles, spnaiefters, Bato fron) 1. Achromesome is made of two identical parts called 0, 2 The pars of a chromosome are held together by a _Cedittommer @S 8. Only animal cells have 1 0 help with chromosome movement. + oui —whicphnate AH JehdSromaics are sopernee ee here an ere puted to cpposte onde ofthe cal, 5 DNAs eplicnied __duing talevplace so each call wit have the same information &. Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell in 2 rng tuned cromosomes ao schaly NA ima" clacemmachs) 8. During Spindle fibers shorten which puils chromosomes to the poles. 9. After the nucteus divides, Cyt ‘ccurs: the division ofthe cytoplasm 10. In plant cells only, acelt_Sigle rms during cytokinesis, {i In aninal cols ony, acel_Z22/Z.- forms curing cytokinesis, I Spygtic Gea: ___are athe o chromosomes atthe centromere 15, _£E0 #5 ctromosomes become visble See 14. LELPHESE ‘Nuclear membrane forms around ‘each chromosome set 18 _ FEROS racearrmtewatoiten disappear 16. COO 0 daughter cols are formed eee 17, Label each phase of mitosis in the 7LOTE _ 4 Sox call have only ONE set of chromosomes, they are called_/72=2O=>> 4. When an egg and a sperm combine dung AZE7ELTCAN ne GOT that {stormed has the normal dipld numberof chromosomes. 10. Morro. 0G-0u S$ ‘chromosomes exchange information during izassg- Ove which adds to diversity. TA ————D RNA ———P Proteins Transcription ‘Translation Replication ©. Making Proteins Word Bank: ransiation, dfusion, transcription, proteins, mRNA, ‘amino acid, DNA, peptide, ANA, codon, ritogen bases, cytoplasm, ribosome, rhucleus, anticodon ee ees 2. The process of proton synthesis consist of and 3, Duing ZA tne geno coda is cope ors DUP to LN4 _. 4, Because DNA cant leave the yy 5 Once the message rom DNA is copied the jeaves the nucleus and travels toa fom 8. Asequence of 3 bases on mRNA is called a(n) , but 8 bases ona IRINA molecule are called a(n) 7. Each codon is matched with an ane the transfers the 10 the ribosome. 8. Each {s linked together by bonds to form cree Oe Aten) Mg proteins 1G fie Recuence ofc ec mancnea came ‘carry the genetic code, » the message is carried out to the 2. Transcription and Translation: Use a codon char io transcribe and tanslat the following ONA sequence. GGCCATTTCGATTTGAGC) tmRNA__C.CGG 0 Aa9 6Cu448Cu CO 2. amino acids ‘8. This protein it ade ot _(G amino acids. (give the number of amino acids) 6; DNA Technology: Word Bank: DNA sequence, genes, fngerprining, identical, fraternal, collaborative, same LLONA ZiecePetarosé- _\aused vdetty ce suspects (uch a8 murder and ap) 2: Using gel elecophorei, ets can determine an indduas ONAfegerrn No two people have the S#“PE_ingurprint, except for Tove Teal ‘vr ; 4. Human Gerome projects costed a_COLLAT0CP=VE” ator necause 18 es 4 The cbecve ofthe Hunan Genome Project was taunderstand the human U4 Sevenee™ 5, Scents wanted to determine the sequence of bases to uitimatelyfnd the GEES responsible tor certain diseases and human wats. Vi. Genetics "A. Vocabulary Word Bank: phenotype, gene, heredity, genetics, genome, recessive, a coll with 2 sets of chromosomes (1 from mother; 1 from father) k. _ TZ 2° L0ZL> - a call with 9 sets of chromosomes “ypent mation Dalston Dupin velon er Insarion D. Genetic Disorders: Word Bank: 21st, karyotype, trisomy, chromosomes, Monosomy tonya APETV deters ‘mutations affecting the number of Hiroe Ss = 2. Down Syndrome is_ZZ=Se~r7 onthe 2/5" chromosome pair 3._Z2ese~"/ occurs when there is an extra copy of a chromosome in a plod cot 4. Tumer Syndrome is caused by only have one sex chromosomes, one X. pai. This ‘condition is called a_Zo0/0_ Srey Disonler weare (own Syvweré) 9 Ml. Taxonomy. isthe naming and organization of organs developed by Carolus Linneaus, based on stuctural similares A. Classification: able by arran: (use these terme: Domain, Genus, Kingdom Geese SBS] BR hy RIL oh $i By a rym, Cass, Pari, Ode) Classification Trick to 7 Level Remember Dow ae Ket por ZLL-7 LASS = S|9)9|= 2] /e]y|[= Egor hey See good |S alan >|x]> 8. Naming Organisms: Word Bank: genus, Linneaus, species, different, the same, binorrial nomenclature, kingdom 1. oe LJ brswerrere,o¢ 2 name naming! was develoed by nnsedeS 2. An organism's scentite name is made of is (-e=/US then its S7eces _ 3. If 2 organisms are in the same genus, they must be in SAE family 4. Clostritum tetan'and Closriotum botulinum are two types of bacteria from the Eubacieta /CPv4p e+? They arein_beeee7 species, but they are in_Sé-re" genus 5, The Class of Mammals includes organisms suchas rabbits and elephants which are in__S4eee _Phytumbut 6. Only organisms that interbreed and produce fertile ~“-~ Paces Giraife— hn Scientife Name = fare Se, Giraffe camelopardals ae oe ‘genus (species) co C. Kingdoms (complete the chart using e the terms: eukaryotic, unicellular, multicellular, oe autotroph, heterotroph, prokaryotic — Kingdom | Gall Type | Call’ Structure | Number of [Nutrition | Examples colts Eubaera | Call wall ——| utatroph or [A common Fro __| tPentdogyean)| V1. _| neterotoph | bacteria “Hrcheabactera| | Callwall Thicelilar | Autotroph or | Extremophies Feo heterotroph Proista Eukaryotic | Mixed Trier | Autotroph or | Ameoba, Muticeluar| Heterotroph_| Paramecium Fungh Callwall Unt or ‘Mushrooms, (enitiny Muticonuiar| FET | yeast ‘Plantae ‘Cell Wall Grass, EeK | (cotutosy | /fere_| ite _| Flowers Frialla ‘No cell wall 2 Cats, Een HET _| saiytsh » »» Pca tee dants of disease Word Bank: viv, host, capld,anthodies, DNA, against, Cel tving, noniiving sty 1, Viuses are considered _/Ubwe cure aw iS ‘ because they cannot perform the charactors of es = Ore lite without a fos sex vmusammtencavius 2. Viusse are mad of nt 2 organi compound, Dud and a SES made of =e SAvisinceseaiyWecing 8/4 alee, (SERN "Tas (TY into a cet, 4:The.cold, they and HIV are caused by a_VEeUS 5. Antibiotics are typicaly used to fight bacterial infections, ‘The Word antboteitrally means 4.215 life, Because viruses are considered Awe ruse” armies dont work again vineens 6. Vaccines are used to help organisms make ZN 73enre5 ty bung Immunity. Vaccines are made irom destoyed or weakened forms of a_UrievS Word Bank: sperm, meiosis plants, mitosis, egg Sexual, asexual, stamen, pistil 1. ONLY the most complex kingdoms, tke animals and_2Z425 reguarly use AZ OES ‘production which requites 2 distinct gametes called 668 ang S27 2. Body calls of a plant are made by “Zé 7ea= 6 while sex cels are made by 3.n_ LenS te S201 te locate inside pollen grain which wil fertiize an egg 4. The female part ofa flower that contains ovules or OCS iscated the ZZ cree , Pollen is lacated on the anther or S77-72"V, which is the ‘male part of a flower. 6. Zee Fees eemi~ occurs when Pollen from the Sve ig ‘deposited ‘on the pistil, which can happen by Ww’ Zorsare ,and_ Fe2os » VV Evolufon- the theory that there isa gradual change in characteristics over ime “Origin of Life ~ Scientists Hypotheses +! bloproving Spontaneous Generation (Word Bank: a, sealed, open, bacteria, gauze, spontaneously) Sa 2, Through the early 1800s, people believed organisms could AmeOuSky » develop, an idea know as spontaneous generation. fn 1668, many belived maggots spontaneous generated from roting meat. Francis Fed's experiment disproved this by experimenting with meat in CHD jars, O72 _jars and jars covered with GAVEL. «.Itwas also believed that bacteria spontaneous generated in broth, Lazzaro Spallanzani removed the ZACH trom a task, the broth and sealed the flask. No bacteria generated without exposure to the ai. force, necessary frit to oocur. + in 1868, Louls Pasteur completly cisproved spontaneous generation by using a special ask that alow 72 in but captured bacteria before it could get to the broth, No_ 22267272772 grewin the flask ator boing = no spontaneous a Salt & a oO ANS 2 ol reak stem ‘vow .e 2. Fre Life (Word Bank: eukaryotes, prokarytc,varely,selfeplcaing, organo, photosynthesis, oxygen) 8 Earth's atmosphere had to be very hot and with litle oxygen forthe first O24! C _ molecuies to frst form. . ». Organic molecules clumped together fr form Sct" 222-204 77 eters thet later evolved into cells. 0 _Leororro7< __ cols were the fst to evove 4. When cells gained the ability to do LOT ESAT SES they used up carbon dioxide and put more Ox GE) into the ‘atmosphere. 2. With more oxygen in the atmosphere, a wider Voerere ct rganiems evoted on lan rin 8. Some cells engulled each other leading tothe formation ©. pun ED ‘of mere complex calls that we now call tng come Lemmen re ae 8. Early Theorists 1. Lamarck Word Bank: inheritance of Acquired Traits, Law of Use ‘and Disuse Use it, you lose it , Lamarck believed that giraffe's long necks were a resuit ot being stretched because they were trying to reach tall trees, ‘and the one's who didn’ stretch died cut a Liwwezrever 0 aurensTinrs as his bolt that a chracteristc ocrursand is Benefit an organism's ura, thon willbe passed on ex. ato gets ctf ands hep ten that rat gets passed ont offspring. -d. NO evidence to support this theory so it was thrown out 2 2. Charles Darwin Word Bank: The Origin of Species, finches, Galapagos Istands, Natural Selection) a Mproree Stereo. {ad z ee | sated othe erator wh uve wtnehrges Sees tea cuter of sands that had diferent fod sources. Because of a took to elp eat thfood, ' 0 é Onspr! 0 SECS wasis book that compiled his ‘evidence for evolution . Rates of Evolution Word Bank: gradualism, punctuated equilibrium) 1. Girabv#655-7 - organisms evolve as a result of small adaptive changes over time 2 Pera Fan - short periods of rapid change followed by long Beriods of tle or no change. D. Evidence of Common Ancestry (appendix, younger, older, homologous structures, o ‘ich, vestigial organs, commen ancestors, rabbits, DNA sequence, absolute, relative, orilas, embryology) 1, _Phvrorezous Gaver’ _;abats wing, whales tipper, ara human arn have he se rarer, ye, ord a arrangement of bones; fl \ stay considered have 8 ine Zk BS common eoluitonary og Cues es Movcuple 2. The presence ol te se Paige en re Inthe wing ot bat rd the arm and hand of a human suggests that a bat and a human must share Croton Aotces roe a DUE area proteins of horses and humane provides evidence of aimla arian this s the most scifi way to compare organiems. 4. The fect that the DNA of humans and that of monkey species are 99% similar Suggests that they probably share_(ortweu AnCeS7071 5. The most specto way to prove evdense of common anges is by using Dw Seavence 6. Zr perree embryos of ditlrent organisms (chicken, human, rabbit look simlar at certain early stages, which means the same genes ee working at those tines. 7. Use the diagram to the right, the embryotegial development ofthe stages in the green tox suggest that Mabr2375 ans Ca02 EA are more closely ‘elated because they look alke 8, _Vesrserae Gan 5 are structures that have no apparent use; tne Aizen 2£_inmumana maybe arennan ota deste crgavaat Do ee mn whale ancestors had loge. 9. According to relative dating of fossis: the deeper under ground the fossil is, the Oc itis, 10,_Lecarrie dating uses radioactive isotopes to determine an estimated age for fossils fish rabbitigorilla % Ecology - the ctudy of organisms and thelr interactions withthe environment A Ecological Succession desert rain forect, deciduous, confeous, tundra, ean, ‘grassland, freshwater, climax community, primary succession) |. Ecological succession isthe sequential replacement of one ecological eommunity ® ‘with another. Succession is complete when a stable, climax community is established, B 2. Sucession often begins alter all ifs in a cimax community is destroyed by fre, The result of his fire coud be represented in the pictures tothe ight byleter 2, 2, Pimnary succession occurs a plans such as mosses and grasses begin o grow on bare surfaces. This could be represented by picture, 2, Secondary succession occurs as oer, larger plans and arimals begin to grow. This could be associated with picture 44 Large hardwood tees and large plants are w associated witha cllmax community. This would be leter_ <= 5, Place the letters (WZ) from the diagram tothe rg climax community. Yh! B. Biomes : Word Bank: desert, ran forest, deciduous, coniferous, tundra, ocean, ‘grassland, freshwater, savannah order from barren land to 1A blome is a geographic area characterized by spectc types of plants and animals 2, Biomes are typically named forthe type of vegetation, so biomes that primarily have vareties of grasses are called (77745S¢¢~> biomes, but pine tees (with cores) are usualy ina_CovzeeeovS biome, 3, Two of the coldest biomes are the 7-2/2? __ and tiaga. J. Ablome hatha atk anopy of rees and pana ie a 272 A@PEET 5. inthe L4I¥ “07 25 T_ the amount of precipitation exceeds the amount of evaporation. 6. ZzesvvA7tC__biomes are aquatic and include lakes and rivers. The organisms in these biomes ary sensilve to even the smallest environmontal changer: 7, LowtrevcouS forests have trees that produce cones. a. The _OCE 29) _ aquatic biome has varying salinity (sat levels) and temperature zones. 9.Lions can easily stalk their prey in 2fu4wvere biomes because the vagetation isthe same color as ther fur, which serves as camoflauge. 10, ESZET _sexnne have mse vegetaton, The tw Plants that can survive here have shalow rot systems tha alec an water as soon ae ale, HCavzreouS vote have hh rece tha eaves newad of broad leaves vith aot of surface area 12 DEZZHVACS pees hava broad leaves hat. ‘change color and fal oft in the fa {In VA, most af the trees lose ter loaves inthe fal. The biome isa ZCebu9vS rast, & Ecology Vocab: Word Bank: copscter, autgvoffic, bats blots, increase, decrease eteroroonin wre, cmnvore, herbivere, scavengers, decomposes, produces meeieees heterotrophic, community, energy, scusystom, Bosepions 1.4 Zizsbuce/© is ancrgantsm atte beginning o food eh own food 2 Orgasms, tke pars, that can make the own food are oro 7rreoneS 3. Ogarioms that bedcfft cher egerione wef Deosos 4A Loni bunreZ ig an ‘Organism that eats producers or other ‘organisms for energy. 5. Anonlving part of the environments a(n) 2 2r37=c tector, 6. A living part of the environment is a(n)__X Te 7rc factor. 7. A consumer that zats only producers is called a (n) Leas ie 8. A consumer that eats both plants and animals is called a (n) Couvwrvore 9.4_Sier2 5 _teagreupotergarions hat can Hotreed and pode ode ane 10. Many populations of ferent organism ving togethers (ey Certrwru ery 11: Agu otiiuact a specs tates gener arisen nog Lptetazrany —thiererrens 12 The communty of erganisms in an area incuding abiotic factors a(n Zeosysreet 18. The Earth represents a(n) _ZS xe c= 14,_Luere 'sansferrd trough an ecosystem by eating or consuming food. 18 Sevencees cattings tate already dead (ex. vture) produce their 25 16, DECa-n7os7/t > _ break down decaying organisms and nutrients are put back into the soll by bacteria and fungi lke mushrooms) 17, (Rhunter <= afox <= a rabbit <—~ grass cr pants} In food webs or food chains, the artow ALWAYS points to the direction that_27v677c7"_ flows. 18, (Ahunter <~ afox-<-~ a rabbit <— grass] In this food chain, te rabbits & Yewrzoen tthe toxisa CAE 07-_, and the grass isa VYraoroci Te. [Aturte: <-—a fox <~~ a rabbit <— grass) In this example, if the rabbit sopulation increased then the fox population would probably 1c @ ASE . Relationships: Word Bank: commensaism, mutualism, parasitism, symbicsls, predation, Risa cunight extinction, lmtng factors, competion for food, palluton, isease, imate 1 Beassrest - one organism is harmed while the over benetts 2_Zfereaeront - both organisms benefit a Lonroransss1e 5-7 buelo and 8 bid thet plcks insects off the buftlo 5.__ Svar press - organisms living together 6, Some wasps inject eggs into cther organism. As the eggs devel ito larvae, they use the host for nutints. The host dies as the wasp larvae develop. When one organism benes andthe other is harmed the relationship is called 7405.27 58-7 LAEASETESCT _ 7 Anemores release poisonous chemicals from their tentacles that paralyze prey. Clown, {ish are not affected by the poison & find protection from predators by living near ‘anemones, This is called _(/o-/0 SAt7 571 _ pecause the fish dov' harm oF benefit the anemone. 4. Things that limit the size of populations are called Laer ere Spero § 9, On the ln forest floor, a liming factor or plants would be availablity of Sizeet = 0/4 7 10. nthe desert, aliitng factor fr both plans and animals would be avalailty of Wb 11 Hunting is encouraged for deer populations because they live in such clase proximity to each other that LoxZiercrrow FE timing factor. 12, Only 3,000 manatee Trichechus manatusare lt, and most of them are in the oceans around Fora. Because there i litle gonetic diversity, a disease that reduces fertlty might cause Ze TVET 0 X. Body systems A. Circulatory System An 1 The circulatory aystem (heart, arteries, veine, blood) is Important for carrying oxygen to eells and carbon, dloxide away from cells 2. Blood is considered a tissue because, white & red blood cells work together performing specific functions, B. Digestive System ‘The dgestve system breaks down food into organie molecules that can be used by Celis in cellular respiration to produce ATP energy, Vaevoces in cells perform a similar function. C. Excretory System (Getually carry urine from the bladder out ofthe body) are main components o the excretory system 2 Immune System: Word Bank: skin, vaccine, anibodis, pathogen 1. The body's first line of defense is the Sra 2% AL TEBODEES _ are made by your body to fght spect pathogenic ‘organisms or viruses, 9 Hyouhave 477223025 tora certain pathogen, you may be immune and wont get sek AA Aeree en teary emanismor egent (virus) that causes ness. 5 Antbodies are made to help your body bul immunty against a specie pathogen. 8.x_VAco7~i~«" can be made by using dead ot ‘Weakened viruses that are injected Diver reay 2 E, Musculatory System 1. The muscles operate the body. 2, Muscle cells use @ lot of energy and often contain many A etocuoera (call part important for producing usable energy). F. Nervous System 4, The nervous system consists of the brain, nerves, spinal cord. 2. The nervous system controls the all the functions of the body. I'sroles similar to the Mere in ace. @. Respiratory System 4. The main organ of the respiratory system isthe lungs. 2. The respiratory system allows oxygen to enter the blood and carbon dioxide to leave, the blood. H. Skeletal System 1. Askelatal system supports the body and protects the critical organs ofthe body (brain, heart, ungs, etc.)

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