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CITY OF ALHAMBRA AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL ‘SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 MISSION STATEMENT The Oity of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership ‘and qualiy services, ensuring desirable. neighborhoods and 3 supportive. business environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our community. Gateway “othe Suv Gabe Valley VISION STATEMENT ‘The City of Alhambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous communty inthe San Gabriel Valley. ‘Autressing the Counel: Secon 2.04210 of the Alaméra Muncpal Code establishes the prcedues for ‘dressing he Cxinc. Any ptson wishing to addese the Cowra dunng the most must carpe 2 Speaker Request Crd sna autsnita the ly le Wen elle upon by te Mayor, posse stop to he odum and give your nam, adress an organization or ther Paty you repose, ay, lan aude ane ofa fer to recar. Romar re oa fo 8 rus, ‘Al ems shall be adeesed othe Counc a8 a body and nto ary menber tert. No petsn, aha than tho anc and th person hig the for, sat be permed to enter i any decusson- thr rectly or HUY & ‘member of te Gouncl, wiht the permizson oft Mayer No quessen shal be sated @ Councparsonexcopt hough ie Mayer ‘Standards of Decorum: Any person making personal, inpernant or slanderous remarks oF who shal become Boieras uo sddresing he Cone shal be fot, by the May, bared om the octng. Enforcement of Decorum: The Che of Pac, ois sina, shal be Sergeant. ms ofthe Cound mestngs "Fre Sengoat-t-Ae sal cay outst eres sd istoctons given by the Mayr forthe purpose of mani ret an econan tthe Caan mowing ‘Persone Authorized to be Within Rall: No pron, except Cy oi, th representatives, snd newpaper ‘paras, eh be pernited thin thera o Wor a te Caunel Cramer witout he expres consent ofthe Coun Agence Tracking Numbers: nrbers sted in bol afer the He ofeach Agen em se Cy Cle tacking ‘ime that are used ffir and rosea puree. ontar AGENDA Regular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Counel Chambers 111 South First Street September 11, 2017 5:30 pm ROLL CALL: Cae counen, Mossina, Maloney, Mejia, Ayala, Sham Sim Gib Valley Lacs SALUTE: Led by Mayor Sham READING ITLES ‘Government Code Section 36934 requires that all ordinances be read in fl prio to Cty Council, taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance tile on the Counci agenda, Council may {determine thatthe ttle has been read, Recommended Action: By mation, determine that the tls to all ordinances which appear con tis public agenda have been read, and waive futher reading CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT ro SAME - F2M17-14 The City Council will move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown ‘Act (Goverment Code Sec, 54950, ef seq.) for the purposes of conferring withthe City’s Real Properly negotiator, andlor conferring with the City Attorney on potential andior existing ligation, andor discussing matters covered under Goverment Code Section 94957 (Personnel), andlor conferring with the Giy’s Labor Negotiators as follows; provided, however, prior to 80 moving inlo closed session, the City Attomey shall make any announcements Fequited by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54956.8): None Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section '54956.9(0)(1)): Jose Vaca v. City of Alhambra, WCAB Nos. ADJ7632348; ‘ADJ3924149;, ADJ3724200; and, Ying Chen & Fu Xiang Liv. Gity of Monterey Park/Giy of Alhambra, LASC Case No, BC556199 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Signficant exposure te Itigaton pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(¢)(2): 1 matter. Initiation of Wigation pursuant to Govt, Code Section 54956.9(4)(4): 1 matter Discussion of Personnel Matters (Govt. Code Section 54967): Public Employes ‘Appointment - Tile: City Manager Conference with City’s Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54957.6): Tara ‘Schultz, Assistant City Manager re: Alhambra Management Employees 2 etary ‘Associaton, Alhambra Police Miscellaneous Association, Alhambra Police Officers’ Association, Alhambra Police Management Association, Alhambra Fire Fighters’ Association, and the Alhamica City Employees’ Association RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council moves into a losed session, the Cily Counelh shall reconvene at 7:00 p.m. and the City Aitorney shall report upon the closed session i required PRESENTATION 1 REINVENTED LUNAR NEW YEAR EVENT ~ F2M17-16 Fr the past 21 years, Ms. Pink! Chen, in conjunetion with the Alhambra Chember of Commerce, has produced the Lunar New Year festival on Valley Boulevard each winter. ‘This event ie a great way for the business community to connect with the Asian- ‘American community In Alhambra, and provide an opportunity to celebrate the Lunar New Year. After many successful years, Ms, Chen has decided to change the event, ‘and move the festival from Valley Boulevard to Main Street. She will present hor Feinvented Lunar New Year concept tothe City Counc Recommended Action: City Council receive and order fied the informational report as presented, PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS ‘AND ZONE CHANGE AND RESOLUTIONS APPROVING A VESTING TENTATIVE ‘TRACT MAP, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERWIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS WELL AS A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1428 SOUTH MARENGO AVENUE — F2M10.48, N2M17-98, R2M17-30, R2M17-31, O2M17-4719 ‘This is the time and place set by Notice No. N2M17-98 fr the Alhambra City Council to hold a pubic hearing to consider adoption of a resolution approving Vesting Tentative ‘Tract Map No.77413, Residental Planned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-18 & Conditional Use Permit CU-16-15; ‘adoption of Ordinance No. O2M17-4719 approving Specific Plan Amendments SPA-16- 4 & SPA-162; and Zone Change Z-16-1 and adoption of a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment GPA-16-1, Milgation Monitoring and Reporting Program, anc Iitigated Negative Dectaration adjusting the line between the Mul-Fanily (R-3) zone district and the Valley Boulevard Corridor Spectic Plan zone disbict, on the subject parcel, increasing the area of the land dasignated Valley Boulevard Comidor Specific Pian from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres, changing the land use designations for the land designated Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan zone from Sub-Regional sate 3 ‘Commercial (6) and Residential Specie Plan Districts (Specie Plan-SRO(B) and RSP) to Retail Commercial (C) and Office Professional (B) (Specie Pian-RC(C) and OP(B)) for the construction of a 128 unit 3-story townhome condominium complex, a 2-stony 114,600 square foot commons building addition to an existing 38,000 square foot skied nursing faci, a 1-story 12,480 square fot retail bling and a 2stry 18,000 square foot medica office bulding fr the proposed properties on a combined ste area of 11.6 | acres which wil be divided ino 4 parcels located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the City of Anambra. | Recommended Action: _After recsiving public testimony, the Mayor should close the public hearing and the Cty Council, by one mation, lake the following actions: A. Direct the City Attomey {0 inlraduce and give fist reading by tile only, ‘waving futher reading tothe following ordinance entitled: Ordinance No, 02§17-4718: An Ordinance of the Alhambra City Council adopting Specific Plan Amendments SPA-16-1 and SPA-16-2, Zone Change Z-16-1 adjusting the line between the Multi-Family (R-3) Zone District and the Valley Boulevars Corridor Specie Plan Zone Distict on the subject parcel (Assessor Parcel Numbers 5956-007-003, '5356-007-004, 5356-007-016), increasing the area of the land zoned Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Pian from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres, changing the land use designations from Sub-Regional Commercial (8) ‘and Residential Specic Plan (Specific Plan-SRC(B) and RSP) to Retail ‘Commercial (C) and Office Professional (B) (Specific Plan-RC{C) and ‘OP(B)) for the properties located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the ity of Alhambra which ordinance shall return for a second reading and adoption al the next City Council meeting, and, B. Direct staf to return at the next City Council meeting with the folowing ‘wo resolutions for adoption ented Resolution No. R2M17-30: A Resolution ofthe City Councit ofthe City ‘of Alhambra approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map TT 77413, Residential Pranned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-16, and Conditional Use Permit (CU-T6-15 to build @ 126 Unit condominium complex, a 14,600 square fons dining and assembly building which would serve an existing skilled nursing facity and two commercial buiaings witha Yotel combined area (0 30,490 square feet on an approximate land area of 11.6 acres located in the VSP (Valley Boulevard Condor Specie Plan) Zone and the R-3 (Multiple Family Residontial) Zone atthe property located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the City of Alhambra and, Resolution No. R2M17-31: A Resolution of the Alhambra City Counc! ‘approving the Miigation “Monitoring and Reporting Program and Miigatod Negative Declaration, General Pian Amendment GPA-16-1, dusting the line betweon the High Density Residential and the Valley Specific Plan designations of the General Plan Land Use Map for the ‘4 ottar subject parools (Assessor Parcel Numbers 5356-007-003, 5296.007- (004, 5356:007.016), increasing the area of the land zoned Valley Boulevard Corridor Spectic Plan from 1.76 acres fo 2.0 acres for the properties located et 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the Cily of ‘Alhambra CONSENT AGENDA. (Item Nos. 3-24) ‘Allitems listed under the Consent Aganda are considered by the City Council o be routine and wil be enacted by one motion unless a eizen oF Counel member requests otherwise; in which ‘case, the item will be removed for separate consideration 3 ‘ACCEPT REIMBURSEMENT GRANT FROM THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES F2M11-63, F2M17-17, M2M17-138, ‘Staff requests that the Cy Council accept a reimbursement grant of $60,000 from the County af Los Angeles Regional Park and Open Space District to offset the costs for labor, materials, and supplies to remove dabris from City streets and parks, repair damage to Cily property and replace any damaged equipment resulting from the vwindstorn of 2011 Recommended Action: City Council accept the reimbursement grant of $80,000 ‘rom the County of Los Angeles; instruct the Director of Finance to amend the fiscal year 2017-18 budget accordingly; and, dct staf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councit's action. (M2N17-138) NIB: PURCHASE OF A DUMP TRUCK AND BACKHOE/LOADER FOR THE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT - F2M17-6A, N2M17-107, N2M17-108 “The Utitos Department uses their vehicles and equipment on a dally basis to service and maintain the City’s infrastructure. The Utities Department dump truck has been in Service for over 19 years; itis beyond its useful fe and is in need of constant mainlenance and repair. The backhoelloader will be used to load and unload materials fand repair replace and install new water services and mains throughout the Ciy Specifications have been prepared for both ofthese purchases. Recommended Action: _Cily Council authorize the circulation of a Notice Inviting Fils forthe purchase of ane 6-Yard Dump Truck (N2Mt7-107) and one Backhoe/Loader (N2M17-108) for the Utities Department, with bids due no later than 10:30 am. on October 19, 2017; and, direct staf to undertake the stops necessary to finalize Counci's action NIB: LINDARAXA PARK PILLAR RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ~ F2M17-46, N2Mi7-109 {At the east end of Lindaraxa Park North whore It intersects with Granada Avenue, there ‘are pias that date back to the development of the tract. One of the pillars was 5 oatar damaged due to an automobile accident. The neighbors have expressed their desire for the Cty to have that pillar rebull and the companion pillar strengthened. City crews. have salvaged brick from the damaged pillar and it will be incorporated back into the reconstructed pilar, Therefore, staf roquests thal the City Councit authorize staff to CGreulate a Notee Inviing Bids for the Lindaraxa Park Pilar Reconstruction Project. Recommended Action: City Council approve the distribution of a Notice Inviting Bids for the Lindaraxa Pilar Reconstruction Project, with bids cue no later than 10:30 am. on October 12,2017; and, dee! sla a unuer lake Ihe sleps necessary to finalize Counc action, 6. AWARD CONTRACT: PURCHASE OF A STREET SWEEPER — F2MI7-6A, N2M17~ 85, C2M17-53, MZMI17-139 (On Thursday, August 17, 2017 the City Clerk received two bids for the purchase of a CNG Engine Regenerative Air Street Sweeper forthe Sanitation Division, The bids Fanged from $314,077.60 to $348,600, The bid received from Pro Sales Group. in the ‘amount of $314,077.50 is the lowest responsible bd. Staff has reviewed the bid from Pro Sales Group and found it isin fll compliance and canfermance with the bid specifications. Therefore, staff requests that the Council award a contract to Pro Sales Group for the purchase ofthe street sweeper. Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to final language ‘approval by the Cty Manager and City Attorney, to Pro Sales Group In. in an amount of '$814,077-60 for the purchase of a CNG Engine Regenerative Air Steet Sweeper for the Sanitation Division, and, tect staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council action, (M2M17/138) 7. AWARD CONTRACT; ATLANTIC BOULEVARD & MAIN STREET ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT —F2M17-40, N2M17-84, C2M17-54, M2M17-140 ‘On August 31, 2017 the City Clerk received and opened sic bids for the Atlantic Boulevard & Main Street Accessbilly Improvements Project The bids ranged from $53,450 to $104,022. The bid received from Kalban, Inc, in the amount of $53,450 is the lowest responsible bis, Kalban, Ine. has the necessary licenses, permits and has done simlar projedts of ths type for other local jurisdictions. Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to Final language approval by the City Manager and City Attorney, to Kaltan, Inc. in an amount of '$58,450 for the Atlantic Boulevard and Main Street Accessibilty Improvements Project and, direct staf to undertaka the steps necessary to fnalze Councils action. (M2M17~ 440} 8, CONTRACT AMENDMENT: CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES ~ F2M2.57, C2M2-46, m2wi7-141 Staff requests that the City Council approve an amendment to the Agreement with 6 onta7 10. ‘Transtech Engineers to cover addtional coste for fiscal year 2016-2017. During fiscal year 2016-2017, Transtach was required to do work which exceeded their contract mount by $22,971.75. The cost of this work wil be offset by project and plan check revenues that have been collected, This amendment wall only cover additonal work that ‘was performed in fiscal year 2016-2017, Recommended Action: City Councl (1) approve the amendment to the Agreement with Transtech Engineers for Fiscal Year 2018-2017 for an additional $22,971.75; (2) treet le Diector of Finance lo use Public Works Department Plan Check Revenues to pay for the addfional work. (3) authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf ofthe Cty Counc and (4) siect stato undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councis action. (MaM17-141), APPROVE AGREEMENT: RECEIPT AND USE OF MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN FUNDS ~ F2417-45, C2M17-55, M2M17-142 Staff requests that the City Counc approve an agreement for receipt and use of Measure M Local Retum Funds. Los Angeles County voters approved Measure Min November 2076 to meet the transportation needs in Los Angeles County. Collection of the tax began July 1, 2017. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation ‘Authority allocates and distrbutes the funds on a monthly basis to jurisdictions on a per capita basis. Revenues distributed to jurisdictions may only be used for transportation purposes including street and road improvements, traffic control measures, Complete Streets and public ranst services. Recommended Action: Gity Gouncll approve that certain Assurances and Understandings Regarding Receipt and Use of Measure M Local Return Funds ‘Agreement wih the Los Angeles County Metropoitan Transportation Authority, a copy of \which Agreement is on file n the City Cler's Office as Contract No. C2M17-55 and by this reference incerporated herein and made a part of as though full set forth herein authorize the City Manager fo execute said document on behalf ofthe City, and, direct Statf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2Nt7-142) NOTICE OF COMPLETION: STREET LIGHT CONVERSION PROJECT ~ F2it16-52, (C2M7-13, M2N17-143, On February 13, 2017, the City Council awarded a contract to International Line Builders, Ine for tho Strdot Light Canversion Project in the amount of $670,780.96 One change order was issued in the amount of 81,184.66. The original design called for the Femoving and instaling of 110 streetlights. However during construction, it was found that there were actually 112 street lights to be replaced. The change order was issued to Feplace the 2 remaining street ighs to complete construction actives. This project has been inspected by staff and all work has been completed in accordance with the City Fequirements and specifications. As such, it would be appropriate forthe City Council to ‘accept this project as complete and instruct that the Notice oF Completion be filed with the County of Los Angeles Recorder's Ofie, otar 14. 2 13, Recommended Action: City Council accept the work of International Line Builders In. forthe Street Light Conversion Project in the amount of $671,985.62: clrect the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the County of Los Angeles for recordation; and instruct the Finance Director to release the 5% retention 36 days from the date of recordation if no liens are fled: and, direct staf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Counci's action. (M2M17-143) CONTRACT AMENDMCNT: PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SUPPORT SERVICES - F2M3-21, C2M12-21, M2M17-144 Staff requests that the City Council approve an amendment to the agreement with Scientia Consuting Group for Professional Information Technology and Support Services to continue services to the Fire Department for the period of July 1, 2017 to ‘June 30, 2048, Recommended Action: City Council approve a first amendment, subject to final language approval by the Cily Manager and City Attomey, to Contract No. C2M12-21 with Scientia Consulting Group for Professional Information Technology and Support Services to continue services to the Fire Department in an amount not to exceed ‘365,000; and, direct star fo undertake the steps necessary to finalize Coune's scion (mat7449) APPROVE CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS LIST -F2M17-43, M2M17-145 {At the August 28, 2017 Council meeting, the Cty Council reorganized and the offices of Mayor and Vice’ Mayor were rotated, AMter each reorganization of the Coun, staff ‘submits a lst of the City Counci's appointments to extemal boards/commissions for ‘approval to ensure the appointments stay current and to ensure that any adjustments are made, i needed Recommended Action: City Council approve the current Cy Council appointments to various extemal boards/commissions a8 outlined in the City Clerk's September 11, 2017 report and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Counc!'s action. (M2M17-145) AWARD CONTRACT: REHAGILITATION OF GARFIELD NO. 3 RESERVOIR AND SAFETY UPGRANES OF THF NFWTONIA RESERVOIRS — F2N17-34, N2M17-60, (©2M‘7-56, M2M17-146 (On August 3, 207 the Gity Clerk's Ofice received and publicly opened two bids for the Rehabiltaion of Garfield No, 3 Reservoir and Safety Upgrades to the Newionia Reservoirs Project. The bid from Advanced Industrial Services Inc. was the lowest {qualified bkdder at $769,000. Staff has reviewed their bid proposal and found I to be in {ull compliance and conformance with the project specications, Therefore, staff requests thatthe City Counel award a contract te Advanced Industial Services Ine. onar 14, 46, Recommended Action: City Coun! approve @ contract, subject to final language ‘approval by the Cily Manager and City Attorney, by and between the City of Alhambra {and Advanced Industrial Services Ine, for the Rehablifaion of Garfield Reservoir No. 3 ‘and Safety Upgrades of the Newlonia Reservoirs in an amount not to exceed '$769,000; direct the Finance Director to appropriate $620,000 and allocate the funds to account 401 £0.8864.91117; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalze Counci's acton. (M2M17-146) CONTRACT AMENDMENT: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT PROJECT ~ F2M14.27, c2M14-35, M2M17-147 (On June 23, 2014 City Council awarded a contract for engineering and design services for the Sewer Lift Slaion No, 2 Replacement Project to AKM Engineering. On July 24 2017 staff recommenced that City Counci reject the bids received to execute tis project ‘due to the project cost exceading the allocated budget. AKM Consulting Engineers has been tasked to re-design portions of the project and in an effort to keep the projet within budget. Therefore, staf requests that the City Councll approve an amendment to the agreement with AKM Engineering for this work. Recommended Action: City Council approve an amendment, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and Cty Attomey, to Contract No. C2M14-35 by ‘and between the City of Alhambra and AKM Consulting Engineers for design services for the Sewer Lif Station No. 2 Replacement Project in the amount of $97,342; and, rect stat to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action. (M2MA7-147) AWARD CONTRACT: CITY HALL PUBLIC COUNTER & WORK SPACE IMPROVEMENTS - F2M16-20, C2M17-57, M2M17-148 Staff requests that the City Council award a contract io CSI Fulmer for the second phase of the City Hall Public Counter and Work Space Improvements Projet. In 2016, the Gity contracted with CSI Fullmer to design and Install ew public counters and work spaces. Through the use of CMAS (California Multiple Awards Schedules), a State ‘agency that allows fr "plggy-backing” for products and services that have already been competitively bd; CSI Fullmer has been found and they can comply with prevailing wage land payment and performance bond requirements. CSI Fullmer has provided the cost {or the new public counters and work spaces for other areas of the Finance, Public Werks, ‘Development Services, Management Services, and Human Resources Dapariments: al of which have been bid at competiive CMAS pricing, Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subjact to final language approval by the City Manager and the City Attorney, to CSI Fullmer in the amount of {$183,529 78 for the purchase and instalation of City Hall pubic counters and work space improvements for the Finance, Public Werks, Development Services, Management Services, and Human Resources Departments; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councl' action. (M2M47-148) oan 18. 47. 18, AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR PLANNING ‘SERVICES — F2N16-39, K2M16-320, M2N17-149 Staff requests thatthe City Counell approve an amendment to the professional services contract with Lilley Planning Group in the amount of $3,580. Because the approved FY 2017-2018 budget includes increased staffing n the Development Services Department, there is no further need for additional stating ftom the Lilley Planning Group. Therefore, Inctder to clase all outstanding invoices in FY 2017-20i8, It is necessary to request the City Counci's approval to Increase the existing contract by $9,580 to bring the original Contract to an amount not to exceed $233,580, Recommentled Action: ily Council approve _an amendment to the current professional services contract with Lilley Planning Group (Contract No, K2M16-320) in the amount of $3,580, and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize CCouncit's action. (M2N17-149) AMENDMENT TO FY 2017-2018 BUDGET FOR POLICE PATROL VEHICLES ~ F2M17-47, M2M17-150 ‘At thelr June 26, 2017 meeting, the Council approved the Budget and Capital Improvervent Plan (CIP) for fiscal year 2017-2018. The Budget included an annual allocation of $230,000 fr the purchase of police patrol vehicles, Since the approval of the Budget, staff has determined that the annual allocation for police patrol vehicles ‘would nead to be increased by an adaitional $70,000 in order forthe police department to maintain its existing eet, Recommended Action: City Council approve an amendment to the FY 2017-2018 budget for police patrol vehicles; and, direc staff to undertake the stops necessary to finalize Counel's action. (M2M17-160) REJECT BIDS: EXTERIOR PAINTING OF CITY HALL AND CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY BUILDINGS & REAUTHORIZE NIB FOR THE CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY EXTERIOR PAINTING PROJECT — F2M17-39, N2M17-80, N2M17-104, M2M17-154 (On August 24, 2017, the City Clark received 19 bids forthe Exterior Painting of City Hall and Civic Center Library Buildings Project. Additional improvements at City Hall have necessitated the need to not move forward with the exterior painting of City Hall "Therofre, staff wishes to resid this peojact with the axterir painting of the Civic Center Library oniy and requests that the City Councl reject the bids received for the Exterior Painting of Ciy Hall and Cive Center Library Buildings and authorize staff to circulate 3 Notice ining Bids forthe Civic Center Library Exterior Painting Project Recommended Action: City Council reject all bids received on August 24, 2097 in response to Notice Inviting Bids No. N2M17-80 for the Exterior Painting of City Hall ‘and Civie Center Library Buildings Project; authorize a new Notice Inviting Bids (N2M17~ 404) for the Civic Center Library Exterior Painting Project, and, direc staff to take the steps necessary to finalize Councils action, (M2M17-151), 10 oar 49, 20, a. ORDINANCE, 22, MINUTES. Recommended Action: City Council review and approve as submitted the Minutes (ofthe July 24, 2017 regular meeting ofthe Alhambra City Counc PERSONNEL ACTIONS ~ F2M17-2 ity Council ratify the sctions ef the City Manager oct forth in that certain Personnel Actors document Gated September 11, 2017, showing the Various appointments, classifications, salary changes, etc, since the last Cty Council meeting, DEMANDS - F2M17-4 Recommended Action: City Council approve as submited Final Check List (185559 thru 185683) in the amount of $308,891.53 for the period ending August 10, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of §2,378,609.06 for the week fending August 4, 2017; Final Check List (185684 thru 185713) in the amount of $5394,090.73 for the period ending August 11, 2077; Final Check List (185714 thru 185333) in the amount of $1,629,784.32 for the period ending August 17, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfere inthe amount of $458,217.03 for the period ending August “11, 2017; and, Final Check List (188834 thru 185881) in the amount of $467,804.24 for the pariod ending August 18, 2017 SECOND READING ORDINANCE TO UPDATE THE WATER SHORTAGE PLANS CONSISTENT WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD REGULATIONS- F2M14-42, (02017-4720 Staff requests that the City Council adopt an ordinance to update the City's Water Shortage Plan to be consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board's regulations. On April 7, 2017, Govemor Brown issued Executive Order 8-10-17, ‘irecting the Stale Water Resources Control Board to rescind portions of its existing temergency regulations that require mandatory conservation standard fer uroan water agencies, Executive Order 8-40-17 also directed the State Water Board to continue evelopment of permanant prohintions an wasteful wales use, permanent requirements {or reporting water use by Urban water agencies, and to continue the portions of the temergency regulations that pronibit certain wasteful water practices such as: hosing off sidewalks, driveways and other hardscapes; washing automobiles with hoses not equipped with a shutoff nozzle; using non~eciculated water in a fountain or other ‘dovorative water feature; watering lawns in a manner that causes runoff or within 48 hours after measurable precipitalion, and irigating omamental turf on public street medians, Staff recommends the adaption of an update tothe City’s existing ordinance to ‘comply withthe Boars regulations. Recommended Aetion: City Council direct the City Attomey to give second reading " ena by tle only tothe following ordinance ented: Ordinance No. O2M17-4720: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Alhambra, California, amending Sections 15 25.080 and 15.25.080 ofthe Alhambra Municipal Code pertaining tothe Water Shortage Plan after which the Council, by motion, may adopt Ordinance No, O2M17-4720, ‘ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - 5 MINUTES! CCizens wishing to address the Councll on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisciction of the City Council not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your name and address clearly forthe recor. Please note that while the City Councl values your comments, pursuant to the Brown At, the City Couneil cannot take action uniess the matter appears as an item on a forthcoming agenda, cr «TIONS (ANNOUNCEMENTS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEM: z Each Councilmember at his discretion may address the Council and public on matter of general information andlor concern including announcements and future agenda items, ADJOURNMENT: — The next regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Alhambra City Couneil wil be held on Monday, September 25, 2017 at §:30 pm. in the Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, NOTICE ‘Agenda ltems: Copies ofthe staff roports or other writen documentation relating to the items listed ‘on this agenda ara on fla with the City Clerkin Alhambra City Hal, located at 111 South Fist Street, ‘Alhambra, Calfomia, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m, 0 5:00 prm. I you WOUlD Uke to sign-up to receive the City Council meeting agenda and staff reports packet, please vis the City's website at and you ‘willbe abe to submit your emal address on the homepage tothe subscription service. Broadcast of Meeting: A Ive video stream of each Council meeting is available trough the City’s ‘website, The regular meetings of the Alhambra City Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channele 2 and 182 st 7:20 pm. on Thoredaye and Mondays following the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public on the Cy of Alhambra’s website, at the ‘Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, inthe Office ofthe Cty Cer ‘Americans with Disabilties Act: if you require special assistance to participate in any City ‘meeting (riluding assisted listening devioes), please contact the City Clerk's Office (826) 570-8060. NNotifeaton of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting wil enable the City to make reasonable ‘atrangemants to ensure accessibity fo this meeting, LAUREN MYLES, CMC CITY CLERK 2 oatt7 NO STAFF REPORT es tem No. CITY OF ALHAMBRA "AGENDA REPORT cry manacer approvar: __{V\Y\ DATE: To: ‘SUBMITTED BY: ‘SUBJECT: ‘September 11, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Couneil ‘Marc Castagnola, AICP, Interim Ditector of Development Services Vanessa Reynoso, Deputy Director of Development Services By Paul Lam, Principal Planner ( Public Hearing to adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.77413, Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-16 & Conditional Use Permit CU-16-15, adopt Ordinance O2M17-4719 approving Specific Plan ‘Amendments SPA-16-1 & SPA-16-2; and Zone Change Z-16-1, adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment GPA-16-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and Mitigated Negative Declaration adjusting the line between the Multi-Family (R-3) zone district and the Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan zone district, on the subject parcel, increasing the area of the land designated Valley Boulevard Corridor ‘Specific Plan from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres, changing the land use designations for the land designated Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan zone from Sub-Regional Commercial (B) and Residential Specific Plan Districts (Specific Plan-SRC(B) and RSP) to Retail Commercial (C) and Office Professional (B) (Specific Plan-RC(C) and OP(B)) for the construction of a 126 unit 3-story townhome condominium complex, a 2- story 14,800 square foot commons building addition to an existing 36,000 square foot skilled nursing facility, @ 1-story 12,490 square foot retail building and a 2-story 18,000 square foot medical office building for the proposed properties on a combined site area of 11.6 acres which will be divided into 4 parcels located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the City of ‘Alhambra. ‘Address: 1428 South Marengo Avenue ‘Applicant: St. Clair Partners, on behaalf of TAG-2 Medical Investment Group, tLe Property Owner: TAG-2 Medical Investment Group, LLC. Architect: JZMIK Partners. pLannncisiat Rapan2n17 Cy GauenOat eames Coutsee RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct @ Public Hearing and after which take the following actions: A Gity Council direct the City Attorney to introduce and give first reading by title only, waiving further reading to the following ordinance entitled Ordinance No. O2M17-8719: AN ORDINANCE OF THE ALHAMBRA CITY GOUNGIL ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS SPA-16-1 AND SPA-16-2, ZONE CHANGE Z-16-1 ADJUSTING THE LINE BETWEEN THE MULII-FAMILY (R-3) ZONE DISTRICT AND THE VALLEY BOULEVARD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN ZONE DISTRICT ON THE SUBJECT PARCEL (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 5356-007-003, 5356-007-004, 5356-007-016), INCREASING THE ‘AREA OF THE LAND ZONED VALLEY BOULEVARD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN FROM 1,76 AGRES TO 2,0 ACRES, CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS FROM SUB-REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (B) AND RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (SPECIFIC PLAN-SRC(B) AND RSP) TO RETAIL COMMERCIAL (C) AND OFFICE PROFESSIONAL (B) (SPECIFIC PLAN-RC(C) AND OP(B)) FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1428 SOUTH MARENGO AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA which ordinance shall retum for a second reading and adoption at the next City Counc meeting, ity Council direct Staff to return at the next City Council meeting with the following two resolutions for adoption entitled Resolution No. R2M17-30: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TT 77413, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT RP-16-16, COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CP-16-18, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU- 46-15 TO BUILD A 126 UNIT CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX, A 14,600 SQUARE FOOT DINING AND ASSEMBLY BUILDING WHICH WOULD SERVE AN EXISTING SKILLED NURSING FACILITY AND TWO COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL COMBINED AREA OF 30,490 SQUARE FEET ON AN APPROXIMATE LAND AREA OF 11.6 ACRES LOCATED IN THE VSP (VALLEY BOULEVARD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN) ZONE AND THE R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE AT THE PROPERTY LOGATED AT 1428 SOUTH MARENGO AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA Resolution No. R2M17-31: A RESOLUTION OF THE ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AND. MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA-16- 4, ADJUSTING THE LINE BETWEEN THE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND THE VALLEY SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATIONS OF THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FOR THE SUBJECT PARCELS (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 6356- (007-003, 5358-007-004, §356-007-016), INCREASING THE AREA OF THE LAND iPcaveuncisit Repotszit Cy Counevor7Canete Course ZONED VALLEY BOULEVARD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN FROM 1.76 ACRES TO 2.0 ACRES ACRES FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1428 SOUTH MARENGO AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA BACKGROUND: On April 17, 2017, The Planning Commission approved Resolution 17-10 recommending that the City Council of the City of Alhambra approve the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment GPA-16-1, Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-1, and Zone Change Z-16-1, which together would adjust the tine between the Mult Family (F-3) zone distict and the Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan, ‘Sub-Regional Commercial (B) District (Specific Plan-SRC(B)) on the subject parcel, increasing the area of the land designated Specific Plan-SRC(B) District from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres, divide the subject site into four lots, and to build 126 unit condominium complex, a 14,600 ‘square foot dining and assembly building which would serve an existing skilled nursing facility and two commercial buildings with a total combined area of 30,490 square feet_on an approximate land area of 11.6 acres located in the VSP (Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Pian) zone and the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) zone for the properties located at 1428 ‘South Marengo Avenue in the City of Alhambra, At that meeting the Planning Commission also approved Resolution 17-11 approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map TT 77413, Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-16, and Conditional Use Permit CU-16-15. Gondition of Approval PLS3 required the applicant to submit a Tree Survey Report (‘Report’) for review and approval by the Development Services Director prio to the City Council Hearing. A draft Report was submitted to Development Services Department on May 8, 2017. Staff reviewed the Report and requested a minor modification. The revised Report was submitted to Staff on July 3, 2017, and having been deemed consistent with the requirements enumerated in Condition of Approval PL53 was accepted by Staff on July 5, 2017. The revised Report was circulated to the City Counc!l and made available to the public on July 6, 2017, (On June 12, 2017, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing and introduced for first reading Ordinance 02M17-4713 approving Specific Plan Amendment SP-16-1; and Zone Change Z-16- 1. Adoption of a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment GPA-16-1, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and the Miigated Negative Declaration was scheduled for ‘the following City Council meeting. Prior to the next City Council meeting the applicant decided to revise the project to accommodate retaining an existing on-site chapel building, The proposed retention of the existing chapel building resulted in other changes having to be made to the project including reconfiguration of the proposed lot lines near the chapel building and alterations to the parking lot design that increased the skied nursing faciity parking by three (3) spaces to a total of 41 parking spaces. The Report was also revised in light of these project changes and received by Staff and made available to the public on August 1, 2017. Additional revisions to the project include a clerical correction to change the existing land use designations under the Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan from Sub-Regional Commercial (8) and Residential Specitic Plan, to Retail Commercial (C) and Office Professional (B) to reflect, the proposed development that the Planning Commission approved. These changes are not significant enough individually or as a whole to require an addendum to the Mitigated Negative iPcaouNcsit Rapetscit Cy Cueto 17Caneta Coun soe Declaration as they will not result in any new or increased impacts or mitigation. However, a new fist reading for the Ordinance is required. FACTS: 1, Property Location: The site is located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue and is bounded by Valley Boulevard, Benito Avenue, West Glendon Way and South Marengo Avenue. 2, Current Development of the Sita: This site is developed with two vacant single-family homes, a vacant senior housing project, a parking lot which served the vacant senior housing project and existing 19,260 square foot, 90 bed skilled nursing facility. The ‘existing development pre-dates the Specific Plan, The proposed development would implement the current development standards and land use policies of the R-3 Zone, Specific Plan and the General Plan. 3, Property Dimensions: The project site is generally rectangular with an average width of 480 feet and an average depth of 1,053. Lot Area: 11.6 acres Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 356-007-003, -004, 016 4 ting General Plan Designation: Subject Site: Valley Specific Plan and High Density Residential Valley Specific Plan Open Space Valley Specific Plan and Low Density Residential Valley Specific Pian and High Density Residential 6 : Subject Sito: \SP (Valley Specific Plan - Sub-Regional Commercial {Basin Spetie Pan) and F-3 (Muliot Family esidential VSP (Valley Specific Plan ~ Office Professional (C), Regional Commercial (B), Residential Spectic Plan) (OS (Open Space) \VSP (Valley Specific Pian ~ Retail Commercial (B)) and Ret (Single Family Residential) VSP (Valley Specific Pian — Retail Commercial (8)) and R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) 6 Existing Land ‘Subject Sit Skilled nursing facility, parking lot, vacant senior apartment complex and two vacant single family homes, ‘Two furniture stores, dollar-type retail store, three-story office building, United States Post Office branch Ramona Convent Secondary School Restaurant, auto repair, eight apartment buildings and Marguerita Elementary School Commercial center, 16 single and multi-family residential buildings 7. Zoning History of Subject Site: iP nessat Rapet2017 Cy Canto! ?Camaa Court ec 10. " 12 Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Prior Zoning CPD and c-3, Other Zoning Cases: None for this applicant R3 Zone Prior Zoning: RPD Other Zoning Cases None for this applicant Floor Area Ratio: Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Maximum Allowed: 0.35 Proposed: (0.35 (complies with Code) R3Zono Maximum Allowed: 0.70 Proposed: 0.60 (complies with Code) Density: Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Maximum Allowed: N/A R3 Zone ‘Maximum Allowed: — 30.0 units per acre (237 units) Proposed: 115.9 units per acre (126 units) (complies with Code) Lot Coverage: Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Maximum Allowed: N/A R3 Zone Maximum Allowed: 55% Proposed: 31% (complies with Code) Building Height: Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Maximum Allowed: — Two stories, 45-0 Proposed: Retail Building: One story, height varies from 21’-10" to 32-10" (complies with Code) Office Building: Two stories, height varies from 25-1" to 36-10" (complies with Codo) R3 Zone Maximum Allowed: 3 stories, 35-0" Proposed: Townhomes: 3 stories, 35-0" (complies with Code) Commons Building: 2 stories, 35° (complies with Code) Setbacks: Valley Boulevard Specific Plan Zoned Parcels Front Setback (Valley Boulevard): cpLemvaisin Repeneaot ly courctOo Canale Cele Minimum Required: 7-0" Average (retail building), 1 building) Average (office Proposed: Retail Building: 7-0" (complies with Code) Office Building: 10'-0" average (complies with Code with Condition of Approval) Streot Side Sotback: Minimum Required: 5-0 Proposed: 20-0" (Marengo Avenue frontage) (complies with Code) 20-0" (Benito Street frontage) (complies with Code) 20-0" from any residential zone 825" (complies with Code) 3 Zoned Parcels Front Setback: Minimum Required: 20-0" Proposed: ‘Townhomes: 20-0" (Marengo Avenue frontage) (complies with Code) 20-0" (Benito Street frontage) (complies with Code) 20-0" (Glendon Way frontage) (complies with Code) ‘Commons Building: 115-0" (Marengo Avenue frontage) (complies. with Code) Rear Setback: Minimum Req 10 Proposed: ‘Townhom Varies from 331" to 56'-1" (complies with Code) Commons Building: 14-8" (complies with Code) 13. Open Space ‘Common Open Space: ‘Minimum Required: 50,400 (400 square feet per unit) Provided: Open space requirements have been met through 43,771 square feat of common open space including 864 square feet of indoor recreation space in the pool complex; and 10,322 square feet of private, second floor deck. Total open space provided is 54,033 square feet. (complies with Code) 14, Parking: Medical Building Minimum Required: 90 (1/200 sf) ‘ipsam RapotZot Cy Councot117Cameta Couto Proposed: 90 (complies with Code) Rotail Building Minimum Required: 50 (1/250 sf) 63 (complies with Code) Minimum Required 30 (.33/bed) Proposed ‘41 (complies with Code) Residential Garage Parking: Minimum Required: 252 (two enclosed spaces per unit) Provided: 252 (complies with Code) Additional Spaces: ‘Minimum Required: 150 additional resident parking spaces are required based ‘on the total floor area of the project (one space for each 600 ‘square feet of floor area in excess of 1,000 square feet for ‘each unit), Provided: 160 (complies with Code) Guest Spaces: Minimum Required: 26 (0.2 per unit) Provided: 30 (complies with Code) ‘Overall Residential Parking Space Minimum Required: 428 Provided: ‘432 (complies with Code) 18. Street Information Marengo Avenue Type of Street: Arterial Paved Width 56 feet, Right-Of-Way Width: 80 feet Benito Avenue ‘Type of Street: Local Residential Paved Width: 36 feet Right-of-Way width: 60 feet Glendon Avenue ‘Type of Street: Local Residential Paved Width: 40 fest ight-OFWay Width: 60 feet ANALYSI 4, Proposal: The applicant's development proposal consists of three distinct elements xP anni Rapers2017 Cy Cauntnat1TCametla Counc including new commercial development along Valley Boulevard, 126 new attached, condominiums and expansion of an existing skiled nursing facilly. ‘These developments, require approval ofthe following eight applications: General Plan Amendment GPA-18-1 Zone Change Z-16-1 ‘Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-1 ‘Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-2 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 1177413 ‘Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-16 Conditional Use Permit CU-16-15 Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-16 Design Review ‘The General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, two Specific Plan Amendments, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Commercial Planned Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit, and Residential Planned Development Permit will require City Council approval. The Design Review application was approved by the Design Review Board on December 13, 2016, but its approval is contingent upon City Council approval of the other entitlements Each of these applications is further explained below. General Plan Amendment GPA-16-1, Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-1 & SPA-16-2, ‘and Zone Chango 2-16- The commercial element of the proposal requires a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Specific Plan Amendments (SPA) and Zone Change. The northernmost 1.74 acres of the site is located within the Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan ("VBCSP"), Sub- Regional Commercial (B) District (Specific Plan-SRC (B)) and carries the same designation on the General Plan Land Use Map. The remainder of the property to the south is zoned R-3 (Multiple Family Residential). Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-1 will adjust the boundary line separating the VBCSP zone and the R-3 zone, thereby increasing the land area of the commercial portion of the site from 1.74 acres to 2.0 acres, ‘and decreasing the land area of the residential portion of the site from 9.86 acres to 9.6 ‘acres, Specific Plan Amendment SPA-16-2 changes the land use designations of the \VCBSP portion of the site from Sub-Regional Commercial (B) and Residential Specific Pian to Retall Commercial (C) and Office Professional (B). This change would facilitate the applicant's proposed replacement of a litle used, existing surface parking lot with a new, two-story, 18,000 square foot medical office building and one-story 12,490 square oot ‘commercial bullding. The proposed retail and medical office development would provide employment opportunities as well shopping and services that would serve nearby Fesidents and revitalize this portion of Valley Boulevard. Figure 1 Current and Proposed Zones and Land Use Designations, on the following page, shows the current zoning boundary lines and the proposed boundary lines, and the current and proposed land use designations. PLANNING Raprsizo17 Cly Canes TCamea Cour oe Figure 1 ~ Current and Proposed Zones and Land Use Designations 7 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7413. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map will reconfigure the existing collection of parcels into four numbered parcels. Parcels 1 and 2 would include the medical and retail buildings and measure 38,329 (0.88 acres) and 48,770 (1.12 acres) square fect respectively. Parcel 3 would house the skilled nursing facility and would measure 65,991 square feet (1.51 acres). Parcel 4 would include the remaining 362,836 square feet (8.10 ‘acres) of the site, In addition to re-dividing the site, the Vesting Tentative Tract Map ‘would create an airspace condominium division ofthe 126 townhome dwellings. ‘Commercial Planned Development Permit ‘The applicant is requesting a Commercial Planned Development Permit to construct two ‘commercial buildings on the north end of the site, fronting along Valley Boulevard. The proposed commercial development would consist of a two-story 18,000 square foot medical office building with a second floor deck comprising approximately half of the second floor, and a single-story 12,490 square foot retail building, ‘The proposed commercial development would replace an existing surface parking lot, which served the now vacant senior residential apartments, with pedestrian oriented retail and medical office uses. The change in land use from a residential parking lot to retail ‘and office space would provide employment and shopping opportunities. for the immediate and nearby neighborhoods. The retail building will be provided with 63 surface parking spaces located behind the retail building. The medical office building will be provided with 90 total parking spaces. Thirty-nine (39) surface spaces will be located behind the medical office building and another 61 spaces will be located in an underground parking level below the office building. As such, the change in land use ‘supports the goals and objectives of the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan is a long-range land use plan to revialze the existing, aging commercial development along Valley (PLANNING Rapos201 Cy CouncOat7Cumla Cou ee Boulevard. The policies and implementing measures of the specific plan, which was adopted in 1990, were developed with extensive input from local businesses. and residents during a series of community workshops. Conditional Use Permit Skilled nursing homes are a conditionally permitted use in the R-3 Zone. Expansion of the existing 19,250 square foot, 90 bed skilled nursing facility requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The existing skilled nursing facility was established in 1954. ‘The proposed expansion of the skilled nursing facility would consist of a 14,600 square foot square foot two-story Commons Building, The building would be constructed in a traditional Mediterranean style architecture, similar to that used for the proposed townhomes. The proposed Commons Building would provide support to the skilled nursing faciity and contains multipurpose rooms, dining facilities and administrative offices. The addition of the commons room would not increase the number of beds or residents in the facility. Thirly (30) parking spaces are requited for the skilled nursing facility use and 41 parking spaces will be provided within a surface parking lot to the north Residential Planned Development Permit, ‘The applicant Is requesting approval of a Residential Planned Development permit to construct 126 townhome-style condominiums. There are three proposed floor plans that ‘would be grouped in 36, three- and four-unit buildings. Models would range in size from 1,484 square fest to 1,686 square feet and would have three or four bedrooms, Each proposed unit would be three stories, with a direct-access two cat garage, full bath and bedroom or office on the ground floor, open concept second floors with kitchen, living and ining space and third floors with two or three bedrooms. Model 2 would also have a ssludy which, because of its size and orientation, is not suitable for conversion to a bedroom. Fifty-four of the units will be oriented to public streets adjacent to the project site. These Units feature individual walkways to the public sidewalk, private front yards enclosed by low walls and front door access. These design features would integrate the proposed homes into the existing neighborhood and encourage pedestrian activity. Sixteen units ‘would cluster around a poal and lawn area on the southem portion of the site, with the remaining units located in four building clusters fronting on east-west oriented paseos. Pedestrian access throughout the site would be provided by a paseo running from north (fo south, connecting the sinaller eastwesl pascus. {A total of 428 parking spaces are required (252 enclosed garage spaces, 150 additional ‘spaces, 26 guest spaces). ‘The project will have 432 parking spaces consisting of 252 enclosed garage spaces, 150 additional spaces, and 30 guest spaces, ‘The proposed Residential Planned Development Permit also includes the retention of an existing on-site chapel. The chapel is one-story tall and has an approximate size of 2,825 square feet. The chapel is located due north of the existing skilled nursing facilty ‘and will be maintained in its current location Design Review. ‘The architectural style of the etal is contemporary and appropriate to the commercial nature of the streetscape. Both buildings would be designed in a contemporary style and ‘would include strong vertical glass elements and varied complimentary building materials with varied shades of stucco, stacked ledger stone and vertical composite wood siding, ‘The residential components of the development are Mediterranean inspired in style which allows for a better human scale and an expected character for the proposed detached residential triplex and fourplex buildings. The buildings have been designed in a regional ‘adaptation of traditional Medkerranean architecture and feature extensive detalling on each elevation, including: + Stile roof parapets with exposed rafter tails or comices; + Varied window treatments such as raised stucco surrounds, shutters, potted plant shelves and fabric awnings with wrought iron frames on all windows; ‘+Traditional wood front doors, some with arches; Second floor decks shaded by cloth and wrought iron awnings, stile roofs ‘or wooden, pergolas;, + Raised architectural bands separating the second and third floors; and, ‘+ Finish materials including complimentary earth tone colored stucco and stacked ledger stone. Overall the quality of the project's architectural design is acceptable and the impact to the surrounding neighborhood is consistent withthe existing. The proposed landscape plan is, conceptual and will need further development, especially in regard to adhering to Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) standards of the City of Alhambra and the State of California, The refinement to the landscape plan will be addressed during the plan check process, ‘On December 13, 2016, the Design Review application was approved with the condition that additional documentation be provided for Staff review. The information may include ‘but is not limited to composite elevations or renderings, contextual elevations as it relates to the neighboring community buildings and other drawings that give a comprehensive understanding of the design value. Public Outreach: On January 25, 2017, the developer, at Staff's direction, held a public meeting on site from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, The purpose of the meeting was to provide a full overview of the project and measures that would be taken to reduce impacte of the project to nearby residents, students and school faculty. To insure ease of access to interested parties, the meeting was held on-site in a multi-purpose room, known as Bloy Center, at the skiled nursing facity. Applicant representatives at the meeting included ‘the property ownerideveloper, the project manager, a representative of Applied Planning, ‘who prepared the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the project. and the transportation consultant who prepared the trafic and circulation analysis for the project. George Murray, Executive Director for Facilities and Transportation ‘Services for the Alhambra Unified School District was also present, GIPLANWINGISta Reponsi2017 Cy Counc#D81117Camelia Cour doe To insure that concerned parents and neighbors were afforded ample opportunity to learn about the project, Staff developed an expanded public notification list which incorporate substantially more of the local neighborhood. Using the standard 200-foot notification radius yielded a notification list of 95 names. The expanded public notification area increased this number to 544 names. This list was used to notify surrounding property ‘owners of a Community Meeting related to this proposal Parents of students attending the adjacent Marguerita Elementary School have ‘expressed significant concern with regards to noise and air quality that may occur during the construction phase of the project, and student pedestrian safely both during and after construction of the project Noise - The Initial Study identified potential significant noise impacts to nearby residences east and west of the site, and required that acoustic blankets be installed at a height of six feet along Marengo Avenue and at a height of eight feet along the northern portion of Benito Avenue, ending at a point across from the southernmost residences The Initial Study did not identify Impacts or require mitigation for the school due to the distance of the classrooms from the site. Although not required, the applicant has ‘committed to extending the acoustic blanket south along Benito Avenue, to the corner of Glendon Way, providing a continuous acoustic barrier between the construction site and the school Furthermore, the applicant explained that the existing one story buildings that make up the now vacant senior apartment development have been constructed of materials that ‘are valuable as recycled lumber and thal the buildings are constructed with perimeter foundations rather than slab foundations. As such, removal of these buildings will be ‘accomplished with much more hand labor and lighter equipment than would be used for mass demolition, and this would significantly limit the noise during site clearance, Air Quality - Parents also expressed concern about air quality issues that may impact Students and facuily at the school. The Initial Study identified potential impacts related to emissions from large earthmoving equipment and from finish coatings used during final construction, Measures intended to address these concoms include requirements that earthmoving equipment be compliant with applicable California Air Resources Board standards and that only Low Volatile Organic Compound paints, compliant with standards of the South Coast Air Quality Management District be used. ‘The Initial Study also identified airborne particulate matter generated during construction a8 A significant impact. Mitigation measures to address this include stopping clearing. {grading and earth moving activities when wind exceeds 25 m.p.h., watering disturbed areas three time dally and at the end of each day and limiting vehicle speed on site to 18 mp. ‘These mitigation measures would reduce impacts to a less than significant level based ‘on thresholds established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Although ‘no additional mitigation measures are required, the developer has offered to take additional steps to further minimize impacts to the school. The extension ofthe eight-foot tall acoustic blanket to the southwest corner of the site will create a physical barrier CiPLancisat Raponsz0i Cy Couns 7eaneta Coun dee between the school and the construction site that would further minimize particulate intrusion into the school site. The applicant has also offered, to the extent feasible, to do grading and site preparation work during summer months when the school is on break Aso, to the extent feasible, the applicant would remove the perimeter structures last, and construct perimeter structures first, thereby using existing and future perimeter buildings ‘as a barrier from the school Circulation - The Initial Study has not identified any significant impacts related to traffic {and circulation affecting either student commuting or general traffic in the immediate ‘area; however, parents of students have expressed concern about congestion on streets ‘adjacent to the School and student safely as they ciuss slieels and load and unload from ‘cars on adjacent streets. Marguerita Elementary School has no on-site student pick-up or drop-off area; however, there is one formal drop-off area along West Glendon Way, which has identification signs and is separated from travel lanes using cones during the moming drop-off. Because there are no on-site drop-off or pick-up failties, and only limited, formal on-street facilities, student drop-off and pick-up occurs on all three frontages of the school, with children crossing mic-block to get to and from carpool Vehicles. To avoid compounding existing, school related circulation issues, the applicant is, proposing that construction traffic enter the site off South Marengo Avenue at the northern portion of the site, Isolating construction traffic from the streets adjacent to the school. Furthermore, the applicant is proposing an access gate at the southeast driveway which would prevent project related traffic from impacting the student pick-up ‘and drop-off activity along Benito and Glendon Way. Staff has included a Condition of Approval PL23 requiring installation of a gate at the south-east entrance to the residential portion of the project, that will restrict bath ingress and egress to and from the project one. hour before and one hour after the beginning and end of the school day. Scheduling shall be periodically adjusted to compensate for changes in school class scheduling and vacations. In addition to these specific steps related to noise, air quality and traffic, the applicant has. offered to meet with parents and school representatives on a regular basis during ‘construction to work cooperatively to address unanticipated issues. Zoning and Genoral Plan Consistency: The Project is consistent with all development ‘standards and General Plan designations within the proposed Zoning and the proposed General Plan Amendment Environmental Status: The project was reviewed pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for this project have been prepared in compliance with CEQA. The ISIMND identified that the project impacts will be reduced to below significant levels ‘through the implementation of mitigation measures. In addition to the issues discussed in the Public Outreach section contained in this report, the IS/MND also identified three other areas of study where the project requires the implementation of mitigation measures. These areas requiring mitigation measures are Tribal Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, and Hazards and Hazardous Materials. The specific mitigation GrrLaMNcisat Roponszo17 Cy ComettOt Carat Gout

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