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Accounting for the Down Syndrome Advantage

Anna J. Esbensen
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
Marsha Mailick Seltzer
Waisman Center, University of WisconsinMadison

The authors examined factors that could explain the higher levels of psychosocial well
being observed in past research in mothers of individuals with Down syndrome compared
with mothers of individuals with other types of intellectual disabilities. The authors studied
155 mothers of adults with Down syndrome, contrasting factors that might validly account
for the Down syndrome advantage (behavioral phenotype) with those that have been
portrayed in past research as artifactual (maternal age, social supports). The behavioral
phenotype predicted less pessimism, more life satisfaction, and a better quality of the
motherchild relationship. However, younger maternal age and fewer social supports, as
well as the behavioral phenotype, predicted higher levels of caregiving burden. Implications
for future research on families of individuals with Down syndrome are discussed.

DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-116.1.3

Mothers of individuals with Down syndrome syndrome compared with mothers of children
typically exhibit better psychological well-being with other intellectual and developmental disabil-
profiles compared with mothers of individuals ities (either of unknown etiology or with other
with other intellectual and developmental disabil- specific syndromes or diagnoses). There is exten-
ities, with better outcomes being evident across sive evidence that mothers of young children with
the life course (e.g., Fidler, Hodapp, & Dykens, Down syndrome experience lower levels of stress
2000; Hauser-Cram, Warfield, Shonkoff, & Krauss, (Kasari & Sigman, 1997; Marcovitch, Goldberg,
2001; Seltzer, Krauss, & Tsunematsu, 1993). How- MacGregor, & Lojkasek, 1986), more extensive and
ever, researchers have argued that this advantage is satisfying networks of social support (Hauser-Cram
simply an artifact of confounding variables (Cahill et al., 2001; Shonkoff, Hauser-Cram, Krauss, &
& Glidden, 1996; Glidden & Cahill, 1998; Stone- Upshur, 1992), and less pessimism about their
man, 2007) or that confounding variables may childrens future (Fidler et al., 2000) and they
contribute to the advantage (Corrice & Glidden, perceive their children to have less difficult
2009). To develop a better understanding of the temperaments (Kasari & Sigman, 1997). Families
factors associated with syndrome-specific impacts with a child with Down syndrome are also more
on the family, it is important to sort out valid cohesive and harmonious than families of children
explanations that account for between-group with other types of intellectual and developmental
differences in family functioning from artifacts. disabilities (Mink, Nihira, & Meyers, 1983).
There is an abundance of literature suggesting Similar to mothers of young children, moth-
a Down syndrome advantage in mothers of ers of adolescents and young adults with Down
children, adolescents, and adults with Down syndrome also display better psychological well

E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 3


Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

being than mothers of similarly-aged children longer evident after controlling for factors such as
with other types of intellectual and develop- maternal age and coping, marital status, child age,
mental disabilities (Abbeduto et al., 2004). In family income, and other contextual variables
past research, mothers of adolescents with Down (Abbeduto et al., 2004; Blacher & McIntyre,
syndrome have reported less pessimism about 2006; Cahill & Glidden, 1996; Corrice & Glid-
their childs future, more closeness in the den, 2009; Eisenhower, Baker, & Blacher, 2005;
relationship with their child, and fewer depressive Glidden & Cahill, 1998; Stoneman, 2007). How-
symptoms; they have also been more likely to ever, other studies found persistent evidence of
perceive that the child reciprocated feelings of the Down syndrome advantage, even after con-
closeness compared with mothers of adolescents trolling for a variety of covariates such as maternal
with other types of intellectual and developmental age and education (Eisenhower et al., 2005; Selt-
disabilities (Abbeduto et al., 2004). In addition, zer et al., 1993). Together, these findings suggest
there is evidence that the advantage of having a that covariates cannot fully account for why
son or daughter with Down syndrome continues mothers of individuals with Down syndrome
well into adulthood (Greenberg, Seltzer, Krauss, appear to be advantaged relative to mothers of
Chou, & Hong, 2004; Seltzer, Krauss, Orsmond, individuals with other types of intellectual and
& Vestal, 2001; Seltzer et al., 1993). Mothers of developmental disabilities with respect to psycho-
adults with Down syndrome have reported less logical functioning.
conflicted family environments, less stress and A different way to address the question of
burden, more satisfaction with their social sup- what accounts for the Down syndrome advantage
ports, more optimism and acceptance of their is to examine differences within samples of
childs disability, and more appreciation for their mothers of individuals with Down syndrome.
childs strengths than have mothers of adults with Variables that have differentiated groups in
intellectual and developmental disabilities due to between-group analyses could be examined di-
other causes (Krauss & Seltzer, 1995, 2000; Seltzer rectly in a within-group analysis to determine if
et al., 1993). they are associated with the hypothesized out-
However, it should be noted that not all comes. For example, older maternal age at the
researchers have found that mothers of individu- time of the birth of the child with Down
als with Down syndrome report better psycholog- syndrome (and, hence, greater maturity and
ical well being on all measures (Cunningham, financial stability) is one explanation frequently
1996; Esbensen, Seltzer, & Abbeduto, 2008; Gath, offered for the Down syndrome advantage (Cahill
1990; Greenberg et al., 2004; Roach, Orsmond, & & Glidden, 1996; Corrice & Glidden, 2009;
Barratt, 1999; Sanders & Morgan, 1997). Instead, Glidden & Cahill, 1998; Stoneman, 2007). In a
in some studies, mothers of individuals with within-group analysis, it would be possible to
Down syndrome have reported similar rates to the assess whether mothers who were older at the age
comparison group with intellectual and develop- of the birth of their child with Down syndrome
mental disabilities on some (but not all) measures would have better well-being outcomes than
of psychological well being, such as depressed mothers who were younger. Another explanation
mood, pessimism and marital satisfaction. Yet, that is frequently offered for the Down syndrome
the bulk of the evidence suggests that mothers advantage is that mothers of individuals with
of individuals with Down syndrome have a Down syndrome have greater access to syndrome-
more normative pattern of psychological well specific support groups than mothers of individ-
being than mothers of children and adults with uals with other types of intellectual and develop-
other types of intellectual and developmental mental disabilities. Support groups for a particular
disabilities. syndrome provide families with information
Despite the empirical evidence in favor of a pertinent to their childs specific behaviors and
Down syndrome advantage, Corrice and Glid- characteristics, offer mothers social support, and
den (2009) posited that this advantage may be an can lead to more adaptive coping (Erickson &
artifact of sampling bias or between-group differ- Upsur, 1989). Mothers of children with Down
ences in other factors (e.g., maternal age) that may syndrome are also reported to receive more family
contribute to the association of maternal func- support than mothers of children with other
tioning and the diagnosis of her child. In some disorders and to have larger social support
research, the Down syndrome advantage was no networks (Poehlmann, Clements, Abbeduto, &

4 E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

Farsad, 2005; Seltzer & Krauss, 1998). Again, in a larger social networks and who participate in
within-group analysis, it would be possible to parent support groups will have better well being,
determine whether those mothers with greater and (c) mothers of adults with higher levels of
support actually have more favorable well-being functional abilities and fewer behavior problems
outcomes than mothers who have less support. will have better well being. Support for the first
Whereas older maternal age and greater social two of these hypotheses would support the
support can be conceptualized as artifacts that argument that the Down syndrome advantage is
may account for the Down syndrome advantage, artifactual, whereas support of the latter hypoth-
an alternative explanation concerns the level of esis would suggest that the advantage is due, at
stress associated with parenting a child with Down least in part, to differential levels of parenting
syndrome compared with the parenting stress stress.
associated with other types of intellectual and
developmental disabilities. Children with Down
syndrome are commonly described as affection- Method
ate, sociable, and easy in temperament (Dykens,
1999). Individuals with Down syndrome also
The current sample was drawn from a larger
exhibit better functional abilities and fewer
longitudinal study of mothers age 55 and older
behavior problems than individuals with other
caring for an adult son or daughter with intel-
types of intellectual and developmental disabili-
lectual and developmental disabilities (Krauss &
ties (Corrice & Glidden, 2009; Greenspan &
Seltzer, 1999). From 1988 to 2000, eight waves of
Delaney, 1983; Harrison, 1987; Hodapp & Dykens,
1994; Loveland & Kelley, 1988; Zigman et al., data were collected at 18-month intervals with an
1987). Such a profile of the behavioral phenotype initial sample of 461 adults with intellectual and
of individuals with Down syndrome could explain developmental disabilities who lived at home, 169
lower levels of parenting stress and suggests a of whom had Down syndrome. At the second
nonartifactual (i.e., valid) explanation of the Down wave of data collection (19891990), mothers of
syndrome advantage in maternal psychological 155 adults with Down syndrome continued to
well being. participate, and they formed the sample for the
In the current analysis, we examined the present analysis. The second wave of data
impact of maternal age, social supports, and the collection was selected for analysis because it
behavioral phenotype of the son or daughter with was the first point when behavior problems were
Down syndrome on the well being of their measured.
mothers. We focused this within-group analysis At the time that they gave birth to their child
on mothers of individuals with Down syndrome with Down syndrome, the mothers in our sample
to test whether artifactual (i.e., maternal age and ranged in age from 20 to 47 years (M 5 35.6, SD
social supports) or valid (i.e., behavioral pheno- 5 6.1). They were primarily Caucasian (98.7%),
type) factors account for advantages in maternal and 80.6% had graduated from high school or had
well being. We also focused on four positive and at least some postsecondary education. They had
negative maternal well being outcomes to deter- between 1 and 9 children, including their son or
mine if the effects of these variables vary across daughter with Down syndrome (M 5 4.3, SD 5
different outcomes. Specifically, we examined the 2.0). At the second wave of data collection of the
influence of maternal age, maternal supports, and ongoing study, which is the time point of focus in
the behavioral phenotype of the adult with Down the present study, mothers ranged in age from 56
syndrome on maternal well being, as measured by to 86 years (M 5 67.9, SD 5 6.7). Two-thirds were
life satisfaction, the quality of the mothers married (65.2%), and nearly one-third (30.3%)
relationship with her son or daughter with Down were widowed. The median family income was
syndrome, maternal pessimism about the son or between $15,000 and $19,999, which was typical
daughters future, and subjective caregiving bur- for older household incomes at that time (U.S.
den, in a sample of mothers of adults with Down Census Bureau, 2005). The adult child with Down
syndrome. We hypothesized that (a) mothers who syndrome ranged in age from 17 to 56 years (M 5
were older when they gave birth to their child 32.4, SD 5 7.4). Nearly two-thirds were males
with Down syndrome will have better well being, (61.3%) and three-fourths had mild or moder-
(b) mothers of adults with Down syndrome with ate intellectual disability (76.5%) and the remain-

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Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

ing adults had severe or profound intellectual The Pessimism subscale from the Question-
disability. naire on Resources and Stress-F (Friedrich et al.,
1983) was used to measure maternal pessimism
Instruments about her childs future. The 11-item Pessimism
Maternal well being. Four dimensions of subscale asked whether the mother has concerns
maternal well being were assessed: life satisfaction, about her childs future and potential for
quality of the mothers relationship with her adult achieving self-sufficiency. Internal consistency
child with Down syndrome, pessimism about her was found to be .77 in the larger longitudinal
adult childs future, and subjective caregiving study (Esbensen et al., 2006) and .75 in the
burden. Differences between the mothers of current sample.
adults with Down syndrome and mothers of The Zarit Burden Interview (Zarit et al., 1980)
adults with other types of intellectual and is a 29-item measure of subjective burden related
developmental disabilities have already been to caregiving, rated on a 3-point scale. Subjective
published (Seltzer et al., 1993), supporting the burden represents potential problems a mother
Down syndrome advantage. The present sample may experience as a result of caregiving for her
included 92% of the mothers in Seltzer et al.s son or daughter. Mothers indicated how much
discomfort was caused by each item. The internal
sample, and the between-group Down syndrome
consistency for this instrument was .83 in the
advantage was also evident in the current sample
larger longitudinal study (Esbensen et al., 2006)
(data available from first author [A. E.]). We also
and .81 in the current sample.
checked whether the range of scores for these
Health. Maternal and child health was mea-
outcome variables in this sample with Down
sured using a maternal rating of current health
syndrome was restricted, or whether the range
status (1 5 poor, 2 5 fair, 3 5 good, 4 5 excellent).
overlapped with the scores of the group with
Global ratings of health have been found to be
intellectual and developmental disabilities but
accurate measures of health status (Idler &
without Down syndrome in the same study (data
Benyamini, 1997). Mothers and the sons or
available from first author). There was no daughters with Down syndrome were both
restriction of range in the data from mothers of primarily in good health (M 5 2.9, SD 5 0.8;
adults with Down syndrome relative to mothers M 5 3.4, SD 5 0.7, respectively).
of adults with other types of intellectual and Maternal social supports. Mothers reported on
developmental disabilities. individuals in her personal network, including
The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale family and friends, with whom they felt a special
Scale (PGC; Lawton, 1972) was used to measure bond (Antonucci & Akiyama, 1987). Network size
maternal life satisfaction, defined as a basic sense was assessed as the total number of people in the
of satisfaction with oneself, a feeling that there is a social support network and ranged from 0 to 14
place in the environment for oneself, and an (M 5 8.2, SD 5 3.3). Mothers also reported if
acceptance of what cannot be changed (p. 148). they currently participated in a parent support
This 17-item scale consists of yes or no questions group. More than one third (39.6%) of mothers
and had an internal consistency coefficient of .84 participated in such a group.
in the larger longitudinal study (Krauss & Seltzer, Behavioral phenotype. Behavioral phenotype
1993) and.81 in the current sample. was assessed using measures of functional abilities
The Positive Affect Index (PAI; Bengtson & and behavior problems. Our measure of func-
Schrader, 1982) was used to measure the mothers tional abilities was a 30-item scale measuring
perception of the quality of her relationship with functional skills in the areas of housework,
her adult son or daughter. This 10-item scale personal care, meal-related activities, and mobil-
assesses the mothers feelings toward her child and ity. This measure of functional skills was based on
her perception of her childs feelings toward her. a revised version of the Barthel Index (Mahoney &
Items relate to feelings of intimacy, trust, Barthel, 1965) to measure personal and instru-
understanding, fairness, and respect and are rated mental activities of daily living appropriate for
on a 6-point scale. Internal consistency for the adults with intellectual and developmental dis-
PAI was .87 in the larger longitudinal study abilities (Seltzer, Ivry, & Litchfield, 1987). Each
(Esbensen, Seltzer, & Greenberg, 2006) and .88 in item was rated on a 4-point scale of independence
the current sample. (0 5 cannot perform the task at all, 1 5 could do but

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Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

doesnt, 2 5 can perform the task with help, 3 5 Table 1. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Range
performs the task independently) and averaged for a of Study Variables
total score. Internal consistency coefficient for the
Variable M SD Range
total score was .90 in the larger longitudinal study
(Esbensen, Seltzer, & Greenberg, 2007) and .93 in Life satisfaction 12.90 3.61 117
the current sample. Average functional ability Relationship with
scores ranged from 0.53 to 2.93 (M 5 2.3, SD 5 adult child 51.46 5.35 3360
0.4). Pessimism 6.10 2.72 011
We used the Inventory for Client and Agency Subjective burden 27.94 6.23 1857
Planning (ICAP; Bruininks, Hill, Weatherman, &
Woodcock, 1986; later known as the Scales of
model. Social support was entered in the third
Independent BehaviorRevised [SIB-R; Brui-
step and included size of maternal social network
ninks, Woodcock, Weatherman, & Hill, 1996]) and whether the mother attended a parent
to measure behavior problems. This measure support group. In the fourth step, child behavioral
assessed the frequency and severity of eight types phenotype variables were added, including total
of behavior problems, providing an overall functional abilities and generalized behavior
measure of generalized behavior problems. Indi- problems.
vidual problem behaviors are scored as present or
absent. Index scores provide ratings of the
seriousness of the problem behavior as subclinical Results
(90110), marginally serious (111120), moderately The means, standard deviations, and ranges
serious (121130), serious (131140), or very serious for the four measures of maternal well being are
($141). Reliability and validity are excellent presented in Table 1. Intercorrelations of study
(Bruininks et al., 1986). Generalized behavior variables are presented in Table 2. Tables 3 and 4
problem scores ranged from 96 to 141 (M 5 99.3, present regression models examining how mater-
SD 5 5.7). nal age, maternal supports, and child behavioral
phenotype were associated with the four measures
Data Analysis of maternal well being, after controlling for
We used multiple hierarchical regression to maternal and child background characteristics.
test the extent to which maternal age, social
support, and child behavioral phenotype would Life Satisfaction
predict maternal well being (life satisfaction, the As shown in Table 3, among the control
quality of the mothers relationship with her son variables (Step 1), only maternal health predicted
or daughter, pessimism, and subjective burden), life satisfaction, with better health predictive of
after controlling for maternal and child covariates. higher levels of life satisfaction. Neither maternal
Maternal and child background characteristics age at the birth of the child with Down syndrome
were entered in the first step of the regression nor social supports had a significant influence on
model. Maternal covariates included number of maternal life satisfaction (Steps 2 and 3), counter
children, family income, marital status, maternal to Hypotheses 1 and 2. However, having greater
education, and maternal health. Child covariates behavior problems (Step 4) was predictive of
included gender, child health, and child age. lower levels of life satisfaction in mothers of
Child age and current maternal age were signif- adults with Down syndrome, which was partially
icantly correlated (r 5 .62, p , .001) and, supportive of Hypothesis 3.
together, were redundant with the theoretically
important variable of age of the mother at the Quality of Relationship
birth of her child with Down syndrome. Because As shown in Table 3, among the control
there was greater variability in child age, this variables, only child health predicted the quality
covariate was entered in the model instead of of the relationship between the mother and her
current maternal age. son or daughter with Down syndrome, with better
To test the research hypotheses, maternal age child health predicting a better quality relation-
at the birth of her child with Down syndrome was ship. Neither maternal age when she gave birth to
entered in the second step of the regression her child with Down syndrome nor social

E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 7

Table 2. Intercorrelations of Study Variables

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Number of

2. Family

income 2.08
3. Marital
status .03 .42*
Down syndrome advantage
1: 315 |

4. Maternal
education 2.19* .31* .07
5. Maternal

health .10 .30* .18* .18*


6. Child gender 2.04 2.18* 2.06 .01 .02

7. Child health .13 .24* .07 2.07 .33* 2.06
8. Child age 2.22* 2.16* 2.29* 2.04 2.05 .06 2.01
9. Maternal age
at birth .18* 2.22* 2.01 .02 2.17* 2.13 2.12 2.52*
10. Size of social
network .15 .25* .23* .16* .17* 2.01 .06 2.14 2.03
11. Attend
parent group .04 2.08 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.09 2.04 2.06 .24* .03
12. Functional
abilities .13 .09 .08 .02 .13 2.07 .14 .12 2.14 .10 .02
13. Generalized
behavior 2.02 .07 .11 2.11 2.16 .05 .00 2.14 .10 .02 2.05 2.26*
14. Life
satisfaction .07 .21* .07 .14 .45* 2.19* .17* 2.02 2.00 .11 .02 .12 2.30*
15. Relationship
with child 2.09 .03 .00 .07 .06 2.04 .27* .10 2.07 .07 .01 .15 2.36* .12
16. Pessimism 2.11 2.06 2.02 .02 2.10 .12 2.12 2.09 .08 2.19* 2.02 2.24* .30* 2.34* 2.30*
17. Subjective
burden 2.16 2.11 2.14 .09 2.26* .20* 2.28* 2.10 .02 2.20* 2.06 2.22* .28* 2.54* 2.34* .62*
*p , .05.

E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

Table 3. Hierarchical Regression Analysis for the Prediction of Life Satisfaction and Relationship
Life satisfaction Relationship with adult child
Variable Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 1: Maternal and child background characteristics
Number of
children .05 .05 .04 .03 2.10 2.10 2.12 2.13
Family income .04 .07 .07 .09 2.10 2.08 2.10 2.05
Marital status 2.01 .00 2.01 .02 .02 .03 .01 .04
education .11 .10 .10 .08 .06 .05 .05 2.00
Maternal health .41** .42** .42** .37** 2.03 2.02 2.03 2.09
Child gender 2.16 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.01
Child health 2.01 .01 .01 .02 .32** .32** .32** .32**
Child age .06 .13 .14 .12 .07 .09 .09 .06
Step 2: Age variable
Maternal age at
birth of child
with DS .11 .10 .11 .02 .03 .06
Step 3: Maternal social support
Size of social
network .05 .06 .07 .08
Attend parent
group .04 .03 .00 2.02
Step 4: Child behavioral phenotype
Functional abilities 2.06 .05
Behavior problems 2.26** 2.35**
DR2 .24** .01 .00 .06* .11** .00 .00 .12**
Note. DS 5 Down syndrome. Marital status coded: 0 5 single/divorced/widowed, 1 5 married; maternal education coded: 0
5 some college or less, 1 5 college degree or higher; gender coded: 0 5 male, 1 5 female; attend parent group coded: 0 5 no, 1 5
yes. b coefficients presented in table.
*p , .05. ** p , .01.

supports had a significant influence on mother levels of behavior problems were predictive of
child relationship quality in adulthood, counter greater pessimism. Thus, Hypothesis 3 was
to Hypotheses 1 and 2. However, greater behavior partially supported.
problems were predictive of poorer relationship
quality in adulthood, which was partially sup- Subjective Burden
portive of Hypothesis 3. In contrast to the prediction of the above
three measures of maternal well being, the factors
Pessimism that are associated with maternal subjective
As shown in Table 4, no control variables burden are more complex. As shown in Table 4,
predicted maternal pessimism. Neither maternal among the control variables, maternal health and
age when she gave birth to her child with Down child age and gender were predictive of subjective
syndrome nor current social supports had a burden in Step 1, and, by Step 4, maternal marital
significant influence on maternal pessimism, status and child age, gender, and health were
counter to Hypothesis 1 and 2. However, higher significant predictors of subjective burden. Moth-

E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 9


Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

Table 4. Hierarchical Regression Analysis for the Prediction of Pessimism and Subjective Burden
Pessimism Burden
Variable Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 1: Maternal and child background characteristics
Number of
children 2.14 2.14 2.11 2.08 2.10 2.08 2.05 2.03
Family income 2.02 2.01 .00 2.04 .14 .09 .10 .04
Marital status 2.05 2.04 2.02 2.03 2.17 2.18 2.16 2.19*
education 2.01 2.01 .01 .04 2.02 2.00 .01 .06
Maternal health 2.06 2.06 2.05 .01 2.20* 2.22* 2.21* 2.16
Child gender .12 .12 .12 .09 .22 .21* .21* .18*
Child health 2.06 2.06 2.05 2.05 2.19* 2.20* 2.19* 2.19*
Child age 2.14 2.13 2.14 2.11 2.21* 2.30** 2.32** 2.32*
Step 2: Age variable
Maternal age at
birth of child
with DS .01 .02 2.02 2.15 2.16 2.20*
Step 3: Maternal social support
Size of social
network 2.17 2.17 2.18* 2.19*
Attend parent
group 2.04 2.02 2.03 .00
Step 4: Child behavioral phenotype
abilities 2.12 2.00
problems .27** .31**
DR2 .06 .00 .03 .10** .20** .01 .03 .09**
Note. DS 5 Down syndrome. Marital status coded: 0 5 single/divorced/widowed, 1 5 married; maternal education coded: 0
5 some college or less, 1 5 college degree or higher; gender coded: 0 5 male, 1 5 female; attend parent group coded: 0 5 no, 1 5
yes. b coefficients presented in table.
*p , .05. ** p , .01.

ers not currently married (primarily widows) were

more burdened than those who were married, and Discussion
mothers of daughters with Down syndrome who We examined, in a within-group analysis of
were in poorer health and whose child was mothers of adults with Down syndrome, whether
younger in age felt more burdened. In addition, artifactual or valid factors accounted for advan-
mothers who were older when they gave birth to tages in well being. Our findings suggest that it
their child with Down syndrome and who had may be problematic to infer, from between-group
larger social support networks had less subjective comparisons, explanations for why a particular
burden. These findings support Hypotheses 1 and group of mothers of individuals with intellectual
2. In addition, fewer behavior problems signifi- and developmental disabilities manifest their
cantly predicted less subjective burden, partially distinctive profiles of well being, without checking
supporting Hypothesis 3. whether these explanations hold up in within-

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Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

group studies. Pairing between-group comparative age were strongly correlated in our sample, our
analyses with within-group investigations may findings are consistent with the literature that
yield a stronger understanding of the factors that older mothers commonly report better maternal
account for well-being profiles in mothers of well being than younger mothers (Esbensen,
individuals with different types of intellectual and Seltzer, & Abbeduto, 2008; Krauss & Seltzer,
developmental disabilities than either analytic 1995). Our finding that mothers of daughters
approach alone. In general, we found that, among reported more burden is new. A closer examina-
mothers of adults with Down syndrome, older tion on an item level of gender differences in
maternal age and access to social supports were perceived caregiving burden suggested that this
not related to three of our four measures of finding was driven by maternal feelings of not
maternal well being, even though these factors receiving needed support from family and having
have differentiated such mothers from their to manage multiple roles (e.g., family, work). The
counterparts whose children had other types of impact of the gender of the child with Down
intellectual and developmental disabilities in past syndrome on maternal well being warrants
research. However, we found a different pattern of additional examination. Maternal burden is a
predictors for one measure of maternal well being, role-specific measure of well being, and, thus, the
implicating both factors that have been portrayed specific circumstances of the caregiving context
as artifactual as well as those that have been may be more significant than with more general
considered to be valid. measures.
Specifically, for the outcomes of life satisfac- Our findings also have implications for
tion, quality of the mothers relationship with her service provision for adults with Down syndrome
son or daughter with Down syndrome, pessimism, and their mothers. One of the maternal charac-
maternal age at birth of her child with Down teristics that consistently played a role in the
syndrome, and social supports were not signifi- present analysis in predicting maternal well being
cant predictors. Instead, the Down syndrome was maternal health. Sample mothers were in their
behavioral phenotype of having fewer behavior late 60s, so, naturally, their own health problems
problems contributed the most to better out- would have played a large role in predicting their
comes, net of all other variables. This finding psychological well being (life satisfaction and
suggests that the Down syndrome advantage subjective burden). This pattern persisted even
found for these three maternal outcomes may be when we substituted maternal age for child age in
valid, not artifactual. It is noteworthy that the the regression model (data available from the first
aspect of the Down syndrome behavioral pheno- author [A. E.]). However, maternal health did not
type that most strongly predicted maternal well play a significant role in predicting the quality of
being was not functional abilities but behavior the relationship with the mothers son or
problems. This finding points to the importance daughter. Instead, child health influenced the
of treating behavior problems in adulthood, even quality of the motherchild relationship. This
among adults with Down syndrome. finding further underscores the importance of
A different pattern was found with respect to providing quality health care to individuals with
maternal subjective burden. Both variables con- Down syndrome as they age, as well as to their
ceptualized by others as artifacts (older maternal mothers, because our past research has document-
age and greater social support) as well as the ed the health declines that accompany advancing
Down syndrome behavioral phenotype were age in adults with Down syndrome (Esbensen,
found to contribute to maternal subjective Seltzer, & Krauss, 2008).
burden, suggesting that accounting for the Down One limitation of this analysis is that it was
syndrome advantage with respect to subjective based on a sample of mothers of adult children
burden was more complex than with the other with Down syndrome, by taking advantage of a
measures of maternal well being we examined. In previously collected dataset. We do not know if
addition, several other maternal and child char- the same pattern of findings would have been
acteristics also had a significant role in predicting observed among mothers at earlier stages of the
this outcome, including maternal marital status life course of their child. It may be that maternal
and child age and gender. Widows, mothers of age at the time of the childs birth is a more salient
daughters, and mothers of younger adult children protective factor for mothers of young children
felt more burdened. Because child and maternal than for mothers of adults. On the other hand,

E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 11


Down syndrome advantage A. J. Esbensen and M. M. Seltzer

theories of cumulative advantage across the life premutation, both of which have been shown to
course (Ryff, Singer, Love, & Essex, 1998) have have mental health comorbidities independent of
suggested that if maternal age confers an early parenting stress (Seltzer et al., 2009). It is possible
advantage to mothers of children with Down that, as a group, mothers of individuals with
syndrome, this advantage should become magni- Down syndrome may have better well-being
fied over time. Given the longer lifespan of adults profiles than mothers of individuals with autism
with Down syndrome and, for many, the spectrum disorder or fragile X syndrome in part
concomitant longer period of coresidence with because of differential biological vulnerability as
the mother, the persistence of patterns across the well as differential levels of parenting stress.
full life course is a highly salient issue for research, This study contributes to the understanding
policy, and provision of services to these families. of the Down syndrome advantage. Our findings
In our sample, social support did not suggest that a diagnosis of Down syndrome
contribute to several measures of maternal confers an advantage with respect to maternal
psychological well being. However, there are well being and that this advantage is not merely
other methods of measuring social support, an artifact. However, depending on the measure
indicating that our findings warrant replication of maternal well being of interest, understanding
before the contribution of social support is the Down syndrome advantage can be complex,
discounted as being a contributor to the Down with multiple family and child characteristics also
syndrome advantage (Cohen, Underwood, & contributing to enhanced maternal well being.
Gottlieb, 2000). Another limitation in this study The next step in this line of investigation is to
is that the current sample was based on a examine what accounts for the Down syndrome
volunteer, largely Caucasian sample. The current advantage among mothers of younger children
sample also relied on only maternal informants and adolescents. The better we understand what
and concurrent measures, which introduces accounts for the Down syndrome advantage, the
shared method variance to the analyses, possibly better we will be able to inform and support
masking other significant findings. Furthermore, families of individuals with Down syndrome.
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E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 15

In the article Accounting for the Down Syndrome Advantage (A. J. Esbensen & M. M. Seltzer.
(2011). American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 116, Issue 1, pp. 315; doi:
10.1352/1944-7558-116.1.3), the following acknowledgment was omitted:
This manuscript was prepared with support from the National Institute on Aging (Grant R01
AG08768, M. M. Seltzer, principal investigator) and the National Institute on Child Health &
Human Development (Grants R03 HD59848, A. J. Esbensen, principal investigator, and P30
HD03352, M. M. Seltzer, principal investigator). We also thank the families who participated in this

ii E American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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