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people'sideasand gather
In highereducationyou need to be able to researchother
written assignments'Many
resourcesin order to support arguments,both in seminarsand
quote the words and ideasof other
studentsfind it ditficultto understandhow they can
i.e.,plagiarism'lt is of
writerswithoutbeing accusedof copyingother people'swork,
plagiarism is and how to avoid it in
crucialimpodancethat studentsunderstandwhat
A misunderstanding of this issuecan resultin
essays,examinationsand dissertations.

for acknowledgingyour
This modulewill help you familiariseyourselfwith conventions
when quotingthe words
use of outsidesourcesand clalifywhat you can and cannotdo
of authorsand academics.

in orderto strengthen
Unit t highlightsthe need to referto other sourcesof information
have in doing this at
ideasin your essays.It also looks at some of the difficultiesstudents
English-medium universities.Unit 2 will familiariseyou with a rangeof informationsources
of a bibliographyand
and helpyou to evaluatethem. Unit 3 underlinesthe importance
how to differentiate between
teachesyou the basicsof how to write one. You will learn
avoid it in your work in
citing ani quotingin Unit 4 and how to identifyplagiarismand
into practice:,youwill
Unit 5. Finally,in Unit 6, you will put the skillsyou have learned
paragraphsthat includequotes
selectinformationfrom differentsourcesand write some
to accompanyyour work'
and will also write an appropriatebibliography

After completingthe module,you will feel more confidentabout
be able to strengthenyour own ideasby
referencingessayson your course.You will
and be able to write a more
includingquotesand citationsappropriatelyin your work
structuredand effectivebibliography'

Why research?
Understand the need to use other sources of information to strengthen
your essays.

The researCIh
Familiarise yourself with the range of sources of information and consider
their strengths and weaknesses.

lf$ritinga bib*isgnaphy
Understand the use and importance of a bibliography and learn the basics of
writing one in the APA system.

Keferringto otlrenss&*rsesimycunesself
Understand the uses of quotations and citations and familiarise yourself with
the APA system of referencing.

Understand what plagiarism is and how to recognise it in a piece of writing so
that you can use other sources in your writing in an acceptable way.

ldentify relevant information in your research notes and understand how to use
it in your essay to support arguments in an acceptable way.

At the end of this unit you will:
o understand the need to refer to other sources;
. be aware of different conventions and attitudes to research in different cultures.

Ywwk Xwhy research?

9 {
i*:*gi** yr:* &r* g*{*g t*:*vit* *r} *ss*y *s: h*ix*i*s$r:**s. ln gr*xpx *f 3*S, *g:*nd'i* rxi**t*s

a) What is homelessness?
b) How big a problemdo you think it is?
c) What causeshomelessness?
d) What impact does it haveon individualsand society?
e) What can be done to addressthe problem?

j - :
&i*iv *is*u;* *h* f*it'**;i*g qu*sti**s rv!?l:y**r'wir*f* *|nss.

a) How much did you know about homelessness

beforeyour discussion?
b) What haveyou learntfrom the discussion?
c) What extra informationor ideaswould you need to know to write an essayon homelessness?
d) What sourcesof informationcould help you write this essay?

YmXk tr Supportingevidenceand arguments

ff9;a tl *SSS';,:i. :3e i:*.tt ?e!* :ii ',:i:eriire tir* 3*s1u*{'S
t* th*S* qX*Sli**:X.

a) How big is the problemof homelessness?

b) What are its main causes?
c) What are its effects?
d) Can homelessness
be alleviated?

Task: Fesearch and BEferEncing- *x*1 ! - *;!:'-: is=;.':--

What are the causes and impacts of homelessness?
lrrz Andrcr*
vl Sfrrdpnt

One of the worfd's most pressing problems is that of

h^ * ^ l
IILILLUru:i:irres:i . rT rh r r ^^^hf
f eCent yeaf S ,
rL^ .r^
Lrrer e
rrd-s L^ ^ ' ^
l)eerr ct
dramatic rise in the number of peopfe who have found
themselves ]ivinq on the streets.

Homelessness can be defined as the condition of

nannl a r^7hn l:clz racrr'1 :r :anocc Fn:danrra1-a *- -l -,r-n*r -r 1
c n9.

'r lr 'r ]r ru i e nrnlrl cm c:n af f eCt wide -:nda nF nannl a

y ! v v a
i nal rrrl i nn nhi T dron f l'ra a1rlarl rz end in q^ma -^aoc

whole families.

Dannla hannma 1.amoloss f nv r!

! m^n\z
lrrurrj rFaq1..1nq inclrrdinc arY n n r rv es !r f v L-_ t " a 1agk Of
I,v ,

empfoyment, a shortage of affordabfe housing, domestic violence, mental

illness and drug addiction.

Homelessness has a profound effect on those who experience it. It is

likely to have a negative impact on physical- and mentaf health, sense of
identity and social integration. fn the case of homeless children,
academic performance may be impaired as wel1.

Homelessness is cfearly becoming an urgent problem, given the increasing

number of people who are affected and the severity of its impact on
individuals and society. To address the problem, its root causes need to
be targeted, rather than just its symptoms. Otherwise, the problem of
homelessness will simply be perpetuated.

*"* ** y*ur gr${;p$} d!$*eis* tfu* f*ii*rruing i:;u*s{ti*t}si:}*r:***s.

a) What new informationhaveyou learntabout homelessness?

b) Has the writershown a good knowledgeof the topic?
c) Do you agreewith the definitionof homelessness?
d) How convincingis the argumentin this essay?

x"s W*rlq i*i*ivi*3xxlfy.lJstel*rlim*the part* *9 th* e;:ey yrhere ycl; c*',:i* *airi slt$3prli'fi*gg:eii*gx*n*
*vid**** t* x*r**gth*n th* *s$*?. T*r** e*iil::a:'+ sJlih a ilar:?ter.

:jnit i - W!:y rcsimwssh?

- Task:FesearEhand Feferencing 5

TaSk ffi Academiccultures
3.1 Yhmfm*l*wrirnlg**rnry:**ts w*r* m*cis by f*ur intr1*rnxt[it*m;:]*
*tu"j**t* *? *ritixh uxi-v*rslti*s. ffi*xd
.5nrj(-{Isc#sstih* qu**t}*n* f:*l*w wlth y*r:r p****r-
*h**t th*ir *rps'r1tr'1rr,rr*

a) Haveyou had similarexperiences?

b) What are the main differencesbetweenuniversitywritingin the UK and in thesestudents'
c) How do the international
studentsfeel about these differences?
d) What advicewould you give them?

In my countfy,we don't do much writingat undergraduate level.We go to
lectures,take notesand learnthe information.At the end of the year we
havean exam, but it's spoken.In England,you haveto do so many essays.
At first I found it strange,but now I like it as the essaysmake me think
about the topics we are studyingand I can use the essaysto help me
revisefor exams.

I am a science student, and the way we write our reports is so differentto
how peopledo it here in the UK. One thing is the length.In the UK, writers
add a lot of stuff which is totallyirrelevantand boring.The beginningsand
the ends of the reportsare full of quotationsfrom other people'sresearch.
In my countrv,we talk about the problem,the methodologyand the
solution.Thereis no point talkingabout other people'swork. lt's in the
libraryand a good studentknows it is boringto mentionit again.

I didn't write a bibliography(a list of sources)until I was writinga long
essayin my finalyear.Beforethat, my tutors didn't requireone. After I had
finishedwritingthe essay,I just put all the books I had used in a big pile on
my desk and wrote out their detailsin a list. My only problemwhen I'm
writingin Englishis that I haveto keep stoppingto add a referenceand
make sure the book is in my bibliographytoo. Sometimes,it makesme
forget my ideas.

In my country,we are taught not to stealother people'sideasor writing.So
when we do universitywriting,we write a list of all the books we have used
in a bibliography.We don't give a referencein thb text of our's
enoughto mentionthe books in our bibliographies. Also, if the idea is well
known or if it comes from a lecture,we don't mentionit in a bibliography
becausethe tutors and studentsknow wherethe idea is from. At first, I
kept forgettingthis type of thing in my bibliographies,but now I am
beginningto change.

Ta*: Feserrfi rd Eefererip - l.,lnill - V/!y research?


U.*t | - Why research?- Task:Besearchand Feferencing 7

At the end of this unit you will:
. be aw'are of a range of sources of information;
. be aHe to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different sourcesl
. be able to note down bibliographical details for books and websites.

TmWkX Research
1"X 14{eirk *c'lg}r*at$}s h*l*w atlrde*is*ul*stxh}*h
r*{ 3*{r. L**k;:rt th* *i*t of **ur*es sf l*:f*rrnatiEl*'t
*t"**)sy{pl* have alr*xdy usec3.&dd t* thq} *ixt *ny *t*ler $s{.rr6e$<p{infsrrxati*n *}rat ys{"!erl*
fsmiliar w***t.

a) books

b) websites

c) journals




*"4 we*;r*qne*s**erftl'** s*ifferents$ur*es *f inf*rmati*n i*':

iln 3r*ur *rsLrp, d*s*uss th* strength:sexne*
y**r i**t ahov*" Ref*r * y**r *nr:r *xpe*rien** clf usir:g th*** r"r*rious$t:Llr*e$.&Sa$sen*t*$ i*'li
the tabie *n th* t*!|*ror*ngp{*$e.

You shouldconsider:

a) authority
b) ease of access
c) reliability
d) amountof information
e) relevance
f) time

TaskrFesearchand Beferencing- llnil a - Theressars* pr6{:ess

l,rnil? - The researchpracess - Task:FesearEhand Feferencing


TXWMffi Preparingresearchquestions
Now you are going to write a list of sources(a bibliography)
that could be
used to strenothenAndrewStudent'sessavon homelessness.

*.1 ll*mk ha*k e? y**r m*t*s {n ?b*k *"ff in L}*tittr. *d*ntify whx*
*r:f*c'*ilatl*nw*u*e*i:* {"*s*fli&,

For example:
Definitions of homelessness,sr2eof the problem

k.* Txn*tt*:**e :';*t'!*si*rt* tfur** n*s*nr*h qxesti*:ns xnd wrlt* *h*ffi i:efq:,w.&-*xxv*splill{$*ixft*r *a*h
qu*sti*rir t* aa:lle!
*'r*t*s *xrd **a;*r**s $mtsrcls"*"

For example:
How has homelessnessbeen defined bv other writers? What information indicates fhe size of the

?e*aech 4uestion l:


Selerence s,o$(cesi

Research q$esllon Ll


?efetenc,e =,cro(ces:

?e*-accVt cl:ros'illcrl 5:


?etereruz =oJ(czs:

t0 Task:Fesearchand Feferencing- lJnita - Ths rese{}r{:t'$

TaSIC n lnformationfor a bibliography
thr are going to find some sourcesto answer your researchquestionsand write a bibliography.This is a
unplete list of sourceswhich have been used to preparean essay,and it usuallyappearsat the end of an
css.ty. lt is importantto keep a note of the bibliographicalinformation.Without this information,you cannot
use the source in your essay.

et To find the necessary bibliographical inforrnation for a book,'look on the title page and the
printing history page {usually on the first few page$ of a book}" Below are examples of these.

T h e H o m e l e sPs r o b l e m
First published 2004

JamesSmythe by lJniversityof Lonbridge Press

Universityof Lonbridge Press

Queens Road
N7 5RR

Secondedition 2006

t s B N0 3 3 7 4 8 3 7 2 4

Copyright OJames Smythe 2003

The right ofJames Smythe to be identified as the

The Universityof L o n b r j d g e
author of this work has been asserted by him in
accordance with the
Copyright, Designs and PatentsAct 1988.

Find the following bibliographicalinformationand then compareyour answerswith a parher.

a) Author'sfull name

b) Date of publication

c) Title

d) Edition

e) Placeof publication

fl Publisher

gnil a - Tf: re=ardr ress - fask: FeEearchand Feferencing n


3.2 A bihli*gr*g:hgrm[x* in*lud*s any websites yor; useci to researeh y{:}ur*ssi3y.

a perpetualproblem
Articlelast updated19/9/0504:58PM

Friday 19th September2005

Homelessness eontinuesto be a majorproblern in Westernsocieties,despitethenumberof

aqenfiis la hslplflgpeopl*in neecl,lrrre{:sntvear$-iherel"ra$
derjicateeJ errent}een...

informationand then compareyour answerswith a partner.

Findthe followingbibliographical

a) Author'sfull name

b) Datethe informationwas last updated

c) Title

d) Web address:http://

e e xrhema wvehsiterqraslast updeted" "fype the f*llcwing

You rvliEhtneed to Xqlokcanef&illytel f$ne;*
intq:la s*;ans*'r *ash qlyle[$ organis*c*: h*n*slsss*last upc$at*d.
*x"lgineanei sec *'r*w"u

&.4 &s*rycur {L}t$r'sr;n}*hrariam wlth th* bib]i*graphlcnl d*tails yoLlnc*el ts fi*w* f,or*ther
f*r l're$g:
tgrex t:lf imf*r'm*tielns*urce. Alternativ*ly, th* *mt*rnet is a good soure* sf ir"lf*rrnatiernon
writing hfrhli*gn*xphi*x"

t? fask: Fesearchand Feferencing- &Jnit

X - ?he rssearehprpcess
TaSk 4 Researching i,!* lt@l
4.1 Use a library to find two books and two websites
which help answer the research questions you wrote 5@d@. :3r.:-:!.-a:

in Task 2.2. During this task, think about the*6b&tu-

Ldls h( Nfr:lr
reliability and authority bf your sources. :**.8ffi5;**
q!&r a.Gl
,:,we&rb $!emdth6h@l$

Look back at the researchquestionsyou wrote in 2.2 Esgtts.ffi?

It6 b cRr b J6r ix

and add brief notes after each one. Keep a record of the
bibliographicaldetailsof your sourceon the same page
as your notes.

4.2 Frorn your notes, write down the bibliographical

details for your sources in the table on the next page.

a) Most librariesnow make use of electronicsearch engines.lf you are not familiarwith them, ask
librarianfor help.
b) You can use a search engine such as Google or Yahooto find relevantsites.
c) You can also use web directories.
d) Subject gatewaysare also a good source of information.The sources are divided up according
to academicsubjects.
e) You can also make use of the links provided by Society Guardianat:,8149,527295,00.htm1
Or by the UK governmentat:
odpm homelessnesspage.hcsp

Auttrols famil3 Date of TrHe Edihbn %'cx. ot Publisher
name and iniJlal p0blication pubticafion

LJnil? - Theresearrh pracess - Task:Researchand Heferencing l3

Arrhorg familj \,0hen la5t )a-re qr:tr bJeb addras.*
name and initial . ^ - - o < < p . f


\ofrP:l I

a'ro,l I

fsxr &*;ry*&
Wrilinga bibliography
B3 At the end of this unit you will:
o understand the purpose of a bibliography;
. be able to produce a bibliography using the APA System.

K Why includea bibliography?
',.1 ?* gr*xg** *f **$, *p*xrd i* rn!xx*e*
*iu*u**ixg *i8:!i*gnxphi**.

a) How much experiencehaveyou had

in the past?
of writingbibliographies
b) Why is a bibliographyusefulfor the
c) Why is writinga bibliographyuseful
for vou. the writer?

t.* N*w fhi*rk *&:*uf rvh*n y** f*a*nd $**y**s t* x*r*ngth*x &*l*r*rrySt****t's *ssi3y *xl
il:*rx*6*ss$r**s"fii}is*xssjlh* f*i**rv*n6 qur**ti*n* wit$: 3r*xr *1***.

a) How did you use the bibliographies

you found in the sourcesfor the homelessness
b) Why is it importantfor a bibliographyto be completeand accurate?

andthe APASystem
3"1 Th*r* ffit"*ffi{}ny di*?*r"*n{syxf*rxs *f *}ttllli*m,*n*li th*y *ft** diff*r {r*n* *r:* m*;x*im*li*$***trjt*
*n*t*'e*r.!*: this *x*r*ls* y*$ if;riilpr**tix* *** *f *h* ffi*st avi*i*{y*l**d *ct*x - th* &F,&System,
Yh* *xxrx6*!* h*ll*w sh*ws t8:i* *vst**x:.


Morris,J. & Winn, M. (1990). Housingand socialinequality.London:Longman.

O'Dwyer,C. (1994). Homelessness:what's

theproblem?2nded. London:Shelter.

Ratcliffe,P. (1997a). Housingin Bradford,BradfordHousingForum. Oxford: Oxford Unir,,ersihPre:s.

Ratcliffe,P. (1997b). Race,ethnicityand housingdifferentialsin Britain.London:Blackrrell.

ScottishHomes. (1997). Home ownersin Scotland.Edinburgh:

Universityof Edinburgh.

Unit3 - Writinga biBiioE{aFnv

- T* Ht *d Fefererx*rg 15
0*:f'a Uiui'ographyto answerthe following questions:

a) :What is the name of the book which was written by CarolineO'Dwyer!

b) When was Housrngand socialinequalitypublished?


d) What does 2nd ed. mean in the entry 'tor Homelessness.'what's the problem?

e) Where was Home owners in Scotland published?

f) What did Jenny Morris and Maftin Winn write?

g) What do the lettersa and b mean in the entriesforthe books written by Peter'Ratcliffe?

h) lf a book hastwo authors,how is the entrywritten?

a government
i) lf the book is writtenby a corporateauthor(e.g.,an organisation, department),
what information comesfirst in the entry?

D In whichordershouldentriesbe placed?

2.2 Look at the examplesin the bibliographyon page 15.What are the ruleefor writing a
bibliographicalentry for a book? Considerthe order of inforrnationand punctuation.

2.3 Takeihe book sourcesyou found in Unit 2, Task4.2. Usingthe rules you havediscovered,
write bibliographicalentriesfor your sources.

IE Tark: Fesrerch and Heterenclng- UnitS - Wrilings bibliogfaphy

YreWMffi Bibliographies
and electronicsources


Thereis an increasingamountof informationavailableon the Internet.This kind of informationcan be a

valuablesource,but it is importantto use it correctly.

Beforeyou use an electronicsourcein your essay,you need to decide if it is reliable.The publishingof a

book is a much more carefulprocessthan the publishingof a website.You should use rellablesites,for
examplethe officialsites of universities
or well-knowncompanies.

As the threeexamplesbelow show,the bibliographical rulesfor electronicsourcesdifferslightlyfrom books.

It is importantto give the addressof the page,not just the addressof the website.You can copy this from
the browserwindow.

Grassian, E. (2000).Thinking critically about World Wide Web resources.

RetrievedOctober 24, 2006, from

Departmentfor communitiesand local government(n.d.). Overviewof homelessnessdafa.

Retrieved24 October,2006,from
Society Guardian. (2005).The most usefuluzebsifes
on homeles,sness.
Retrieved24 OcIober,2006,from,8149,527295,00.htm1

*,1 *s* th* bi*i!*grxpi:; *i:*.;* i..: =l::=qi i-= i::!:i'::ing qi:esiiets.

a) When was Thinking critically about World Wide Web resourceswritten?

b) When did the writer of the bibliographyvisit the sile Thinkingcriticallyabout World Wide Web
c) Why does Overviewof homelessnessdafa not have a family name and initialas an author?
d) When was the site The most usefuluzebsifes
on homeles.sness
last updated?
e) What informationsuggeststhat Thinkingcriticallyabout World Wide Web resourcesis a reliable
What does (n.d.)mean in lhe Overviewof homelessnessdata enlw?

{Jnil3 - W**ng a bibliegraphy- Task:Bese*dr rd Fefererriq f7

t : l ' , '
. . , ;

3:2 tock at th* examples of Ini*rnet $ource entni*s in tNrebib*iography l:n pag* 17" What are the
rules {or writlng a biblicgraphieal entry for a w*bsite page?

Take the lnternet sources you found in UnI* *, Tesk 4.2, and put th*rn int* the fonxat shelrarn

3.4 questions and wrii notes.

Work in groups of 3-5. Discuss the follovr'sing

a) Why do you includethe date you accesseda website in a bibliography?

b) How reliableare the websites you chose to use for the homelessnessessay?


l8 Tark: Ferearch and Feferencing - Ll.dl3 - W.ning a bbliogl4hy

Feferrinqlo olher
E4 sourEesn your essay
citing and quotlngare two methodsof referringto othersourcesin your essays.


According to ShaLs &Yrc,sr. (200a), peopte are igolated and de-skitled bq


T u e s d aJyu l y1 8 , 2 0 0 5

and isolates
is to givehomeless

Citing is reportingideasor informationfrom another

sourceusingyour own words.This differsfrom copying
verbatim (exactly word for word) and without
acknowledgement, for two reasons.First,you can select
and summariseimportantpointsfrom the source.
Secondly,you make it clearfrom whom and whereyou
got your ideas.

To avoid copyinganotherwriter'swords direcflyinto

your essayby mistake,good note-takingtechniqueis
important.Using keywords,symbolsand paraphrasing
,'w.. t,
at the note-takingstageall make it less likelyto copy by aH.
- \' r{ <- ' -
t- is also vitalto write down the bibliographical "'-
L t \ , *, q
L'4h /
details of the source accuratelv.

Look at this example.

Bibliographicalentry for the source:

Grassian, E. (2000).Thinking critically about wortd wide web resources.
RetrievedOctober 24, 2006, from

uai* ,rlt- ${ef*;trr!ng in yaur essay - Task: Be=rdr

a&$g*sr &e**}rc&s rd EEelrig E
Exact sentence from the source:
'The WorldWide Web has a lot to offer,but not all sourcesare equallyvaluableor reliable.'

Citing the source in an essay

Accordingto Grassian(2000),Internetsourcesvary in accuracyand usefulness.
ln her evaluationof websites,Grassian(2000)arguesthat Internetsourcesvary in accuracyand

{, " {t Sisaus* the*e questions with your partner.

a) How originalis Grassian'sidea?

b) Why has the essay writer used Grassian'sidea in the essay?
c) How has the essaywritershown whose idea is given?
d) Why doesn'tthe essaywriter includeGrassian'sinitial(E.)?
e) How has the essay writer shown the readerwhere to find Grassian'sidea?
0 What changesdid the essaywriter make in order to avoid copying Grassian'stext word for word?

|,& l*'lgnoups *f 3*S, discuss tl** fo$owing;quexti*res."

a) Why is the APA stylewidely used?

b) Haveyou used a similarsystembefore?
c) Why is it better to add the author and date informationto your essay at the same time as you
write your essay,ratherthan after you have finishedwriting it?

Quotingis anothermethodof reportingthe ideasfrom
anothersource.Unlikeciting,you may use the exact
words of the source'swriter.Similarto citing,however,
you make sureyour readerunderstandswho the
words belongto and in which sourcethey appear.

As a rule, quotationsare used less often than

citations.One reasonfor quoting is when you feel the ilg'stii\! su
authorexpressesan idea or opinionin such away iJc{atr! P'efE
that it is particularlysuccinct,memorableor
interesting.For example:

Quoting the source in an essay

A numberof studies(Anderson& Thompson,2005; Fitzpatrick,2000)havefound that young
homelesspeople'sdefinitionsof homelessness differfrom the definitionused by the government,
which is discussedabove.One intervieweesays, 'l think I was homeless,not becauseI was livingin
the street, basicallybecausewe, me and my sister,were living at a differenthouse every week and
basicallylivingout of a bag in that house'(Anderson& Thompson2005, p.21).

?0 Task:Research - Unit4 - Esferrin$16ettrersoi"lr{esin youressay

{}***us* rvlth y*xr p**rl*r.

a) Why did the essaywriter decide to quote, ratherthan paraphrase,Andersonand Thompson'stext?

b) Which words are from Andersonand Thompson'stext?
c) Which words are the essaywriter'swords?
d) How do you know which words are from Andersonand Thompson'stext?
e) Why has the essaywriterincluded2005 in brackets?
f) What does p. 21 meanand why has the essaywriter includedthis information?

:.3 & s***** f*&$** fe*rqu*ting i* t*

*tr*ngth** y*ur *r{in *rg*r**m{ *y
r*f*r*'ixg l* *n **th*r**y. L**k *?
*h* r*f*r*n**s b*i*ier. Yh*n *i**x*s
th* q**str**r* with ;r p**x*r.

Bibliographical entry for the source

Fitzpatrick,S., Kemp, P.,& Klinker,S. (2000).Single homelessness.'An
overviewof research
in Britain.Bristol:The PolicvPressand Joseph RowntreeFoundation"

Quoting the source in an essay

et al. (2000,p. 121)definehomelessness
Fitzpatrick as a'lack of rightto or accessto ...
secureand minimallyadequatehousingspace'.
.The Joseph RowntreeFoundationis one of the largestsocial policy researchand developmentcharitiesin the UK.

a) Why might the authors of Srng/ehomelessness.'Anoverviewof researchin Britain be authorities

on the subjectof homelessness?
b) What does et al. mean and when is it used?
c) In the middleof the quotationthereare threedots (...).What does this punctuationmean?

c"* Yh* $xy*ut *9 * i*xg qu*t*?*** i* **#*r**? ** tf:* *x*mpi** *i *h*I{ qu*l**i*ns ***ve. A !*irg
**msi**r** t* *:* thr** *r s1*r* iin** *f {*xt, {*c}*kn{ {h* exe*.lpi-. belc'.v
*:gu*t*tt**ni* **r.;xil5a
Yh*rr *i**lqss *h* qx**{i*ns *ll tihe **xt pxg*.

statistics bv
madethefollowingcommentin response
directorof Shelter,
issued the sovernment:
io Shelter
Aithoughthenumberof peoplebeingaccepted hasfallen.thet'actremainstherelre still recordnumbers
ashomeless of
peopletrappedin temporary
of fhousandsmorein orer,-roudedrrrunl'ithousrng.
(Sampson 2005).

Fromthis,it canbe seenthatSampson mal be usedto givethemisleading

is awarethatthene\\'statistics impression
homelessness is no longer
a pressing

**i* * - **If*fri** 1* ca*=r =*-.**s i* y*l;r e,l;s6ey- Taskr Fesearch and Feferencing ?l
= 4
a) How are the layout and punctuationof a long quotationdifferentfrom ihose of a short quotation?
b) What is the maximumlengthof a quotation?
c) lt is usualfor a quotationto be followedby a page numberin the in-textreference,but in this
examplethere isn't one. When is it possiblenot to give a page number?

2"4 $r:gr"*upx *f $*S, d}**Lxsst,x* fot{a*wifigq**stie*ns"

a) What is the differencebetweenthe following uses of the same source?

Accordingto Weller(1949,p.87),'East,west,home is best...'
Weller(1949)believesthat it doesn'tmatterwhereone travelsto, in the end most peopleprefer
b) Why is citing usuallypreferableto quoting?
c) What is your tutor'sview likelyto be if you link togetherlong but accuratelyacknowledged
quotationswith a few words of your own in your essay?
d) What is your tutor likelyto think if you don't representa sourcewriter'sideasor opinions
accuratelyin your writing?
e) What may happenif you don't acknowledgethat an idea or a quotationbelongsto anotherwriter?

WWWkW Citingand quotingpractice

{}.! W*rk individaafly"L*sk *t y*r.*rs*r*r"*** x}:c:}ut{"x*me}**:xn**s.Underline twr: in*p,*rtant ;:*ints

;l*':dempythsrv: v*r*r*xtin'*{w*rc* f*r w*rc*} }c'}**th* *r*x below. Make notes in t!"re*
beix {q}*" eise
kc*yw*r*{w*nd *ynr*:**ts;x*'t** c}'l*nge t&'**}*ngx;,lgc *f the source text a* rcueh as g:l*ssihtc,
y**r **t*s, vrrite tsv* ,*itsti*l'ts. Yry t* use both book and *r:t*rn*t *l*ur**::*"


The r,oords in the =,oc(cel

Your note.s:

Task:Eesearchand FeferenEing- lntl 4 - Refrrir* te s{fxlxrssr'lrcmx$

in ye**rxxexy

The uoords in fhe soac@;

Y^f lqt"r:



The r.oords in fhe s,oo(cel

Your nafes:

3"9 Wark w*th ysnlr psrtner" *ie*uss tl"l* tx>llowingq$sst,sn$.

a) Do your partner'scitationschangethe meaningof the source?

b) Has your padnerclearlychangedthe languageof the source?
c) Has your partnergiven an accuratein-text reference?

3.3 Work indivldually. Find two *xan'lples in ycur $curces that you could quote in an essay on
honrelessness.Write tlrern in the bsxes belCIwa* t!t*y would *Bpsar in your es$ay. ?ry to use
botlr bcok and Internst $surc$"



Xn*tgl,- Seferrin3 lo olher ssJrEes ifl y.H.r esli3y - la*: Fese*ch ard ffierencing a3
S.d& \rVsrkwlth y*ur par&ren *i**u::s t*"1*fmf]owrix'lg

a) Why has your parlner decided to quote, ratherthan paraphrase,these parts of the source text?
b) Has your partneracknowledgedthe sourceaccurately?

4"1 Wclrklng in gro*ps cf 3-5, read the p*ssag* b*l*:;w a*c* unde*r!!ff*
th* sectians which have not been properly r*ferenceeJ.?h*n
e$rnpare your work.

In a recentarticleon homelessness in London,an expertanalysed

the reasonsbehindthe growingnumbersof homelesspeoplein
the city and concludedthat drug abusewas the primarycause
of homelessness amongstyoung people.This claim is,
however,questionedby anotheracademicon the website Accordingto the secondauthor,the first
author'sstatementthat drug abuse is common amongsthomeless
peopleunderthe age of 20 is not supporrtedby the statistical
evidenceprovidedby the NationalStatisticsBureau.

ffirc&ww e&

?4 Task:Fesearchand Feferencing- $&l*&{- Sefcrringls alher ssrireesin ynur essay


tr Plagiarism
At the end of this unit you will:
= r understand what plagiarism is;
. understand how to use sources in your writing;
. be able to recognise plagiarism in a piece of writing.

TaXK Xwhat is ptagiarism? f1:te
a5 ' 'r --

1 4
! , t *r: gr*a:ps *f i3*5,dis**ss y$l,r enswers te the follcwing questions.

a) Why is it necessaryto referto other sourceswhen writing an essay or report?

b) What do you understandby the term 'plagiarism'?

The originof the word 'plagiarism'is a Latinword meaning'a thief'. Plagiarismis a type of
academictheft, in which ideasand/or languageare stolenfrom someoneelse.In its most obvious
form, plagiarisminvolvesthe word-for-wordcopyingof largesectionsof anotherperson'smaterial
with no indicationof the originalsource.Becauseof the lack of in-textreference,the plagiaristis
claimingthe ideasand languageas his or her own.

In a less extremeform, the plagiaristcopies shorter phrasesfrom

a sourceand linksthesetogetherwith his or her own words.This is also
plagiarismif there is no in-text referenceto show that the ideas come
from another source or if there are no quotation marks around shofter
quotationsto show that the words belongto someoneelse.In scientific
subjects,plagiarismcould also be copyinganotherperson'sresults,
calculationsor programcode, perhapswith minor changesin accuracy,
explanation,layoutor identifiers.

^n Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is liable to punishment.


'*.x *Q*asiti":et*Nt absvs. ln grcups o{ 3-5, discuss your answers to the following questions.

a) What is the differencebetween plagiarismand acceptablereferenceto other sources?

b) Why do tutors take plagiarismso seriously?
c) Has the Internetmade plagiarismeasier?
d) ls plagiarisma problemjust for non-nativespeakerstudents?
e) What might the penalty be if you plagiarisea piece of assessedwork?

Unit5 - Flagiarism- TaskrHesearchand Feferencing ?5


ffi Plagiarismand other misusesof sources

*.i l*ook at how four writers have used a s*L*r*{:rt*x:l in e pera*r*p?: !* t}:sir *$$.a}ys.$isc.ux:*y*un
ar::iw*rs t* th* qx**ti*r:x b*i*w,r!r: y*ur $r*Llp.

a) How has each writer used the languageof the source?

b) How has each writer used the ideasfrom the source?
c) Which paragraphsshow the writer has understoodthe ideasin the source?
d) Which of the four paragraphsis not plagiarised?

Source text
Forrester G. (2006) Push factors in youth homelessness.3rd ed. Reading: Garnet
A paragraph taken from p. 22

Push factors account for a high proportion of youth homelessness,possib/y as much as B0o/o
(Centrepoint 2005). Push factors tend to make young people leave home without much pre-planning,
leaving them vulnerable.These factors may be interpersonal,for example disputes with family
members, family, and various forms of violence. Push factors may also be related to lack
of resourcesin the shape of poverty or lack of space in the family home. Youngpeople affected by
push factors tend to leave home before the age of 16 and consequently often lack the skillsand
resourcesto set up their own home. A recent survey found that over 40o/oof the young homeless
intervieweeshad no formal qualificationsand 24o/ohad no source of income (Centrepoint 2005).


(a) Push factors account for a high proportion of youth homelessness.Possib/y as many as 8 out of
10 young homelesspeople leavehome becauseof push factors, which include disputeswith
family members, violence and poverty (Centrepoint2005). Push factors tend to make young
people leave home without much pre-planning, leaving them vulnerable.Youngpeople affected
by push factors tend to leave home before the age of 16 and consequently often lack the skills
and resourcesfo sef up their own home.

(b) Push factors in youth homelessnessmay be divided into two categories: 'interpersonal' factors
and factors relating to a shortage of resources(Forrester2006, p. 22). ln the UK, these factors
play a significant role in young people becoming homeless.According to a survey carried out by
the London-based charity, Centrepoint, approximately 80o/oof cases of youth homelessnessare
the result of push factors (Centrepoint2005 cited in Forrester 2006).

?E fask: Besearch - l,*n**

andHeferencing $ - F*;xgixerfx;rn
(c) Push factors cause a large proportion of homelessness,aryKtxfutffiyt ffi% (C,tntrepoint 2005):
Push factors are inclined to make juveniles leave home withont mtdi ptffittirry,, Iaving them
weak. Thesefactors might be interpersonal,for instancedbpufes witt r#ittes, rffi*yp b@k
in the nature of lack or not having enough space in the family horne- Yang orry-elrBggelra/ed by
push factors tend to leave home before the age of 16 and so often lack tfir- s*fls ad resqres fo
set up their own abode. A recent suruey found that over 40% of the young esfiirb ieryFnm
had no strict qualificationsand 24o/ohad no cause of income (CentrepointM)-

(d) Foresfer (2005)sfafes that push factors can be categorised in two groups: inte@ htrq
such as arguments with other members of the family and violence within the honreon fle qre
hand and resource-related factors, such as lack of money or sufficient living space qt tie dw-
She adds that these push factors often causeyoung peopte to leave the family honre brifue tley
are 16, with the'result that these young people are pafticularly at risk because they may llrrre rn
recogn ised q ualificatio ns.


llnil 5 - Plagiarism- Task:Fesearchend Feferencing ?7

Sludenlnsles fsr UnllS

?8 Task:Fesearchend Feferencing- Unil5 - Plagiarixn

KEgiltil:HH*ns At the end of this unit you will:
. be able to select relevant information from your research notes;
. be able to support your arguments;
. be able to acknowledge your sources acceptably.

K Usingsupportingstatements
This final unit asks you to strengthenAndrewStudent'sessay(Unit1, Task2.1).Todo this, you will select
relevantinformationfrom your researchnotesand add this supportto the argument.

3.3 ffi*!*w l* ti:* ss$riy ** i:*rxcl*g$r?*$s xvrltt*sthy *,**r'*iv S****xt" &**r*ti: i:*.; is:!:,, ", . ,;
iei***, but hq*h** **t give* *n**gh dxt*, *xxmpl** xnd xxpp*rtiffiS $3*it3{$- T* g*! a ;*;:'-i
r**rk, }'l* vrvfflh*v* t* xr.xplp**hi* *rg:.:m*nt rq*i*h
$tffillsrfr*ltt**n* id*x* fr*r* *tih*r *criri**
il*i** y*r*r **t*x fr*m Sr:it 3uYn*k 2.X, put ffi* ilrr*w xnd * *u*rnh*r wh*r* tk* ar6*m*mt
x**ds $ffipp*t!'t"

What are the causes and impacts of homelessness?

by Andrew Student

One of the world's most pressing problems is that of

rrurLLsreDDrrEDD . Th
rrr r^^^hr
f e COfIt yeaf S, r1"^-^
tlrer e lrd s lLJ. ^e^u- l l d

dramatic rise in the number of peopfe who have found

themselves livinq on the streets.

Homelessness can be defined as the conditlon of

people who lack regular access to adequate housing. &;ldr*w $tudeni
this probfem can affect a wide range of people,
including children, the efderly and, in some cases,
whole families.

People become homeless for many reasons, including poverty, a lack cl

ser m
r L ln/ flv _ ynr rrLrum
r re
u ,n f . 3 glnrr =na
v !F :f f nrrl:L. 1a hnt'ci na AOmeStiC ViOlenCe, mel:--a

illness and drug addiction.

Homelessness has a profound effect on those who experience it. : ls

likely Lo have a negacive impact on physicaf and mental hea-c::, se::se of
i d .if rz and s o r - . i . 1r . in r a a r : t si n n
f u eei rn
u fr uf, rrruvY! In the CaSe Of hOmeleSS C::- _d:-en,
aeademic oerformanr.c v v
marr he
r!!\4j imnaired as we'-.

Homelessness is cfearly becoming an urge::: p:cb-e:--, :'-.-e:- :re increasing

number of people who are af f ected and tie se-;e::'-*1- of 1:s impact on
individuals and society. To address the probren, r:s root causes need to
be targeted, rather than just its symptoms. Ocnenr-ise, the problem of
homelessness will simply be perpetuated.

**it & - !js!*g *;.jpp*riin! ;i1:;.:=*;:i= - Task: Research and Referencing e9

g.g L**k *t th* n*t** y*x n':;*e$* fr*:n: y**r s*ur*** t* xv:*w*r 5{surr*$**:r"*h qx***i*n* {U*it R, Y;xx}c
?his \ryi8{
4.3?.ffft**x* th* *:**? r***v**t linf*i"sx*tr*{t*er*upp** &*dr*vs $t*de*tk {:qr$4.!$"1*stt"
pr*ba*:iy in*}xd* *x;ln:pl**, st**is*i*{}[s*xt* mndrl:*r* mp**if** ;p*irutswrhr*$:su*ppr*rtkix *ngaxr:l*n*'

r.* ffi**ide wrhi*h is:{*rrn*tii*:t ***ds qu*ting cm* whi*h r':*,:****


3.4 Wr"ite***h *it*i!** x;:* c;u**x{i*r: !n th* xppr*pri*xt*l b*x li*sf*w th* ex**rp*" h*e*r::h*re**:*: *R*
t* rn*trh the ar";"*u;*anci n{.irnk}*rsy## $:*ve *d**d t* tii':l*essey" &{aak*.*ur*t?**l{m*f**:*
*it*tl*ns ;:rr.i* *u*!ati *n* *r* *mrr***ly r*1l*e'*s:

1.$ Writ* * t*i*i!clg:"*pi':y9*r t!:* s*#r**$ y*u h*v* ***d i* &tr& x*yie.

What are the causes and impacts of homelessness?- by Andrew Student

One of the world's mosf pressrngproblems is that of homelessness./n

recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people who
have found themselvesliving on the streefs.

Homelessnesscan be defined as fhe condition of people who lack regular access to adequate
housing. This problem can affect a wide range of people, including children, the elderly and, in some
cases, whole families.

Peopte become homelessfor many reasons,including poverty, a lack of employment, a shortage of

affordable housing, domestic violence, mentall/ness and drug addiction.

30 TaskrFesearehand Heferencing- **m!{*$- lJxinga*:ppcrf*mg

Homelessnesshas a profound effect on those who expeience it- lt is likely to have a negative impact
on physical and mental health, sense of identity and social intqntion- In the case of homeless
children, academic performance may be impaired as well.

Homelessnessis clearly becoming an urgent

problem, given the increasing numbers of people
who are affected and the severity of its impact on
individuals and society. ln order to address the
problem, its root causes need to be targeted, rather
than its symptoms. Othenuise,the problem of
homelessnessurl/ simply be perpetuated.


Unil6 - lJsingsupgortingarguments- Task:Fesearchand Heferencing 3l

YASICe Thinkingaboutthe argument
2.1 In grcups of 3-4, present your additions to Andrew Studentosessay. Take it in turns te explaix
what was weak in the essay and how each af yeur additions strengthens the essay.

2"2 In tl'le sarne groups, discuss your work in detail.

a) Do you agree about which points need strengthening?

b) Which pieces of informationare most persuasive?
c) ls the source of each piece of informationshown clearly?

TaSk 3 Thinkingaboutthe researchprocess

3.1 In the same group, discuss the process of researching and referencing the essay. Consider
the following questions.

a) When is the besi point to find sources in the essay-writingprocess?

b) What should you do if you cannot find appropriatesources?
c) Which part of the processdid you enjoy most?
d) Which part did you find most difficult?
e) What is the most impodant thing you have learnt?

What advice would you give to another student who is starting this module?

3e Tark: Hesearchand BeferenEing- Un:l5 - Usicgsupparlingilgutrnts

Studenlnsles fsr UnilE

lH E -lliErffq1 rgm fi -T*F=adr ad Fterencing


" ,l'fittp/,
A guide to planninga search.


Evaluating sources

. . http:/
. '
A guideto evaluatingsources.
siteand complete the tutorial and quiz.

34 lask: Besearrh-nd Beferenclng

' r :

,-\d -F3U.
W ffitr*s$gffi;ST:c"F
A da;ffi I .? &S S '*i i I
;l.'"'-i". r; , , :

f i " l i r i ' n ? ' ; , . { j ; : : t i ,: ' r

Lqok at the fOllowingessay extracts and consider the differences. Which one(s) incorporate another
;lpeqson'sideas correctlyand which would be unacceptable?Which version(s)do you prefer?

In the words of the song, "There'sno place like home". Nevertheless.

for a largeproporl,or:oiftre
world'spopulation, stayingat home has becomeimpossible. Wars.faminesand religious
persecutionhavecausedmanv to leavetheir homes.

Accordingtotheoldadage:"There'sno placelikehome."(Payne1822).However, fora large

proportionof the world'spopulation,stayingat home has becomeunfeasible.Conflicts,famines
and religiouspersecution,to name but a few, havecausedmanyto deserttheir homes.

Payne(1822)believedthat there is no place like home.This may be true for many people,but for
othersin economicallydeprivedareasof the world, home has had to be abandoned.

! Match, these reporting verbs (a)-(e) to their effects (1)-(5)
f. . :....:.
; ' l : . . '

a), 9lalms
i,.11 '
e) outlines

1. has strongevidence
,[.r1:gives examples

3, is an opinion that not everyoneagreeswith

4. givesthe main pointsonly
5. has weak evidence

What effect do the following reportingverbs have?

Task:Fesearrh and Eeferencing 35

&*ad*mi* **itxr* {xi The valuesand beliefsthat *|ss*rtxti** {*} A long essay,that may involve
exist in academicinstitutions, those originalresearch,and which is often a key
which informand influenceacademicconventions. componentof a degreeor diplomaprogramme.

&*nd*i::i* {**}* {*i Subject areaor branch of S*tti*n {n} All the copiesof a versionof a published
knowledgethat someonemay chooseto study or text oroduced at one time are known as an
specialise in. edition.Latereditionsof a text may include
changes,correctionsand additionsso, if known,
&***ss {n xit*} {v}To go to a website. it is necessaryto state the edition of a text that
'citationstyles' you cite in a bibliography.
&F& Syxt**: i*] One of a numberof
which set out how to referencesourcesin a ci}.rvc* i*} Any text that has been
bibliographyor in the body of the text. accessedon the Internetor from a CD,
audiocassetteor video ratherthan from a
&*sl#*meir":t{*} A pieceof work, generallywritten,
that is set as oart of an academiccourseand is
normallycompletedout of class and submitted ffi**xy {r:}An analyticalpiece of academicwriting
by a set date to be assessed. that is usuallyquite shorl in length.Studentsare
requiredto write essaysas assignmentsand in
Ax*i'r*:"{n} The personwho writesa book, afticleor
examsso that their learntngcan be assessed.
other printedtext, electronicarticleor system
such as a website. $!vnfu;rt*{v} To assess informationin terms of
quality,relevance,objectivityand accuracy.
Sibtri*grr*phy{*i A list of referencesto sources
cited in the text of a pieceof academicwritingor Migh*r *cix**ti*n {n} Tertiaryeducationthat is
a book.A bibliographyshouldconsistof an beyondthe levelof secondaryeducationand
alphabeticallist of books,papers,journalarticles usuallyoffersfirst and higherdegrees.A
and websitesand is usuallyfound at the end of universityis an institutionof highereducation.
the work. lt may also includetexts suggestedby
**-{*xt r*f*regr** {r:}A referencethat is in the body
the authorfor furtherreading.
of the text. lt is normallyput in bracketsand is
*it* ivlTo acknowledgesourcesof ideasin your shorterthan the referencein the bibliography. lt
work. This may consist of an in-text referenceto should includethe author'sname and the vear'of
an author,a referencein a bibliographyor publication as a minimum.
footnoteor a verbalreferencein a talk or lecture. ***rxx! i*3 A publicationthat is issuedat regular
**xv*ntf*xx {x}Widely used and accepted and stated intervals(such as every month or
practicesthat are agreedupon.Academic quar.ter),
and which containsarticlesand essays
conventionsfor researchinclude:dividingessays by differentauthors.Journalsincludemagazines
and reporlsinto sections,referencingall sources and newspapersas well as academicperiodicals
and writinga bibliographyaccordingto certain that containmore scholarlvarticleson
styles,such as the APA System. specialisedtopics.

**rp*:rxc xuth*r {*xd,i}A term used to describe $*ar*;:hr*s* {vi To alter a piece of text so that you
authorshipof a text that does not havea named restateit (concisely)in differentwords without
author(or authors),such as a reportor article changingits is usefulto paraphrase
producedby a governmentdepaftmentor other when writinga summaryof someone'sideas;if
organisation. the sourceis acknowledged,it is not plagiarism.
It is also possibleto paraphraseyour own ideas
**un{*r;:lrgum*xt {n} An argumentthat opposes or in an essayor presentation; that is, to state them
makesthe case againstanotherargument. again, often in a clearer,expandedway.

3E lask: FesearchandBeferencing
Plagiarism {*} The act of presentingsomeone Researdr M hl1 (v) To gather information from
else'swork, i.e.,writtentext, data, images, a variety of straes and analyse and compare it.
recording,as your own. This includes: 2 (n) lnforrdftn @lbc{ed fom a variety of
. copyingor paraphrasingmaterialfromany souroe{i abqJt a spedfic tofft-
sourcewithoutan acknowledgment; Sesearch guest*n (nl A sffinent a question
. presentingother people'sideaswithout that helps pu to sffi gdsig togpfrher id@s,
acknowledgingthem; notes and inforrdim h afocused way ir
. workingwith othersand then presentingthe preparation for witirg an essflI, Eport,
work as if it was completed independently. presentationor dissertalin-

Plagiarismis not alwaysdeliberate,and it is $eareh engine {n} A website comgi*rg a bge

importantto adopt the academicconventionsof database of other websites. Aseadr eqircb
always indicatingideas and work that are not your spider collects Web pages ard fte sesch engie
i own, and referencingall your sourcescorrectly. then allows visitors to do a kqruod secdr b
find usefulpages.
Quotation {n} A part of a text written or spoken
by one author and reproducedin a text, piece of Seminar {n} A small group discussion led by atrffi,
academicwriting or talk by anotherauthor.When lecturer or guest speaker.Students fle epefrd
you quote someone'swords or ideas,you do not to take an active pad in the seminar.
changethe wordingat all and shouldput it in
Source {n} Something(usuallya book, artide a
invertedcommas("-") to signalthatit is a
other text) that suppliesyou with infonndim- h
an academic context, sources used in essays
Seference {n} {v} 1 (n)Acknowledgmentof the and reports must be acknowledged.
sourcesof ideas and informationthat you use in Supportlng argument {n} lt is necessaryto proyide
written work and oral presentations.2 (v)To supporting evidence, arguments and staternents
acknowledgeor mentionthe sourcesof to strengthenyour ideas and opinions in an
information. academic essay.This support may include
referenceto other sources,quotationsard dda


fark: Fesearchand Feferencing 37

r't .i'i.tiia
if i:,,:, f'

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