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Ms Mae is going to expect that all group members will work as a team to come up with an excellent

Final requirement for the ECP 20: Creative arts, Music and Movement
Some guidelines are:

1 Final Report must be computerized, short bond paper

2 Must be in folder, clear acetate cover on top
3 Due date for submission is September 29, 2011 ONLY
4 Follow the format and the required parts. This will help your Professor evaluate you fairly.
5 Your final grade will be base on this final report.
6. Identify a school of your choice and write a letter to the principal informing him/her about
the activity (attached an outline of the activity). Deadline will be on September 8, 2011 to
Ms. Mae for checking of corrections.
7. The letter should be given to the school principal on September 12, 2011 and do a follow
up for the response on September 14, 2011

Title Page (1 page and the first page, write the activity title, subject, Professor, name of students


I Name of the Activity

Write the title of the activity. Make sure it encapsulates what the activity is all about. It has to
be creative too.

II Overall Description of the Activity

Provide an overview of the activity.

III Rationale

Justify why this activity should be given to your participants and explain its significance,
What is the likely interest level? Whats in it for the audience?

IV Learning Outcomes / Objectives

Write what the students should have developed at the end of the activity.
What will they be able to do as a result of this activity?
What will they be able to demonstrate as an effect of this activity?

V Expected Output

Indicate what the students will be able to produce at the end of the activity.

You may also identify the output for every objective.

- Techniques and skills for a lively and positive atmosphere during the activity
- Techniques for monitoring and evaluating the success of a workshop

VI Length of activity
No. of days and sessions

Activity Project Name: __________________________________________________

Training Lead: ________________________________________ Date: ____________
VII activity Time
Date and inclusive time

VIII Target Learners

Give a description of the participants: background and context include the recommended class

IX Content Outline

Specify here the activities, brief description for each activity and also identify the learning
methods to be used. You may include the length of time per session.

Guide: Think about what the participants:

must know
should know
could know

X Detailed Content
Write here the complete text of the content of your activity.

XI Trainers and Trainees Agenda

Give a brief description of what the presentors and students agenda are and what needs they
have to fulfill. Presentors agenda minutely detailed, includes the outputs of every session, and is
for the presenters' use only.

A presentors' agenda, however, is limited to general presentation and approximate time

allocations in order to offer an overview and to allow for greater flexibility.

This is in a form of a matrix. Example of a presentors Agenda below:

Activity Time Material Participants Activity Resource

Registration 7:30-8:00 Roster

Opening and 8:00-8:20 Trainers Opening GTKYA

Introductions am Notes

XII Activities
Indicate the activities which will be given to the students and give a description of each of these
activities. Give your complete direction for the participants. Ex. of activities below:

Story Telling: Telling a story with questions posed to elicit thoughtful responses from students.

Games: Competitive activities that allows students to test their knowledge and skill.

Others: Cases, Puppet show etc.

XII Instructional Material and Aids Needed

List all the materials/aids necessary for the implementation of the activity.
Be specific: for the students and for the presentors

Activity Project Name: __________________________________________________

Training Lead: ________________________________________ Date: ____________
XIII Investment and Liquidation Report
Specify the budget here; write the total amount needed to implement the activity. (Present here
the break down of the budget--- itemized please).
(Attach the receipts of each of the expenses incurred).

XIV Physical Set-up and Learning Environment

1 Explain here what is the atmosphere of your seminar? Non-threatening? Business-like?
and then
2 Attach a lay-out of the Venue for this Seminar. How will the furniture be arranged?

XV Certificate Design and Citation for the Participants

XVII Stage Design and Lay-out

XVIII The Workload

Specify in a matrix form the detailed tasks and responsibilities of each member. Leader in each
committee will give her/his comments and complete evaluation of the involvement of the member,
commitment for the tasks as well as the quality of work given.
Name of members Detailed tasks and Leaders Remarks
XIV The Documentation
Paste pictures here of the actual conduct of the activity. Organize in such a way that it is in
chronological order, that is, from registration to activity proper to the end of the activity.
You must include pictures of each member doing their specific task in the duration of the activity:
Storytelling , puppet presentation and facilitating the activity etc.
Each picture should have a caption. Minimum of 15 pictures.

XV Recommendation and Suggestions (post-activity)

Write here your recommendations as to the conduct of this activity to be more successful.
What areas of the activity did you consider yours as weak? How might it be improved?
If another batch will implement or conduct this activity, what are the things that they should bear
in mind in the preparation of the activity and the actual conduct of it? Share from experience the
points you are strong and weak.

XVIThe Video of the Activity

This video includes the live conduct of the activity as well as the still pictures. This should not
be over 30minutes.
Be creative. The video should capture the quality of the activity conducted. This should help your
Professor have an idea of what fully transpired during the activity.
Paste the DVD/CD on this last part of the module. If possible, this portion has a pocket as a
holder for the CD/DVD.

Activity Project Name: __________________________________________________

Training Lead: ________________________________________ Date: ____________

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