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Kidovate Academy

Beginners Coding Camp

Course Description

Des igned by K idovat e A c ademy s pec ifically for c hildren (age 6 t o 12) who are c omplet ely new
t o programming / c oding, t his program int roduc es our c hildren t o a l i fe long ski l l tha t i s
i m porta nt for the future . Comput at ional t hink ing is t he t hought proc es s es involved in
formulat ing a problem and ex pres s ing its s olut ion(s) in s uc h a way t hat a c omput er human or
mac hinec an effec t ively c arry out .

Programming Language

Children will be us ing S c rat c h, a graphic s -based c omput er c oding language developed by
Mit c hel Res nic k , LE GO P apert P rofes s or of Learning Res earc h and head of t he Lifelong
K indergart en group at t he MIT media labs .

Course Details/ Outcome

This is a 10-hour week ly s es s ion t hat will help c hildren learn t he bas ic s of c omputer
programming and hands on projec t s for t hem t o p rac t ise c ont inuously what t hey are learning
in t he s es s ion.

A t t he end of t he c ours e, s t udents will feel c onfident and rec ogniz e t heir pot ent ial t o c reate,
des ign and develop c omput at ional media whic h t hey enjoy in t heir daily lives .
Mos t import antly , t his programme st rengt hens their logical and problem -solving s k ills which are
us eful in many as pec t s of life, be it immediat ely in t heir s t udies (e. g. Mat hemat ic s P roblem
S ums , S c ience, et c ) or in t he fut ure.


A t t he end of t he c ours e, t he s t udent s will undergo an as s es sment t o help t hem unders t and
t heir pot ent ial and c hoose t he appropriate learning pat h. Our endeavour is als o to help s tudents
c hoos e t he right learni ng pat h and c us t omise learning.
Beginners Coding Camp Outline
Da y 1 : Intr oduc tion to Scr atc h
Exp l o re s cratch a nd fa milia rise w ith i n terface.
Da y 2 : Ba s ic Com putational Te chniques
Ba s ic ste p b y s tep a nimatio n (Al gorithms, l oo ps, e ve nts a nd p arall elism te chniq ues)
Da y 3 : Contr ol your Cha r a cters Doodle Na m e
H a n ds o n e xpe rie nce a nd a pp lication o f te chniq ues.
C o n troll ing yo u r o n-screen cha racters
Da y 4 : Anim a tion Doodle Na m e w ith m usic
H a n ds o n e xpe rie nce a nd a pp lication o f te chniq ues.
Ma ki n g yo u r a n imati on come a l ive (music, col our, cos tumes)
Da y 5 : Pr oje c t s howca se s imple ga me s
Wo rk o n yo u r a nimation concept
U s e th e te chniqu es yo u h a ve l e arnt o ve r th e p ast 4 d ays
Sh o w a nd te ll
Da y 6 : Pr oje c ts Ope rator s a nd Var ia ble s
U s e th e o pe rators to cre ate g ames th a t i n vo lves scores. C a tch Ga me a nd Fl a ppy b i rd a re th e e xample
p ro j ects
Da y 7 : Pr oje c ts Pong Ga m e
U s e th e Te chniqu es to d esig n b ackgroun d, th emes a nd Pong g ame l ogics.
Da y 8 /9 : Inte r a ctive Ar t
Exp l o re co lou r th emes a nd p atterns th inking to create i ntera ctive a rt. E.g .: Spiral Ma ke r / D ra wings
Da y 1 0 : De s ign a nd Cr e a te Stories Si m p le 2 frame
s to ries to i ntroduce s tu dents to d esi gn th inking a nd creatin g stories

Learning paths

Beginner Advanced Robotics

Course Scratch
10 session 1 20 session 1 4 levels
hour each hour each

Works hops on Va rious Topics

1. Website Creation 4. Ja va Scri pt Li ne Coding

2. Ma ke your Own App
3. Adva nced 3D programming
Advanced Scratch Programming Course
A dvanc ed S c rat c h P rogramming guides s t udent s t hrough c hallenging c onc ept s in S c ratch
P rogramming. B uilding on t heir foundat ion of S c rat c h fundament als , s tudents will be able to
c reat e int ric ate animat ions and games us ing c omplex logic and program des ign.

Programming Language

Children will be us ing S c rat c h, a graphic s -based c omput er c oding language developed by
Mit c hel Res nic k , LE GO P apert P rofes s or of Learning Res earc h and head of t he Lifelong
K indergart en group at t he MIT media labs .

Course Details/ Outcome

This is a 20-hour week ly s es s ion t hat will help c hildren learn t he bas ic s of c omputer
programming and hands on projec t s for t hem t o prac t ise c ont inuously what t hey are learning
in t he s es s ion.

S t udent s develop t heir programming skills while learning about list s, defining proc edures, using
webc am s ens ing, and debugging problematic c ode. They will broaden t heir unders t anding of
variables , operat ors , and event -driven programming while apply ing t heir ex isting k nowledge in
new way s of t hink ing about S c ratch.

S t udent s also ex amine graphic art and are enc ouraged t o t hink art istically and c reat ively about
c omput er programming and des ign.
Below is the schedule for Term 4 and Term 1 2018.

Batch Time Course Type Dates No of Classes Fees

Friday 5.00 PM to Advanced 10th Nov to 15th Dec 6 classes 120 AUD
6.00 PM Scratch 2nd Feb to 13th Apr 10 classes 200 AUD
16 sessions
Friday 6.00 PM to Beginner Scratch 13th Oct to 15th Dec 10 classes 200 AUD
7.00 PM
Wednesday 5.00 PM to Advanced 15th Nov to 20th Dec 6 classes 120 AUD
6.00 PM Scratch 31st Jan to 4th April 10 classes 200 AUD
16 sessions
Wednesday 6.00 PM to Advanced 22nd Nov 20th Dec 5 classes 100 AUD
7.00 PM Scratch 31st Jan 11th Apr 11 classes 220 AUD
16 sessions
Wednesday 6.30 pm to Beginner Scratch 30th Aug** 15th Nov 10 Classes 200 AUD
7 30 pm
Monday 5.00 PM to Beginner Scratch 29th Jan to 9th Apr 10 classes 200 AUD
6.00 PM
Monday 6.00 PM to Beginner Scratch 9th Oct to 11th Dec 10 classes 200 AUD
7.00 PM
Monday 5.00 PM to Beginner Scratch 11th Sep** to 27th Nov 10 classes 200 AUD
6.00 PM

** This batch has already started. We can do make-up classes to cover for the missed lessons if this
timing is suitable.

Register at the link HERE. Hurry up! All slots will be filled on first come basis.
Frequently Asked Questions

Coding and Programming for Kids

What is Coding?

Coding is the ability to instruct the computer to work as you please by translating lines of text into
actions. Just as how English or Spanish can be languages that we use daily to communicate with our
teachers, friends and family, the language that the computer uses is coding. There are many different
coding languages, (E.g. C++, Java, Python, Perl, PhP) and each language has its niche in different
industries. What is most important is the ability to break down the problem in to smaller pieces
(Decomposition), think logically and give step-by-step instructions (Algorithmic thinking) to the
computer, regardless of which coding language is used.

Why should my child learn Coding?

Coding teaches one to think logically and can also help develop creativity. By planning the actions step-
by-step, one needs to think through the process and make it most efficient to achieve the final results.
Most importantly, almost all technology that we interact with today are a result of coding.

How will this help my child in School?

Your child may find that what they have learnt at coding class can be easily applied to Science and
Math. Coding and mathematics are very closely linked, and children who have difficulties
understanding or who are advanced and simply want to learn more will find that coding is very useful
in understanding key mathematical concepts. Using code to create their own apps enable concepts
such as fractions, time, algebra and angles to come to life for your child and hones their mathematical
capabilities. This will help them to develop a solid mathematical background which not only helps
them at school, but also in coding.

I want to minimize screen time for my child. Does this program encourage more screen time?

Today, many of our children are exposed to digital technology at a very young age. We must
differentiate between good screen time and bad screen time. Bad screen time happens when your
child mindlessly plays games or watch videos with no educational value. Whereas good screen time
educates your child by stimulating their brain. Coding requires your child to think they must
creatively think of an idea, break down the idea into smaller blocks and finally apply logical thinking
to develop clear instruction steps to control the computer.

Our Classes
My childs school already covers coding. Do I still need to sign up for this programme?

It is good that the school is introducing your child to coding, where they will learn the fundamentals.
Based on our experience, most of our past participants have commented that this programme enabled
them to have superior understanding of the fundamentals, and that our small class size of 8 made it
easier for them to learn faster and ask questions easily. Our experienced instructors provide your child
with personalized attention. Our series of coding classes for kids are also developed to progressively
move the kids to an advanced level of understanding that goes significantly beyond the
curriculum taught in public schools.

How old must my child be to learn coding?

Fostering Logical Thinking is a lifelong skill, and we believe that every child can benefit from it. Our
programme introduces children to computational thinking and concepts such as Loops and If and
Then from the age of 6. More advanced mathematical concepts and coding pri nciples (E.g. Game
and App Development) are taught in our programmes for ages 7 and up, and the older students (Ages
10 and up) will eventually move on to learning about concepts such as 3D programming, Mobile

I want to sign up but am unable to confirm on the timeslot as the other activity schedule is not
out. What should I do?

Being fellow parents, we understand the challenges that you face i n planning your childs activity
schedule. We will try our best to accommodate requests to change time slots, subject to availability.
Just go ahead to sign up to secure a place with your tentative time slot and drop us an email/call. We
will inform you the moment any of our time slot is low on vacancy to allow you to switch if needed.

Register your spot at the link here

I want my 10-year-old to learn Python. Does he/she still have to go through your Beginner Scratch

We would highly recommend that your child start on their Coding journey with Scratch, as it is a
program which was designed specifically with the objective of teaching young children programming
(for ages 7-12). Used by Harvard for their Introduction to Computer Science course, this program
remains the best for people of all ages to pick up the fundamentals of Coding.

The skills which they have learnt in Scratch will be easily transferable to other block -based
programming languages such as App Inventor and even real-world languages such as Python, and our
kids find that they pick up the more complex coding languages very quickly because they have already
understood critical programming concepts with Scratch.

Our Company Kidovate Academy

What is the Registered Business Name of the company?

The Company is registered and business name is Kidovate Academy. The ABN number is

Do all the educators/facilitators have the Working with Children Check to comply with all standards
to work with kids?

Yes. The lead facilitator is Deepa Prashanth. The WWC number is WWC1429476E.
About the Trainer/Educator

Deepa Prashanth is a creative, enthusiastic and proactive training facilitator /professional with
more than 14 years experience working in training of corporate employees.

She has completed her bachelors in in Information Technology and her Masters in Information
Systems and Human Resources. She has extensive experience in executing people, culture and IT
enablement projects across several industries.

She is a certified behavioural trainer and has more than 10,000 hours of facilitation/training for
technical and leadership programs. She has a good grasp of designing curriculum and using traditional
and blended learning approaches (classroom and digital) for maximizing learning impact.

Her passion for coaching kids has prompted her to volunteer for many Kids personality development
sessions. She is currently focused on upskilling STEM, Coding skills in kids to get them fut ure ready.

Kidovate Academy is focussed on up-skilling kids with STEM skills for future. We help fine-tune their
problem solving and computational thinking skills. Coding, Robotics and Art are the 3 focus areas .

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