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Course: B.TECH II YEAR II SEM AY: 2015-16)



1. The liquid can resist the following stresses [ ]

(A)tensile and compressive (b) tensile and shear (c)compressive
and shear (d) all the above
2. A real fluid possesses which of the following property [ ]
(a) Viscosity (b) surface tension (c) compressibility (d) none
3. The ratio of the specific weight of the liquid to the specific weight
of standard fluid is known as [ d ]
(a) Specific volume (b) weight density (c) viscosity (d) specific
4. The viscosity of the gas ---------with increase in temperature [ ]
(a) Increases (b) decreases (c) no effect (d) first increases and then
5. The surface tension is caused by a force of---- at the free surface
(A) Adhesion (b) cohesion (c) both a and b (d) none [ b ]
6. The units of surface tension is [a ]
(a)N/m (b) N/m2 (c) N2/m (d)N/m3
7. Bulk modulus of elasticity is the ratio of [ b ]
(a) tensile stress to tensile strain (b) compressive stress to
volumetric strain (c) compressive stress to compressive strain
(d) none
8. Compressibility of a fluid is the reciprocal of [ c ]
(a) shear modulus to elasticity (b) youngs modulus to elasticity
(c) bulk modulus to elasticity (d)any of the above
9. Mercury cannot wet the glass tube because of property [ ]
(a) cohesion (b)adhesion (c)surface tension (d)viscosity
10. The rain drops are spherical because of [ ]
(a) Surface tension of water (b)capillarity of water
(c) Incompressibility of water (d)none
11. The value of normal atmospheric pressure is [ ]
(a) 76 cm of Hg (b) 10.33m of water (c ) 1.01325 bar
(d ) all of the above
12. Manometer is used to measure [ ]
(a)only moderate pressure (b)only low pressure (c)only negative
pressure (d)all of the above.
13.A u-tube manometer measures [ ]
(a) absolute pressure at a point (b) local atmospheric pressure
(c)difference in pressure b/n two points (d) difference in total energy
b/n two points
14.Differential manometer is used to measure [ a ]
(a)Pressure difference b/n two points in the same pipe line
(b)Pressure difference b/n two pipes
(c) Pressure difference b/n two pipes,provided they contain same
liquid (d)All the above
15.Any pressure measured above absolute zero is known as [ ]
(a)Atmospheric pressure (b)absolute pressure (c) gauge pressure
16.A Piezometer tube is not suitable to measure [ b ]
(a) Positive pressure (b) negative pressure (c) atmospheric pressure
17.The fundamental unit of pressure N/m2 is known as [ a ]
(a) Pascal (b) poise (c)stoke (d)none
18.The Manometric liquid used in inverted differential manometer
should have [ ]
(a) high density (b) low density (c) high surface tension (d)low
surface tension
19.---------is used to measure the pressure difference b/n two pipes
carrying same liquid or different liquids [ ]
(a) Piezometer (b)single column manometer (c)differential
manometer (d)none
20. With the increase in size of water droplet,the pressure inside the
drop [ ]
(a) increases (b)decreases (c) remains same (d)cannot be predicted.

1.When a highly viscouse fluid flows at a slow velocity,the flow
becomes [ ]
(a) laminar (b) turbulent (c) uniform (d) steady
2. If the mass flow rate of a liquid at every section of a pipe in its path
of the flow is constant , then the flow is known as [ ]
(a) steady flow (b) uniform flow (c) turbulent flow (d) none.
3. If the velocity of flow at any section of pipe in the path of the flow
is constant, then the flow is called [ ]
(a) steady flow (b) stream line flow (c) uniform flow (d) none
4.A flow of liquid at a constant rate in a uniformly tapered pipe is
classified as [ ]
(a) steady uniform flow (b) unsteady uniform flow (c) steady non-
uniform flow (d) unsteady non-uniform flow
5. Continuity equation for compressible fluid states that [ ]
(a) discharge at any section is constant
(b)discharge is different at different sections
(c) density is constant at all sections along the flow
(d) none
6. A velocity potential function exists [ b ]
(a) when the flow satisfies continuity equation
(b) ) when the flow satisfies the condition of irrotational motion
(c) when the flow is rotational (d) none
7.A flow has diverging straight stream lines.If the flow is steady ,the
flow [ ]
(a) is uniform with local acceleration
(b) has convective tangential acceleration
(c) has convective normal acceleration
(d) has both convective tangential and normal acceleration
8.A potential function exists for [ ]
(a) steady flow only
(b) for two dimensional irrotational flow only
(c) irrotational flow of fluid whether compressible or incompressible
(d) irrotational flow of incompressible fluids only
9.The flow in a pipe when the valve is opened or closed gradually is
an example of [ ]
(a) unsteady flow (b) steady flow (c) rotational flow (d)uniform
10. The continuity equation is mathematically represented as the
principle of [a ]
(a) conservation of mass (b) conservation of momentum
(c) conservation of energy (d)all the above
11. An irrotational flow is one in which [ ]
(a) the stream lines of the flow are curved and parallel
(b) the fluid does not roatate as it moves forward
(c) the net rotation of fluid particles about their mass centres remains
(d) none of the above
12. In a steady flow ,the velocity [ b]
(a) doesnot change from place to place
(b ) at a given point does not change with time
(c) may change its direction but the magnitude remains same
(d) none
13. Bernoullis equation is applicable to [ ]
(a) steady flow (b) unsteady flow (c) both steady and unsteady
(d) none
14. Bernoullis equation is applicable to [ ]
(a) compressible flow (b) incompressible flow
(c) both compressible and incompressibleflow (d)none
15. Each term of Bernoullis equation represents [ ]
(a) energy(Nm/N) (b) energy (Kw/Kg)
(c) energy (Kgfm/Kg) (d) energy (Nm/Kg)
16.In Bernoullis equation ,it is assumed that the velocity at a section
is [ a]
(a) uniform (b) non-uniform (c) it decreases from the centre towards
periphery (d) none
17. Total head in a flow is a sum of [ ]
(a) piezometric head and datum head
(b) piezometric head and velocity head
(c) piezometric head and pressure head
(d) piezometric head, velocity head and pressure head
18.Bernoullis equation takes into account [ ]
(a) friction loss (b) loss due to change of direction
(c) all types of losses (d) none of the above
19. The forces considered in Eulers equation of motion derivation are
(a) pressure, inertia and gravity
(b) pressure,inertia and gravity
(c) pressure ,gravity and compressibility (d)none [ ]
20.The forces on pipe bend can be obtained by using [ ]
(a) momentum and continuity equation
(b) momentum and energy equation
(c) energy and continuity equation
(d) momentum equation alone
1. The venturimeter is used to measure [ ]
(a) flow through a pipe
(b) flow through a canal
(c) flow through a river (d) none
2.The range of co-efficient fo discharge in venturimeter [ ]
(a) 0.64 -0.68 (b) 0.7-0.8 (c) 0.8-0.9 (d)0.96 -0.98
3. A pitot tube is used to measure [ ]
(a) viscosity of fluid (b)mass flow rate (c) velocity of fluid (d) none
4.The function of orifice meter is to measure [ ]
(a)the velocity of flowing fluid through the pipe line
(b) the mass flow through the pipe line
(c) the discharge through the pipe line (d) none
5. A venturimeter is preferable to orifice meter,because [ ]
(a) it is cheaper (b) it is more convenient
(c) energy is less (d) it is easy to assemble
6.The function of orifice is [ ]
(a) to measure discharge through the pipe line
(b)to measure discharge through a tank
(c) to measure discharge through a tank as well as pipe line
(d) to measure the velocity
7.Theoretical velocity of flow through an orifice is [ ]

(a) Cd2 (b)2 (c) 2 (d)h2

8.Which mouthpiece has maximum co-efficient of discharge [ ]

(a) external mouth piece (b) internal mouthpiece
(c) convergent-divergent mouthpiece (d) none
9.Th e co-efficient of discharge of the orifice is always [ ]
(a) greater than Cc (b) less than Cc (c) equal to Cv (d) equal Cc
10.A Weir is said to be broad crested if [ ]
(a) B>H/2 (b) B>2/3 (c) B> H/n (d)none
11. In a weir the discharge is proportional to [ ]

(a) H (b) (c) 2 (d)

12. In a weir ,the pressure below the lower nappe is [ ]
(a) atmospheric (b) below atmospheric (c)above atmospheric
(d)depends upon the head over the weir
13.Notch is used for measuring [ ]
(a) the rate of flow through pipes
(b) the rate of flow through a small channel
(c) velocity through pipe (d)velocity through a small channel
14.The head loss due to friction is governed by [ ]
(a) froudes law (b) chezys law (c) darcys law (d) none
15.The HGL represents the sum of [ ]
(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head and datum head
(d) pressure head , kinetic head and datum head
16.The TEL represents the sum of [ ]
(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head and datum head
(d) pressure head , kinetic head and datum head
17. The HGL is [ ]
(a) some times above TEL (b) velocity head below TEL
(c) velocity head above TEL (d) none of the above
18. The pressure of water at the outlet of nozzle is [ ]
(a) atmospheric (b) below atmospheric
(c) above atmospheric (d) none
19. For maximum transmission of power through a pipeline with total
head H ,the head loss due to friction (hf) is [ ]
(a) H/3 (b)H/2 (c)2H/3 (d)H/5
20.In a parallel pipe system [ ]
(a) the flow must be equal in all pipes
(b)the head loss per unit length must be same for all pipes
(c) The head loss across each of parallel pipes must be same
(d) none
1.within the boundary layer,the pressure [ ]
(a)remains constant and has the same value as that at the edge of the
(b) is atmospheric
(c) varies linearly with the thickness of the boundary layer
(d) is same as the approaching flow.
2. A fluid stream of small viscosity [ ]
(a)the viscosity has no appreciable effect onthe drag force around the
body placed in it.
(b)there is a small region surrounding the body in which the effect of
viscosity is predominant.
(c)the flow pattern around the body is not much affected
(d) none of the above
3. The velocity distribution in the laminar boundary layer has to
satisfy a condition [ ]
(a) u=U at y=0 (b) u=U at y=/2 (c) u=0 at y=0 (d) u=0 at y=
4.The local thickness of laminar boundary layer varies as [ ]

(a) 4/3 (b) 1/2 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/7

5. The local thickness of turbulent boundary layer varies as [ ]

(a) 4/3 (b) 1/2 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/7

6. The velocity distribution = is valid if the boundary layer is

(a) laminar (b) turbulent and Reynolds number is greater than 107
(c)turbulent and for any value of renolds number (d) of any type
7. IF the velocity distribution in turbulent flow is given by [ ]
= then the is given by

(a) 0.076 (b)0.091 (c) 0.125 (d).33

8. IF the velocity distribution in laminar boundary layer is given by

= then the is given by [ ]

(a) 1/6 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/2 (d) 5/4

9. The average drag coefficient for a laminar boundary layer over a
flat plate is found to be .015 if the length of the plate is reduced to
of its original keeping the flow condition same,the average drag
coefficient will be [ ]
(a).015 (b) .03(c) .045 (d).06
10. The analysis of laminar boundary layer by Blasius is based on
(a) exact analysis of boundary layer equations [ ]
(b). parabolic velocity distribution
(c. )logarithmic velocity distribution
d. 1/7 power law of velocity distribution
11. The average drag co-efficient for turbulent boundary layer over a
flat plate is based on when Reynolds number =107 [ ]
a. parabolic velocity distribution in boundary layer
b. logarithmic velocity distribution in boundary layer
c. linear velocity distribution in boundary layer
d. 1/7 power law of velocity distribution in boundary layer
12. Separation is caused by [ ]
a. Reducing the pressure to vapour pressure
b. Reducing pressure gradient area
c. Accelerating the flow
d. Positive Pressure Gradient
13. The growth of boundary layer when the flow takes place over a
smooth flat plate [ ]
a. Decreases with an Increase in kinematic viscosity when boundary
flow is laminar only
b. Decreases with an Increase in free stream viscosity when boundary
flow is laminar only
c. Increases with an increase in kinematic viscosity in both laminar
and turbulent boundary layer
d. increases with increase in free stream velocity
14. The rate of growth of boundary layer thickness on a flat plate
along the flow direction [ ]
a. Is faster in laminar boundary layer than in turbulent boundary layer
b. Is faster in turbulent boundary layer than in laminar boundary layer
c. Is same whether the flow in boundary layer is turbulent or laminar
d. None of above is true
15.boundary layer on a flat plate is called laminar boundary layer if
(a) Reynolds number is less than 2000 (b) Reynolds number is less
than 4000 (c) Reynolds number is less than 5x105 (d) none [ ]
16.Dispalcement thickness ( )is given by [ ]

(a) =0 (1 ( )) (b) = 0 ( ) (1 ( ))

(c) =0 ( ) (1 ( 2 )) (d).

17. Momentum thickness () [ ]

(a) = 0 ( ) (1 ( )) (b) = 0 (1 ( ))

(c) =0 ( ) (1 ( 2 )) (d) NONE

18 .Energy thickness ( ) is equal to

(a) 0 () (1 ( ))

(b) 0 () (1 ( 2 ))

(c) 0 (1 ( )) (d)none

1.Drag is defined as the force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid
body` [ ]
(a)in the direction of flow (b) perpendicular to the direction of flow
(c) in the direction which is at an angle of 45 degrees of flow
(d) none of the above
2. when a falling body has attained terminal velocity ,the weight of
the body is equal to [ ]
(a) drag force minus buoyant force (b) buoyant force minus drag
force (c) drag force plus the buoyant force (d) none
3. Total drag on a body is the sum of [ ]
(a) pressure drag and velocity drag (b) pressure drag and friction
drag(c) friction drag and velocity drag (d)none
4. A body is called stream lined body when it is placed in a flow and
the surface of the body [ ]
(a) coincides with the streamlines (b)does not coincides with the
streamlines (c) is perpendicular to the stream lines (d) none
5. A body is called bluff body if the surface of the body[ ]
(a) coincides with the streamlines (b)does not coincides with the
streamlines (c) is very smooth (d) none
6. The drag on the sphere () for Reynolds number less than .2 is
given by [ ]
(a) =5 (b) = 3 (c) = 2 (d) =
7. The skin friction drag on a sphere (for Reynolds number less than
.2) is equal to
(a) one- third of the total drag (b) half of the total drag [ ]
(c) two-third of the total drag (d) none
8. The pressure drag on a sphere (for Reynolds number less than .2) is
equal to
(a) one- third of the total drag (b) half of the total drag [ ]
(c) two-third of the total drag (d) none
9.Lift force is expressed mathematically ,as [ ]
1 1
(a) = 2 (b) = 2 (c) = 2 2
2 2

(d) = 2
10. Drag force is expressed mathematically as [ ]
(a) = 2 (b) = 2 (c) = 2 2

11, Terminal velocity of a falling body is equal to [ ]
(a) a maximum velocity with which a body will fall
(b) the maximum constant velocity with which body will fall
(c)half of the maximum velocity (d) none
12.The lift force produced on a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform
flow is given by [ ]

(a) = (b) = LUT (c) = (d) =

13.The lift co[efficient for a rotating cylinder in a uniform flow is

given by [ ]
(a) = / (b) = / (c) =T/RU (d) =RU/T
14. The drag force exerted by a fluid on a body immersed in the fluid
is due to [ ]
(a) pressure and viscous force (b) pressure and gravity force
(c) pressure and turbulence force (d) none
15.In calculating the lift force [ ]
(a) always frontal area is used
(b) actual surface area of the body is used
(c) planform area is used if the body is in lifting surface
(d) none of the above
16. The approximate value of drag co-efficient of hemispherical
parachute is [ ]
(a) 0.33 (b) 1.33 (c) 0.23 (d) 2.3
17.A drag co-efficient of a sphere undergoes a sudden drop at the
critical Reynolds number of about [ ]

(a) 1 (b) 2000 (c) 2x105 (d)5x106

18. The drag coefficient of a circular cylinder undergoes a sudden
drop at the critical Reynolds number of about [ ]

(a) 5x105 (b) 5x106 (c) 2000 (d) 1

19. The pressure drag results from [ ]
(a) skin friction (b) occurrence of wake
(c) deformation drag (d) none
20. The angle of attack for an aerofoil is around [ ]
(a) - 5 (b) 0 (c) 10 (d) 15

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1. NECN-

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