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Edgar Anaya BUAD 501

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1

Effective management communication is a key ability for any great manager. Most
managers believe they communicate effectively and efficiently, but in reality this is
not entirely true. As the digital age continues on, managers must find unique ways
to perform and communicate. By speaking with coworkers and employees more
frequently, instead of complete digital communication, managers can gain the
intimacy that will later lead to stronger and more trusting relationships.

Today managers must play the interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. In
addition, effective writing is becoming a more substantial and necessary ability for
managers through out the world. Today professional managers must be able to
identify the weakness in their abilities, especially in writing and oral
communication. They must develop efficient techniques to strengthen or eliminate
these weaknesses. Also, by receiving feedback on their abilities as a manager and
being able to continuously improve and motivate the people around them, a culture
of communication excellence can exist.

Chapter 3

Ethics and business ethics do not differ. Concerns of appropriate morality and
behavior are more substantial than they have ever been before with the invention of
digital video and audio recording devices, email, and the like. Their permanence can
have long lasting negative and even positive affects in the business world.

In addition, crisis management is another skill every manager must be able to

utilize. The three main concerns regarding business morality are the character of
persons, policies and cultures of business and organization and belief of economic
system. Many advocate an integrated approach that consider and weigh the
consequences of morality, profit, and legality.

Chapter 4

Speaking is a crucial ability for any person to have, let alone any great manager.
Managers nowadays must be able to develop a strategy about their speech. They
must first get to know their audience and what they pay attention to. Some
important factors of the audience to consider are age, education, income,
occupation, gender, knowledge of subject, and attitude toward subject.

There are also many proven methods to deliver an effective speech. First, the
beginning of your speech should grab your audiences attention. Next, you must be
able to build credibility with your audience by speaking confidently, without
hesitation, and enthusiastically. Body language is extremely important in speech,
and should match your oral communication. Additionally, extemporaneous
Edgar Anaya BUAD 501

speeches are one of the best alternatives for a speech delivery. This type of speech
is not necessarily memorized, but comes out organic and natural sounding to your
audience. This is done by carefully reviewing and analyzing the material of your
speech and also being able to speak to the audience, while maintaining eye contact
throughout the whole speech. This type of speech is the most genuine and less

Chapter 6

Being able to persuade is another skill that all managers and up and coming
employees should possess. One school of thought is behaviorism, which believes
that all animal and human behavior can be explained by conditioning. Opposite to
behaviorism is Cognitivism. This study believed that all humans have certain
beliefs, attitudes, and opinions.

The main objective of persuasion is to influence a persons thought and behavior.

This is done by reinforcing positive opinion, clarifying latent opinion, and
neutralizing hostile opinion. Additionally, there are one-side arguments and two
side arguments to persuade an audience. A one-sided argument will do best when
the audience already agrees with your argument or may have little to no knowledge
about the argument subject. Two-sided arguments work best when audience
intelligence is higher and the audience has not already made up their minds.

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