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Invoices: Invoice is a formal document to pay to vendor.

Upon shipment of
goods invoices are normally sent by Suppliers and the same is entered in
Payables module. You can manipulate(create, edit, adjust) group of Invoices
or invoices batches in Invoice workbench.

Invoices can be manually entered or automatically imported from purchasing,

EDI or interface.

Credit and Debit Memos:Credit memo is a negative amount invoice given by

supplier to give a credit. Debit memo is a negative amount invoice created by
you and sent to supplier.

Invoice Holds:Holds are applied to prevent payments to suppliers.

Payments:For each eligible invoices or invoice lines payments are created.

to match either PO or receipt with invoices we use tolerances
two types: goods and services.We define tolerance for both

Finance dept takes care of_payments,receipts,accounts

Accounts Payables
PO-->Suppliers-->Material---(Supply chain Management)
--> Invoices--> Payments----(Accounts Payable)

State supplier example--we pay in full and we pay in partial..when we pay in

partial supplier makes a note(credit transaction)

Cash transactions-- we enter in general ledger

credit transactions---we enter in account payables

Pre-requirement setups
--Financial options
--Payment terms
--Distribution setup
--Expense report template
--Holds and releases--System Holds:Tax, Quantity Match, Po amount with
Invoice Amount
Manual Holds: Invoice Limit, Hold on Invoice
--Interest rates
--Bank,Bank branch,Bank account
--Payment format
--Payment document
--Define Supplier
--Setup Payables options
--Payment types:Manual,Quick,Refund
--Invoice types--Standard,Debit Memo,Credit Memo,Pre-payment,Mixed
Invoice,With-holding tax,
Employee expense,Quick invoice,Recurring invoice,Invoice batches,Normal

Financial options---Liability account means payment account,Prepayment--

means advance,bills payables--future bills to be paid

Payment term--no of suppliers we purchase nu f that we have cash

and credit transactions...for credit transactions we h
have to scehdule payments when we purchase num of items from many
suppliers many times.
To schedule invoice we received from pay them we use payent

1)Immediate--0credit days
2)Fixed--to pay on particular date we scehdule on that day..this is one time
payment termas we cannot use after paying on this
3)Days--day based on invoice or goods receivng date will be in terms and
30days or 45 or days..we can use this any time to any supplier..we may have
discount payment also..3/10,2/20,1/30 Net 45
4)Proxima:cutoff day,Day of Month,Months ahead
ex:pospaid internet connection----invoice gnerating date is called cut off day
day of month is payment day
1yr connecton--12months-months ahaead
5)Installment:50% immediate payment--ocredit days
aftr 10days-- 25%
after 15days-25%---payment in three installment

qty ordered--100
delivered---75 (items may damage or hey may have send b grade instaed of a
grade which ordered)
accepted(72) reject-3 ( in inspection)

Supplir will send an invoice for the material he sent(delivered 75)

-- to match PO,or receving qty with invoices we use TOLERANCES

Goods cane be
inventory item(item for business purpose(sales))---Goods
expense item(item for office purpose)--services

we raise invoice for 75 and schedule it..againwe raise debit or credit memo
for rejected qty stating to supplier


Distribution set: to distribute invoice amount to all the expenses

Full and skeleton
In full we give amount and account information
85%-->items cost
10%--tax cost
5%--transaportation charges
in skeleton we only give account information,but after enetring invoices and
excecuting accounts..we manully enter the distributionamount
setup--invooice--ditribution sets

Expense Report template:to which expenses the company would re-imburse,

we would define them in this template
setup-invoice--expense report template
Holds and Releases
hod invoices(dup invoice)
cheque lost by supplier--we will hold invoice
setup--invoices--holds and releases

Debit memo and credit memo(both -VE): for rejected products.out of 100 qty
100 is delivered,but 10damaged so we will return,cost of returned products
should be deducted from invoice we create debit and credit memo
Incase of be4 payment we return those 10 to supplier.Supplier prepares and
send us credit memo saying 7items returned and its cost2b dedctd 4m
standard invoiceso we deduct that amount 4m standard invoice and complete
the payment

In case of after payment we return the rejected how do we get our company creates debit memo and send to supplier
supplier use this to adjust their balances accounts,supplier will prep credit
meo and send it to our company and we use that to adjust our balances

so we collect that amount in the form of refund(in Payment types we have


/*The Invoice validation program does a bunch of things when it starts
validation,like ,
Period Status
Exchange Rate

so while it is matching the invoice, what kind of matching it uses 2-way,3-

way or 4-way. Typically when we create an invoice we provide the supplier
and supplier site information from where we are receiving that invoice. So
the system will decide how to do the Matching based on the setting at the
supplier site level. If at the supplier site, the Invoice Match Option is set to
Purhcase Order,then at the time of validation, the invoice is matched against
the purchase order. Another interesting point is that, when we create a
purchase order, at the distributions the invoice match option is also specified
which basically defaults from the supplier site,however we can change that
Hence as we see, there are two important parameters
Invoice Match Option : PO (or Receipt)
Match Approval Level : 2-Way (3-Way or 4-Way)

2-Way : Invoice Quantity <= PO Quantity ; Invoice Price <= PO Price;

3-Way : 2-Way + Invoice Quantity <= Receipt Quantity (by the
tolerance level)
4-Way : 3-Way + Invoice Quantity <= Accepted Quantity (by the
tolerance level)

Invoice--accounting entry
Payment accounting entry
clearing accounting entry

Entering Invoices Overview

You can enter and import invoices into Payables in many ways:

Manual Invoice Entry

You usually enter supplier inv oices in either the Invoice Workbench or
the Quick Invoices window. You can match to purchase orders when entering
these invoices. For information on the differences between these windows, see
the following section,

Differences between Entering Invoices in the Quick Invoices Window and the
Invoice Workbench.
Invoice Workbench: (Invoice Batches window, Invoices window,
Distributions window, and the associated windows). Used to enter any invoice
directly into the Payables system. Use this instead of the Quick Invoices when
entering complex invoices or invoices that require online validation and
defaulting. Also used when entering an invoice that needs immediate action,
such as payment.

Quick Invoices window: Used for quick, high-volume invoice entry for
invoices that does not require extensive validation and defaults. After entry,
you import these into the Payables system. Validation and defaulting occur
during import.
The base tables in AP are as follows:

1) ap_invoices_all

2) ap_invoice_payments_all

3) ap_invoice_distibutions_All

4) ap_payment_schdules

5) ap_payment_dustributions_all

6) ap_checks_all

7) ap_accounting_events_all

8) ap_bank_accounts_all
9) ap_bank_accounts_uses_all

This table replaces the old PO_VENDORS table.
It stores information about your supplier level attributes.
Each row includes the purchasing, receiving, invoice, tax, classification, and
general information.
Oracle Purchasing uses this information to determine active suppliers.
The supplier name, legal identifiers of the supplier will be stored in TCA and
a reference to the party created in TCA will be stored in
AP_SUPPLIERS.PARTY_ID, to link the party record in TCA.
This table replaces the old PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL table.
It stores information about your supplier site level attributes.
There is a row for unique combination of supplier address, operating unit and
the business relationship that you have with the supplier.
The supplier address information is not maintained in this table and is
maintained in TCA. The reference to the internal identifier of address in TCA
will be stored in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL.LOCATION_ID, to link the
address record in TCA.
Each row includes the supplier reference, purchasing, invoice, and general
It contains records for invoices you enter.
There is one row for each invoice you enter.
An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines and can have one
or more scheduled payments.
It contains records for invoice lines entered manually, generated
automatically or imported from the Open Interface.
An invoice can have one or more invoice lines.
An invoice line represents goods (direct or indirect materials), service(s),
and/or associated tax/freight/miscellaneous charges invoiced from a supplier.
An invoice line should contain all the attributes that are present on the
physical or electronic invoice presented by the supplier.
It holds the distribution information that is manually entered or system-
There is one row for each invoice distribution and a distribution must be
associated with an invoice.
An invoice can have multiple distributions.
It contains records of invoice payments that you made to suppliers.
There is one row for each payment you make for each invoice and there is
one payment and one invoice for each payment in this table.
Oracle Payables application updates this table when you confirm an
automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, or process a Quick
When you void a payment, your Oracle Payables inserts an additional
payment line that is the negative of the original payment line.
This table stores information about scheduled payment information on
It stores the clearing/unclearing history for payments.
It also stores the maturity history for future dated payments.
The table contains a row for each future dated payment, once the future dated
payment matures, i.e. becomes negotiable.
Any time a payment is cleared or uncleared, a row is inserted into this table
for the payment.
It contains summary information about invoices you enter in batches if you
enable the Batch Control Payables option.
There is one row for each batch of invoices you enter.
If you enable Batch Control, each invoice must correspond to a record in this
Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to group together
invoices that one person entered in a batch.
It stores information about payments issued to suppliers or refunds received
from suppliers.
There is one row for each payment you issue to a supplier or refund received
from a supplier.
Oracle Payables application uses this information to record payments you
make to suppliers or refunds you receive from suppliers.
Oracle Payables application stores the supplier name and bank account name
for auditing purposes, in case either one is changed after you create the
payment. Oracle Payables application also stores address information for all
It contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables
application place on an invoice.
For non-matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice.
For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice-
shipment match.
An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table.
Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or
more unreleased holds recorded in this table.
It contains information about your bank accounts.
There is one row for each bank account you define and each bank account
must be affiliated with one bank branch.
It stores information for the internal and external bank accounts you define in
Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables applications.
It stores information about the corporate credit cards issued to your
employees by your corporate credit card providers.
It contains denormalized information about invoices and payments posted to
the accrual set of books.

AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one

row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice
distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled
An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row
in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been
purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle
Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it
calculates on invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application
links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the


AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL contains records of invoice payments that

you made to suppliers. There is one row for each payment you make for each
invoice. There is one payment and one invoice for each payment in this table.
Your Oracle Payables application updates this table when you confirm an
automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, or process a Quick
payment. When you void a payment, your Oracle Payables application inserts
an additional payment line that is the negative of the original payment line.
Values for POSTED_FLAG may be 'Y' for accounted payments or 'N' for
unaccounted payments. Values for ACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG may be 'Y'
for accounted payments or 'N' for unaccounted payments under accrual basis
accounting; values for CASH_POSTED_FLAG
may be 'Y' for accounted payments or 'N' for unaccounted payments under
cash basis accounting.

For manual payments and Quick payments, this table corresponds to the
Select Invoices window in the Payment workbench.


AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution information

that is manually entered or system-generated. There is one row for each
invoice distribution. A distribution must be associated with an invoice. An
invoice can have multiple distributions. Examples of when your Oracle
Payables application automatically creates rows in this table include the
You choose a distribution set at the invoice header level.
You match an invoice line to a purchase order or receipt. The system uses
information from the matched purchase order or receipt to create the
You match a credit or debit memo to an invoice.
You generate charge distributions (tax, freight, misc.) from allocation rules.
You apply a prepayment or unapply a prepayment.
Payables automatically withholds tax.
Payables creates an interest invoice.
When you account for an invoice, the Payables Accounting Process creates
accounting events, accounting entry headers and accounting entry lines for
those distributions that have accounting dates included in the selected
accounting date range. The Transfer to General Ledger process can then
transfer the accounting entries to General Ledger as journal entries. Values
for POSTED_FLAG are Y for accounted distributions or N for unaccounted
distributions. Invoice distributions can be interfaced over/from Oracle Assets
or Oracle Projects. Your Oracle Payables application sets the
ASSETS_ADDITION_FLAG to U for distributions not tested by Oracle
Assets; Oracle Assets then adjusts this flag after it tests a distribution for
assignment as an asset. To avoid the same invoice distribution being
interfaced to Oracle Project and Oracle Assets, you must interface any
project-related invoice distribution to Oracle projects before you can interface
it to Oracle Assets. If a project-related invoice distribution is charged to a
capital project in Oracle Projects, Oracle Projects sets the
Y, Z, or T. Oracle Assets only picks up invoice distributions with the
ASSET_ADDITION_FLAG set to U, and if project-related, with the
PA_ADDITION_FLAG set to Y, Z, or T. PA_ADDITION_FLAG tracks the
status of project-related supplier invoice distributions and expense report
distributions. For supplier invoice distributions entered via Oracle Payables,
the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to N if the distribution is project-related,
otherwise it is set to E, and it is updated by Oracle Projects when the
distribution is processed by the Oracle Projects Interface Supplier Invoice
process. Oracle Projects sets the PA_ADDITION_FLAG to Y or Z after the
item is successfully processed, or may be set to a rejection code if the line is
rejected during transfer to Oracle Projects. See Payables Lookup Listing for
all the errors. You must correct the rejection reason and try to retransfer the
line. For supplier invoice adjustment distributions interfaced from Oracle
Projects to Oracle Payables (which must net to zero with another
distribution), the value for the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to T.
This table corresponds to the Distributions window.


AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about scheduled

payments for an invoice. You need one row for each time you intend to make
a payment on an invoice. Your Oracle Payables application uses this
information to determine when to make payments on an invoice and how
much to pay in an automatic payment batch. Values for HOLD_FLAG may
be Y to place a hold on the scheduled payment, or N not to do so. Values
for PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG may be Y for fully paid payment
schedules, N for unpaid scheduled payments, or P for partially paid
scheduled payments. For converted records, enter a value for


AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL stores the clearing/unclearing history for

payments. It also stores the maturity history for future dated payments. The
table contains a row for each future dated payment, once the future dated
payment matures, i.e. becomes negotiable. Any time a payment is cleared or
uncleared, a row is inserted into this table for the payment. The values for
CLEARING, or PAYMENT UNCLEARING. Each row in this table also has
the accounting status for the maturity, clearing or unclearing event.


AP_CHECKS_ALL stores information about payments issued to suppliers or

refunds received from suppliers. You need one row for each payment you
issue to a supplier or refund received from a supplier. Your Oracle Payables
application uses this information to record payments you make to suppliers or
refunds you receive from suppliers. Your Oracle Payables application stores
the supplier name and bank account name for auditing purposes, in case
either one is changed after you create the payment. Your Oracle Payables
application stores address information for all payments. If you allow changes
to the supplier payment address on manual payments or Quick payments,
your Oracle Payables application maintains the new address information in
this table. Your Oracle Payables application uses BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM,
BANK_NUM, and BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE for the supplier's bank
information when you use the Electronic payment method. Your Oracle
Payables application stores a dummy value for CHECK_STOCK_ID for
refunds, thus, CHECK_STOCK_ID should not be treated as a
foreign key to AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL in the case of refunds.


AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle

Payables application place on an invoice. For nonmatching holds, there is
one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one
row for each hold placed on an invoiceshipment match. An invoice may
have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables
application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds
recorded in this table. This table holds information referenced by the Invoice
Holds window. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key.
It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of
hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type
(if data changes before each submission of Approval), which would result in
a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a
concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID,and


An accounting entry line is an entity containing a proper accounting entry

with debits or credits both in transaction currency as well as functional
currency along with an account and other reference information pointing to
the transaction data that originated the accounting entry line. An accounting
entry line is grouped with other accounting entry lines for a specific
accounting entry header. Any such group of accounting entry lines should
result in balanced entries in the functional currency.


An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines

created for a given accounting event and a particular set of books. An
accounting entry header can either be transferred over to GL or not at all.
That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none at all. The
transferred to GL status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible
values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAG are Y, N, or E. Y indicates that the
accounting entry header has been transferred to GL. N indicates that the
accounting entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possible
reasons: either the transfer process has not run or it has run but the
accounting entry had an accounting error on it. E indicates that an error was
encountered during the transfer to GL process.

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