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TERMIDEVICET DEFINITION EXAMPLE ‘ADD YOUR OWN, TECHNIQUE Theme ‘A fundamental, universal idea explored ina The struggle fo achieve the American Dream, Is literary work, ‘a.common theme in 20th-century American | literature, Thesis ‘The central argument that an author makes In@ | The thesis of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is that work, Chicago meat packing pianits subject poor immigrants to horrible and unjust working ‘conditions, and that the government must do something to address the problem. Tone ‘The general atmosphere created in a story, or | The tone of the Declaration of Independence is the author's or narrator's attitude toward the _| determined and confident. story of the subject Tricolon ‘A series of three parallel words, phrases, or | ~...viotory at alll costs, viotory in spite of all terror, clauses, victory, however long and hard the road may be." Winston Churchill

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