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Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal
of ones job or job experiences. Job satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure and achievement
which an employee experience at their job, when the work is worth doing, or the degree to
which their works gives them satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the collection of feelings and
beliefs people have about their current jobs.Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job
situation. As such it cannot be seen, it can only be inferred. Feldman and Arnold define that
Job satisfaction is the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that individuals have
towards their jobs. While, Vroom define Job satisfaction focuses on the role of the
employees in the workplace. Thus he defines Job Satisfaction as affective orientations on the
part of individuals towards work roles which they are currently occupying

Job satisfaction is all about how one feels about ones job. An employee who expresses
satisfaction is said to have a positive attitude towards the job, unlike a dissatisfied employee
who has a negative attitude towards the job. A person having negative attitude shows a
personality disposition which is inclined to experience nervousness, tension, worry, upset and
distress, where as those with positive attitude will feel happy with themselves, others, and with
their work. Job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as an individual needs and
aspirations determine his attitude, along with group and organizational factors such as
relationships with co-workers and supervisors and working conditions, work policies, and
compensation. A satisfied employee tends to be absent less often, to make positive
contributions, and to stay with the organization. The effect of job satisfaction goes beyond
organizational setting. Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied citizens. These
people will hold a more positive attitude towards life in general and make for a society of more
psychologically healthy.

The level of job satisfaction of worker depends on many things, such as salary, nature of work,
work load, working long shift, overtime, night shift, working on holiday and etc. By then we,
recommend that the company should give more consideration for the welfare of the
employees. As well as, employer create a relaxed work environment, where can increase work
performance, lowering stress and can be benefit a business by enhancing job satisfaction.
Next, the wage and salary structure should be revised accordingly for the benefit of both the
parties. Last, but not least, we have to say that job satisfaction is very important aspect of a
workers life.

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