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Academic Writing Skills

Getting your papers accepted

8. to 9 November 2010
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bonn

Das Programm der Veranstaltung wird aus Zuwendungen des BMBF finanziert.
Seminarleitung und Organisation

„Internationale DAAD-Akademie“ (iDA)

Barbara Boecker
DAAD, Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: 0228-882 672


Anne Wegner, i p e l s, Bad Honnef

Anne Wegner, gebürtige Engländerin, arbeitete nach ihrem Studium an der Loughborough
University of Technology in den Bereichen Arbeitswissenschaft, Datenbankbetreuung und
Beantragung/Durchführung europäischer Projekte. Ihr beruflicher Werdegang, der unter an-
derem Tätigkeiten als Übersetzerin und als "Teacher of English as a Foreign Language“
(TEFL) einschließt, führte sie von England nach Belgien, in die Niederlande, Frankreich und
Deutschland. Anne Wegner besitzt theoretische und praktische Zusatzqualifikationen im Be-
reich des interkulturellen Trainings sowie des Konfliktmanagements bei der transnationalen
Zusammenarbeit. Ihre jahrzehntelangen Erfahrungen als Weiterbildungstrainerin führten
2004 zur Gründung von IPELS. Sie ist Mitglied der Society for Intercultural Education,
Training and Research, sowie des Interculture Network der Universität Jena.

Anne Wegner führt Businesscoaching im Interkulturell- und Sprachenbereich durch und

arbeitet als Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität.

Anne Wegner, ipels - intercultural projects and english language support

Information about the seminar “Academic Writing Skills“ and Seminar programme

Target group
Post graduates who are preparing to publish English language papers.

The advancement of an academic career often involves submitting papers in English. This
course, led by a native speaker, is aimed at post graduates who intend to hand in papers for
publications or conferences in English.
Success is not only a matter of good translation skills. There are stylistic differences when
presenting ideas in English, particularly in written form. The seminar will help you to
recognise some of the basic differences and to get your papers accepted. It is held entirely in

Using written papers from the participants and native speaker papers from relevant journals,
the trainer will show participants some of the mistakes that are often made when writing
academic papers in English and give them the opportunity to discuss how to improve their
own writing skills. The workshop contains general practice on improving English, examples of
support available from the Internet and specific information about individual weaknesses.

Monday, November 8th 2010

Content Presenter Information Time

Welcome DAAD 2.00 pm

Introductions Trainer, Participants Participants and trainer will 2.15 pm

introduce each other and the
areas of scientific interest

Presentation on Trainer The papers previously given 3.00 pm

general difficulties of in for review will be used as
German speakers the basis for an analysis and
when writing discussion of the structure
academic English and grammatical devises in
native speaker papers

Break 4.00 pm

Specific English Trainer Some of the more difficult 4.15 pm

information points of English in academic
essays will be reviewed

Content Presenter Information Time

Review of native Participants Participants will use native 5.00 pm

speaker papers speaker papers they have
brought with them to assess
various aspects discussed
before the break. They can
also correct the papers they
handed in themselves on the
basis of the information

End of 1st day 5.45 pm

Optional: informal get together

Tuesday, November 9th 2010

Content Presenter Information Time

Useful websites Participants Information on Websites 8.30 am

providing support in writing
English and how to use them

Correction of Participants Participants receive the papers 9.30 am

individual essays they handed in with
corrections and can discuss
with the trainer

Break 10.45 am

Punctuation Trainer, participants Trainer presents information 11.15 am

about English punctuation
rules and provides worksheets

Feedback Participants 12.00 am

End of seminar 12.30 pm

o N.B. Depending on the number and requirements of the participants the

content and timing of the seminar can vary considerably.

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