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Kingsburg: Official Clarifications

.. according to public posts by Luca Iennaco

1 Scoring
Players may have a negative score.
Players may influence and use Advisor #14, even if they have zero or less Victory Points.

2 +2 Tokens
Each player may gather an unlimited quantity of +2 tokens during the game.
Each player can only use one +2 token can to influence Advisors per season. Tokens used to activate buildings, like
the Town Hall in the basic game, do not count for this purpose and have no restrictions on the usable quantity, aside from
those listed on the buildings themselves.
Once used, +2 tokens are discarded.

3 White Dice
Each player may be entitled to roll any number of white dice, from zero upward, in the same season. In the basic game,
the maximum obtainable is two: one due to the Farms building and one for receiving the Help during Phase 1.
White dice can never be deployed alone. At least one colored die must be deployed in a group containing any number of
white dice and/or a +2 token. Otherwise, white dice follow the same rules as colored dice. For example, they may be
used on one Advisor or split across multiple Advisors, or you may pass if you do not desire to use them.
A +2 token may be placed in a group containg white dice. Such a group will still have to include at least one colored

4 Buildings
Buildings whose effect is applied at the end of a season do work in the season of their creation. For example, if you
build the Inn during Summer, you will get its +2 token at the end of that Summer.
Each building can be used at most once per season, unless clearly specified in its text.
When the effects of several buildings can be applied at once, the player controlling them chooses their exact order. After
the use of each one, it is necessary to check again if other effects are still applicable and/or new ones can now be applied.

Example 1: End of Summer: Take the token from the Inn and spend it in the Town Hall.
Example 2: Start of a season: A roll of 2-2-2 can be modified either with the Statue or with the Chapel; if you use
the Chapel and do not roll three identical numbers, you may not use the Statue any more; if you instead use the
Statue, youll be allowed to use the Chapel if the rerolled die comes up with a 3 or less.
Example 3: Start of a season: A roll of 3-3-3 may be altered with the Statue; if the rerolled die is a 1, you may now
use the Chapel to reroll them all.

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