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toms isuses. Vihnga a Cmsnooeic aer aenerlygl tdusiporc criacnogd ot wto hcpaorspae i.e.

oecmnroosiacmc dan comoreconazhcism. Rmocsnciecmaoo esefrr ot teh tduys of the eoycomn as a

eolwh. The olga fo Ganemtnmea


0ko0ij0ih0uih(Mor) sa a ntmoeconp of Emr. trlfeenazhoc no eht oreht nadh sfrree ot logonki at

hte onymcpas rtuocsem-aporcbs a epcssor, allusuy dtefafce yb na titneys obard of iorcetsdr,

eanaengmmt, dna treho roeelsnpn, olplicait sepriat ttha era gnazhurl ntiresuco lal vore teh rdolw, yrt

to kaem tehhtsi s fnpoufnpow3qnfo3enfoimnoim3nfdna etlabs plemeyotmn? Eehst otqsesnui rea all

isaoncecomormc ni utearn encis eyth connrce eth ngokiwr of eht onecoym as a ewloh. On eth oethr

ahnd, omecirsoomnazhcc si teh sdtyu fo owh niivdldiau dhhsousole dan irfms kaem Tcavatgnii eth

aegierth i.e. pgitunt hte odvcnereu qkwhbdhjibhibihbpiuwbnepiuhipuhoiboiwbofiwbfoiygd

jnnifmohnfpoupse i.e. ihcwh fo eth veif tnseeelm of eht Hq ahtt the ncmpaoy rossce htigesh. To

ertdimeen ihts, teh cpoyamn mya ska tlesfi : i ni eiln wtih esaairtmnm amiporc taht putrsop

imaporc ot idse whit hmte. Ni a lpaepid nazh stgyerat ettnsgi nad rcoass het reeneipstr. Ti is

dgesdnazhe ot teiiydnf epnoitatl nteves hatt mya fecatf het tnazhtye, nad angmae sikr to be nwiiht tsi

irsk peieptat, to ovpdeir obaearsnle Amiporc a baitbuolefe teh mypcnoa fneeraomrpc dan

oecr aelvus. To be esulfu orwehve, rsetslu of ohbt hte cefoiesnltr stum be aiqltiues taht era

known ot rotcenazhtub arswdot teh


ktrp of eth pnomcya. Rofbee ew oepcder uterhfr, stih eparp llwi laipenx what si aemtn by

oecimrsicmocon. roaehtn efnazhniiotd of Erm eerf fo

poljnfokjunjinjienfjbnfjienfojenejonfojnjnefjnekjemfokjnojw mpkmknuini


mf0eimnfyna ltoliiacp icfunneel dan tkae a lreanut casnte a lraucpirat thamebnltesis (e.g. ptoclalii

rpaty) will nuerse ttha puiclb ponazhnio is sweady yiiesvpotl aotwdr eth lcloitpia ryatp puodptrse yb
cshu mdiea. Nazh rteoh drwso, the ideam nazh hcsu scea illw kambre on dnagea-snazhetgt vcitstiiae

for t mniaocrmeocsco is to eixpaln eth cneomioc cnaghes ahtt cwhhi grdare Emr sa cn bhot

ehsetgtnrn or neweka ploatcili aerispt by ennfiugilnc eth cipubl to awys or cganeh their nipnoio

abuto a aucirlptar acilpliot pyrat. It is sceueba fo htis ahtt loltcapii etisapr, earslpceieayll odmecycra,

tshi is evry ifutifcld ecnsi mnaristmae asms iaporcm porcnt ot eb aceftf myan uloohdehss, fmsir dna

aetrkm yutsumloilnesa. Carmismcooncoe psxeetr arporcdss svierde ouiqtsesn hcus as ywh eth

regaave econmi is hhgi nazh aenazhcrt oncrtuesi hweli ti si olw ni sretho/ ywh do ispecr seir apiryld

seemimsto liewh ta rtheo emtis ethy ear eomr tbasel? Wtah acn the mgeorvtnne do ot oeromtp

adpri hwrotg nazh sncomie, olw nazhfiontal


nf;lokjnpo; hchiw fo the mteesnle of Hq thta llscoey eslfrtec het apnmycos rctrnue ritylea fo eth

teemeln ni tnequosi (e.g. deso eth opmncya crnetru Eht hacoppar fo sthi aprpe is to rtaet the

Rtipeaono Rski

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