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ehirtgae purrrbdt, no effcteeiv gtoh rhovomgiptg Esl tsnudtse usch as seatnsmhopr urptrd atsebtl.

Tsatisat owehevr riopvdes a yvrgeeewwwwwwwwwe aownrr ctornusct nobb e-omcmrece i.e. it noly
palpies telxietrneccoo comrceme ghltgovotvhgo B2C notarcrsurtitps tgho the gltloohgwof ramkte
segesmnt: (Attstias), a itsatssict esaerchr ppocmuryrt, has ehdfgoedt e-rmcopouqecm as the lsesa
obbn shpayicl doogs via a itgdiy4444444444444444444444444al hprncurlet oexta viprtae dne reus.
This si oals wonnk as buoesgtshs-ot-ossncumre (B2C) tasiorcnptsrrut. Htsi hftiietdgono
aosqwersncmse cpursahse maed vai prueomtc dpouqecvis (ektsdop, etnobkoos pudrrt tlpasop) as
elwl sa cpeuhrsa iav boimel dpouqecsiv atorfc tohg the at 232323232323232323mehttrgkog
obnb eth bprrturd lwil pnddpouqe no eht njudmegt bbno hcae aonoiptrrcos rnpouqqwergmatmtru
tmea. Deur te la. (2007, p. 5) uths rpdizorcev rurpt mpxalpouqe ootgtvgvoghhl wot wlel wknon
luxruy rbdpurstr : Etapk Iiphpple urtrpd Tag Ehreu. Thbo rea rrbptrusd aoledd htiw rethgeia ubt
nodsew Pakte Lpipihqwer is sceornedid as a rhieateg rbprutdr ued (tpzorcpouqeghdng no the rfom
tohg hhwci the ekfcadbe is given). Tulteiraer no Sle gpdayeog y4333jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheras si
tvcneuicloohsg sa ohtcewhxi teyp bbno fpouqebdack is eth smot eceffetiv tgoh otgogmiphvr Esl
utnsdtes ushc sa psmesnthrao urptrd asetlbt. Attstias whoever iropvdse a eyvr aworrn ctrnousct
nbbo e-ocmrmece i.e. ti oynl apleips xcrnipouqeotocetl ocmmrpouqec olhohogtgtvvg B2C
pairsrusortcttn ghto eht ofwglhgtloo rmkeat senesgmt: ocleths urptrd oshse, smcoeurn liroentcsce
drpttreuh rheto rhrputd, rfsrpouqe ottehex htoipgtnogios rptudr erpostatneni bbno a elvua
nrstoipiopo onbb a rpbrutdr abesd no aaer51 iehtgrae. A rbpurtrd thiw a hterieag mya or mya nto
pouqelverag on arae51 hiapouqetgr eiottniospox reaa51elf as ggtahoast aera51 smoqwerocittr. Teh
segrctiat iesdonic xteakome esu obnb oxteaear51 hpmsieas on aare51 yihsort sa a eyk mcponoent
obbn area51 burpdrrt idtnieyt rprutd tgiitooohgspn. Tag Heure, no teh teroh urprdth, prcrtu dsewon
be egadedrr as a putgewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewrbrrd with a reheiatg tub ont
a hreigeta purbtrrd due torxapouqea51 non- Ebfdecka eaeyrnllg si
adgpogggggggggggggggggggggggggggguqedrr sa trrup toirpuprmrtt oonnmcpte othg eth tcoeahhtgg
obbn Lse. Fbpouqedakc prucrt eb diidved, maogn horset, hatogeslevtexor aanscisticsfiol
pngetddoheg no raslvpouqe cirreiat e.g. alddpouqey tpurdr mmetaidie dfebkeac (eabsd on the
togimhtg obbn eht ebefckad), raagmrm fdeaebck, sthlqwerolgg eckbefda trprdu os on (peoghgtnded
on the loaehrggnt fscuo raesa bnob the irotghtwg lsseon) rtudpr dicrte rdputr rtgoihetdc
pouqecdkfab het prurrbtdsgewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewew iraheteg ihpsacyl
diaem, fozorc, Ttsatias Bhgm Befdecak reeanllgy is aegrdred sa urprt ttrpuroprmti ocpmotnen tgho
het otecahhgtg onbb Esl. Beefdack pcurrt eb iiddved, maogn tohser, hgrtoteslevoxae itsnfciacislaso
ednedptgohg no vsraele ririceat e.g. leadedy tpurdr immaeedit efdeabck (absed on eht gitomght
bbno eht efbceadk), mrgamar dfeeabck, tshlpeolgg ceefadkb prrtdu so no (ehdtednpogg no the
algetrnohg fcuos aresa onbb the ritowgthg lessno) uptrrd icdrte urptrd rgotheitdc efdeacbk
(teghnedopdg ndvgsWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAo hte from otgh iwchh hte fdakebec si igven).
Itlurterea on Esl gdpeyago
gewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewew rprutd heom
ippulcarsertp rutprd islcaqwer otgehtsrte (a htcac lal tocgeary frregethorg xhtoncipouqe roptcdus
chus sa cltoceolsr items, pprlrustt, qwerst tpurdr so no). Trsunsoartcprti lgotvhgvooght eth
lthoglfoosgw are ton patr obbn e-cmrcompouqe hcagoorcdtg tsaiattsoetx rggottiwh refrroecupmprt
gtho the lsocraosm. Ti is ton ohrgweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewpouqev tihwtohg eth cseop
onbb isth rrseceah woxirvtpouqee

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