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Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770

Technical note
A continuous pure moment loading apparatus for biomechanical
testing of multi-segment spine specimens
John T. Lysack *, James P. Dickey, Genevieve A. Dumas, David Yen
Department of Surgery, Division of Orthopaedics and Clinical Mechanics Group, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Canada
Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Clinical Mechanics Group, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Canada
Accepted 15 December 1999


An apparatus is described that enables the application of continuous pure moment loads to multi-segment spine specimens. This
loading apparatus allows continuous cycling of the spine between speci"ed #exion and extension (or right and left lateral bending)
maximum load endpoints. Using a six-degree-of-freedom load cell and three-dimensional optoelectronic stereophotogrammetry,
characteristic displacement versus load hysteresis curves can be generated and analyzed for di!erent spinal constructs of interest.
Unlike quasi-static loading, the use of continuous loading permits the analysis of the spine's behaviour within the neutral zone. This
information is of particular clinical signi"cance given that the instability of a spinal segment is related to its #exibility within the
neutral zone. Representative curves for the porcine lumbar spine in #exion}extension and lateral bending are presented to illustrate
the capabilities of this system.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Spine; Flexibility testing; Loading apparatus; Pure moments; Continuous loads

1. Introduction properties of di!erent spinal constructs (e.g. intact, injured,

instrumented, or fused specimens) (Adams, 1995).
The rationale for using the #exibility method with A number of devices designed to apply non-constrain-
non-constraining pure moment loads for the in vitro ing pure moment loads to spine specimens have been
biomechanical testing of multi-segment spine specimens described in the literature. The original concept of using
was "rst presented more than a decade ago (Panjabi, deadweights and cables acting about pulleys to produce
1988). The #exibility method of testing involves the con- force couples (Goel et al., 1985) has been re"ned with the
trolled application of known loads to a specimen while implementation of pneumatic actuators (Panjabi, 1994;
measuring the resulting motion behaviour of the spine. Yamamoto et al., 1989) or a materials testing machine
The use of non-constraining pure moments ensures that (Crawford et al., 1995) for load generation. More com-
the load experienced by a specimen remains constant plicated systems based on the sophisticated control of
along its length independent of its geometry, motion, or torque motors (Kunz et al., 1994; Wilke et al., 1994) and
sti!ness (Asazuma et al., 1990; Ashman et al., 1989; Craw- stepper motors (Eggli et al., 1991) have also been de-
ford et al., 1995; Panjabi, 1988). This means that, through- scribed. Many of these designs apply incremental quasi-
out the loading cycle, the loading conditions at any two static loads to the spine. While the quasi-static approach
cross-sections in the spinal column are identical. A major yields useful information about the high-sti!ness elastic
advantage of pure moment loading, therefore, is that it zone, it does not provide data regarding the behaviour of
allows for the unbiased comparison of the biomechanical the spine within the clinically important neutral zone
(Panjabi, 1988).
The purpose of this technical note is to describe a rela-
* Correspondence address: Clinical Mechanics Group, Apps Medical
Research Centre, Kingston General Hospital, Queen's University,
tively simple, inexpensive apparatus which can produce
Kingston, Ont., Canada, K7L 2V7. Tel.: 001-613-548-2430; fax: 001- continuous angle-moment data for the entire range of
613-549-2529. motion of the spine * including the neutral zone. The
E-mail address: (J.T. Lysack). apparatus applies pure moment loads to a multi-segment

0021-9290/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 9 2 9 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2 1 - X
766 J.T. Lysack et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770

spine specimen and continuously cycles it between speci- between speci"ed #exion and extension (or right and left
"ed #exion and extension (or right and left lateral be- lateral bending) maximum load endpoints (Fig. 1). The
nding) maximum load endpoints. The main advantage of mechanism is based on a modular stainless steel frame
this approach is that it permits the analysis of the behav- 600 mm wide;600 mm deep;1000 mm high (Item
iour of the spine within the neutral zone. This is of Products Inc., Houston TX). Mounted to the top of the
particular interest given that the clinical instability of frame is a load generating electromechanical linear ac-
a spinal segment has been related to its behaviour within tuator (Model B8.5-T2-23S1, Dynact Inc., San Jose CA),
this zone (Panjabi et al., 1994). which is driven by a miniature high-performance micro-
stepper driver-indexer (Model Panther LE2-DE, Intelli-
gent Motor Systems Inc., Marlborough CT). A multi-
2. Materials and methods segment spine specimen can be mounted in the apparatus
using two stainless-steel pots and dental plaster. The
The loading apparatus described here is similar in bottom pot rigidly "xes the caudal end of the spinal
principle to the one described by Crawford et al. (1995) segment to the base of the frame through a six-degree-of-
with modi"cations to allow for continuous cyclic loading freedom load cell (Model MC3-6-250, Advanced Mech-

Fig. 1. Loading apparatus for the application of continuous pure moment loads to multi-segment spine specimens. This apparatus allows continuous
cycling of the spine between speci"ed #exion and extension (or right and left lateral bending) maximum load endpoints: (a) full view, (b) close-up of the
apparatus set for #exion}extension. The specimen is rotated 903 within the apparatus for lateral bending.
J.T. Lysack et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770 767

Fig. 1. Continued.

anical Technology Inc., Watertown MA) while the top "ve cycles * the "rst four cycles were considered precon-
pot holds the cephalad end of the spine. A constant ditioning and the "fth cycle was used for analysis. No
tension spring and cable system unloads the weight of the compressive preloads were applied, and approximately
top pot allowing the specimen to &#oat' unconstrained in 5 min were allowed between tests for viscoelastic recovery.
space. Two 200 mm diameter stainless-steel discs are Load data from the six-degree-of-freedom load cell
attached to the top pot. A series of thin, plastic coated were ampli"ed using a strain gauge ampli"er system
stainless-steel cables connects these discs to a #oating (Model MCA6, Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc.,
crosshead and to four hanging counterweights via a sys- Watertown, MA), and fed-back to the controller pro-
tem of low friction pulleys and linear bearings. By mov- gram via a 24-line, parallel, digital I/O interface board
ing the #oating crosshead upwards and downwards, the (PIO-12, Keithley Instruments Inc., Taunton, MA). This
actuator imparts a pure moment load (e.g. pure feedback loop allowed for the automation of the
#exion}extension moment) to the top pot and thus to the load}unload cycling by comparing the preset load cuto!s
spine. Control of the actuator is achieved using special- to the real-time loads. The load data were collected and
ized software (Quickstep 2, Psi Software Inc., Mar- stored using an Optotrak Analog Data Acquisition Unit
lborough CT). The apparatus in this con"guration can and associated software (Northern Digital Inc., Water-
produce a maximum moment of 28 Nm at a loading loo, ON). Comparison of the real-time loads with the
frequency of 0.5 Hz. preset load cuto!s, and the real-time display of the load
Biomechanical testing of "ve multi-segment (L2}L5) cell data were achieved using a custom Viewdac 2.20
adult porcine osseoligamentous lumbar spines was per- program (Keithley Instruments Inc., Taunton, MA).
formed using a non-destructive, #exibility method of Vertebral displacement data were simultaneously col-
testing under non-constraining pure moment loads as lected using a commercial infrared light-emitting diode
proposed by Panjabi (1988). Using the loading apparatus (IRED) optoelectronic stereophotogrammetry system
described above, pure bending moments were applied to (Optotrak 3020 Position Sensor, Northern Digital Inc.,
the specimens to a maximum of 5 Nm in #exion}exten- Waterloo ON). Position data were collected for the six
sion, and right}left lateral bending. These maximum IREDs which were rigidly attached to the two vertebral
loads were chosen based on pilot data which showed a bodies of interest (three IREDs on each of L3 and L4).
linear angle}moment response beyond 5 Nm. The speci- Prior to testing, vertebral landmarks were digitized to
mens were cycled at a frequency of 0.1 Hz for a total of de"ne the two local body coordinate systems relative to
768 J.T. Lysack et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770

the IREDs. The local body coordinate system, with its

origin at the centre of the vertebral body, was de"ned as
per Panjabi (1988, 1977).
The raw load cell data and the corresponding raw
IRED position data were processed using custom soft-
ware to yield, in six degrees of freedom, the loads at L3
and the relative displacements of L3 with respect to L4.
To account for the e!ect of o!-axis loads, the raw load
cell data, which were transduced at the caudal end of the
specimen, were transformed into the local body coordi-
nate system of L3 as performed by others (Cholewicki et
al., 1996; Dickey, 1998). Relative angles were calculated
as Cardan angles with the sequence X (#exion), Z (right
lateral bending), Y (left axial twist) (Tupling and Pier-
rynowski, 1987). Noise was reduced by passing the data
through a digital second-order Butterworth low-pass "l-
ter with a cuto! frequency of 5 Hz (Winter, 1979). Using
commercial software (Excel, Microsoft Corporation,
Redmond WA), these transformed load and displacement
data were processed to yield #exibility curves (angle
versus moment) for the #exion}extension and lateral
bending tests.

3. Results

The apparatus described in this paper was capable of

applying continuous and bi-directional pure moments to
multi-segment spine specimens in a highly reproducible
fashion (Fig. 2a). The purity of the applied moments was Fig. 2. Curves depicting the: (a) moments, and (b) forces transduced
evidenced by the small o!-axis loads * the maximum by the load cell at the caudal end of the porcine lumbar spine specimen
during #exion}extension testing. The maximum o!-axis moment is 7%
o!-axis moments remained less than 7% of the peak of the peak primary #exion}extension moment (a), and the o!-axis
primary moment (Fig. 2a), and the o!-axis forces were forces remain less than $8 N (b). These are the "nal three of the "ve
always less than $8 N (Fig. 2b). Although small, these cycles reported in the text.
o!-axis loads could be seen to have a noticeable e!ect on
the actual loading conditions at the spinal level of inter-
est (L3) (Fig. 3). Transformation of the primary trans-
duced moment data into the local body coordinate
system of interest was necessary to determine the true
local body loading condition.
The apparatus described in this paper was able to
produce continuous data for the spine throughout its
range of motion * including the high-#exibility neutral
zone region. Highly reproducible characteristic hysteresis
#exibility curves were obtained by plotting the relative
angular displacement of L3 with respect to L4 versus
moment at L3 (Fig. 4). These #exibility curves allow the
biomechanical properties of the spine to be determined
* including the clinically important neutral zone prop-
erties. Fig. 3. The applied #exion}extension moment data as transduced by
the load cell compared with the #exion}extension moment data after
transformation into the local body coordinate system of L3. Note the
4. Discussion substantial di!erence between the transduced and transformed mo-
ments particularly at low loads (i.e. within the neutral zone). Trans-
formation of the primary transduced moment data into the local body
The apparatus described in this paper applies pure coordinate system is required to determine the true loading condition at
moment loads to multi-segment spine specimens L3. These are the "nal three of the "ve cycles reported in the text.
J.T. Lysack et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770 769

mized. Furthermore, the e!ect of these o!-axis loads are

accounted for by transforming the raw load cell data
(which are transduced at the caudal end of the specimen)
into the local body coordinate system of interest.
Many devices which have been designed to impart
pure moment loads to spinal specimens do not have the
capacity to monitor o!-axis loads. Often, the purity of
the moments is either assumed based on the mass of
hanging weights (Goel et al., 1985; Panjabi, 1988), or is
calculated from uni-axial load cell data (Chiba et al.,
1996; Kotani et al., 1996). The use of a six-degree-of-
freedom load cell to monitor the o!-axis loads is there-
fore arguably a signi"cant advantage of the present ap-
proach in itself.
To the best of our knowledge, there exists no data on
the o!-axis loads produced by continuous pure moment
loading devices with which to compare the performance
of our apparatus. In one study using uni-directional quasi-
static pure moments (Eggli et al., 1991), the peak o!-axis
moments were as high as 25% of the primary #exion
moment (o!-axis forces were not reported). In another
study involving combined #exion-compression loading
(Yoganandan et al., 1995), the peak o!-axis moments reach-
ed 8% of the primary #exion moment and the peak o!-axis
shear forces were as high as 27.5 N. The corresponding
values for the present study of 7% and 8 N demonstrate
a similar performance regarding o!-axis loads.
In conclusion, the primary advantage of this loading
Fig. 4. A typical set of #exibility curves for the L3}L4 porcine spine apparatus is its capability of producing automated con-
subjected to: (a) #exion}extension, and (b) right}left lateral bending tinuous cyclic pure moment loading between speci"ed
moments demonstrates excellent reproducibility. Preconditioning
cycles (three and four for #exion}extension and four only for lateral #exion and extension (or right and left lateral bending)
bending) are shown in gray and the "fth cycle is overlain in black. maximum load endpoints. This allows the plotting of
complete hysteresis curves from which the characteristic
#exibility parameters of interest can be calculated for
continuously and bi-directionally about the neutral posi- each multi-segment spine specimen. The ability to calcu-
tion. The advantage of this approach is that it permits the late neutral zone parameters such as neutral zone #exibil-
analysis of the behaviour of the spine within the high- ity and laxity angle (Tencer et al., 1995) is of particular
#exibility neutral zone region. This is of particular inter- signi"cance given that the clinical instability of a spinal
est since the clinical instability of a spinal segment has segment is related to its behaviour within the neutral
been related to its behaviour within the neutral zone zone (Panjabi et al., 1994).
(Panjabi et al., 1994).
The limitations of this apparatus are encountered
when testing very long or unstable spine specimens. In Acknowledgements
these cases, the o!-axis moments may increase substan-
tially secondary to the coupled behaviour of the spine. The authors gratefully acknowledge: Gerald Saunders,
The apparatus has been designed to minimize this e!ect, David Siu, and Julie Howes of the Clinical Mechanics
however, by allowing the specimen to #oat relatively Group, Department of Surgery, Queen's University,
unconstrained in space. For example, during lateral be- Kingston, Ontario, for assistance in the development of
nding testing, the specimen naturally tends to #ex for- the testing apparatus and associated software; Xunhua
ward as the lateral bending moment increases. This Yuan, Department of Orthopaedics, University Hospital,
coupled #exion motion causes the cephalad end of the Lund, Sweden, for assistance with data collection and
specimen to translate anteriorly. The low-friction linear analysis; and Hye Won Yang, independent artist, for
bearings mounted to the frame of the apparatus allow the producing the graphical illustrations of the apparatus.
crosshead, cables, and top pot to translate anteriorly with This research has been supported by NSERC Research
little opposition. In this example, an o!-axis posterior Grant OGP0006858, NSERC Equipment Grant
shear force and extension moment are thereby mini- EQP0157230, and PSI Grant 95-36.
770 J.T. Lysack et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 765}770

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