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Aturan dan Panduan Peserta Family Gathering

Family Gathering Rules and Guidelines

1. Bus-bus yang disediakan panitia untuk rute pergi Jakarta ke Serpong akan diberangkatkan
mulai pukul 09.00 s.d. 10.00 WIB, sehingga karyawan diharapkan siap sedia sebelumnya di lokasi
keberangkatan bus. Berikut ini lokasi keberangkatan bus sesuai pilihan masing-masing pada
Online Registration System:
Binus School Simprug
Kampus JWC
Kampus Anggrek
Binus Square
Alam Sutera (main & bridging campus)
The buses that provided by committee for depart route Jakarta to Serpong will departed starting at
09.00 10.00 AM, so that employees are expected to be ready before that time on the bus
departure locations. The following are bus departure locations based on your choice on the Online
Registration System:
Binus School Simprug
JWC campus
Anggrek campus
Binus Square
Alam Sutera (main & bridging campus)

2. Bus-bus rute pulang Serpong ke Jakarta akan diberangkatkan mulai pukul 19.00 s.d. 21.00 WIB
dari lobby admisi Binus School Serpong menuju lokasi tujuan sesuai pilihan masing-masing pada
Online Registration System.
The buses for return route Serpong to Jakarta will departed starting at 07.00 09.00 pm from
Binus School Serpong admission lobby, to specified destination based on your choice on the
Online Registration System.

3. Pengaturan pemberangkatan bus:

Bus langsung diberangkatkan segera setelah terisi penuh/ first come first served selama periode
waktu yang telah ditentukan. Periode rute pergi Jakarta ke Serpong adalah pk 09.00 10.00 WIB,
sedangkan periode rute pulang Serpong ke Jakarta adalah pk 19.00 21.00 WIB.
The arrangement of bus departure:
The bus will immediately departed as soon as it is full/ first come first served during a specified time
period. The period of depart route Jakarta to Serpong started from 09.00 am to 10.00 am, while the
period of return route Serpong to Jakarta started from 07.00 pm to 09.00 pm.
4. Peserta hadir dengan mengenakan kaos seragam BSF 2015 dan karyawan wajib memakai ID
Card. Pendamping anak (nanny) atau tambahan anggota keluarga wajib memakai Dummy ID Card
yang telah dibagikan sebelumnya.
Participants must wear T-shirt uniform of BSF 2015 and employees are required to use his/ her ID
Card. Nanny or additional family member is required to use Dummy ID Card that has been
distributed previously.

5. Karyawan dilarang mengajak siapapun yang tidak didaftarkan untuk hadir pada acara ini.
Employees are forbidden to invite anyone who is not registered to attend this event.

6. Karyawan dilarang untuk meminjamkan atau menyerahkan ID Card kepada pihak lain yang tidak
berkepentingan dalam acara ini, dan dilarang menggunakan ID Card karyawan lain.
Employees are forbidden to lend their ID card to others nor using other employees ID card.

7. Setibanya di lokasi BSF 2015, karyawan wajib melakukan absensi kehadirannya di lokasi Sjuman
Hall dan tidak diperkenankan titip absensi ke karyawan lain (absensi dibuka pk 10.00 - 14.00 WIB).
Upon arriving in BSF 2015, employees are required to do re-registration at Sjuman Hall and not
allowed to request other employees to do this (re-registration open at 10.00 am 02.00 pm).

8. Karyawan yang sudah mendaftar namun berhalangan hadir pada hari H wajib mendapatkan
persetujuan dari atasan dan menginformasikannya ke Human Capital dengan menyertakan
bukti/dokumen pendukung.
Employees who have registered but unable to attend on the D day, must obtain approval from
supervisor and provide appropriate information/ adequate evidence to Human Capital.

9. Karyawan wajib menjaga keselamatan dirinya dan keluarganya selama acara berlangsung.
Employees are obliged to take care of themselves and their familys safety during the event.

10. Karyawan wajib menjaga nama baik BINA NUSANTARA.

Employees are obliged to maintain the good & positive image of BINA NUSANTARA.

1. Karyawan diperkenankan mengenakan alas kaki yang dirasa nyaman (misalnya: sepatu olah raga
atau sepatu sandal), kecuali sandal jepit/sejenisnya.
Employees shall wearing comfort footwear (e.g.: sport shoes or moccasin), except sandal
nippers/flip flops or alike.

2. Karyawan diperkenankan mengenakan celana pendek yang sopan (smart casual).

Employees are allowed to wear polite short pants (smart casual).

3. Karyawan dan keluarga dihimbau membawa perlengkapan pribadi seperti topi, payung, kaos kaki,
perlengkapan ibadah, baju ganti, baju renang, handuk, obat-obatan, dan perlengkapan lainnya
untuk kenyamanan selama acara.
Employee and family are encouraged to bring additional accoutrements such as hat, umbrella,
socks, prayer accoutrements, changing clothes, swim suits, towel, medicine and other
accoutrements for the convenience throughout the event.

4. Acara BSF 2015 berlangsung pk 10.00 - 20.00 WIB, seluruh peserta dapat mengikuti acara dari
awal hingga akhir. Karyawan wajib mengikuti acara utama di Zona S (Sjuman Hall) pk 13.00
17.30 WIB yakni Seremoni Penghargaan Prestasi bagi karyawan terbaik, Management Update,
pengundian doorprize, dan penampilan Judika. Sedangkan keluarga bebas memilih menjelajahi
zona lain atau hadir di Sjuman Hall.
BSF 2015 will open at 10.00 am 08.00 pm and the participants are welcome to join the entire
event. Employees are obliged to attend main session in S-Zone (Sjuman Hall) at 01.00 05.30
pm, that is the Achievement Awarding Ceremony for best employee, Management Update,
doorprize, and Judika performance. While the family is free to explore other zones or attend
awarding ceremony in Sjuman Hall.
5. Pengundian doorprize dan grandprize dilakukan di Zona S (Sjuman Hall), +/- pk 11.30, pk 16.00
dan pk 18.00 WIB. Pemenang grandprize dianggap sah apabila hadir saat pengundian.
The doorprize and grandprize will be drawn in S-Zone (Sjuman Hall), approximately at 11.30 am,
04.00 & 06.00 pm. The grandprize winner considered valid if he/she present when it is drawn.

6. Karena keterbatasan slot parkir di lokasi BSF 2015, maka karyawan yang datang menggunakan
kendaran pribadi (motor/mobil) dihimbau untuk parkir di Binus School Simprug, Kampus JWC,
Kampus Anggrek, Binus Square, atau Alam Sutera (main & bridging campus). Berikut ini lokasi
parkir lainnya yang direkomendasikan:
Alam Sutera main campus (gratis biaya parkir)
Alam Sutera bridging campus (gratis biaya parkir)
Golden Boulevard (biaya parkir menjadi tanggungan pribadi karyawan)
Due to limited parking slot in BSF 2015, employees who use private vehicle (car/motorcycle) are
encouraged to park in Binus School Simprug, JWC campus, Anggrek campus, Binus Square, and
Alam Sutera (main & bridging campus). The recommended additional parking locations as follows:
Alam Sutera main campus (free parking)
Alam Sutera bridging campus (free parking)
Golden Boulevard (the fee will be borne by the employee)

7. Peserta bisa berfoto di photo booth yang telah disediakan panitia, mencetak fotonya, dan
mengikutkan foto tersebut dalam lomba selfie/ wefie. Pemenang lomba selfie/wefie akan
diumumkan pk 16.00 WIB di Zona S (Sjuman Hall). Syarat & ketentuan lomba foto selfie/ wefie
1. Telah memiliki akun Instagram.
2. Mengikuti akun Instagram @BINUS_BSF2015
3. Mengambil foto di lokasi acara BSF 2015
4. Membagikan foto pada akun instragram dengan mencantumkan #BINUSBSF2015 (untuk
bisa dilakukan penilaian foto harus mencantumkan tanda pagar)
5. Kontes dibuka tanggal 2 Mei 2015 pk 10.00 14.30 WIB
6. Panitia akan memilih 10 foto terbaik yang berhak meraih kesempatan Meet & Greet
dengan artis idola.
7. Pemenang akan diumumkan pk 16.00 WIB oleh MC di Sjuman Hall.
8. Keputusan panitia bersifat final, mutlak & tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Participants could capture the moment & take picture in photo booth that has been provided by the
committee, get their photo print, and include the picture in selfie/ wefie photo competition. The
winners of selfie/wefie will be announced at 04.00 pm in S-Zone (Sjuman Hall). The terms &
conditions for selfie/ wefie photo competition are:
1. Already have instagram account.
2. Follow us on Instagram @BINUS_BSF2015
3. Take pictures in BSF 2015 event location
4. Share your image in instagram using #BINUSBSF2015 (to be judged as a part of contest,
the entries must include the mentioned hashtag)
5. The contest is open for participation only at 2 May 2015 form 10.00 am to 02.30 pm.
6. The committee will select 10 best images to win a chance to Meet & Greet with the top
7. The winners will be announced at 04.00 pm by MC on Sjuman Hall.
8. The committee decision is final, absolute and inviolable.

8. Panitia menyelenggarakan berbagai perlombaan menarik di Zona Integrity (ECY/EL Area) dan
Zona Perseverance (Pool Area) bagi seluruh peserta. Setiap peserta boleh ikut maksimal 2
perlombaan di setiap zona.
The committee organizes various interactive competitions at Integrity Zone (ECY/EL Area) and
Perseverance Zone (Pool Area) for all participants. Each participant is allowed to join a maximum
of 2 competitions each zone.

9. Charging area ponsel tersedia di Zona Integrity (ECY/EL Area) dan Zona Respect (Admission).
Mobile phone charging area available in Integrity Zone (ECY/EL Area) and Respect Zone

10. Panitia menyediakan konsumsi (makanan, minuman, snack, dan berbagai macam es) di lokasi-
lokasi yang telah ditentukan. Agar antrian konsumsi tertib, maka 1 peserta hanya diperkenankan
mengambil maksimum 2 porsi setiap kali mengantri.
The committee provides free flow consumption (foods/ drinks/ snacks) at specified zones. For
orderly consumption queuing, each participant only allowed to take max 2 meals each time in a

11. Peserta dilarang membawa makanan/ minuman/ snack ke Zona S (Sjuman Hall).
Participants are not permitted to bring foods/ drinks/ snacks into S-Zone (Sjuman Hall).

12. Peserta dilarang membawa pulang makanan/ minuman/ snack.

Participants are not permitted to take the foods/ drinks/ snacks home.

13. Peserta wajib menghabiskan makanan/ minuman/ snack yang diambil.

Participants are required to spend on foods/ drinks/ snacks that already taken.

14. Selain makanan, minuman, snack, dan berbagai macam es yang disediakan gratis oleh panitia,
peserta juga dapat berbelanja aneka produk di bazaar booth dengan biaya sendiri.
In addition to free flow foods/ drinks/ snacks provided by the committee, participants also could buy
products at bazaar booth with their own.

15. Panitia menyediakan 2 (dua) klinik kesehatan yang juga berfungsi sebagai ruang laktasi di:
MS/HS area ruang E105
ECY/EL area ruang H112
The committee provides 2 (two) health clinics that also serve as nursery room at:
MS/HS area room E105
ECY/EL area room H112

16. Panitia menyediakan ruang istirahat bayi dan anak di:
MS/HS area (ruang: E111, E112, E113, E107).
ECY/EL area (ruang: H113, H108, I104, ruang pertemuan CAB).
The committee provides the dugout for infants and children at:
MS/HS area (room: E111, E112, E113, E107).
ECY/EL area (room: H113, H108, I104, CAB meeting room).

17. Peserta wajib menjaga ketertiban sekaligus kebersihan lingkungan dan infrastruktur yang berada
di lokasi BSF 2015.
Membuang sampah pada tempat yang disediakan.
Selalu bijak & bertoleransi ketika menggunakan infrastruktur yang ada.
Dilarang merusak lingkungan & infrastruktur yang ada (misalnya: mencoret tembok/ bangku,
menginjak rumput, dll)
Participants are required to maintain order and cleanliness of environment & infrastructures in the
location of BSF 2015.
Please dispose the waste in trash bags.
Always wise and tolerant when using the infrastructures.
Do not harm the environment and infrastructures (e.g.: scribbling on the wall/ bench,
stepping on the grass, etc).

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