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1. Definition of Food
Food is anything that can be eaten and digested and absorbed by the body
after it will be useful for health and survival.The food is a substance, usually
originates from animals or plants, which are eaten by living things obtain energy and
2. Type of Food
type of food is a variety of foods commonly served to be eaten.
For example:
Animal sources

The processed milk
Plant sources :
Seed Grains
Plant pods (beans, mung bean, lentil, and others.)
3. Groceries of Food
Groceries / food is anything that can be cooked / processed later served as an
Groceries are grouped into 4 groups as follows:
a) staple food
b) groceries side dishes
c) vegetable foodstuffs
d) foodstuff fruit
4. Kind Nuutrition of Food
Nutrition is the processes in the body to receive nutrients and the use of
substances such foods for various activities of the body and life.
1. Carbohydrate
2. protein
3. Vitamins & Minerals
4. Fat
5. Fiber
5. Function of Food
General food functions as a source of energy, builders and regulators.

1. Food as a source of energy / energy

The energy obtained from food is used by the body to carry out all the
activities of the body, such as: to defend the process undertaken organs in carrying
out activities outside / physical, converting food into nutrients needed by the body,
the process of growing and maintaining a constant body warm. Energy can be
obtained from food ingredients provider of nutrients carbohydrates, fats, and

2. Food as a builder
The food has a role in the growth, maintaining the structure of the body,
and replace damaged cells. Food substances that serve as a body builder substance
is a protein, minerals, and water

3. Food as a regulator
Food can also act as a regulator of the activity of the body. Various
activities were organized, among other activities / work of the heart, regulatory
systems in maintaining body temperature, muscle contraction, water balance
control system, blood clotting and the exhaust system to the metabolism of the
body. Food substances that act as regulator is vitamain and minerals.
6. Negative Effects of Fast Food
1. triggering Diabetes
Calorie and high saturated fat in fast food will trigger insulin resistance that
leads to diabetes. Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells do not respond to
insulin resulting in lower absorption of glucose causes glucose to accumulate in the
2. Make Your Addiction
Fast food contains additives that can keep you hooked and stimulate you to
want to continue to eat as often as possible. This sometimes makes you eat regularly
every day. Avoid this habit by replacing your fasfood foods with healthier foods, such
as fruits and fresh vegetables.
3. Not Good for the Long Term
Fast food is not good for the long term because of the way the processing is
almost instantaneous and not naturally can trigger negative effect on health in the next
term. These effects can not be felt in the short term but in the long term.
4. Increases Heart Attack Risk
High cholesterol content in fast food can lead to clogged arteries. Clogged
blood vessels will make the blood flow is not smooth which can lead to coronary
heart disease.
5. Boost Weight Loss
If you like to eat fast food and less exercise, then within a few weeks your
body will gain weight is not healthy. Of fat you can eat fast food is not used properly
by the body if you do not exercise. Fat is then stored and accumulate in your body.
6. Increases Cancer Risk
High fat content contained in fast food can increase the risk of cancer,
especially breast and colon cancer.
7. Triggering High Blood Pressure
Salt can make a dish becomes much more enjoyable. Almost all fast food
meals contain salt. Salt contains sodium, when high sodium levels in the blood and
can not be removed by the kidneys, blood volume increases for sodium is to attract
and retain water. This increase causes your heart to work harder to circulate blood
throughout the body that causes high blood pressure.

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Muslehatun Hasanah : 14201.08.16028

Lutviatil Lailiyah : 14201.08.16022

Syahidatul Maimunah Saniah : 14201.08.16046

Ruslita Dwi Cahyaningsih : 14201.08.16040

Bambang Irawan : 14201.08.16007



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