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SACE700 CWK1 Critical Review Marking Criteria

70+ 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 0-30

Depth of Understanding Thorough and detailed Thorough and detailed Sound understanding of Some evidence of knowledge Work that fails to No demonstration of
command of the sources understanding of sources, sources. of the sources but this is demonstrate adequate understanding of the sources
combined with clear critical including capacity to engage likely to be limited especially knowledge of the material
engagement with theory and critically with issues of theory at the lower end of the mark
methodology. and methodology. scale.

Level of Critical Analysis Thorough and detailed Very strong analysis and Competent analysis and Analysis could be brief and Very little or no evidence of No evidence of analysis
analysis and connections of connections of ideas to larger awareness of larger issues. lack much insight, with little analysis and awareness of
ideas to larger issues. issues. evidence of independent larger issues.

Structure Judiciously uses headings, Generally accurate use of Mostly accurate use of Largely inaccurate use of No attempt made to No attempt made.
sub-headings and other headings, sub-headings and headings, sub-headings and headings, sub-headings and structure the answer in any No headings
organizational methods other organizational other organizational other organizational meaningful way. Wrong/no
which facilitate methods) which help methods which mostly methods which attempt to sub headings and largely
understanding on the part of facilitate understanding on facilitate understanding on facilitate understanding on irrelevant/unhelpful
the reader. the part of the reader. the part of the reader. the part of the reader. diagrams.

Language Accuracy Expression always clear, Expression clear and fluent, Expression in the main clear Expression and/or meaning Expression is unclear, Expression impossible to
fluent precise, focused on within word limit, and in the and fluent, within word limit, frequently unclear or rambling, and/or follow.
the question, within word appropriate genre; meaning and in the appropriate genre; ambiguous, repetitive, not inappropriate for the genre;
limit, and in the appropriate clear. meaning mostly clear. always to the point, and/or meaning is unclear.
genre; meaning crystal clear. inappropriate for purpose.

Grammar, spelling & Grammar, spelling & Non-impeding grammar, Interspersed with numerous Frequent impeding Errors make it impossible to
punctuation is virtually free punctuation is mostly free of spelling & punctuation and impeding, grammatical, grammatical and other errors read.
of errors. errors. errors. spelling and/or punctuation seriously distract the reader.
Referencing Faultless application of Harvard referencing style Harvard referencing style Inconsistently / inaccurately Incorrect / incomplete No referencing.
Harvard referencing style. applied with minor errors. applied with some significant applies the Harvard referencing style used.
errors. referencing style.

All source material correctly Sources acknowledged Most sources acknowledged Significant number of sources Most sources not No sources acknowledged.
acknowledged, with through paraphrasing, through paraphrasing, not appropriately acknowledged, or Serious plagiarism.
appropriate, balanced use of summarising and quoting summarising and quoting acknowledged raising acknowledged
paraphrasing, summarising (although not always in (although not always in questions of plagiarism. inappropriately.
and quoting. appropriate balance). appropriate balance). Possible serious plagiarism.

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