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Homeschool Helpers

Issue 159, August 15, 2010
From Homeschool Helpers

By Dan L. White

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Is the republic of the United States of America on the brink of extinction?

All human governments fail.

There is not, nor can be, any form of human government that lasts. This is
because all human governments are run by humans, who are all possessed
of destructive human nature.

This is the major lesson of history. All human governments fail.

Westerners today think that democratic republics are the perfect form of
government. They believe that if you take any people and set them up as a
democratic republic, they will be a free and enduring society. That is as
naïve as a young married couple thinking that their lives and their mates will
be perfect.

Ancient Israel had the most perfect form of government: – no human

government at all. During the period of the judges, Yahweh God Himself was
Israel’s leader, provider and protector. Judges taught them Yahweh’s laws
and the priesthood helped them with their worship. There was no standing
government apart from this, so there were no bloated bureaucracies, no
degenerate despots, and no panhandling politicians.

Yet there were great problems. Those problems came from the immorality of
the people. Repeatedly they turned away from God, broke His laws, and so
brought curses on themselves. Judges, such as Samson and Gideon, were
raised up to lead them back to Yahweh, but when the judge passed on, the
people returned to their destructive ways.

Finally the people got tired of that form of government. They rejected
Yahweh as their king and wanted a human king, like all the other nations.
Then they got Saul.

He was the tallest, best-looking man in Israel. He was also a vain, self-
seeking dud.

The next king was David. He was a man after Yahweh’s own heart, and was a
great king. His son Solomon built the temple, but he turned the Mt. of Olives
into the Mount of Corruption by filling it with idols that his wives’ worshiped.

After Solomon, Israel was split into two kingdoms, Israel/Samaria and
Judah/Jerusalem. The kingdom of Israel had nineteen kings. Not a one of
them was good. They were carried into captivity in 722 BC, never to formally
return. Judah also had nineteen kings. Seven were basically obedient: Asa,
Jehoshaphat, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Hezekiah and Josiah. Joash was
obedient until the high priest who raised him died, when he turned to evil.
Twelve kings were evil, and the kingdom of Judah, but not the nation or the
people, ended in 586 BC.

What was the problem in those kingdoms? The personal degeneration of its

Athens is revered as a great democracy, yet its history was marked by

instability and turmoil, and like the French Revolution, its citizen rulers liked
to do things with people’s heads.

Rome replaced a monarchy with a republic, only to have it eventually decline

to become an imperial empire where the emperor was worshiped as a god.
Many early Christians who refused to do that were martyred.

All forms of government have been tried: monarchies, democracies,

republics, dictatorships, and oligarchies. All finally fail and the people move
on to yet another form of government and yet another failure.

The United States government is currently marked by extreme division. The

liberals have moved so far to the left in their governance and morals that
more responsible people have no choice but to oppose them. This
governmental conflict then causes dissatisfaction with the government on all

Woody Allen, actor and film director and one of the many Hollywood far
lefties, recently called for Obama to be made dictator of America. He said, “I
am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should
get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him. It would be good…if he could
be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things

This comment was widely mocked and disavowed by the media. However,
the fact remains that in spite of all that Obama has already done to broaden
and entrench the power of himself and the radical left in America, about half
of Americans still support him strongly. They want more of the same.

Obama has some pockets of support that are blindly unquestioning. Blacks
support him nine to one. That’s not democracy. That’s tribalism. Jews like
Woody Allen voted for Obama by a four to one margin and still broadly
support him, even though he has actively favored the Muslims who want to
destroy Israel. There are an estimated forty million illegal immigrants in
America who Obama wants to legitimize. If that happens, then Obama might
have a quarter of the American population who would tend to think like
Woody Allen and want a dictator.

The great factor in the decline of a nation is the personal morality of its
people. It is not the form of government that matters most, but the character
of the people in a nation. America has now taken such a sharp, severe turn
toward death, disease and violence – breaking God’s commandments – that
this has to have far reaching repercussions in her future history.

Alexis de Tocqueville is a Frenchman who wrote in 1835 about his study of

America in his famous book Democracy in America. His insights into our
country have been appreciated for nearly two centuries now. They include
these pithy quotes.

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”

Americans’ individual morality was based, to whatever degree, on the

Christian faith. That has been and is being destroyed. Therefore America’s
liberty will also be destroyed.

Alexis de Tocqueville also predicted the end of the American Republic.

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it
can bribe the public with the public's money.”

We have now lived to see that happen. Even people who consider
themselves religious and good citizens have no qualms about endlessly
taking money from the government, as if somehow the government has an
ending source of wealth. Such actions are inherently immoral and rot the
souls of those people.

There is no perfect system of government because there are no perfect

people. All human governments fail. Like it or not, we are seeing the failure
of the United States government, because so many of its people have
become so grossly immoral. As we so often point out, the one prime agent in
the moral destruction of this once Christian nation has been the centralized
government school system. It is inevitable that an educational system that
teaches anti-God socialism to ninety percent of its youth will wind up with
that system of government. The only question is when.

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