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Cell Chemistry


Substances containing carbon, hydrogen, and

Can be converted to other types of molecules
which form part of the cell or carry out
physiological functions

Excess carbohydrates and fats are converted to
glycogen and are stored in the liver and
adipose tissues respectively

− Glucose: blood sugar

− Lactose: found in milk
− Lactose intolerance
− Maltose: found in fruit juices and grains

− Starch: present in plants
− Cellulose: can't be digested by our body

Contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

Core materials that hold the various cells together

Two classifications of amino acids
− Non-essential amino acids
− Essential amino acids

− Saturated and can cause cardiovascular diseases
− Converted into cholesterol by the liver
− Plants has unsaturated fats

− Part of cell membrane

− Testosterone, estrogen, cortisol

an organic compound required as a nutrient in
tiny amounts by an organism

dissolve easily in water,and are readily excreted
from the body, to the degree that urinary output
is a strong predictor of vitamin consumption.

Because they are not readily stored, consistent
daily intake is important

Many types of water-soluble vitamins are
synthesized by bacteria
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)

Coenzyme used in removing Carbon dioxide
from organic compounds

Sources: legumes, peanuts, whole grains

Deficiency can cause Beri-beri
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)

Necessary for red blood cell formation, anti-
body production, cell respiration, and growth

alleviates eye fatigue, and is important in the
prevention of cataracts

promotes the oxygenation of the skin, hair, and
nails; eliminates dandruff

reduces the occurrence of migraine headaches

Sources: Dairy products, meats, enriched
grains, vegetables
Vitamin B-3 (Niacin)

Dilates blood vessels, thus increasing
circulation and reducing high blood pressure

significantly lowers blood cholesterol and

improves resistance to stress

helps prevent depression, mental illness, and
migraine headaches

helps eliminate canker sores and bad breath

gives you healthier looking skin and stimulates
the sex drive

Sources: Nuts, meats, grains

Deficiency: Pellagra, skin and gastrointestinal
lesions, nervous disorders

Excess: flushing of face and hands and liver
Vitamin B-5 (Pathonthenic acid)

considered the "Anti-Stress" Vitamin because of
its important role in the functioning of the
adrenal glands, which produce hormones that
help our bodies respond to stress

helpful in detoxifying harmful chemicals such as
herbicides and insecticides

fights infections by building antibodies

Sources: meats, dairy products, whole grain

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May lead to painful
& burning feet, skin abnormalities, retarded
growth, dizzy spells, digestive disturbances,
vomiting, restlessness, stomach stress, muscle
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)

aids in maintaining the central nervous system
and normal brain function

reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps and
stiffness of the hands

relieves nausea and migraines, lowers
cholesterol; improves vision, and aids in the
prevention of PMS

aids in cancer immunity and in the prevention of

destroyed by alcoholic beverages

Sources: Whole grains, vegetables

nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, loss of
muscular control, anemia, mouth disorders,
muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm & leg
cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, and water
Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid)

Protects against birth defects by helping
regulate embryonic and fetal nerve cell

protects against intestinal parasites and food

promotes healthier looking skin, is considered a
brain food

Sources: green vegetables, oranges, nuts,
legumes, whole grains

gastrointestinal disorders, anemia, Vitamin B-12
deficiency, pre-mature gray hair.
Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamine)

Helps in the formation of red blood cells, thus
helping prevent anemia

promotes a healthy immune system, and nerve

required for the proper digestion of foods, the
synthesis of protein, and the metabolism of
carbohydrates and fat

improves concentration, memory, and balance

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: chronic fatigue,
bone loss, constipation, depression, digestive
disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, enlargement
of the liver, eye disorders, hallucinations,
headaches, labored breathing, memory loss,
moodiness, nervousness, pernicious anemia,
ringing in the ears, binge eating, and spinal cord

Sources: meats, eggs, dairy products
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

A major and very potent anti-oxidant

plays a primary role in the formation of collagen,
which is important for the growth and repair of
body tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones
and teeth

protects against infection, and enhances the
immune system

protects against abnormal blood clotting and
bruising, and may reduce the risk of cataracts

Sources: Fruits and vegetables, especially
citrus fruits, brocolli, cabbage, tomatoes, green

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May lead to soft &
bleeding gums, swollen or painful joints, slow-
healing wounds & fractures, bruising,
nosebleeds, tooth decay, loss of appetite,
muscular weakness, skin hemorrhages,
capillary weakness, anemia, impaired digestion.

absorbed through the intestinal tract with the
help of lipids (fats)
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)

Component of visual pigments

Needed for maintenance of epithelial tissues

Sources: Dark green and orange vegetables
and fruits, dairy products

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in night
blindness; increased susceptibility to infections;
rough, dry, scaly skin; loss of smell & appetite;
frequents fatigue; lack of tearing; defective
teeth & gums' retarded growth.
Vitamin D

Aids in absorption and use of calcium and

Promotes bone growth

Sources: Dairy products, egg yolk, also made in
human skin in presence of sunlight

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May lead to rickets,
tooth decay, softening of bones, improper
healing of fractures, lack of vigor, muscular
weakness, inadequate absorption of calcium,
retention of phosphorous in the kidneys.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)


Prevents damage to lipids of cell membranes

slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease

extremely important in the prevention of cancer
and cardiovascular disease, and is useful in
treating premenstrual syndrome and fibrocystic
disease of the breast

Sources: Vegetable oils, nuts,seeds
Vitamin K

Important in blood clotting

normally produced by bacteria in the Large

Studies have proved that supplemental vitamin
K promotes osteotrophic processes and slows
osteoclastic processes via calcium bonding

Sources: green vegetables

List the Important inorganic components of the
body and list the deficiency symptoms of each.
(Write on a ½ crosswise yellow paper).

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