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Main Point: Smart or Retarded does not prove either or Smart or Retarded, Proof of one
Smart does not make Any or All or Some or One Retarded, Smart is not for Identifying or
Disproving Retarded. Who hurts who? Neither Smart or Retarded should effect one
another unless purpose is to attack a status to achieve the opposing sides status, if one
does not cause the other, establishment or destruction of either side cannot therefore
cause the other to be right or wrong better than justified or not. Bad does not equal
Retarded. Smart does not Prove Retarded. And Bad causes Retarded is Bad's purpose is
to justify being what Bad. Bad does not equal Retarded. You cannot use another's
position in life to achieve, take away, switch, take place of, prove, displace, to justify
(define) make clear any #misuse of a term often occurs when it's needed to make clear a
difference from right and wrong. If wrong is at issue then it's clear Bad is at issue,
whether caused by Retarded or Bad bc of whatever Bad thinks justifies being a Bad for,
NEVER equates to Bad = Retarded (Don't misrepresent a vulnerable population to justify
a wrong, existence of a wrong, to explain or identify whether: Bad or Retarded. If we
know of one known purpose (justification of wrongs) than not right EVER to explain or
define sides clear to who's right or wrong unless necessary to do so. Smart or Retarded
(Causes) as it relates to Bad (and use of bad to clear wrongs establish sides whether
purposeful or by accident, if so repeated no matter what your identification or what your
purpose is will never be wrong if Bad causes Retarded. Not all wrongs are based on
Smart or Retarded, that's an assumption of causes as it relates to what you find relevant.
Tip: Know yourself, Trust yourself, Report Everything, Let #LawEnforcement Know
when you see Bad to protect who (Causes for Retarded) if that so matters to you to prove
or disprove wrongs you identify with see know hear think #whocares you know you best.
#ThinkforYourself nobody's struggles or hardships or disabilities NEVER affect Smart,
Retarded, Well, Sick etc? Your focus is your focus no one is ever #wrong because of
focus issues, if you earn a place or position in life, everything else is obvious to right,
wrong, smart, retarded etc. we see and know ourselves best others understandings of us
should never be important to argue for existence of what: rights or wrongs #bywho
#whocares #lawenforcement knows everything. Retarded is not caused by Wrongs
obviously if it's clear Bad causes Retarded. (New Focus: Existence of Bad clarifies what
wrongs, to whom and why? If any justification of Bad is made something Wrong any
Wrong is easily identified needs not be proven. Just because Bad (Shows Wrongs) does
not mean Wrongs caused Bad or establishment of a Bad. There's no causal connection if
you state Bad causes Retarded, Retarded is Automatically Not Bad. #whatsyourpoint?
Point at Issue: Retarded caused by Bad does not justify any or all or some or one Wrong,
if no position is necessary to identify prove not either or the other need be clarified by
destruction proof of any side (See Above). Wrongs exist even if Bad, Smart, Retarded, or
Blinde if used to Prove Rights and Wrongs then why weaken any sides waste time
proving or disproving any side. That's not my job. cc: #USSupremeCourt


(Point 2 of 2) by #lesliefischman aka #mymollydoll (1 connects to 2, because 1 was

written, 2 was written, 2 was not written because of 1, if 2 follows 1, how can 1 connect
to 2 only if 1 is written does 2 later make sense in any way as it applies to 1 because if 1
of 2 and 2 of 2 are stated connections obviously 2 follows 1). Who the F cares replies
#NYCY relates to what. Stop f-king gluing negatives to positives THEN try to
understand existence of a negative point to PROVE OR JUSTIFY anything that is clearly
Wrong on its face right or wrong Smart or Rerarded, Guided by who probably by some
Wrong to Prove estb cause understand a Bad to see what?!?! #FrankGehry Whether Bad
causes Good? Rights and Wrongs don't create standings in life to prove or justify wrongs
or rights. If trying to prove wrongs to estb Bad identify bad, You ARE Wrong to achieve
set up circumstances until a Bad occurs to Justify a Cause needed to prove bad. If Bad
caused Retarded then we already know a Bad existed at some point in time which caused
Retarded. If you think identifications are required to improve disprove establish displace
result in Wrongs to: Good Smart Bad Retarded or Blinde. Who's wrong? You were
wrong, neither nor any side need be established to prove anything if Bad exists Wrong
exists a (Cause) cannot therefore prove in reverse existence of Bad for what? Never
justify wrongs of others who are Bad to See if Wrongs occur them blame Causes as
resulting from your establishment of Wrong to Show Bad See Bad Understand Bad See if
Caused Bad see if why what's the point of clarifying Bad Caused anything Wrong if
clearly Wrongs are Bad who the f-k cares whose Wrong: If Bad Causes: Retarded Smart
Wrong Right #whothefuckcares what you think if it f-king caused Bad and Bad Caused
Retarded then Establishment of Anything should have no effect on: Smart, Retarded,
Right, or Wrong. Unless Wrongs continue then Causes MUST be because of a Bad, sides
do not establish disprove establish reinforce causes for Bads or Wrongs, if we already
understand Wrongs are Caused by Bad, obviously if Retardation Exists then some Bad
occurred to Cause that. Who's bad? Therefore cannot be proven if a Wrong is necessary
or a Result is necessary to Prove any side or causes. That's Wrong. Wrong does not Equal
Retarded!!!!! If Bad caused Wrongs Retarded that has no effects on Smart, Rights, or any
other Wrongs. Sides don't justify Sides if they exist on their own, any connections needed
to be made to see anything is obviously caused by whatever was Wrong or Needed a
Wrong to Justify Bad or Retarded l, or whether Bad caused Retarded as it relates to a
later Wrong, later Wrongs are f-king Wrong, if you need a Wrong to Justify Past Wrongs
then you are Wrong, Bad not Retarded clearly if you Caused Bad Bad was caused by
Retarded, and Bad is Wrong Retarded is proof of existence of Bads and Wrongs existing
whether Retarded or Smart. #whatsyourpoint if a Point need be proven to show rights and
wrongs to prove wrongs justify wrongs then clearly you were wrong: Retarded, Smart,
Right, or Wrong. Bad does not Cause Wrongs if Bad caused Retarded, Retarded is then
being misused at any later point in time to Understand Causes to Identify Bad to See
Causes is not Right, Causes for Retardation do not justify ANY Wrongs past or present.
(Y #USSupremeCourt).

1 and 2 does not equal anything outside of what is proven within 1 and 2 and 1 and 2
does not provide insight to anything other than what it's written for and stated for and
addressed for. When a 1 2 is written 1 2 exists for 1 2, if it applies to a 3 not written in 1
or 2 that does not prove support any existence of 3 for what? If you need anything to exist
not written to cause a 3 what was your 3 for? To misuse a clearly stated 1 followed by a 2
to see if 3 now is because of a 1 or a 2? If 2 follows 1 and any 3 follows a 2, 3 will follow
2 If 3 follows a 2: 3 follows 2, 2 does not cause 1 if 2 does not cause 1 then how can 3
cause 2 or 1. Whether we have a 3 or not should therefore make no difference to 1 or 2,
3s are made when a 2 is made, everything that follows follows the preceding because the
preceding was written a 2 was written without or without a 3 necessary because a 3
cannot be written if 1 and 2 are not made, any 3 independent can not exist without a 2 just
like 2 cannot exist without 1. cc: #USSupremeCourt (Point 3) of (2): (1 of 2) and (2 of 2)
#SeeAbove. By: #lesliefischman aka #mymollydoll To: #Ken: #BarackObama.


Reporting to #Authority Figures is so important and necessary to preserve #good people

good in the #World, if you let the strong be strong and things are not right and something
is wrong you figure out how to prevent wrongs from occurring by trusting your Superiors
fighting achieves nothing forward beneficial to any sides sides need only be made when
good does not see bad and bad thinks good is retarded and if they see retarded because
they think strong means smart, you figure out how to resolve causes for aggression by
empowering who those who see best, to what preserve good even if it doesn't include
you. #thatscare cc: #USSupremeCourt If I'm strong I meet broken until rights and wrongs
become so clear #noonecares why? Because when reporting occurs, and everything feels
normal they know the difference between land and sea if they don't see #risk you build
something grounded of value so they know everything will be okay. Who I trust most is
who I see first. Why? Because they wrote my textbooks and I loved #lawschool how I
became #smart prepared #princetonreview twice #Kaplan twice and took the #LSAT
officially three times, including a third time at the #LawSchool I got into to (recognized
me) "How come you're here?" Just to see if I could get a better score. After I committed
#Suicide (February 2009) had to finish my applications got into #Glendale and #UWLA
chose #UWLA and moved to #MarinaDelRey.


I grew up going to Neverland, I'm not Rich, Stop trying to figure out why & how people
die, to see if Bad Caused Retarded to identify is Retarded = Causes Death or Bad =
Causes Death. Retards die if unable to achieve or get to prove show #Smart (Who then is
was responsible? The #Smart who designated you as being #Retarded (because they
thought you were Bad, and did not deserve to achieve or that Smart is achieved by being
Bad. Bad causes Smart People to Look Retarded. I'm not Retarded, sounding not by
writing not by my thoughts, I don't read people, that's my gift, figure yourself out I work
for #SCOTUS. If misidentified as being #Bad motivated by #Bad or #NotSmart =
Potential for Harm Empowering Those With Powers to Cause Harm (Turn Bad on Good
People). Good v Bad, you can NEVER BECOME #GOOD by fighting with #Bad People.
Good is (Quiet a #Workhorse). Like my Dad, #Quiet since the 90s a #workhorse. I'm not
grose, retarded, or mean - if you make everyone think I'm a bad person, then you have an
#Agenda #Strong. #leavemealone cc: #USSupremeCourt
I don't believe in #ProveThemWrong. I let everyone win until the paranoia goes away.
For what, not necessary if #alwaysgood.
If people provoke you, it's because they're trying to interfere with your ability to achieve
or jealous worse off in life because #Bad.
I don't need money #iTrust #SCOTUS
Good gives #Power to those they #Trust.


When everything is resolved that's not the time for cause of action against me. Don't
create problems where none exist. We were doing so well. The consequences of
misbehavior toward one another only promotes evil, sides, and discord. Best to be
disciplined, work hard, not meddle with the lives and minds of one another. If you have
nothing relevant worthwhile to share with a beneficial interest to those you share among,
than best not to say anything at all if only more harm than good can result. Don't be
dramatic hostile towards me please. That was totally unnecessary. Transients run around
and scream at meetings in #WestHollywood. Showing up in a baseball cap and no
makeup and sharing, attending when asked to, is not your cue when I'm down having a
bad day to hurt me, create conditions where none exist, turmoil where none exist, if you
are not comfortable with me then don't #Sponsor me. #MindYourOwnBusiness
#WorldPeace #Speech Why I give up get #Suicidal.


iMovie 230: Angels & Retards by #PresidentBush

Don't demonize me and wonder why you feel demoralized embarrassed. I'm a great

Class A: "If you're going to Hell you're going to Hell don't take me there with you."

Class B: "I'm going to Hell who's coming there with me?"

#RighttoPrivacy #USSupremeCourt

Don't promote bad behavior. I don't. Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Normal? Okay you're

Know yourself. Don't go through life waiting for acceptance or validation in life. All you
need to know is right from wrong to stay on course. Let God take care of the rest.
Why Team #Petrocelli. He does International Corporation Defense and I made a
Corporation Registered in CA. #BeGood


Everyone was once Retarded that's #Okay

When Retarded Achieves they earn #Good
by #USSupremeCourt (#Bad = #Retarded)
There's what you're trying to say. #SoWhat


Don't misinform yourselves by reading between too many lines, by making negative
inferences, and poor assumptions about others. You only make yourselves sick when you
think negatively of others, and it makes others sick when you talk $hit about others.
#tipoftheday #SCOTUS I write so much, I'm always clear, I never F with anyone's head,
always honest, truthful to a T. #obamacare
#BarackObama got so scared suicidal he made Obamacare, we're okay we're not mentally
ill. We got this. Believe in us. He got really worried. But we're okay now.


Main Point: Smart or Retarded does not prove either or Smart or Retarded, Proof of one
Smart does not make Any or All or Some or One Retarded, Smart is not for Identifying or
Disproving Retarded. Who hurts who? Neither Smart or Retarded should effect one
another unless purpose is to attack a status to achieve the opposing sides status, if one
does not cause the other, establishment or destruction of either side cannot therefore
cause the other to be right or wrong better than justified or not. Bad does not equal
Retarded. Smart does not Prove Retarded. And Bad causes Retarded is Bad's purpose is
to justify being what Bad. Bad does not equal Retarded. You cannot use another's
position in life to achieve, take away, switch, take place of, prove, displace, to justify
(define) make clear any #misuse of a term often occurs when it's needed to make clear a
difference from right and wrong. If wrong is at issue then it's clear Bad is at issue,
whether caused by Retarded or Bad bc of whatever Bad thinks justifies being a Bad for,
NEVER equates to Bad = Retarded (Don't misrepresent a vulnerable population to justify
a wrong, existence of a wrong, to explain or identify whether: Bad or Retarded. If we
know of one known purpose (justification of wrongs) than not right EVER to explain or
define sides clear to who's right or wrong unless necessary to do so. Smart or Retarded
(Causes) as it relates to Bad (and use of bad to clear wrongs establish sides whether
purposeful or by accident, if so repeated no matter what your identification or what your
purpose is will never be wrong if Bad causes Retarded. Not all wrongs are based on
Smart or Retarded, that's an assumption of causes as it relates to what you find relevant.
Tip: Know yourself, Trust yourself, Report Everything, Let #LawEnforcement Know
when you see Bad to protect who (Causes for Retarded) if that so matters to you to prove
or disprove wrongs you identify with see know hear think #whocares you know you best.
#ThinkforYourself nobody's struggles or hardships or disabilities NEVER affect Smart,
Retarded, Well, Sick etc? Your focus is your focus no one is ever #wrong because of
focus issues, if you earn a place or position in life, everything else is obvious to right,
wrong, smart, retarded etc. we see and know ourselves best others understandings of us
should never be important to argue for existence of what: rights or wrongs #bywho
#whocares #lawenforcement knows everything. Retarded is not caused by Wrongs
obviously if it's clear Bad causes Retarded. (New Focus: Existence of Bad clarifies what
wrongs, to whom and why? If any justification of Bad is made something Wrong any
Wrong is easily identified needs not be proven. Just because Bad (Shows Wrongs) does
not mean Wrongs caused Bad or establishment of a Bad. There's no causal connection if
you state Bad causes Retarded, Retarded is Automatically Not Bad. #whatsyourpoint?
Point at Issue: Retarded caused by Bad does not justify any or all or some or one Wrong,
if no position is necessary to identify prove not either or the other need be clarified by
destruction proof of any side (See Above). Wrongs exist even if Bad, Smart, Retarded, or
Blinde if used to Prove Rights and Wrongs then why weaken any sides waste time
proving or disproving any side. That's not my job. cc: #USSupremeCourt


That was a joke (a retarded retort to empower someone who hurt me, to free themselves)
by saying I'm gonna get strong to prove him wrong and be obnoxious hold up a sign with
curse words. I don't care. I'm not motivated by anything or anyone, you earn motivation
in life by rights and being good not wrongs and get strong with hardwork discipline
earned - If Bad (i. Causes or ii. Helps Prove) = Retarded, than why would I be Good to
undo bad to justify retarded. Why be good and then prove Bad, that invalidates Good.
Makes oneself look retarded, not validated. cc: #USSupremeCourt (Says on behalf of
#Leslie: [please] #stop hurting me. You disabled me defame me therefore God helps you
all now. Stop attacking me. I always help. My God is the #USSupremeCourt, they don't
control the weather. #whatsyourpoint? If drugs and alcohol (you think) make you or
anyone Retarded (Look Bad) then: (1) Ask for Help (2) Go to Rehab (3) Go to Jail (4) Go
to the ER (Retarded people cause no harm it's people trying to claim "Retarded" Status to
justify misbehavior that's a misuse of a class of people with actual disability visible
disability by school records - stop trying to prove: Bad because Retarded (Don't
misrepresent people who are really retarded they are not bad people Y because Bad
causes Retarded (see within) Bad does not equal or justify retarded. #AcceptAll


Whats your point, cause what, thats not how the World works. Thats not Y (why), stop
trying to prove Y to connect Ys and build your own Y. Ys build themselves independent
of others, no connections required, connect what dots to parallel what to relate to what to
prove what to correspond to what to achieve what causation correlation does not prove
connection thats a fundamental fact Y? You cant create circumstances presently to
prove past acts of violence to connect anything, any caused conditions are the fault of
those who caused them, not the fault of those who respond to them. #whatsyourpoint
#imnotfamous I was designated retarded my whole life put down . I dont have
confidence #whocares.


Come backs & Low Blows kill #innocent people who care see #good, stop hurting me,
what's your point? #noonecares if I'm smart, retarded, bad (I'm #sober #clean #celibate
now since 2014), or good they like me anyways #acceptmeasIam. Stop back back B-ing
me, this isn't #MortalCombat, don't finish me off when I'm strong. And knock me out
when I'm wobbly not doing well. Chant "that's what you get" "you did that to yourself" if
so don't wonder why I'm talking out here loved and you feel left out. #whatsyourpoint
#whocaresnoonecares (If you look at me and see hear and think #grose than keep
chanting those lines until you feel better about yourselves as you see things that please
your interests #whocaresnoonecares). #SCOTUS


I can't breathe drained #suicidal leave me alone so I can get strong, otherwise I give up. If
you're gonna defame me why the F would I try hard to prove you wrong. That would be a
retarded waste of energy arguing with negative people. #whatwillbewillbe #moveon
If you dump me & my heart breaks, I become unstable (when I was unstable in 2009 I
committed suicide) so I know if I can't figure out what's wrong with me to go to the ER.
I've been to 10 years of #LawSchool and Buffet of Meds on my Dresser and a Doctor I
can call, who won't let me die. Why take me to the ER? For meds? I lay there no meds
given bored tell jokes cite theory and put in the #psychward of my choice. #Smoking
please. Why do they keep trying to put me in the psych ward when I'm doing well?


Please don't take things personally. Don't get personal with me and hurt me. This is my
reaction, I always keep things positive. cc: #BarackObama #noonecares live with it. If
I'm not focusing on one issue, does not make it an issue, don't interfere with my
coordinates in life, by projecting issues onto me not helpful, relevant, or of necessity at
this moment. Love is for when things are okay, if things are not okay that's God telling
me to focus on everyone instead not just one. Been this way since (2013) when I left
#AaronBrown. Stop chastising me and calling me names. Everything gets repeated
spreads and hurts, calling me a name does not devalue me, or cause for mental illness or
suicidal ideation, #CarcinomaCancer causes Suicide today FYI, don't debilitate my
condition and rearrange conditions to prove points, Im not an experiment. It's annoying.
Especially when someone you love turns on you. I walk away from everyone, go back to
being independent. You set yourself up for life: success, failure, etc. no one has control
over your places in life except for yourself. Read at your own risk. I don't help people
who harm me, if my well being means nothing to you and my progress is not valued by
you, then when I get strong don't be offended if others get strong too and you feel left
out. If you choose to lean on the weak and empower yourself by: competition,
intimidation, and only try to justify negatives cause discrimination or hurt others to
benefit yourselves to prove points then you're being manipulative one of my biggest pet
peeves. Hence: Noah's Arc joke, if you think I'm not smart than why the F are you all
over my devices when left to my own devices, take away my devices play victim before
any accusation of wrongdoing is explained. That's being defensive in advance to protect
oneself from future hardship, trying to beat an innocent person to a punch is not
beneficial to anyone if it only benefits a few. Nobody harmless such as myself can cause
harm, good people always create good in the #World because they've so positioned
themselves in that way: #AcceptAll: Smart or Retarded (#MainPoint: Don't hurt me bc
I'm not writing code trying to prove my self worth and level of intelligence IQ to
anyone). (Side-Issues): Silence does not equal guilt or misconduct is not evidence of
choking or loss of direction or failure, when a job is getting done there's no need to work,
when the job (D.C.) needs help, I put myself in dying mode until I speak. They know
how my body works I'm a #SCOTUS Advocate help them. I work only when urgent
necessary, online. #MindYourOwnBusiness you are responsible for how you feel in life,
don't blame me #noonecares about who hurt who, or who is to blame when I'm suffering
struggling, but do I complain Online throw a pity party or prosecute others for their
misinformed decision-making and judgments toward me or misuse of information put in
contexts to hurt me, no I've always been accepting of all, unfortunately - and because I'm
not good enough to anyone I am not doing well right now. #whocaresnoonecares It's not
a big deal, I've slept for a year before, it takes a long time to get strong after you take a
beating get maxed out or bullied, I f-king run diet lose weight, get jobs, I f-king
understand #defamation I was defamed in a Yearbook, it set me straight in life sober
(2003) I trust others, not easily offended by others, everyone's entitled to their own
opinions what works best for them in life this isn't a persuasive blog persuasive writing is
for arguments I don't argue I make sense of everything as best I can process events, if you
believe that others have your best interests at heart and that they mean well and always
see the good in others then you will not be so defensive or react aggressively toward me
in response to any of my blogging for good cause only, whether or not you were wrong or
right, that's not my prerogative in life to make others feel small or try to be big, that's not
my purpose never has been, I never write about others only myself. Don't make things
about you, or assume anything is about you, no one is pointing any fingers at you, that's
not the purpose for this blog, if you are paranoid before anything bad happens that means
I need to help everyone else fix problems #moreworktobedone paranoia is not indicative
of misconduct or wrongdoing toward yourself or others don't take one definition of
paranoia used by me and take it out of context to apply to a different set of issues or
points of discussion to argue a point with the misuse of my words. This is definition (2)
of paranoia: occurance existing within an unstable environment or (1) (previously
discussed in another post) paranoia resulting from ones own wrongs harm caused to self.
I understand no one is trying to say you are paranoid bc you were wrong or feel wrong,
that's not my place to tell anyone when they feel unstable that it's their own fault, I
usually back-off and try to make a positive difference, read everyone instead of one when
things get weird. That's my nature, normal face to face always. What I understand or read
is really none of your business when I'm stable and everyone gets stable then accuse me
of any wrongdoing. If everyone is calm quiet that means they feel safe, I did a good job.
If sex doesn't work & not good enough for you, then maybe I should do my best to make
everyone feel safe calm to take care of you. And work on myself.

1. I'm not a terrorist

2. I'm not a bully
3. I'm not a [sex addict]
4. I never cause harm to others hurt others
5. I'm a good person
6. Good people don't argue they fix & work

If I'm not arguing does not mean I'm not strong it means that it's not my place to argue if
there is risk for more harm than good (I Understand: When you make someone look
grose you inhibit disable their ability to make others feel better or trust you, that's not a
current disposition or past disposition that's a man made disposition (advanced
predisposition: decided by those who do not like or value me). If so, why quiet, I don't
need representation, but there's only one of me, if my purpose in life is to help others,
then Ill talk to #SCOTUS to take on jobs I would have been able to take on had I not been
mislabeled and trashed when strong treated like a drug addict or waste, don't complain
now if I'm dying and realize anything #whocaresnoonecares its not my fault #noonecares
who's fault it is. The Justice System takes care of who deserves to be heard and who not
to listen to. I'm not #famous so it's not a big deal to me, what's your point. Killing me will
not better your understanding or justify death by causes conditions created - I know me, I
know why I committed suicide (Feb. 2009) if I don't want to talk about the case and two
dead Attorneys or 9/11 I don't have to talk #enough said. My neighbor #ChrisSonia
knows I was in a fog not sure who was to blame or responsible. So I've been quiet for
many years a #lawstudent. If he had to ask means I framed no one.


iMovie 235: Normal v. Weird (Live in session argued by #lesliefischman January 2013
inside The #USSupremeCourt). If it's weird fix it don't try to understand it, if it's violent
calm everything down, if it's foggy inform. We believe in Solutions, Not Defenses,
Reporting Not Curbed Wordage to Create Leans in any one Direction. That wastes time,
our main goal is to always be on time. Where we need to be not where others put us,
always in control of our own dispositions - is what we believe makes the best functioning
societies. (It was so foggy & violent I wrote everyday online for 4-5 years continuously
until we all got on the same page). #WorldPeace = #Clarity of the #Issues, Balanced
Perspectives, and Is a 24 hr job from the moment you sign up for it, just like supporting a
cause or non-profit you never stop making a difference in that department until things get
better. Pick wisely.


Don't misinform yourselves by reading between too many lines, by making negative
inferences, and poor assumptions about others. You only make yourselves sick when you
think negatively of others, and it makes others sick when you talk $hit about others.
#tipoftheday #SCOTUS I write so much, I'm always clear, I never F with anyone's head,
always honest, truthful to a T. #obamacare
#BarackObama got so scared suicidal he made Obamacare, we're okay we're not mentally
ill. We got this. Believe in us. He got really worried. But we're okay now.


iMovie 224: Noah's Arc by The Makers of #Catland & #Tinder: Matches are best made
by similar dispositions in life. If he's f-king me and he's not f-king you then why are you
trying to F him? I'm not a #Chevron. Everytime they just want to feel good to attract
others, then don't need me. Feel good on your own. If you don't need me then don't F me.
I obviously need #love, but right now it's more important for me to be Professional I don't
have time for #dogfights. cc: #SCOTUS
Now they talk & we don't talk. #Bingo Y the F would I write a song or movie about how
someone hurt me, that's unnecessary.
Dumping = #Suicide (Don't test me).
I've been apart of the Solution since (2008) working for The Government. #disrespectful


Main Points for Today by #BarackObama

Fight Your Own Wars #TipoftheDay
Anything provoked for mention, anything condition caused to see reaction, is
experimental behavior not tolerated by The #USSupremeCourt, no cause of action. It's
dangerous, it causes harm to others, do not F with the minds of the innocent to gather a
side or muster up an argument or trigger consequences unfavorable to yourselves, that's
why you don't feel well when I'm doing well. Stop hurting me. #WorldPeace


#RespectAll Respect Your Superiors in Life: the Educated, the Professional, & the
Knowledgeable, if you can't see out you're in over your head in to deep need to go
#BacktoSchool or need more #Job Training. It's really disheartening to get beat up and
have to speak explain how the #World works to everyone, so they feel included not
threatened, safe not paranoid, at peace not hostile, vindicated for their wrongs by causing
harm to others is unnecessary and improper at all times, exonerate yourselves by doing
good in the #World not by causing harm to others, when you hurt others you only hurt
yourselves. Take responsibility for your actions, bow down or step up in life, otherwise
do not interfere with the positive progress made by others to whom others depend on for
support and a sense of normalcy. #AlwaysBeaRock is what my Mom has told me over
the years. cc: #USSupremeCourt Issue: If you don't know me, don't hurt me.


1. Don't Hurt Me
2. Don't Defame Me
3. I Report Everything to #SCOTUS (Since January 2013 In Session) I applied to the US
Military 2009 prior to committing Suicide. I understand. I care. I do my best to be normal
help others stay calm. Stop ruining my life. Code is no big deal. Inside jokes get people
by especially during traumatic times, sift through the rights and wrongs of others in the
public sphere and promote the best sides, that's normal understandable. There's no need to
be weird toward one another if you see Code or understand how the #World works or
learn about any given trade or profession.
4. Stop Bullying Me
5. Don't Intimidate Me
6. I'm Educated
7. I'm not Retarded
8. Go Team #SavingLives
9. Don't Pry, Provoke, Unearth
10. Mind Your Own Business
11. I'm Very Professional
12. I'm a Very Balanced Decision Maker
13. Why I'm quiet, calm, keep to myself
14. Don't Poison Me
15. Don't be Homicidal Towards Me
16. I don't deserve to be hurt by others
17. I never fight with anyone

cc: #USSupremeCourt


Key Point: "Peaceable Assembly of Ideas"

I Crisis Counsel multiple interests online, ensure everyone feels safe, functioning at their
best, interpret problems & solutions, provide: feedback, insight, & deductions from my
limited knowledge of news Ive read and understand, education, work history, certificates,
and share. I've been like this since 2013, smart retarded or on point, I try to write
everyday something of value to help establish neutral sides embedded in story, comedy,
fashion, titles, and my theories my deductions to help promote peaceably assembly of
ideas that help everyone move forward. (I represent my Resume).


Your Audience & Fans Depend on Stability

If you cannot provide stability then don't speak. Only speak when prompted to or thrust
in an uncomfortable position in life, to which you need to explain to your New Boss why
you cannot work right now mentally ill #Suicidal It's an embarrassing process in the
public sphere to write good enough to get others to stop being mean to you.


iMovie 230: Angels & Retards by #PresidentBush

Don't demonize me and wonder why you feel demoralized embarrassed. I'm a great

Class A: "If you're going to Hell you're going to Hell don't take me there with you."

Class B: "I'm going to Hell who's coming there with me?"

#RighttoPrivacy #USSupremeCourt

Don't promote bad behavior. I don't. Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Normal? Okay you're

Know yourself. Don't go through life waiting for acceptance or validation in life. All you
need to know is right from wrong to stay on course. Let God take care of the rest.

Why Team #Petrocelli. He does International Corporation Defense and I made a

Corporation Registered in CA. #BeGood


When everything is resolved that's not the time for cause of action against me. Don't
create problems where none exist. We were doing so well. The consequences of
misbehavior toward one another only promotes evil, sides, and discord. Best to be
disciplined, work hard, not meddle with the lives and minds of one another. If you have
nothing relevant worthwhile to share with a beneficial interest to those you share among,
than best not to say anything at all if only more harm than good can result. Don't be
dramatic hostile towards me please. That was totally unnecessary. Transients run around
and scream at meetings in #WestHollywood. Showing up in a baseball cap and no
makeup and sharing, attending when asked to, is not your cue when I'm down having a
bad day to hurt me, create conditions where none exist, turmoil where none exist, if you
are not comfortable with me then don't #Sponsor me. #MindYourOwnBusiness
#WorldPeace #Speech Why I give up get #Suicidal.


I'm not the problem. If I don't come home one night, there's no reason to worry and
punish me, put me in the psych ward. I'm not doing well, I'm not running, I'm on heavy
meds, I'm on medical leave from work. Don't injure me. Don't call me 14 times I call
back put me in handcuffs and send me to the ER a second time. Now Im not attending
meetings. You separated me from my boyfriend. We were doing fine, I don't need your
Sponsorship. You obviously don't believe in me. Hurt me. cc: #USSupremeCourt (#AA
#Weho laughs).


Pray for #Texas (cc: #USSupremeCourt)

I got thrown in the #psychward and left #Suicidal marching, I was doing great calm, got a
new job, new boyfriend, attending #AA everyday twice a day for 4 months and a
Saturday #WestHollywood Meeting. If I don't come home for one night don't file a
missing persons report, arrest me send me back to the psych ward after 8 days in the
psych ward for another 7 days. I'm allowed to talk to myself in my car. Because that was
not allowed I talked to everyone in the Street and in Westwood instead of going to one
meeting, that took my cell phone laptop away and dropped me off at the ER. For what? If
my friends on #Facebook don't mind, then neither should you prying, overlooking.


That's what they do, if mentioned and together and talk $hit about me like I wrote
anything to harm anyone. If it's true and it's the facts and it's the report then what's the
problem. Take responsibility for your own actions and those you harm in life, including
me. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for fighting, sides, triggers, abuse, misuse of
information, and unappreciative people who do not value my hard work my initiative
campaigning against gun violence everyday since (2013). You obviously don't
understand the amount of work, correspondence, and high degree of detail and care it
took to gather an audience to rally for causes supported by #BradyCampaign and


F-k whoever you want leave me the F alone.

Don't read my blog F other women talk $hit. Bond over something else. You are the
cause of your own hardships & paranoia in life. I have to protect myself from harm I
don't deserve to die. Don't insult me, don't provoke me. If when I'm down, in the middle
of piecemealing information in my head & sharing it with others, you find that so
exciting you F someone else. Well that's not my fault if you feel bad now, left out, but
your own. #LAPD
Don't strut down the sidewalk in my path, I walked into the middle of the road. Get the F
away from me, don't text me, pray for yourself. On his nuts, on his nuts, you're a f-king
whore. Go back to work. #GetaLife stop stalking me on #Facebook. If you F'd him I don't
want to return to that meeting. #Bitch #LeavemeAlone
You both don't deserve to read ANY of this!


Don't put me in the #psychward for posting on #Facebook #RighttobeHeard that's

DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!! #LeavemeAlone #DontIntimidateMe!!!!!! Took my phone and
computer and car keys away dropped me off in the #ER. That's an ABUSE OF
POWER!!!!! cc: #USSupremeCourt v. #AA (I was quiet, calm, reserved, doing my best,
got a job, finished #UCLA IOP for Thought Disorders, that caused unreasonable
hardship, irreversible harm to my esteem and progress, unlawfully detained, that was
unnecessary, now I'm worse off & #suicidal, I was doing so well, don't ruin my life). I
don't need to drop any comebacks don't provoke me, trigger me, cause me to be ghetto
and shout retarded retorts, I'm much better than that, I deserve better treatment in life, I
deserve respect, don't belittle me, cause unnecessary chaos in my life because you do not
understand me, why give the time of day to anyone who does not recognize my hardships
effort and positive progress proud of me, I rise above).


(Point 2 of 2) by #lesliefischman aka #mymollydoll (1 connects to 2, because 1 was

written, 2 was written, 2 was not written because of 1, if 2 follows 1, how can 1 connect
to 2 only if 1 is written does 2 later make sense in any way as it applies to 1 because if 1
of 2 and 2 of 2 are stated connections obviously 2 follows 1). Who the F cares replies
#NYCY relates to what. Stop f-king gluing negatives to positives THEN try to
understand existence of a negative point to PROVE OR JUSTIFY anything that is clearly
Wrong on its face right or wrong Smart or Rerarded, Guided by who probably by some
Wrong to Prove estb cause understand a Bad to see what?!?! #FrankGehry Whether Bad
causes Good? Rights and Wrongs don't create standings in life to prove or justify wrongs
or rights. If trying to prove wrongs to estb Bad identify bad, You ARE Wrong to achieve
set up circumstances until a Bad occurs to Justify a Cause needed to prove bad. If Bad
caused Retarded then we already know a Bad existed at some point in time which caused
Retarded. If you think identifications are required to improve disprove establish displace
result in Wrongs to: Good Smart Bad Retarded or Blinde. Who's wrong? You were
wrong, neither nor any side need be established to prove anything if Bad exists Wrong
exists a (Cause) cannot therefore prove in reverse existence of Bad for what? Never
justify wrongs of others who are Bad to See if Wrongs occur them blame Causes as
resulting from your establishment of Wrong to Show Bad See Bad Understand Bad See if
Caused Bad see if why what's the point of clarifying Bad Caused anything Wrong if
clearly Wrongs are Bad who the f-k cares whose Wrong: If Bad Causes: Retarded Smart
Wrong Right #whothefuckcares what you think if it f-king caused Bad and Bad Caused
Retarded then Establishment of Anything should have no effect on: Smart, Retarded,
Right, or Wrong. Unless Wrongs continue then Causes MUST be because of a Bad, sides
do not establish disprove establish reinforce causes for Bads or Wrongs, if we already
understand Wrongs are Caused by Bad, obviously if Retardation Exists then some Bad
occurred to Cause that. Who's bad? Therefore cannot be proven if a Wrong is necessary
or a Result is necessary to Prove any side or causes. That's Wrong. Wrong does not Equal
Retarded!!!!! If Bad caused Wrongs Retarded that has no effects on Smart, Rights, or any
other Wrongs. Sides don't justify Sides if they exist on their own, any connections needed
to be made to see anything is obviously caused by whatever was Wrong or Needed a
Wrong to Justify Bad or Retarded l, or whether Bad caused Retarded as it relates to a
later Wrong, later Wrongs are f-king Wrong, if you need a Wrong to Justify Past Wrongs
then you are Wrong, Bad not Retarded clearly if you Caused Bad Bad was caused by
Retarded, and Bad is Wrong Retarded is proof of existence of Bads and Wrongs existing
whether Retarded or Smart. #whatsyourpoint if a Point need be proven to show rights and
wrongs to prove wrongs justify wrongs then clearly you were wrong: Retarded, Smart,
Right, or Wrong. Bad does not Cause Wrongs if Bad caused Retarded, Retarded is then
being misused at any later point in time to Understand Causes to Identify Bad to See
Causes is not Right, Causes for Retardation do not justify ANY Wrongs past or present.
(Y #USSupremeCourt).


Everyone was once Retarded that's #Okay

When Retarded Achieves they earn #Good
by #USSupremeCourt (#Bad = #Retarded)
There's what you're trying to say. #SoWhat

The End. (by #PresidentBush & #MichaelMoore) Be US, okay.

Now be you. Thank you!

By: Leslie Fischman (09/07/17)

Submitted: 09/07/17

Peace Agreement #3 (v3) (See Above) to (v1) and (v2)

cc: #PresidentBush (bcc: #FoxNews) Addressed #bemindful "It is never the fault of the
Victim, when a Victim is harmed." Why Victims are protected Why Victims are not put
in the #News bc that what: Puts them at risk of harm for retaliation or recidivism
(Explanation by: #VWAP why I report to #LAPD, what's your point? Smart is earned.
Smart does not disprove retarded or for purpose of changing views of others, if it's an
non-issue why create issues no one has the #power to decide #guilt other than the #courts,
that's not your job #Why paranoid.
Disposition (Figure the rest out for yourself). I'm done. #whatsyourpoint #leavemealone
cc: #USSupremeCourt (Stage 3: #HelpAll).

Main Point: Smart or Retarded does not prove either or Smart or Retarded, Proof of one
Smart does not make Any or All or Some or One Retarded, Smart is not for Identifying or
Disproving Retarded. Who hurts who? Neither Smart or Retarded should effect one
another unless purpose is to attack a status to achieve the opposing sides status, if one
does not cause the other, establishment or destruction of either side cannot therefore
cause the other to be right or wrong better than justified or not. Bad does not equal
Retarded. Smart does not Prove Retarded. And Bad causes Retarded is Bad's purpose is
to justify being what Bad. Bad does not equal Retarded. You cannot use another's
position in life to achieve, take away, switch, take place of, prove, displace, to justify
(define) make clear any #misuse of a term often occurs when it's needed to make clear a
difference from right and wrong. If wrong is at issue then it's clear Bad is at issue,
whether caused by Retarded or Bad bc of whatever Bad thinks justifies being a Bad for,
NEVER equates to Bad = Retarded (Don't misrepresent a vulnerable population to justify
a wrong, existence of a wrong, to explain or identify whether: Bad or Retarded. If we
know of one known purpose (justification of wrongs) than not right EVER to explain or
define sides clear to who's right or wrong unless necessary to do so. Smart or Retarded
(Causes) as it relates to Bad (and use of bad to clear wrongs establish sides whether
purposeful or by accident, if so repeated no matter what your identification or what your
purpose is will never be wrong if Bad causes Retarded. Not all wrongs are based on
Smart or Retarded, that's an assumption of causes as it relates to what you find relevant.
Tip: Know yourself, Trust yourself, Report Everything, Let #LawEnforcement Know
when you see Bad to protect who (Causes for Retarded) if that so matters to you to prove
or disprove wrongs you identify with see know hear think #whocares you know you best.
#ThinkforYourself nobody's struggles or hardships or disabilities NEVER affect Smart,
Retarded, Well, Sick etc? Your focus is your focus no one is ever #wrong because of
focus issues, if you earn a place or position in life, everything else is obvious to right,
wrong, smart, retarded etc. we see and know ourselves best others understandings of us
should never be important to argue for existence of what: rights or wrongs #bywho
#whocares #lawenforcement knows everything. Retarded is not caused by Wrongs
obviously if it's clear Bad causes Retarded. (New Focus: Existence of Bad clarifies what
wrongs, to whom and why? If any justification of Bad is made something Wrong any
Wrong is easily identified needs not be proven. Just because Bad (Shows Wrongs) does
not mean Wrongs caused Bad or establishment of a Bad. There's no causal connection if
you state Bad causes Retarded, Retarded is Automatically Not Bad. #whatsyourpoint?
Point at Issue: Retarded caused by Bad does not justify any or all or some or one Wrong,
if no position is necessary to identify prove not either or the other need be clarified by
destruction proof of any side (See Above). Wrongs exist even if Bad, Smart, Retarded, or
Blinde if used to Prove Rights and Wrongs then why weaken any sides waste time
proving or disproving any side. That's not my job. cc: #USSupremeCourt

Chords 1-3 (Point 1 of 2) (Looking for Original Type) (See Above).

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