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A trip that started out with just handing out

water filters turned into Changing water

into Wine

One day at the 21st of October High School Pastor Giron asked me if we
had water filters left. We do I replied. The only thing we need is the
buckets and God provided that for us. Giron went on to explain that the
Baptist church has two churches in the mountains toward the south of
Honduras and they are in desperate need of clean water and Bibles. So
we planned on taking a trip out there. Glenda, Pastor Giron, Carlos,
Cristian (who lives with us), Ben and I traveled 3 1/2 hours in the
mountains with the Dodge where no vehicles can go and only horses can
get through. But they didnt count on a Ram Dodge Ram that is. When
we arrived the crowds of people started to come. What we had to give
was 42 water filters, 48 Bibles, 300 coloring books with crayons, 400
tooth brushes and tooth paste, 40 solar lights, Tracts that I printed at
home (100) and we had our healing oil in pocket and Bibles in hand. The
people kept coming and the hosting Pastor started to play music as seen
in the photo below.

We had over 250 people singing and Praising the Lord. What we had was
a revival on our hands. The Pastor in the mountains asked if I had a
message to speak to the people. I spoke on the anointing of the Holy
Spirit and guided them through Genesis, then to John 4 and the Hebrews
12. I spoke on uncovering the wells of the Holy Spirit like Jacob did and
how Jesus offered wells of living water to the Samaritan woman, and in
Hebrews how the Holy Spirit can consume us.
The seed was planted but I felt we needed to wait on the Lord to
manifest himself with the people and let the seed sprout. So we started
handing out our donations to everyone. (Man in black shirt on far right
in the picture is the guest Pastor, man in orange is Pastor of the 2nd
visiting church in the mountains where vehicles can not go.)
Towards the end I felt the presence of God in the church. The people
changed as well. So I said to Giron announce if anyone would like to
receive Jesus as their Savior or if they would like healing to come forth.
Then 60 plus people all moved forward. I started anointing and praying
over each individual person because I wanted it to be intimate and I
knew in my heart that their were some who wanted Jesus in a profound
way. 4 received Jesus as their Savior. The anointing came over the
people with shaking, tears of joy and relief and many walked away
healed in the name of Jesus!!! The pastors were in a corner praying and
confirming what was going on. 3 hours passed and the anointing was
incredibly strong. So strong I went behind the church and looked to
Heaven and cried for gratitude in what just happened. Being obedient
and waiting for the Presence of God has been lost and
forgotten in our world today because of the hurry up approach
in life and in our Church gatherings. My prayer is for Jesus to
show up in our Bible studies, Church gatherings, at home in
your personal devotion and maybe while you are reading this
right now. If you feel it then just bow your head and allow Jesus
to fill your cup and bless you with His presence. You will feel it
from your head to your toes. Electricity all over will overcome
you and it is amazing. God Bless you!!! We love you!!!

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