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Unit 1: Nature of Science

Science: the investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that
results from those investigations

Three Branches of Science: Physical, Earth, and Life

Physical Earth Life
Physics Astronomy Biology
Chemistry Weather Zoology

Scientific Method/Inquiry
Step 1: Ask Questions
Observe: the act of using one or more of your senses to gather information
Infer: the logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or
Testable Question formats:
o What is the effect of _____ on ______?
o How does ______ affect ______?

Step 2: Hypothesize and Predict

Hypothesis: a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific
o Must use this format:
If _______, then ______ because ______.
Prediction: a statement of what will happen next

Step 3: Test Hypothesis

Conduct your experiment/investigation
o Independent (IV): What you change
o Dependent (DV): The result
o Control (CV): What stays the same
o Hint: The dependent variable depends on the independent variable
Step 4: Analyze Results
Data should be organized (data table) and graphed (line, bar, or pie)
o IV goes on the X-axis
o DV goes on the Y-axis
o Title your graph!
Report basic statistics
o Mean/Average: Add up all the values and divide by the number of values
o Median: arrange from smallest to largest and find the middle
o Mode: most
o Range: highest lowest
Make a graph
Line graph change over time/trend
Bar graph comparison
Circle/pie parts of whole

Step 5: Draw Conclusions

Was your hypothesis supported or not supported?

Step 6: Communicate Results

Tell others what you have found. Was your hypothesis supported?
What would you do different next time?

Scientific Theory vs. Scientific Law

Scientific Theory - an explanation of observations or events that is based on knowledge
gained from many observations and investigations; attempts to explain HOW/WHY
something happens
Big Bang Theory
Theory of General Relativity
Plate tectonics
Natural Selection

Scientific Law - a rule that describes a pattern in nature; states that something WILL
Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion
Universal Law of Gravitation

Replication and Repetition

Replication - redoing the work of someone else
Repetition - repeating your work

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