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THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Puntos or __ We, the people af tho Unitd States, inorder to frm a more perfect zeie‘iet Yaion’ eaablinn justee, insure ome Srangelit, provide forthe fner'ant ex common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings SSEGT™ ™ Gf'iberty to oureelves snd our posterity, do Ordein and establish thee Connon for she United Sate af America (2) egtine, Anzctn 1. i Ail lot powers erin rant, all be "Gates vested in a Congres ofthe United Stats, which shall consist of a Sen- Bier Te and Howe of Reprevntativen() towest te. “G'B, The House of Representatives shall be composed of members een chonen evry second year by the people ofthe several Steen; and the electors in cath Stn shal have the qualifestions requisite fr electors of the mest nomerous branch of the Stats Legislature [No person sll bo rpresentative wo shall not har tained tothe age of twentyive Years, and been seven year aston ofthe United ties, and who sl no, when elected, be an inabitant of that Stave Ineo he dl be eos, i Reronne, ""Representattes snd direst taxes shall be apportioned among the rere drectgeveral States which may be included tian, cording ei fae Pee" feapecive nammber, which shall he determined by nding wo the whale ESky ie. omer of fre persons including those bound to ervic fora term of feiss ts Sear, and eelaing Indians not taxed thre fis ofall ther perooe, aan o vw» ‘he actual enumeration shall be made’ within three years afer the Bre kel 22 meeting ofthe Congress of the United States, and within every uber Fe Gent term often year, in such manner as hey shall by lw direc The CTE sumber of es shall not exceed one for every thirty thosstnd, Es thateach State shall have at less one represemative, stunt such ena. aeration shall be mado, the stat of New Hampshire shall be ented {0 choowe three, Massachasets eight, Rhode Ieland_ and. Providence Plentations one, Connectcnt fires New York six, New Jersey four, ea Pee basen ea psa sks A, ge 2 NS ra brea a et ee ity Connei of Baltimore, f Pere 248, bury e, Mudloon, 1 Cravch, 8931 Gong, Rep, Ser Engrs MART an ea tate Oa eae ohana urpoer of Pavgace, fe cou nto orcs what Sor nde indepen efiectant The goer sift oF rock fh peer mah sean. ght then [is legniare,fYom tne to te, to adopt in owe means to ellctane legitimate objects, 28 to mould {i rll the stern of aqme powora tr own "indom, aod te pubs ica hal e- (fees "arn ne: Hunter, 1 Wiese, 20453 Cond. Bop 513; 7 ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. " Rennsyirani eight, Delenare one, Maryland six, Virgin ten, North Gatliza tive, Seu Carolin vey and Georgia thee.) “When vances bppen in the repesttaton fom any Sate the Executive authority thot hal inse writs of section to Bl euch var "The House of Represntatre shall choce thes spesker ana other cfices, and sal ive te aoe power of apenchmene $3. The. Senso of the United’ State shall be composed of to Schatowe fom each Sine, chosen by the Legaatre rect, or ai Yous; and each Sensor sll have one vote Tinnsiscly afer they shall be semble n consequence of theft extn thy a iden ely pny en Gee ae ‘The ssi of the Senators of the fet lis shal bo vacated atte exp- {atonof the second yeu of to sovond cles a the expiration of fear yar, and ofthe thcd cls ence exprion of Ge wh your, 00 iat one rd may be chaz every second Years aud if vacances lop: Soran da pen by rexiguaios,or otherwise daring the foots ofthe Logasiare of cee, any State, the Executive thereof may make ‘temporary appointments unt State, How the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall thea fil such vacancies. ied. ‘No peroon sill bea Seastor who hal not have aained Yo the age, Guillen of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, aud °F #0" Sthosbaluo, hen elecie, be sn inhabitant of that Sat for which he Yes pede all be chosen Feet ‘Phe Viee President of the United States shall be president of the ‘a! 2{ Sma Senate, but sll have n0 tot, unless they be equally divided eens? "The Senate shall choose their other officer, and alo a president pre ‘cer retest tempore, in the absence of the Vice President or when he aball exer P3.emoer. cine the office of President of the United States ae "The Senate shall have the sole power totry all impeachments, When pevertsuyim: sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When (rvcuasuss {he Prosdont of the United State ia tied, the Chet Justice shall pre- gent tis" ‘ie; and no person shall be eooviciod without the concurrence of two waite Chet thirds of the members present. = Tudgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to Seieat a remoral from offce, and disquaifeatin to hold and enjoy any office of cu oinpeeck: honour, trust or profit under the United States; bot the party convicted ment, fy shal nivertces bile ad sj ointment, ta, odgment, {nd pasishment according to lw. oe "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators Ziaet oid and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legisla- fog sisctoas, tare thro bat the Congres my at ny time By law make o her Shae uch regultion, except as to the places of choosing Senators ayer ‘he Congres shal semble a leet once in erry Jat and each reeting shall be onthe ist Monday in December, utes they shall by Tew appoint a dierent day. i. 7 § 5. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and {ng Senators, sualifestions of i own members, and's majory of excl shal cate "Emepon” wo {tte'a quorum todo basinem; but esmaer number may adjourn fom amen ay to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of abseat “Ech tome ay aa ere poet fan adatted inte the Union, ery PS MAE LE eG Rian eet i arte Gs phe Miles dee ‘March 31690 '‘Msouri wad admitted. ito te Union, March 2, 1824, vel. 5, p me a SEES Less cies Soong tee tae eee, TSE eee Baas ae Si he aa “ea Adee a te Uri, Se oe of 1 B ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. {2 ete jai members in such manner, and under such penalties, as each House Sine may provide polltaatsor "Hach House may determine the rules of its proceedings, pais its EEeenber A members for disorderly behaviour, and, with the concurrence of to PESCES ied ape! a menber HU po. "Each House shall keep a journal of ite proceedings, and from timeto Reger a a lc al of erecta ed tein wont Hoste requie seereey; and the yeas and nays of the members of ether House SuM$/G.on‘eny question, shall, the desire of one Bith of those present, be eo: me {ered on the journal, Adiowecents “Neither Mosse, during the session of Congres shall, without the afisttescict consent of the ollie, adjourn for more than three days, nor to. any Congr her place than that in which the to Houses shall be siting. Geeegaatin © $6, ‘The Senstors and Representatives shall receive « compensation for their services, to be ascertained. hy law, and paid out of the Trea [eka sury of the United States. ‘They shall, in all cases, except, treason, Iigeliom ar felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during theit uheseP- autendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to, Seen Hoes tnd roturning from, the sumey and for way speech of debate tn efiaet EpRTiadd Htgare they shall ne be questioned in any ober place {a any"aferch ‘No Senator ot Representative shall, during the time for which he was Tine,” lected, bo appcintel wo any ei fice under the author of tho: Un SApsists: fel Sis Ret ca nen aude he ool erat sors gr eres “fee under the United State, shall be a member of eer House dur- Fenetaalg ig his continuance tn offen cicewct “4 Sule fr rating rerenae shall riginae inthe House of ER Reprecenttves; but the Senate mey propose or concur wih amend Eos deteg” ment as om ocr bile hh coatinnanet ""Byery bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and 3hSor nia. the Sente, shal, beare it become a law, be presented to the President ington” Of the United Slaten; if he approve he thal signi, bot if othe shall ‘enlltatecber- return it, with his abjections, to that House in which it shall have origi= pa nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and pro- fred foreconider i. If ater much reconsideration Gro third of tat House shall agree to pose the bili shall be sent, together with the thectioe, tothe cer House, by which Kahl! cowie Ue reconsidered, tai it appeoed by two tarde ofthat House, i shall become In, But in vouch cant te votes of buth Hose shall be determined by {eno and nays, andthe nares of the peeons voting Sor and aguigt the Uilehll be chtered on the journal teach Monge feapectiely Tfany fil shall not be retarned by he. Presdeot within ten day, (Sanday ticeptd, aerial! hare been preeutd to him, the eae shal Sieg infike mangee ae i he had signed i unles tho Congress Ey {har ‘edjusament prevent i retara,in which case Haball Sot be & he. rey ore, "Every order, resolution, or rote, to which the concurence of the renin enate sod House of Repreentaites may be necessary, (exept on 8 Hrgeetell question of adjouroment,) shall be preseated to the President of the oie caettt Cited Sten? an before th same shall take ec, shal be adja) hy him, or being dieapproved by him, hall be repaseed by two thitds fhewereed of the Senato and House of Representatives, accarding tothe rules and SEECUSES" Titations prescribed in the cae of bill Howes ot "SS. "The Congress shall have power() eee as ne power(a) (gy Congrensmunt pone the chce of meats, tnd mun be empowered owt any means, which are in fet coubecivat he suerte power granted bytba Cootiston. "United Stator, Pub, ot 25 ‘uiqacer of iigt, Coane ep" Fond, Rep. 12. ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. B TTlrtété~—”~—~—~— delta, sit prods for the common defence and. genre wet of the tree” ifaiea Stns tt al de impos and exces be anos ‘Beoughout x United Sates “Plbcow money on he oe of che United St ‘Tosegate eneros wih reg nto, an aon the seer States, and with the Indian tribes:(¢) To eatabliah aa sottras re of Setralization (d) and wniform laws ‘on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States (e)

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