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Shock Waves (2012) 22:307316

DOI 10.1007/s00193-012-0373-z


Classification of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection types

A. N. Semenov M. K. Berezkina I. V. Krassovskaya

Received: 6 April 2011 / Revised: 5 March 2012 / Accepted: 23 March 2012 / Published online: 12 May 2012
Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Classification of various types of the reflections many times. Mach [1] was the first to discover the effect
of a shock wave over a straight wedge is proposed. The idea of reflection and reported two types of reflections. Regular
about entire reflection phenomenon as a result of interaction reflection results in a two-shock configuration, and a three-
of two processesthe shock wave reflection process and the shock structure results from a reflection that was called the
flow deflection processserves as a basis for the classifi- Mach reflection. Later, von Neumann [2] formulated two-
cation. To recognize the types of reflection, changes in the and three-shock theories of reflection. He also put forward the
shapes of the reflected wave, Mach stem, and contact sur- idea that reflection can be both regular and irregular (in con-
face (slipstream) are taken into account. The boundaries and trast to the regular one) and that the Mach reflection is a type
domains of existence for various types of reflection config- of irregular reflection. Von Neumann qualitatively described
uration are reported. New terms for some types of reflection the type of irregular reflection and had no hesitation in term-
are proposed. The domain of irregular non-Mach reflection is ing it as the non-Mach reflection. Subsequently, the latter
analyzed carefully. It is shown that the von Neumann reflec- type was named the von Neumann reflection [3,4].
tion pattern can result from not only the weak shock reflec- Courant and Friedrichs [5] theoretically showed that the
tion but also the strong shock reflection over thin wedges. Mach reflection, in turn, could be divided into three types
Shadowgraph images of different types of irregular reflec- depending on the direction of motion of the triple point. They
tion that illustrate the suggested classification are presented. distinguished three types of reflection: single Mach reflec-
Emphasis is placed on near-wall behavior of the contact dis- tion (with the triple point moving away from the surface),
continuity in the Mach configuration. stationary Mach reflection (the triple point moves parallel
to the surface) and inverse Mach reflection (the triple point
Keywords Shock reflection Flow deflection moves toward the surface). It should be noted that a gasdy-
Pseudo-steady flow Shadowgraph namic sense of the above-mentioned configurations was not
analyzed; therefore, the question of whether they all can be
referred to, as reflections remained unclear.
1 Introduction As new more complex configurations with additional
gasdynamic discontinuities in the reflected shock were dis-
In the 130 years of extensive investigation of shock waves, covered, they received the names: transitional-Mach reflec-
attempts to classify reflection types have been undertaken tion, double-Mach reflection, and terminal double-Mach
Taking into account that the shock wave reflection phe-
Communicated by B. W. Skews.
nomenon has principal differences in steady, unsteady, and
A. N. Semenov: Deceased. pseudo-steady flows, in the present paper, we confine our-
selves to consideration of the pseudo-steady process. In this
A. N. Semenov M. K. Berezkina I. V. Krassovskaya (B)
case, the entire process of interaction of a shock wave with a
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Politekhnicheskaya ul. 26, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia wedge is a combination of two sub-processes: the reflection
e-mail: of the incident wavefront from an inclined surface and the

308 A. N. Semenov et al.

incident shock-induced flow deflection around the leading

edge of the reflecting wedge. The idea was first put forward by
Law [6] and later was elaborated upon by Semenov and Sys-
hchikova [7]. They considered the isolated shock front reflec-
tion and flow deflection processes and, taking into account the
combined influence of each other, distinguished the reflec-
tion types with radically differing properties. Applying this
concept to all known types of reflection, Semenov [8] sug-
gested a classification containing nine types of the shock
wave reflection. Unfortunately, the work was published in
Russian (in an in-house collection of works) and so was not
available for a wide range of researchers.
Ben-Dor [9] in his review concerning the pseudo-steady
shock wave reflections suggests the following classification:

regular reflection RR,

von Neumann reflection vNR,
single-Mach reflection SMR,
transitional-Mach reflection TMR,
double-Mach reflection DMR. Fig. 1 Boundaries and domains of the different reflection types in the
(, )-plane for perfect CO2 ( = 1.29)
In his classification, the reflection types vNR, SMR, TMR,
aries in the (, )-plane are shown in Fig. 1 for gas with
and DMR are differentiated by the shape of the reflected sig-
= 1.29. Here, , , and are the angle of a wedge, the
nal. He also takes into account the interaction between the
density ratio across an incident shock wave and gas-specific
shock wave reflection process and the flow deflection process
heat ratio, respectively. The value is related to a Mach num-
[911], but considers only an influence of a band of compres-
ber of an incident shock wave Ms through
sion disturbances emanating from a leading edge of a wedge
on the structure of the reflection configuration. Ms 2 = (n 1) /(n ),
The present work pursues the investigation initiated in [8].
where n = ( +1)/( 1) is the limiting value of the density
An attempt is made to summarize the results of the long-time
ratio across the shock front. For the purpose of convenience,
investigation on shock wave reflection in pseudo-steady flow
Ms is plotted on the upper abscissa.
in order to classify the reflection types from a common view-
The two-shock theory of a regular reflection gives bound-
point. With the help of the boundaries for the shock reflection
ary E, which divides the (, )-plane into two sub-domains:
and flow deflection, the domains of the initial parameters,
regular reflection (above line E) and irregular (not neces-
where the different reflection types are possible, are deter-
sarily Mach) reflection (under line E). Line E has extreme
mined. A new term for the configuration with the additional
point e. The tangent f e to curve E determines the domain
triple point on the Mach stem is suggested. The configura-
(a f eta) of the anomalous regular reflection aRR. The spe-
tions with two and three triple points are considered in detail.
cific feature of a aRR is that the pressure of oblique regular
Special attention is paid to the behavior of the contact discon-
reflection exceeds the pressure of normal reflection.
tinuity. The direct shadowgraph images of different reflection
Before proceeding to the description of the specific bound-
types are given to illustrate the proposed classification.
aries of Mach reflection, some remarks about the three-
shock theory have to be done. The simplest model of Mach
2 Boundaries and domains of reflection types reflection was considered both by von Neumann [2] and by
Cabannes [12]. Von Neumann proposed the local (differen-
Whereas the specific features of the different configurations tial) theory of three-shock configuration regardless the reason
of Mach reflection are caused by the mutual influence of of its origination. Cabannes gave full (closed) theory of Mach
shock reflection and flow deflection processes, it is necessary reflection of a moving shock wave from a wedge. The main
to clarify what kind of pressure pulse (compression or rare- assumption of the Cabannes theory was the postulate that a
faction) comes to the triple point of the main Mach configu- rectilinear along its whole length Mach stem is perpendicu-
ration from the leading edge of the wedge and also whether lar to the reflecting surface. The von Neumann three-shock
the pressure pulse can reach the mentioned triple point. This theory is valid in the small vicinity of the triple point of a
analysis should be made with the help of main boundaries for three-shock configuration. The Cabannes theory describes
shock reflection and flow deflection processes. These bound- the flow in the finite domain of the reflection. The basic

Classification of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection types 309

difference between the two theories is that Cabanness the-

ory, unlike the Neumanns, makes it possible to calculate the
length of the Mach stem. However, from the mathematical
point of view, both theories are equivalent to each other and
the formal difference is that the given and unknown variables
swap places. In the present paper, the Cabannes three-shock
theory was used for describing the flow field of the pseudo-
steady shock wave reflection. a b
The three-shock theory of the pseudo-steady Mach reflec-
tion predicts two (B and C) boundaries (Fig. 1). They Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the reason for shock wave reflection
divide the solution domain into three sub-domains, which in pseudo-steady flows: a M1R < 1, b M1R > 1
are distinct from each other in directivity of the shocks of
three-shock configuration. Above line B, the configurations
contain two incoming shocks propagating in the opposite The flow around the leading edge can be either subsonic or
directions and one outgoing shock. Between lines B and C, supersonic (V is the boundary between subsonic and super-
the configurations contain one incoming and two outgoing sonic one in the laboratory coordinate system). If the flow is
shocks. The point b is the extreme point of line B, t is the supersonic, an attached or detached bow shock forms over
point of tangency with the boundary E, and s is the sonic the leading edge of the wedge. Line A separates the regions
point. Line C marks off the domain of the Mach reflection where bow shocks attach to and detach from the leading edge
from the domain where two co-propagating shocks collide, of the wedge.
merging into one resulting shock wave. The domain under As it is seen in Fig. 1, the domains of the irregular
line C can be referred to as domain of irregular non-Mach and Mach reflections (at E za and it BzCnmi, respectively)
reflection. Line S and line S1 correspond to sonic flow behind do not coincide. Surprisingly, the domain of Mach reflec-
the reflected shock of the three-shock configuration with tion embraces two characteristic sub-domains (ibtdi and
respect to the triple point T . The flow is supersonic above S th B Eet) of regular reflection; therefore, the question of
and below S1 . Between lines S and S1 , the flow is subsonic. reflection duality arises at certain values of key parameters. It
Along with boundary E, the theory of the regular reflec- seems that the former sub-domain ibtdi, which entirely falls
tion predicts another boundary. This is boundary U separat- into the range of small Mach numbers, has not been studied
ing the subsonic and supersonic flows behind the incident comprehensively; it may have been completely ignored. Per-
shock in the frame of reference attached to the point where haps, the reason is that, the Mach reflection in this range
the incident shock front touches the surface of the wedge. In exhibits an ambiguous property: in the case considered,
Fig. 2, schematic illustration of the reason for planar shock reflected shock waves are waves of the strong family. It is the
wave reflection in pseudo-steady flows is shown. Here, the only difference between the domain ibtdi and the domain
flow states ahead and behind an incident shock are denoted dtskV nmd (cyan-shaded area) of the proper Mach reflec-
by (0) and (1), respectively. R is the reflection point; M1R is tion. A remarkable property of the domain ibtdi is that it is
the Mach number of the flow behind an incident shock with entirely embedded in sub-domain a f eta of the anomalous
respect to the point R. When the flow behind the incident regular reflection. The latter sub-domain of duality th B Eet
shock is subsonic in a frame of reference to the point R, the is the focus of intensive research. In the case of pseudo-steady
flow should continuously turn to negotiate the wedge surface processes, the regular reflection is established in sub-domain
without any reflection wave (Fig. 2a). Hence, the irregular th B Eet, while in the case of nonstationary processes, either
reflection cannot result in appearance of a reflected shock an RR or an MR will be established in the dual solutions
wave. If the flow behind the incident shock is supersonic, sub-domain, depending on the pre-history [1322].
the flow deflection will be achieved by either an attached or
detached shock wave, which will form either a two-shock
or a three-shock reflection configuration (Fig. 2b). First, an 3 Analysis of various types of Mach reflection
attention to the domain of the initial reflection parameters
where a flow behind an incident shock wave is subsonic was Figure 3 represents the schematic illustration of the various
drawn by Ben-Dor [10]. Because neither shock nor expan- types of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection. It is based on
sion can arise in the subsonic flow, this domain was defined as both experimental and numerical data [8,10,11,21]. Here, I
NO REFLECTION domain. The boundary U gives indica- and R are the incident and reflected waves, respectively; M
tion of some properties of the irregular (not necessary Mach) is the Mach stem, C is the contact discontinuity, T is the
reflection and it will be used at an analysis of the irregular main triple point, t R and t M are additional triple points,
non-Mach reflection domain lying under line C. is the angle of incidence of the shock wave on the surface,

310 A. N. Semenov et al.

is the angle of the wedge, and is the angle of incidence of

the shock wave on the trajectory of triple point T . Figure 3a
illustrates a regular reflection configuration RR. In Fig. 3b,
the configuration of glancing incidence GlR is shown. In this
case, R is a circle of the sonic signal. This model is not the
limiting case of the three-shock theory but it is constructed
a b on the basis of simple gasdynamic grounds. In Fig. 1, the az
axis corresponds to this reflection pattern. It should be noted
that the real process of the reflection of weak shock waves
from small wedges is very well described by the GlR model
[23]. The various types of the Mach reflection are given in
Fig. 3cj. Recall that in Fig. 1, the domain of a Mach reflec-
tion lies between boundaries B and C where the elementary
theory of three-shock configurations gives the solutions with
one incoming and two outgoing shocks. In order to describe
c d
the types of the pseudo-steady Mach reflection and deter-
mine its special properties, it is necessary to find out what
kind of a pressure pulse (compression or rarefaction) ema-
nates from the vicinity of the leading edge of the wedge to
the triple point and also to check whether this signal may
catch up to the triple point. Necessary analysis was carried
out using the sonic boundary for the reflected shock (line S,
Fig. 1) and the sonic boundary for the incident shock (line
e f V , Fig. 1). Within this approach, we distinguish between the
following types of interaction between shock reflection pro-
cess and flow deflection process: (i) pure subsonic, (ii) hybrid
subsonicsupersonic, (iii) hybrid supersonicsubsonic, and
(iv) pure supersonic.
In the case of the pure subsonic interaction (cyan-shaded
area dskV nmd), the flow is subsonic both behind the
reflected wave and around the leading edge of the wedge. In
such a regime, the rarefaction pulse, emitted from the lead-
g h
ing edge toward the triple point T , easily reaches this point.
As a result, the reflection pattern is distorted: all discontinu-
ities in the three-shock configuration are curved. Attention
should be paid to the fact, that the reflected wave is convex
but the Mach stem is concave relative to their motion direc-
tion. Schematic illustration of this type is given in Fig. 3c.
Since this type of reflection was first detected by Smith [22],
it would be appropriate to call it a single MachSmith reflec-
i j tion SMSR.
A specific feature of the hybrid subsonicsupersonic inter-
action observed in sub-domain kshgk (light peach-shaded
area) is that the flow behind the reflected wave moves with a
supersonic velocity relative to the triple point; therefore, none
of the perturbations originating at the leading edge of the
wedge can catch up to the triple point. In sub-domain kshgk,
the rarefaction pulse acts as such a perturbation. The reflec-
k l tion pattern under these conditions is depicted in Fig. 3d. The
given type of reflection gets in line with the idealized con-
Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of the various shock wave reflection sideration of this process to the greatest extent and can be
configurations named the single MachCabannes reflection SMCR.

Classification of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection types 311

In the case of supersonicsubsonic interaction (sub- in Whites experiments [25]. As the intensity of the incident
domain k Sznklight green-shaded area), the compression shock grows, the influence of the process of flow deflection
pulse from the leading edge of the wedge easily catches up may become so significant that not only the contact disconti-
to the triple point and distorts the reflection configuration. nuity but also the Mach stem of the main Mach configuration
Under these conditions, all gasdynamic discontinuities are curves up to arising of a kink and formation of a triple point
curved throughout their length (see Fig. 3e). Today, it is t M (Fig. 3i). This type of reflection can be referred to as the
believed that a slipstream rolls up into a spiral vortex under triple MachWhite reflection TMWR.
the action of the compression pulse [10,24]. In this paper, we Sub-domain kgh B Lk (peach-shaded area) of the pure
suggest the hypothesis that this behavior of the slipstream supersonic interaction is adjacent to domain kshgk of the
is not related to vortex formation. The compression pulse hybrid interaction. In the former, the MachCabannes reflec-
makes the near-wall part of the slipstream curl forward. To tion is observed. This means that, in comparison with the
maintain the separation between the gas from the flow deflec- pattern in the domain kshgk, the Mach reflection pattern in
tion region and the gas behind the Mach stem, the slipstream the domain kgh B Lk will have new features: a new shock
curls back with the end perpendicular to the reflecting sur- and second triple point t R will form. The second triple point
face. The reflection type observed in the sub-domain k Sznk will generate a new slipstream. The slipstream in the main
can be termed as single MachWhite reflection SMWR. three-shock configuration remains undisturbed. This type of
The pure supersonic interaction (domain kgh B Skboth reflection will be referred to as a double MachCabannes
peach- and green-shaded area) is notable for the fact that reflection (DMCR, Fig. 3h).
the compression pulse emitted from the leading edge of the Since pseudo-steady Mach reflections in two neighbor-
reflecting wedge cannot reach the triple point. It is possible ing domains kshgk and kgh B Lk exhibit a number of com-
to assume that the lines kgh and k S which are the parts of mon properties, these two domains can be combined into
the sonic boundaries V and S, correspond to the initial con- a single one. One can call the reflection in the combined
ditions under which the type of reflection with a kink k on domain sh B Lks the MachCabannes reflection, discrimi-
the reflected wave forms. Between a kink and the triple point nating between the SMCR and DMCR. In experiments
the reflected wave is straight. This configuration is termed [26,27], the type of reflection shown in Fig. 3j was reported.
as transitional-Mach reflectionTMRand is shown sche- Lee and Glass [27] classified this type of reflection as the
matically in Fig. 3f. Inside the domain kgh B Sk, the com- terminal double Mach reflectionTDMR (the case when
pression pulse may give rise to a shock wave in the flow the second triple point is very nearly to the reflecting sur-
behind the reflected shock wave. As a result, an additional face). Such a reflection was observed in gases with a complex
triple point appears on the reflected shock front. It is neces- molecular structure, that is, in gases with a low value of gas
sary to find out whether this shock wave shields the vicinity specific heat ratio , such as Freon-12 or sulfur hexafluoride
of the triple point from extraneous influences partially or SF6 and for the high Mach numbers of the incident shocks.
completely. One can expect that pseudo-steady Mach reflec-
tions in domain kgh B Sk differ considerably at large and at
small angles of a wedge, and this difference is due to the 4 Analysis of the domain of irregular non-Mach
above features of interference in hybrid domains kshgk and reflection
k Sznk. Therefore, having divided domain kgh B Sk by a hor-
izontal line L into two sub-domains, one can hope to observe As seen in Fig. 1, the domain of Mach reflection does not
different types of interaction in them. span extended domain admnza of an irregular reflection, for
Sub-domain k L Sk (green-shaded area) of the pure super- which the type of reflection under real conditions remains
sonic interaction and domain k Sznk of hybrid interaction uncertain. For weak shock waves and small wedges, the
border on one another. In the latter, interference of local pro- experiments showed that the MR-like phenomena exist. Von
cesses of shock reflection and flow deflection causes defor- Neumann was the first who found and described qualitatively
mation of the slipstream. This means that the additional shock a particular type of an irregular reflection, which he called as
behind the reflected wave in domain k L Sk usually arises non-Mach one. This disagreement between theory and exper-
after the contact discontinuity has already formed (Fig. 3g); imental results is referred to as the von Neumann paradox,
in other words, the additional shock incompletely protects and the reflection type as von Neumann reflection (vNR).
the reflection region from the extraneous influence of the Recall that in the domain admnza under line C the theory
flow around the leading edge, allowing this influence to gives the solutions, which describe the irregular regime of
penetrate into the near-wall zone of the flow. The type of two co-propagating shocks collision but not the regime of
the pseudo-steady Mach reflection observed in sub-domain a shock reflection and, consequently, there are no grounds
k L Sk can be termed as double MachWhite reflection to expect any agreement between the theory and experimen-
DMWR, since this type of reflection was first observed tal data. Therefore, the first rather general conclusion can be

312 A. N. Semenov et al.

made that the von Neumann paradox has to be detected in the Neumann configuration (vNR) is given in Fig. 3k. Colella and
domain under line C. To answer the question about the failure Henderson [4] carried out both the high-resolution numeri-
of the three-shock theory to describe correctly the real reflec- cal and experimental study of reflection under von Neumann
tion process, it is necessary to analyze the part of the domain paradox conditions. They also hypothesized that there are
of Mach reflection (cyan-shaded area) under line S. Here, cases in which instead of a reflected shock a compression
the subsonic flow zone in the vicinity of the triple point may wave appears in the vicinity of the shock confluence.
already experience a distorting influence of the flow over the Another approach to the problem of the von Neumann
leading edge of a wedge, therefore in the considered domain, paradox of a weak shock reflection is developed in [2837].
we should inevitably expect an increasing (as one goes off Vasilev and Kraiko [28], following Guderleys idea [38],
line S) disagreement between theory and experiment. This proposed a four-wave reflection pattern, consisting of three
theoryexperiment disagreement means that in the consid- shocks and a centered expansion fan. Skews and Ashworth
ered domain, the basic assumption about a Mach stem (rec- [33] made an attempt to confirm the existence of the four-
tilinear along its whole length Mach stem is perpendicular to wave configuration experimentally. They argue that high-res-
the reflecting surface) is violated and a Mach stem must be olution experiments have shown the existence of a small flow
bent more and more with distance from line S. As soon as we structure with an expansion wave behind the reflected shock
cross line C to get into the domain under it, we have to state wave. But it is quite difficult to give an unambiguous inter-
that under these conditions the theory has nothing in com- pretation of the schlieren pictures. At any rate, it is fair to say
mon with the real reflection process because here we deal that this question still remains obscure. It should be note that,
with a perfectly different phenomenonthe process of two when a strong shock wave reflects off a small wedge angle,
co-propagating shocks collision. Continue the analysis and the vNR pattern is also generated. This fact was demonstrated
direct our attention to the sonic boundary U . It divides the by the numerical results ([39]).
domain admnza into two parts. In the sub-domain amnza In the sub-domain adma above line U (light cyan-shaded
(magenta-shaded area), there is a flow over the edge of a area), as it was mentioned above, an irregular reflection can
wedge accompanied by the process of reflected wave forma- give rise to a reflected shock wave (see Fig. 2b). In this
tion as a result of the instantaneous turn of the subsonic flow sub-domain, the solutions of three-shock theory describe
from its direction behind the incident shock wave along the not reflection but perfectly different phenomenon because
surface (see Fig. 2a). There is no sense to expect any agree- the configurations contain an incoming shock wave as a
ment between theory and experiment; in other words, one reflected one. Taking into consideration that an incoming
can state that in this domain the reflection does not have its shock with a subsonic flow behind its front is equivalent to
elementary theory. The question is which of the three-shock outgoing one, it would appear reasonable that these solutions
theory assumptions makes it principally invalid for descrip- of three-shock theory with such incoming reflected waves
tion of the real reflection process? On the basis of our own and might be referred to as the solutions of reflection. There-
other experimental date and theoretical results, we arrive at fore, in the sub-domain adma, the reflection configuration
the conclusion that under certain conditions the basic axiom will be the same the single MachSmith reflection type but
of the Cabannes theory, i.e. the assumption that all waves are differs in the angles between incident and reflected shocks.
shocks turns out to be invalid and the reflected wave can be The schematic illustration of this configuration that could be
a simple (isentropic) compression wave. preliminary termed as weak Single MachSmith reflection
Semenov [3] proposed the pseudo-steady model of irregu- wSMSRis given in Fig. 3l.
lar non-Mach reflection with the PrandtlMeyer compression
fan as a reflected wave. The specific features of the proposed
model are the following: 5 Results and discussion

1. Instead of the wave fracture at the triple point there is a Figure 4 shows the shadowgraph images illustrating a vari-
finite portion of the wavefront where the front smoothly ety of the reflection types. The experiments were carried
deviates through angle (angle of the reflecting wedge). out at different times on the Ioffe Physico-Technical Insti-
2. From the curved shock wave portion, the characteristics tute (Russian Academy of Sciences) 5 15 cm shock tube
emanate to form the centered simple compression wave. by M.P. Syshchikova, A.N. Semenov and M.K. Berezkina.
3. Instead of the slipstream there is the extended isobaric Carbon dioxide, nitrogen and Freon-12 at the initial pres-
zone with variable enthropy. sures 20 < po < 100 kPa were used as the test gas. The
4. The contact zone narrows toward the wedge surface. initial temperature T0 was about 293 K. The flow pictures
were recorded using the simple shadowgraph method (with-
It was proposed to call this configuration the von Neu- out optics). The spark discharge in the xenon flash lamp was
mann reflection pattern. The schematic illustration of the von used as a light source (for the technique used, see [24]).

Classification of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection types 313

Fig. 4 Shadowgraph images of

the different types of the
irregular (Mach, von Neumann)
reflection: a CO2 ,
= 10 , Ms = 1.23,
p = 101,574 Pa; b CO2 ,
= 15 , Ms = 1.83,
p = 78,647 Pa; c CO2 ,
= 45 , Ms = 1.96,
p = 66,650 Pa; d CO2 ,
= 15 , Ms = 2.18,
p = 101,574 Pa; e CO2 ,
= 45 , Ms = 2.39,
p = 101,574 Pa; f CCl2 F2 ,
= 15 , Ms = 3.84,
p = 39,990 Pa; g CCl2 F2 ,
= 45 , Ms = 4.09,
p = 26,660 Pa and h
CCl2 F2 , = 15 ,
Ms = 4.94, p = 26,660 Pa

The image of the vNR is shown in Fig. 4a. Its distinc- by shadow method, is depicted as distinct white-black stripe,
tions are: absence of apparent discontinuity in slope between whose structure does not change in time. Our experiments
the incident wave and the Mach stem and, as we believe, show that the optical image of the reflected wave smears
appearance of compression wave as a reflected signal. A out over time and, under the given sensitivity of the opti-
pro-argument of this suggestion is the optical image of the cal scheme, becomes gradually invisible. On the base of the
reflected wave, which is registered as a gray washed-out above-mentioned remark, the conclusion may be done that,
stripe. It differs greatly from the optical image of the inci- in this case, a compression wave but not a shock wave occurs
dent shock wave. It is known that a shock wave registered as the reflected signal.

314 A. N. Semenov et al.

The images of the single Mach reflections (Fig. 4bd) a t=4.5

differ in the curvature of the shock waves and contact dis- 2.5 T
continuities. The three-shock configuration SMCR shown
in Fig. 4c features shock waves that are rectilinear through- 0.17
out the length and a rectilinear contact discontinuity; that is, C 0.16
it conforms to the idealized pattern of shock wave reflection 2
SR 0.15
from a ramp. The SMSR (Fig. 4b) and SMWR (Fig. 4d) 0.14
differ not only in the shock wave curvature, but also in the 0.13

behavior of the contact discontinuity. In the former, the con- 0.12
tact discontinuity is stable throughout the length but curves 1.5
from the Mach stem; in the latter, the contact discontinu- 0.10
ity becomes unstable and its near-wall part turns toward the C 0.09
Mach stem. 0.09
1 0.08
Comparing the flow patterns for the DMCR (Fig. 4e) and 0.07
DMWR (Fig. 4f), one can see that these types of reflection 2.5 3 3.5 4
differ largely in the effect of the compression pulse emanating x
from the edge of the wedge on the reflection configuration.
In the former case, an additional shock wave nearly com-
b t=4.5
pletely protects the region of reflection from the influence of
the compression pulse, so that the slipstream remains almost
undistorted (except for in a very narrow zone at the surface
of the wedge). In Fig. 4e, it is seen that the additional shock
does not reach the reflecting wall and the near-wall part of
the main slipstream smoothly passes into the surface of the

wedge. 1.4
In the case of the DMWR, the additional shock wave pro-
tects much smaller zone around the main triple point (Fig. 4f).
The unprotected part of the slipstream spirals near the wall. 1.3
It has been believed so far, that a compression pulse causes
the slipstream to roll up into a large-scale vortex [10,24].
To gain a deeper insight into the behavior of the slip- 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
stream near the wedge surface, we performed a series of x
computations with the use of the solver [40] intended for
Fig. 5 DM-WR computed pattern, = 15 , Ms = 4.00, = 1.13:
integration of the Euler equations. The simulation method a temperature distribution, instantaneous streamlines; b enlarged frag-
is based on the Godunov quasi-monotonic scheme of higher ment with velocity vectors
order of approximation with the use of unstructured grids
with local dynamic adaptation to flow inhomogeneities. The
results of numerical simulation for the initial conditions One more shadowgraph flow pattern of the DMWR
= 15 , Ms = 4.0, = 1.13 are shown in Fig. 5a, b. The obtained for = 30 , Ms = 4.56 and = 1.4 is shown
temperature field with imposed instantaneous streamlines in Fig. 6. The slipstream originating at the triple point T
are given in Fig. 5a. The image is typical of the DMWR. is depicted as a white-black stripe. Taking into account the
Additional shock S R , which can be considered as a bound- mutual position of the stripes along the length of the slip-
ary between the region of reflection and the region of the stream, it is possible to conclude that the slipstream does not
incident shock induced flow deflection, protects a vicinity roll up into the spiral but folds and unfolds with the end per-
of the triple point only partially. The compression pulse dis- pendicular to the reflecting surface. At closer examination,
torts the unprotected part of the slipstream. It is clearly seen the same may be seen in the image of the DMWR given in
that slipstream becomes s-shaped near the wall and the end Fig. 4f.
of the contact discontinuity is perpendicular to the reflect- The configuration shown in Fig. 4h has two additional tri-
ing wall. As follows from the streamline pattern, circulation ple points and can be classified as the TMWR, since the
near the distorted part of the slipstream is absent. Figure 5b initial parameters for which this shadowgraph image was
presents the enlarged fragment of the temperature field with obtained fall into the domain of the DMWR. Perturbations
the imposed velocity vectors. The velocity vectors also dem- originating at the leading edge of the wedge reach the Mach
onstrate an absence of the circular motion. stem, on which an additional shock and the third triple point

Classification of pseudo-steady shock wave reflection types 315

single MachSmith reflection SMSR,

weak single-MachSmith reflection wSMSR,
single MachWhite reflection SMWR,
single MachCabannes reflection SMCR,
double MachCabannes reflection DMCR,
double MachWhite reflection DMWR,
triple MachWhite reflection TMWR.

These terms should be considered as preliminary ones, and

the final terms will be agreed upon in future by consultation
with other members of shock-wave community in the course
of the ISSW and ISIS meetings.
The existence domains for different types of reflections are
indicated. Special attention is given to the domain of irregular
non-Mach reflection. It is shown, that von Neumann pattern
can be observed not only for weak shocks but also for strong
Fig. 6 Shadowgraph image of DM-WR: N2 , = 30 , Ms = 4.56, shocks reflecting from thin wedges.
p0 = 20,530 Pa Assumption is made that under a compression pulse ema-
nating from the leading edge of the reflecting wedge the slip-
stream does not roll up into a spiral but is only distorted
without arising a vortex.
t M arise. The slipstream diffuses because of the flow turbu-
lence. The TMWR configuration was observed for density
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