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(12) United States Patent (16) Patent N6.= US 6,441,663 B1

Chuang et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 27, 2002


A s1l1con-on-1nsulator (SOI) complementary metal oXIde
(75) Inventors; Chingqb Kent Chuang, south Salem, semiconductor (CMOS) Schmitt trigger circuit With control
NY (Us). Jente Benedict Kuang lable hysteresis and a method are provided for adapting a
Lakeville MN (Us) CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit for deep sub-micrometer
partially depleted SOI (PD/SOI) applications. ASOI CMOS
- . - - - Schmitt trigger circuit With controllable hysteresis includes
(73) Asslgnee' 23:;2323321 2132;131:5134; zglsnfs a stack of a plurality of ?eld effect transistors (FETs)
connected in series betWeen a voltage supply and ground. An
input is applied to a gate of each of the stack of the plurality
* Notice: Sub'ect to an y disclaimer, the term of this
of ?eld effect transistors (FETs). The stack of the plurality of
?eld effect transistors (FETs) provides an output at a junc
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
tion of a predetermined pair of the plurality of ?eld effect
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. transistors (FETs). At least one feedback ?eld effect tran
sistor (FET) has a source coupled a junction of a prede?ned
(21) Appl- NO-I 09/704,436 pair of the stack of ?eld effect transistors (FETs) and has a
. ate cou led to the out ut. A PET bod of each of the stack
(22) Flled' NOV 2 2000 if the plIIirality of ?eld Effect transistor: (FETs) is connected
to a voltage supply rail. The stack of the plurality of ?eld
Int. (:1-7 ......................... .. e?ect transistors includes a plurality of P_Channe1
?eld effect transistors (PFETs) and a plurality of N-channel
(52) US. Cl. ...................................... .. 327/206; 327/537 ?eld effect transistors (NFETs)- The FET body of each of the
plurality of P-channel ?eld effect transistors (PFETs) is
(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 327/205, 206, Connected to a positive Voltage Supply rail and the FET body
327/534 537 of each of the plurality of N-channel ?eld effect transistors
(NFETs) is connected to a voltage supply ground rail. The
- FET body of a P-channel feedback ?eld effect transistor
(56) References Clted (PFET) is connected to one of a positive voltage supply rail,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the gate or the source of the feedback PFET. The FET body
* of a N-channel feedback ?eld effect transistor (NFET) is
2 * E3332; """""" " connected to one of a voltage supply ground rail, the gate or
6O378O8 A * 3/2000 Housim et a1 ' 327/534 the source of the feedback NFlET. A successive sWitching
6,049,230 A * 4/2000 Durham et a1. .3: .1. 327/534 threh1d afilutmem techmque_1s provlled' Addmonal Sue
6124733 A * 9/2000 sharpe?eisler 327/108 cessIve sWItchIng threshold adJustment is achieved by suc
6:133j772 A * 10/2000 Drapkin et aL ___________ __ 327/205 cessIve tapping of NFET or PFET feedback devices for the
V+ or the V trigger edges, respectively. With this
* Cited by eXaIIliner arrangement, higher V+ and loWer V are realiZed Without
Primary Examiner Toan Tran using excessively Wide NFET or PFET feedback devices.
(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmJoan Pennington 20 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1



illii41.3 N2


FIG. 1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

(VOLTS) 20

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

v IN

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

(VOLTS) 2-0
Q0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2_()
v IN

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

0,0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2_()

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 6 6f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

Vdd /
P1 Vdd

p2 Vdd T
H v

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

(VOLTS) 2-0
O_O 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

P2 .yjQd "cr
3|L504 ' V
IN F f . .OUT
N2 510
Ht? . V119
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

C) O
v OUT 20
1.8 \ 6O4/\ 602

0.4 604
00 602 k
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
v IN

FIG. 6
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 11 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

Vdd /700 722
0| J |._____)_/_____________.l
702 ' |
I 708 l

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 12 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

1.8 \ 0
0.0 \
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

FIG. 8
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 13 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

FIG. 10A
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 15 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

(VOLTS) 2-0
1.8 \
0.0 \
0.0 0.5 1.0 1-5 2.0
v IN

FIG. 10B
U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 16 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

U.S. Patent Aug. 27, 2002 Sheet 17 0f 17 US 6,441,663 B1

(VOLTS) 20
1.8 \
0.0 \
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

FIG. 11B
US 6,441,663 B1
1 2
WITH CONTROLLABLE HYSTERESIS Aprincipal object of the present invention is to provide a
FIELD OF THE INVENTION SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With controllable hyster
esis and a method for adapting a CMOS Schmitt trigger
The present invention relates silicon-on-insulator (SOI) circuit for deep sub-micrometer partially depleted SOI (PD/
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) SOI) applications. Other important objects of the present
Schmitt trigger circuits With controllable hysteresis and a invention are to provide such SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger
method for adapting a CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit for circuit With controllable hysteresis and method substantially
deep sub-micrometer partially depleted SOI (PD/SOI) appli Without negative effect and that overcome many of the
cations. disadvantages of prior art arrangements.
In brief, a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) complementary
metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) Schmitt trigger circuit
High performance deep sub-micrometer SOI designs are With controllable hysteresis and a method are provided for
vulnerable to increased noises from line-to-line capacitance 15
adapting a CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit for deep sub
coupling as a result of technology scaling. To restore signal micrometer partially depleted SOI (PD/SOI) applications. A
integrity, judicious use of Schmitt trigger receivers can serve SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With controllable hyster
as a convenient and transparent solution. The Schmitt trigger esis includes a stack of a plurality of ?eld effect transistors
is often used to turn a signal With a very sloW or sloppy (FETs) connected in series betWeen a voltage supply and
transition into a signal With a sharp transition. ground. An input is applied to a gate of each of the stack of
Referring to FIGS. 1, 2A and 2B, in FIG. 1, an unmodi?ed the plurality of ?eld effect transistors (FETs). The stack of
inverting Schmitt trigger circuit is shoWn. FIGS. 2A and 2B the plurality of ?eld effect transistors (FETs) provides an
illustrate quasi-static transfer characteristics of an unmodi output at a junction of a predetermined pair of the plurality
?ed SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With all the FET of ?eld effect transistors (FETs). At least one feedback ?eld
bodies left ?oating. FIGS. 2A and 2B illustrate transfer 25
effect transistor (FET) has a source coupled a junction of a
curves that are generated under sloW input signal sleWs and prede?ned pair of the stack of ?eld effect transistors (FETs)
long cycle time. The ?rst 500 simulation cycles are shoWn and has a gate coupled to the output. A FET body of each of
When the circuit is activated from dormancy. Due to the the stack of the plurality of ?eld effect transistors (FETs) is
history effect associated With ?oating body voltages of the 6 connected to a voltage supply rail.
component ?eld effect transistors (FETs) in the unmodi?ed In accordance With features of the invention, the stack of
inverting Schmitt trigger circuit, the sWitching trip points V+ the plurality of ?eld effect transistors (FETs) includes a
and V- suffer a Wide degree of uncertainty. In turn, it makes plurality of P-channel ?eld effect transistors (PFETs) and a
AV=V+V_ vary, depending on exact FET body potentials, plurality of N-channel ?eld effect transistors (NFETs). The
from one quasi-static sWeep to another even When the input FET body of each of the plurality of P-channel ?eld effect
voltage scans at a consistently loW frequency, mimicking the 35 transistors (PFETs) is connected to a positive voltage supply
DC transfer curve. Examples are shoWn in FIGS. 2A and 2B, rail and the FET body of each of the plurality of N-channel
Where loW-frequency input signals, namely 2.5 MHZ ?eld effect transistors (NFETs) is connected to a voltage
squared sine Waves, are applied to construct the transfer supply ground rail. The FET body of a P-channel feedback
characteristics for the ?rst 500 hundred cycles after a pro ?eld effect transistor (PFET) is connected to one of a
longed circuit dormancy. For a bulk CMOS circuit, the positive voltage supply rail, the gate or the source of the
loW-frequency sWeep and its corresponding transfer curve, feedback PFET. The FET body of a N-channel feedback
represent the quasi-static behavior. HoWever, for a ?oating ?eld effect transistor (NFET) is connected to one of a
body PD/SOI CMOS circuit, due to the dependence of body voltage supply ground rail, the gate or the source of the
voltages on the initial condition and operating history of the feedback NFET. A successive sWitching threshold adjust
circuit, the so-called quasi-static transfer characteristics Will 45 ment technique is provided. Additional successive sWitching
not be unique and jitters or variations Will be present. Thus, threshold adjustment is achieved by successive tapping of
the loW-frequency sWeep unambiguously captures any NFET or PFET feedback devices for the V+ or the V trigger
?oating-body-induced hysteresis in the PD/SOI design. edges, respectively. With this arrangement, higher V+ and
In FIG. 2A, the AV varies from about 310 mV to 420 mV. loWer V are realiZed Without using excessively Wide NFET
The example of FIG. 2A is not the Worst case in PD/SOI. In or PFET feedback devices.
particular, a Wide 80 mV uncertainty for the V+ edge is BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
observed, Which is caused primarily by the gradual threshold
voltage drift of NFET N3. Depending on the initial condi The present invention together With the above and other
tions and device siZes, the eye of the transfer curve groWs objects and advantages may best be understood from the
larger or smaller as the cycle proceeds Without a controllable 55
folloWing detailed description of the preferred embodiments
or predictable trend. This is exempli?ed by the marked of the invention illustrated in the draWings, Wherein:
difference betWeen FIGS. 2A and 2B. In FIG. 2B, the input FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram representation illustrating
sWeep sequence is reversed from that of FIG. 2A to create a conventional unmodi?ed inverting SOI CMOS Schmitt
a different set of initial conditions for body voltages. Faster trigger circuit;
sWeep, varying duty cycles, extreme fabrication and oper FIGS. 2A and 2B illustrate quasi-static transfer charac
ating conditions can create more V", V, and AV variation teristics of an unmodi?ed SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit
even to the extent that the circuit is no longer able to function of FIG. 1 With all the FET bodies left ?oating;
Within the alloWable noise margin speci?ciation. FIG. 3A is a schematic diagram representation illustrating
Aneed exists for S01 CMOS Schmitt trigger circuits With an exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With all the
controllable hysteresis and a method for adapting a CMOS 65 NFET bodies coupled to ground and all the PFET bodies
Schmitt trigger circuit for deep sub-micrometer partially coupled to a positive supply voltage rail in accordance With
depleted SOI (PD/SOI) applications. the preferred embodiment;
US 6,441,663 B1
3 4
FIG. 3B is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static ground potential and OUT. An input signal labeled IN is
transfer characteristics of the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger applied to the gate of each of the PFETs P1, P2; 302, 304 and
circuit of FIG. 3A in accordance With the preferred embodi NFETs N1, N2; 308, 310. Feedback device PFET P3, 306 is
ment; connected betWeen the junction of series-connected PFETs
FIG. 4A is a schematic diagram representation illustrating P1, P2; 302, 304 and ground. Feedback device NFET N3,
an exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With some
312 is connected betWeen the junction of series-connected
FET bodies coupled to ground, some FET bodies coupled to
NFETs N1, N2; 308, 310 and the supply voltage Vdd. The
output signal OUT is applied to the gate of the PFET P3, 306
a positive voltage supply and some FET bodies left ?oating
and of the NFET N3, 312. In SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger
in accordance With the preferred embodiment;
10 circuit 300A, all P-channel ?eld effect transistor (PFET)
FIG. 4B is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static bodies of PFETs P1, P2, P3; 302, 304, 306 are coupled to the
transfer characteristics of the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger positive supply voltage rail Vdd and all the N-channel ?eld
circuit of FIG. 4A in accordance With the preferred embodi effect transistor (NFET) bodies N1, N2, N3; 308, 310, 312
ment; are coupled to ground in accordance With the preferred
FIGS. 5A and 5B are schematic diagram representations 15 embodiment.
illustrating additional exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger FIG. 3B illustrates exemplary quasi-static transfer char
circuits in accordance With the preferred embodiment; acteristics generally designated by the reference character
FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static 300B for the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit 300A. In a
transfer characteristics of a SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger bistable SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit, each FET ?oat
circuits of FIGS. 5A and 5B in accordance With the preferred ing body needs to be individually addressed. One easy
embodiment; solution is to attach all the ?oating bodies to a voltage rail
FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram representation illustrating at the expense of AV compromise and layout area penalty as
another exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With shoWn in FIG. 3A; to provide the exemplary quasi-static
tWo tiers of feedback devices for both V+ and V' trigger transfer characteristics 300B of FIG. 3B. More speci?cally,
edges in accordance With the preferred embodiment; 25 the bodies of the NFETs are coupled to a ground rail and the
FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static bodies of the PFETs are coupled to a high voltage supply
transfer characteristics of the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger rail. The transfer curves 300B of FIG. 3B are generated
circuit of FIG. 7 in accordance With the preferred embodi using sloW input signals as done for FIGS. 2A and 2B. In
FIG. 3B, the ?rst 500 simulation cycles are shoWn When the
SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit 300A is activated from
FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram representation illustrating
dormancy. In FIG. 3B, a resulting AV of 460 mV is
another exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit With
provided. Notice that the cycle-to-cycle jitter for both V+
asymmetric tiering of feedback devices for both V+ and V
and V' trigger edges are signi?cantly reduced, as compared
trigger edges in accordance With the preferred embodiment; to the illustrated quasi-static transfer characteristics of both
FIG. 10A is a schematic diagram representation illustrat FIGS. 2A and 2B.
ing another exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit In accordance With features of the preferred
With three tiers of feedback PFETs and no feedback NFET,
embodiments, the effect of threshold voltages With respect to
Where the bodies of the feedback PFETs are coupled to their
individual devices, PFETs P1, P2, P3; and NFETs N1, N2,
respective sources, in accordance With the preferred embodi N3 of SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuits can be described
ment; as folloWs. Higher threshold voltages Vts for FET N1 and
FIG. 10B is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static N2 make V+ higher. LoWer threshold voltage Vt for FET N3
transfer characteristics of the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger makes V+ higher. Higher threshold voltages Vts for FET P1
circuit of FIG. 10A in accordance With the preferred embodi and P2 make V' loWer. LoWer threshold voltage Vt for FET
ment; P3 makes V- loWer. Thus, it is advantageous to connect the
FIG. 11A is a schematic diagram representation illustrat 45 bodies of NFETs N1, N2 to ground and to connect the bodies
ing another exemplary SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit of P1 and P2 to the voltage supply Vdd in order to separate
With three tiers of feedback PFETs and no feedback NFET, V+ and V.
Where the bodies of the feedback PFETs are coupled to their Referring to FIGS. 4A and 4B, FIG. 4A shoWs another
respective gates, in accordance With the preferred embodi SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit generally designated by
ment; and the reference character 400A in accordance With the pre
FIG. 11B is a diagram illustrating exemplary quasi-static ferred embodiment. SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit 400A
transfer characteristics of the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger includes a plurality of PFETs P1, P2, P3; 402, 404, 406 and
circuit of FIG. 11A in accordance With the preferred embodi a plurality of NFETs N1, N2, N3; 408, 410, 412. In SOI
ment. CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit 400A, FET bodies of NFETs
55 N1, N2; 408, 410 are coupled to ground, some FET bodies
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE of PFETs P1, P2, 402, 404 are coupled to a positive voltage
supply Vdd and FET bodies of NFET N3, 412 and PFET P3,
Having reference noW to the draWings FIGS. 3A and 3B, 406 are left ?oating. FIG. 4B illustrates an exemplary
FIG. 3A shoWs a SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit gener quasi-static transfer characteristics generally designated by
ally designated by the reference character 300A in accor the reference character 400B of the SOI CMOS Schmitt
dance With the preferred embodiment. SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger circuit 400A. In FIG. 4B, the ?rst 500 simulation
trigger circuit 300A includes a plurality of P-channel ?eld cycles are shoWn When the SOI CMOS Schmitt trigger
effect transistors (PFETs) P1, P2, P3; 302, 304, 306 and a circuit 400A is activated from dormancy. In FIG. 4B, a
plurality of N-channel ?eld effect transistors (NFETs) N1, resulting AV of 980 mV is provided. Notice that the cycle
N2, N3; 308, 310, 312. PFETs P1, P2; 302, 304 are con 65 to-cycle jitter for both V+ and V' trigger edges are signi?
nected betWeen a supply voltage Vdd and an output labeled cantly increased, as compared to the illustrated quasi-static
OUT. NFETs N1, N2; 308, 310 are connected betWeen a transfer characteristics of FIG. 3B. It can be seen that it is

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