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Ecole Normale Suprieure

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Thme les rseaux sociaux

Le capital social

Bilans rcents de la littrature


Frane, A. et Roncevic, B., 2003. - "Social capital : the recent debates and research
trends", Information sur les sciences sociales,
Portes, A., 1998. - "Social capital : its origins and applications in modern sociology",
Annual review of sociology, 24, 1-24


Baron, S., Field, J. et Schuller, T., Ed., 2001. - Social capital : critical perspectives. -
Oxford: Oxford university press. - 320
Burt, R., Cook, K. et Lin, N., Ed., 2001. - Social capital : theory and research. -
Chicago: Aldine de Gruyter. - 352
Lesser, E., 2000. Knowledge and social capital : foundationas and applications.
Butterworth Heinemann.

Le capital social chez Pierre Bourdieu

Anheier, H.K., Gerhards, J. et Romo, F.P., 1995. - "Forms of capital and social
structure in cultural fields : examining Bourdieu's social topography", American journal of
sociology, 100, 4, 859-903
Bourdieu, P., 1980. - "Le capital social. Notes provisoires", Actes de la recherche en
sciences sociales, 31, 2-3
Bourdieu, P., 2000. - Les structures sociales de l'conomie.- Paris: Seuil. - 293
Smart, A., 1993. - "Gifts, bribes and guanxi : a reconsideration of Bourdieu's social
capital", Cultural anthropology, 8, 388-408

Le capital social chez James S. Coleman

Coleman, J.S., 1988. - "Social capital in the creation of human capital", American
journal of sociology, Supplement to vol. 94, S95-S120
Coleman, J.S., 1990. - Foundations of social theory.- Cambridge: Harvard university
press. -
Coleman, J.S., 1993. - "The rational reconstruction of society : 1992 presidential
address", American sociological review, 58, 1, 1-15
Coleman, J.S., 1994. - A rational choice perspective on economic sociology, in
Smelser, N. J. et Swedberg, R., Ed. - Handbook of economic sociology. - Princeton: Russell
Sage Foundations. - 166-180

Favereau, O., 2003. - "La pice manquante de la sociologie du choix rationnel", Revue
franaise de sociologie, 44, 2, 275-295
Steiner, P., 2003. - "Les Foundation de James S. Coleman : une introduction", Revue
franaise de sociologie, 44, 2, 205-229

Le capital social chez Robert Putnam

Putnam, R., Leonardi, R. et Nanetti, R., 1993. - Making democracy work : civic
tradition in modern Italy.- Princeton: Princeton university press. - 258
Putnam, R., 1993. - "The prosperous community : social capital and public life", The
American prospect, 13, 35-42
Putnam, R., 1996. - "The strange disappearance of civic America", The American
prospect, 24, 34-48
Putnam, R., 2000. - Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of american community.-
New York: Simon and Schuster. - 541
Skocpol, T., 1996. - "Unravelling fron above", The American prospect, 25, 20-25

Les thories structurales du capital social


Granovetter, M.S., 1973. - "The strenght of weak ties", American journal of sociology,
8, 1360-1380, traduit in Granovetter, M.S., 2000. - Le march autrement. Les rseaux dans
l'conomie.- Paris: Descle de Brouwer. 239.
Granovetter, M.S., 1982. - The strength of weak ties : a network theory revisited, in
Mardsen, P. V. et Lin, N., Ed. - Social structure and network analysis. - Beverly Hills: Sage. -


Burt, R., 1992. - Structural holes : the social structure of competition.- Cambridge:
Harvard university press. -
Burt, R., 1995. - "Le capital social, les trous structuraux et l'entrepreneur", Revue
franaise de sociologie, 36, 4, 599-629
Caplow T., 1968, Two against One,, Deux contre un, Paris, A.Colin, 1971.
Simmel, G., 1999. - Sociologie : tudes sur les formes de socialisation.- Paris: PUF.
756 chapitre 2.


Blau, P.M., 1977. - Inequality and heterogeneity.- New York: The free press. -
Lin, N., Ensel, W.M. et Vaughn, J.C., 1981. - "Social resources and strength of ties :
structural factors in occupational status attainment", American sociological review, 46, 4,
Lin, N., 1982. - social resources and instrumental action, in Mardsen, P. V. et Lin, N.,
Ed. - Social structure and network analysis. - Beverly Hills: Sage. - 131-145
Lin, N., 1995. - "Les ressources sociales : une thorie du capital social", Revue
franaise de sociologie, 36, 4, 685-704
Lin N., (2002), Social capital, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

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