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Automated git deployments from

Important: Bitbucket have changed how webhooks function, and the technique
described in this post will no longer work without modification. One of my
readers has created an updated version, and I recommend trying that instead. I
no longer use this deployment method and wont be updating my tutorial or
answering comments, but I have left the comment section open so that readers
can post their tips and help each other out.
Git may not have been designed as a deployment tool, but for small projects it
can do the job quite nicely. What makes Git deployments attractive is how
frictionless the process is: make some changes to your project, merge them
into your production branch, push the commit to a remote repository and like
magic the changes are live! Git knows which files need to be changed or
deleted, so you dont have to think about it. If youre already using git to
version control your project then you probably wont even need to modify your
existing workflow, once the initial setup is done.

I use Bitbucket for hosting my private repositories, and have recently

implemented a deployment process that integrates with Bitbuckets POST
hooks feature. There are basically three things you need to do to make this
Set up SSH keys so your server can talk to Bitbucket
Clone your Bitbucket repository on your web server
Setup a hook on Bitbucket and an associated deployment script on your server
Heres what your deployment workflow will look like once were done:

Develop your website locally

When youre ready to deploy, commit your changes and push them to Bitbucket
When Bitbucket receives the commit it will notify a deployment script on your
The deployment script will fetch the changes into a cloned repository on your
server, and checkout files to your public web directory

Before we get started, check that your server meets the following

Git is installed
You have shell access
The PHP exec function is enabled
Most shared web hosting accounts will fail at least one of those requirements,
but if youve got a VPS or dedicated server then you should be good to go.
For the purposes of this tutorial Im going to assume that you have a git repo
already set up on Bitbucket, and that the repositorys directory structure
mirrors your production website. For instance if you want an index.html file
deployed to the root level of your websites public directory, that same file will
exist in the repos root directory.
Im also going to assume that you will be deploying from a branch
named production. In practice you can deploy from any branch other
than master, but its a good idea to deploy from a branch that is not used for
active development, so that you have control over when a deployment occurs.
In my workflow I develop in the master branch, then
merge master into production when Im ready to deploy. Before we get
started, make sure youve made an initial commit to your repositorys
production branch, and pushed to Bitbucket.
Ive tested this process on Centos, but you might need to change directory
paths to suit your own server environment. Whenever you see a variable
inside angled brackets in my in my code samples, such as <repo-
name> or <username>, thats a placeholder that you will need to replace with a
value specific to your own project.
Now that the preliminaries are out of the way, lets get started.

Set up SSH keys

For your server to connect securely to Bitbucket without a password prompt, it
needs to use an SSH key.
On your server navigate to the ~/.ssh directory of the user that PHP runs
under. Im running the Apache suPHP module on my server, so PHP runs as
the user that owns the website. On your server the web user might be the
apache, nobody or www-data user. You will need to create the
users .ssh directory if it doesnt exist. At a shell prompt type:
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa
When prompted either accept the default key name (id_rsa) or give your key
a unique name I chose bitbucket_rsa. Press enter when asked for a
passphrase, which will generate a passwordless key. Usually this isnt
recommended, but we need our script to be able to connect to Bitbucket
without a passphrase.
A public and private key pair will be generated. Copy your public key the one
with a .pub extension to the clipboard. On the Bitbucket website navigate to
Account > SSH Keys, and choose to add a new key. Paste in your public key
and save it.

Back on your server, edit your ~/.ssh/config file to add as a

host. This ensures that the correct key is used when connecting by SSH to Youll need to create the configfile if it doesnt exist:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bitbucket_rsa
Whenever you do a git fetch Bitbucket will verify your identity automatically,
without prompting you for a password.

Cloning your repository

Now that SSH is configured you can clone your Bitbucket repository on your
server. You might be tempted to clone the repository directly into the public
website directory (for the sake of brevity well call it www), but that approach
comes with significant security risks. It requires that there is a .git folder
inside of www, from which a malicious attacker could extract your entire
website source code, possibly including database credentials and other
sensitive information. Sure, you could use an .htaccess directive to hide
the .git directory, but if that .htaccess file were accidentally deleted or
edited youd be left wide open.
A better approach is to store your git repository outside the public website
directory, where it is hidden from prying eyes. If you create a bare repository
then you can still checkout files to a detached working tree in www.
Before we begin, navigate to your repository on the Bitbucket website and
copy its SSH URL. This will be in the
Navigate the location on your server where you want to clone the repository. A
good spot is probably one level above the www directory, which on my system
is the website users home directory. At a shell prompt, clone your Bitbucket
cd ~
git clone --mirror<username>/<repo-name>.git
Notice the --mirror flag? As its name implies this flag creates an exact mirror
of the source repository, including mapping its remote branches. It implies --
bare, which means that our repository will not have a working copy.
Your repository will be cloned into a directory called <repo-name>.git, in the
users home directory. It doesnt really matter what you name the directory,
but suffixing the directory name with .git implies a bare repo, so its a useful
naming convention to follow.
Now lets do an initial checkout:

cd ~/<repo-name>.git
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/<username>/www git checkout -f production
If this is first time youve communicated with over SSH you may
be prompted to accept Bitbuckets server fingerprint, but if SSH is correctly
configured you wont be asked for your Bitbucket password or a key

We have specified a GIT_WORK_TREE that corresponds to your public web

directory, and checked out the production branch to that location. This step is
important so that in future when our deployment script does a checkout were
already on the correct branch.
Check that your initial checkout completed as expected, and that files from
your production branch have been created in your public web directory. If
everything worked as expected then youre ready to set up automated

Create a Bitbucket POST hook

In your www directory make a new directory named deploy, containing three
files: index.html, bitbucket-hook.php and deploy.log.
Add the following to bitbucket-deploy.php,
changing $repo_dir, $web_root_dir and $git_bin_path to suite your server
$repo_dir = '/home/<username>/<repo-name>.git';
$web_root_dir = '/home/<username>/www';

// Full path to git binary is required if git is not in your PHP user's path. Otherwise just use 'git'.

$git_bin_path = 'git';

$update = false;

// Parse data from Bitbucket hook payload

$payload = json_decode($_POST['payload']);

if (empty($payload->commits)){
// When merging and pushing to bitbucket, the commits array will be empty.

// In this case there is no way to know what branch was pushed to, so we will do an update.

$update = true;
} else {
foreach ($payload->commits as $commit) {
$branch = $commit->branch;
if ($branch === 'production' || isset($commit->branches) && in_array('production', $commit-
>branches)) {
$update = true;

if ($update) {
// Do a git checkout to the web root

exec('cd ' . $repo_dir . ' && ' . $git_bin_path . ' fetch');

exec('cd ' . $repo_dir . ' && GIT_WORK_TREE=' . $web_root_dir . ' ' . $git_bin_path . '
checkout -f');

// Log the deployment

$commit_hash = shell_exec('cd ' . $repo_dir . ' && ' . $git_bin_path . ' rev-parse --short
file_put_contents('deploy.log', date('m/d/Y h:i:s a') . " Deployed branch: " . $branch . " Commit:
" . $commit_hash . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
This script iterates over the payload object sent by Bitbucket, looking for
commits made to the production branch. If any are found, a
git fetch and checkout are performed and the deployment details are logged.
For security through obscurity you might choose to give your deployment
script a difficult to guess name bitbucket-hook-a13jsur5kcidwe89z.php,
for example. The index.php file you created early is also a simple security
measure: it stops anyone from viewing the directory index.
On the Bitbucket website navigate to your repositorys Administration > Hooks
screen and add a new POST hook, pointed
at http:/<domain>/deploy/bitbucket-hook.php.

Whenever you are ready to deploy to your web server, merge your
development branch into your production branch, and push the production
branch to Bitbucket. Your custom POST hook will be triggered, and your
deployment script will fetch the repository to the server and checkout the
production branch to your web root.

Hey presto! With one commit your changes have been automatically deployed
to your production web server.

My instructions might look fairly complicated, but after youve followed the
steps once or twice it actually becomes really fast to set up.

Here are a few things to check if deployments arent working as expected.

File permissions
You should make sure that the web user (the user that PHP runs as) has
permission to write to your local git repository. The easiest way to ensure this
is for that user to own the repo:

chown -R <user>:<group> <repo-name>.git

Make sure that the same user also owns its ~/.ssh directory and contents.

Git path
You may find that you are unable to perform git commands using exec since
the git binary is not in your PHP users PATH. This can be solved by including
the full path to the git binary in your deployment script, for example:
$git_bin_path = '/usr/local/bin/git';
To find where your git binary is located, run this shell command:
which git
Hat tip to Jonathan Johnson for this one. His article might help solve other issues
youre having, too.

If you need to examine the Bitbucket payload thats being sent to your
deployment script, add the following line to the top of bitbucket-hook.php:
file_put_contents('deploy.log', serialize($_POST['payload']), FILE_APPEND);

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