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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 106 (2015) 4651

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Studies on the kinetics of carbamazepine degradation in aqueous

matrix in the course of modied Fentons reactions
Agnieszka Karpinska, Aneta Sok, Joanna Karpinska
Institute of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present article describes a study into the kinetics of carbamazepine degradation under inuence of
Received 15 March 2014 the standard Fentons reagent, light-enhanced Fentons reagent, as well as modied Fentons systems
Received in revised form 23 June 2014 in which iron(II) ion is replaced by Cu(I), Cu(II), Ni(II), Mn(II), Cr(III) and V(V) ions. In the course of the
Accepted 24 June 2014
study it was established that V(V) ion modied Fentons reagent was equally effective in relation to
Available online 2 July 2014
carbamazepine as the standard reagent. Parameters of both standard and modied Fentons reagents
were optimized. It was observed that an increased concentration of inorganic ions and acidic pH levels
precipitated the decomposition of carbamazepine.
Fenton reagent 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modied Fenton reagent
Kinetics of reaction

1. Introduction can be non-immediate, cumulating slowly and imperceptibly over

a time span of many years to a moment when they become severe
Dynamic expansion of pharmaceutical markets along with threat to human health, especially considering the fact that life-
elevated drug consumption are principal reasons behind the times of many drugs in the natural environment reach up to ca.
increasing pollution of water environments with pharmaceutics one year, and there are substances which sustain much longer
and products of their partial decomposition. These substances pen- [3]. One of the compounds frequently found in various sections
etrate into water environments mostly by way of municipal waste, of water ecosystems is carbamazepine (5H-dibenzo[b,f]azepine-5-
and as biological agents, they pose serious harm to water organisms carboxamide), a drug belonging to the derivatives of dibenzazepine
and to humans [1]. For this reason, one of the overriding goals of (Fig. 1) which, apart from its common application in the treatment
environmental chemistry has become to analyze the life cycle of of epilepsy, is administered in neuropathic pains and multiple scle-
biologically active pharmaceutical substances existent in untreated rosis. Carbamazepine exhibits mood-stabilizing properties, and is
and treated sewage, as well as in surface water (e.g. rivers, streams, often used in the therapy of manic episodes and bipolar affec-
lakes), groundwater, and drinking water [2]. tive disorders [4,5]. It is characterized by strong lipophilicity;
Presence of drugs in surface water is a result of various fac- also, ca. 7080% of the drug bonds with proteins. In the liver,
tors, the most inuential among them being: amounts in which the carbamazepine is oxidized, deaminated, hydroxylated and partly
drugs are taken, frequentness and periodicity of their use, forms estericated with glucuronic acid. Its main route of excretion
of their excretion (i.e. as metabolites or in an unchanged form), is urine, and the metabolites include pharmacologically inert
and effectiveness of their neutralization during sewage treatment. trans-10,11-dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy carbamazepine and phar-
Small as the individual quantities of drugs that enter water envi- macologically active carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide. The biological
ronments may be, the sheer constancy of the process leads to their half-life of the drug is relatively long, and it depends on the duration
considerable accumulation, followed by increased concentration of the treatment period. In particular, the elimination half-life from
in water milieus. Pharmaceutical substances prevalent in water the human organism corresponds to the treatment time, amount-
ecosystems may be harmful to indigenous water organisms, and ing to 2445 h when a single dose is administered, and 1524 h
in an indirect way to humans. Worse still, the negative effects in long-term therapies [6]. Due to the fact that carbamazepine
is so widely used, it belongs to drugs which are most frequently
detected in environmental samples, considering the whole gamut
of pharmaceutical substances present in the environment. Its mean
Corresponding author. concentration in municipal waste reaches 2.1 g L1 [7]; more-
E-mail address: (J. Karpinska). over, it can be found in surface or even drinking water [7,8].
0731-7085/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Karpinska et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 106 (2015) 4651 47

ethanol, and lling up the ask to the full measure with double
distilled water. Working solutions of desired concentrations were
obtained individually by appropriately diluting the model solution
N with double distilled water.
Inorganic salts: hydrated iron(II) sulfate, hydrated cop-
per(II) sulfate, copper(I) chloride, hydrated manganese(II) sulfate,
Fig. 1. Carbamazepine structure. hydrated chromium(III) sulfate, hydrated nickel(II) nitrate, ammo-
nium metavanadate were purchased from POCh (Poland). Model
solutions of Fe(II), Cu(I), Cu(II), Mn(II), Cr(III) and Ni(II) ions with
Numerous experiments have conrmed that the compound concentrations of 102 mol L1 each were obtained by dissolving
is highly resistant to photodegradation and biodegradation in in double distilled water appropriate weighted amounts of the
conventional sewage treatment plants. Specically, its photode- reagents with the addition of 2 mL 3 mol L1 of sulfuric acid. Indi-
composition lasts between 50 and 100 days [9,10], and the ensuing vidual working solutions were prepared by appropriately diluting
photoproducts impinge on the natural environment event to a the stock solutions. In the case of ammonium metavanadate, the
greater extent than the original compound. For that matter, one model solution with the concentration of 102 mol L1 was pre-
of the most frequently encountered products of this photodecom- pared by dissolving its appropriate weighted amount in 0.1 mol L1
position is acridine, often present in municipal waste [9,11]. solution of sulfuric acid.
In recent years, much attention has been devoted to research on Hydrogen peroxide (CHEMPUR, Poland) in the concentration of
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). These processes are charac- 101 mol L1 was prepared on a daily basis by suitably diluting its
terized by great efciency in the cases of contaminants with high 30% solution in MilliQ water.
degree of chemical stability and low susceptibility to biological Samples of raw and treated sewage were taken from the local
degradation [12,13]. Many organic compounds present in water wastewater treatment plant on 16th March 2013. The samples were
and sewage in the course of AOP undergo complete mineraliza- adjusted to pH 2 with hydrochloric acid and stored in refrigerator
tion to carbon dioxide and water, or, alternatively, in the course at 0 C.
of incomplete oxidation processes, are subjected to decomposition
into much simpler molecules such as e.g. alcohols, aldehydes, or 2.2. Equipment
biodegradable carboxylic acids.
All methods of advanced oxidation are reliant on genera- Evaluation of the kinetics was carried out observing the changes
tion of highly reactive free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals in absorbance of the carbamazepine solutions by Hitachi U-2800A
( HO) [14]. It happens that in AOPs the ( HO) radicals are often- spectrophotometer.
times provided by the Fentons reaction. Fentons reagent exhibits In the irradiation experiments 16 AU standard UV lamp (Cobra-
strong oxidative properties in relation to some compounds pre- bid, Poland) was used; it was tted with radiators emitting 256 nm
cisely due to the triggered formation of ( HO) radicals [15,16]. and 366 nm radiation. Considering that the goal of the research was
However, in order to boost the performance, efciency and cost- to analyze the course of photodegradation of carbamazepine in the
effectiveness of the reaction, further improvements of Fentons natural environment, the experimental solutions were irradiated
reagent are sought after. The classic Fentons reaction, despite its with  = 366 nm UVA radiation.
already high efciency, has certain limitations related to the sta- To determine qualitative compositions of the post-reaction
bility of the solutions pH. Essentially, the acidic character of the mixtures, a chromatographic system consisting of: a 3D detector
solution has to be maintained to ensure that iron(III) hydroxide Spectra System UV 3000, a low-gradient pump P2000 (Therma Sep-
does not precipitate. Many researchers have been introducing var- aration, USA), 15 cm long ODS-2 column (SUPELCO INC), and 20 L
ious improvements to the Fentons reaction, mostly using various Rheodyne injection valve was put into use. ChromQuest Chro-
sources of iron ions, or other transition metals ions [1720] along- matography Data System software version for Windows NT was
side additional sources of energy. Accordingly, one can distinguish used for the acquisition and storage of data.
UV radiation enhanced Fentons reaction (photo-Fenton), ultra-
sound aided Fentons reaction (sono-Fenton), both UV radiation 2.3. Experimental procedure
and ultrasound supported Fentons reaction (sono-photo-Fenton),
Fentons reaction improved by the presence of photocatalyst 2.3.1. Analysis of the standard and photocatalytic reactions
(UV/TiO2 + Fentons reaction), the sono-photocatalytic Fentons between Fentons reagent and carbamazepine
reaction (US + UV/TiO2 + Fentons reaction), as well as the electro- A 10 mL volumetric ask was lled in turn with proper mea-
Fentons reactions. All of these have been used for the purpose of sured volumes of Fe(II) and H2 O2 solution with the concentration
efcient removal of harmful substances [2124]. of 5 105 mol L1 , 1 mL of carbamazepine solution (CBZ) with the
The experiments described within the scope of the present concentration of 5 104 mol L1 , and MilliQ water to the full mea-
article aimed at investigating the kinetics of carbamazepine decom- sure. The reaction was observed over a time span of 120 min, during
position under the inuence of transition metal hydrogen which the absorbance of the solution was periodically recorded,
peroxide type Fentons reagent, and comparing the results to those with the rst measurement taken after 5 min. Solutions of reagents
obtained by means of the classic and photocatalytic Fentons reac- with identical composition to the scrutinized sample but not con-
tions. taining carbamazepine were used as blanks.
In assessment of the photocatalytic Fentons reaction, the reac-
2. Experimental part tion solution was set up in the same manner as above. Next, the
mixture was placed in a crystallizing dish and exposed to 366 nm
2.1. Reagents wavelength radiation. Absorbance was measured every 10 min, the
rst measurement taken 5 min after the reagents were blended.
Carbamazepine used in the research was produced by
SigmaAldrich, USA. Its stock solution with the concentration of 2.3.2. Effectiveness of modied Fentons reagents
102 mol L1 was prepared in a 50 mL laboratory ask by dissolv- The following modied Fentons systems were taken into
ing an appropriate weighted amount of the compound in 10 mL of consideration: V(V)-H2 O2 , Cu(I)-H2 O2 , Cu(II)-H2 O2 , Ni(II)-H2 O2 ,
48 A. Karpinska et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 106 (2015) 4651

Mn(II)-H2 O2 , Cr(III)-H2 O2 . The experimental procedure in this

case was as described below: into a 10 mL volumetric ask 1 mL
of CBZ solution with the concentration of 5 104 mol L1 was
introduced, later adding proper volume of the analyzed metal ion
solution and H2 O2 so as to obtain the Me:H2 O2 molar ratio equal 1:1
(CMe = CH2 O2 = 1 102 mol L1 ); subsequently, MilliQ water was
added to the full measure. Changes in the concentration of CBZ were
observed in the course of 120 min, during which the spectra of the
examined solutions at the analytical wavelength of 282 nm were
recorded in the xed time intervals. The rst measurement was
taken 5 min after all the reagents were mixed. Solutions of reagents
with identical composition and concentration to the scrutinized
sample but not containing carbamazepine were used as blanks. In
the examination of inuence of UV radiation on the decomposition
of carbamazepine in the modied Fentons reactions, all the cor-
responding solutions were irradiated with  = 366 nm wavelength Fig. 2. The UV-spectra of carbamazepine: 5 106 mol L1 , -----
radiation. 5 105 mol L1 , 1 104 mol L1 .

2.3.3. Kinetics of carbamazepine decomposition in the presence of at the wavelength of 282 nm. It was observed that at  = 282 nm
natural matrix raw and treated sewage LambertBeer law was preserved within the concentration range
To assess the impact of natural matrix, i.e. raw and treated of 107 104 mol L1 (the determined model curve equation was
wastewater on the kinetics of decomposition of the analyzed y = 1.3 104 x + 2.3 103 , where x carbamazepine concentra-
compound under inuence of the standard Fentons reagent, two tion).
Fenton systems at various compositions were checked. The fol- In all the described experiments, the used concentration of car-
lowing procedure was applied: into two 10 mL volumetric asks bamazepine was 5 105 mol L1 . First of all, the effectiveness of
proper amounts of Fe(II) and H2 O2 solution with the concentra- the classic and photocatalytic Fentons reactions was evaluated.
tion of 5 103 mol L1 were added, so as to obtain Fe(II):H2 O2 To this end, the importance of: the order in which the reagents
molar ratios equal respectively 1:1, 4:1. The nal concentration were mixed, the concentrations of Fe(II) and H2 O2 solutions and
of Fe(II) ions were equal to 5 104 and 2 103 mol L1 , respec- their molar ratios, and pH level on the rate of CBZ degradation was
tively. Later, 1 mL of 5 104 mol L1 CBZ solution was added to evaluated. The second-order kinetics model was assumed for the
each of them, and the asks were lled up with raw wastewater observed processes. As a result, it was concluded Fentons reagent
solution to the full measures. Identical procedure was carried out was the most potent when the constituents were mixed in the
for the samples with treated wastewater. In the next step, portions following order: Fe(II) solution, H2 O2 solution, and the drug solu-
of the test solution were extracted in the xed time intervals and tion. Next, concentrations of the used Fe(II) and H2 O2 solutions
each time the spectrum was registered using the mixture of the were optimized, taking into account solutions with the concen-
reagents not containing carbamazepine as blank. All the measure- trations between 5 106 and 5 103 mol L1 and keeping 1:1
ments were taken at the analytical wavelength of 282 nm in 10 min molar ratio of the components of Fentons reagent. It was concluded
intervals, with the rst measurement carried out 5 min from the that when high concentrations of Fe(II) and H2 O2 (i.e. higher than
beginning of the experiment. Effectiveness of the modied Fentons 103 mol L1 ) were employed, the reaction proceeded too quickly,
reagent with regard to carbamazepine in natural matrix conditions whereas with the concentrations below 105 mol L1 the progress
was evaluated in the same way as above, the only difference being was too slow. That is why the concentration of 5 104 mol L1 was
that instead of Fe(II) ions, 1 mL of V(V) solution and 2 mL of H2 O2 chosen as optimal; the rate of CBZ decomposition for this particular
solution with the concentrations of 5 102 mol L1 were used. concentration allowed for accurate measurements of the changes
in the drug content in the test solution.
2.3.4. Chromatographic analysis of the products of decomposition In addition, pace of the Fentons reaction is heavily reliant on
and photo-decomposition of carbamazepine the pH of the solution. The optimum pH range for the process is
During the experiments, the following chromatographic setup 35. This is because of the fact that too low pH levels encourage the
was used: mobile phase water, methanol, acetonitrile (64/30/6, formation of Fe(II) ions which are of low reactivity, e.g. Fe(OH)2+ ,
v/v/v); ODS-2 column; mobile phase ow rate 1 mL/min, whereas in the opposite case (pH > 5) complex bonds tent to occur,
 = 282 nm. In the above conditions, CBZ retention time equaled causing hydroxides to precipitate. Within the framework of the
26 min. described experiments, effectiveness of Fentons reagent with the
composition of Fe(II):H2 O2 = 1:1 (c = 5 104 mol L1 ) at pH lev-
3. Results and the discussion els between 2 and 5 was assessed. During the analysis, pH of the
solutions was controlled by the addition of either H2 SO4 or NaOH.
3.1. Kinetics of carbamazepine degradation in the model solutions Ultimately, it was established that decomposition of CBZ proceeded
under the inuence of the standard and modied Fentons reagent the most slowly at pH 5, whereas its rate was the fastest at pH 3.
Therefore, the latter value was adopted for further tests.
All the kinetic analyses were conducted by means of spec- Furthermore, the importance of molar ratio of the reagents
trophotometry. For this reason, the experiments were initiated by for the efciency of carbamazepine degradation was subject to
registering the absorption spectrum of carbamazepine within the scrutiny. Accordingly, several test solutions were set up for which
range of 190400 nm (Fig. 2) with the purpose of establishing the the Fe(II): H2 O2 molar ratio equaled 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:5, 1:10, 2:1, 4:1,
analytical wavelength. Essentially, the spectrum of carbamazepine 5:1, 10:1. The nal concentration of carbamazepine in each one
has two characteristic peaks: an intensive one at 200 nm and a of the mixtures was 5 105 mol L1 . It was resolved that excess
less intensive one at 282 nm. Changes in the concentration of of hydrogen peroxide in relation to iron ions was disadvantageous
carbamazepine under the inuence of the used reagents were from the perspective of carbamazepine degradation. Specically,
monitored measuring absorbance of the experimental solutions the more marked the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the slower
A. Karpinska et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 106 (2015) 4651 49

the case of the standard Fentons reaction, degradation of CBZ

under the modied Fentons reagent is dependent on the con-
centrations of the individual components of the reagent, pH of
the solution and V(V):H2 O2 molar ratio. In the rst place, the
importance of the concentration of reagents was surveyed. The
following concentrations of the substances composing the modi-
ed Fentons reagent were taken into account: 5 104 , 103 and
5 103 mol L1 , preserving the molar ratio 1:1. It was observed
that degradation of carbamazepine in the presence of the modi-
ed Fentons reagent with the concentration of 5 103 mol L1
occurred very quickly. Essentially, already after 5 min 60% of the
analyzed drug decomposed. Hence, for further experiments the
concentration of 5 103 mol L1 was chosen as optimum. In a
similar vein to the standard Fentons reaction, pH has no small
impact on the effectiveness of the modied reaction. In this case, it
Fig. 3. The spectra of CBZ registered after 120 min of reaction in the system
was discovered that low ambient pH (2) was the most advanta-
CBZ-modied Fentons reagent (cCBZ = 5 105 mol L1 , ---- cV(V) = 1 103 mol L1 ,
1 1
cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L , cV(V) = 2.5 103 mol L1 , cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L ,
geous with the V(V)-H2 O2 reagent. In the following step, the molar
cV(V) = 5 103 mol L1 , cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L
). ratio V(V):H2 O2 was optimized. This involved analyzing degrada-
tion of carbamazepine under the inuence of the modied Fentons
reagent with various molar compositions (V(V):H2 O2 = 1:2, 1:4,
was the observed process. In fact, only minimal decrease in 1:10, 2:1, 5:1, 10:1). The conclusions drawn this time were similar
carbamazepine concentration was registered in such cases. On the to those for the standard Fentons reaction, i.e. excess of vanadium
other hand, the increase in the concentration of iron in relation (V) ions in relation to H2 O2 hastens the process, whereas overabun-
to hydrogen peroxide facilitated CBZ degradation. For example, dance of hydrogen peroxide in relation to vanadium (V) ions is an
Fentons reagent with the composition of Fe(II):H2 O2 = 10:1 caused inhibiting factor as far as the degradation of carbamazepine is con-
20% decrease in carbamazepine concentration over 120 min. The cerned. This observation can be explained by its action as hydrogen
molar ratios of Fe(II):H2 O2 equaled 1:1 and 1:4 were applied for radical scavenger according to the equation [25]:
the verication of the practical usefulness of the classic Fentons
system at the presence of natural matrix. H2 O2 + OH OH2 + H2 O
Next, the course of carbamazepine photodegradation process
under the inuence of the photocatalytic Fentons reagent was Having noticed that with the growing concentration of V(V) in
investigated. Due to the fact that the discussed experiments relation to H2 O2 the degradation proceeded much quicker, it has
assumed natural environment setting for the analyzed Fentons to be added that with a tenfold excess of the metal ions, already
reactions, in the photocatalytic tests 366 nm wavelength radia- after 5 min after the mixing of reagents, CBZ in the test solution
tion was used. This radiation belongs to the mid-UVA spectral underwent total decomposition. It was observed that at the higher
region. The experiment was carried out using Fentons reagent with concentrations of components (equal 102 mol L1 ) of modied
Fe(II):H2 O2 molar ratio equal 10:1 (pH 3, cCBZ = 5 105 mol L1 ). Fentons reagent even solutions contained an overabundance of
No signicant improvement in effectiveness of Fentons reagent hydrogen peroxide were so efcient as those with an excess of
was noticed under UVA radiation. metavanadium ion. As at the presence of an excess of vanadium
In the subsequent stage, the performance of modied Fen- ions the decomposition of CBZ proceeded very quickly, the fur-
tons reagents was studied. The modications in question involved ther experiments were done using modied Fentons reagent with
replacement of Fe(II) ions with Cr(III), Cu(I), Cu(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and the composition V(V):H2 O2 = 1:2 (cV(v) = 5 103 mol L1 , cH2 O2 =
V(V) ions. For this purpose, a series of CBZ solutions was prepared, 102 mol L1 ).
and to each of the solutions the selected ion and hydrogen perox- Also, the effect of UV radiation on the kinetics of CBZ degradation
ide were introduced, preserving the molar ratio Me:H2 O2 = 1:1. The in the modied Fentons reagent setting was investigated. Just as
nal concentration of CBZ amounted to 5 105 mol L1 , and as far in the former case of the standard photocatalytic Fentons reaction,
as the modied Fentons reagents were concerned, their concen-  = 366 nm wavelength radiation was applied. The experimental
trations were 103 mol L1 . It should be mentioned here that the trial showed that there were no signicant differences between
solutions were shielded against light. Every 10 min the progress of the photocatalytic and the dark reactions as far as the analyzed
the reaction was monitored, measuring the absorbance of each of process was concerned.
the solutions at 282 nm. As in the case of classical Fenton reaction, The data gathered in Table 1 presents dependency between the
the second-order kinetics model was established for the studied constant rate of carbamazepine decomposition and the molar ratio
reactions. In particular, it was noticed that the decrease in the of the components, for both the standard and the modied Fentons
concentration of carbamazepine in the period of 120 min. varied reagent. In particular, the discussed experiments indicate that the
between the used ions: it was contained between 11% (Ni2+ ) and standard reagent surpasses the modied reagent in efciency for
16% (Cu2+ ), having been lower than in the case of the standard Fen- low molar ratios inorganic ion: H2 O2 as well as for low concentra-
tons reaction. The only exception to this rule was the V(V)-H2 O2 tions of the reagent. In the case of the modied reagent, the excess
conguration: it was observed that in the presence vanadium (V) of V(V) caused the degradation of carbamazepine to proceed more
ions the 21% of carbamazepine lost was detected after 120 min. The rapidly. When the excess of V(V) was tenfold in relation to H2 O2 ,
further experiments showed that in the presence of a hundred- CBZ decomposed very quickly.
fold excess of vanadium (V) ions carbamazepine underwent rapid The efciency of the modied Fenton reagent can be attributed
degradation. To be precise, after 120 min from the mixing of the to the presence of VO2 + ion [26]. In acidic aqueous environment in
solution, the drug almost completely decomposed (Fig. 3). the presence of hydrogen peroxide the following equilibriums are
That is why all further studies concerning the efciency of the determined [26]:
modied Fentons reagent were conducted preferring the solu-
tion of ammonium metavanadate over iron(II) salts. Similarly to VO2 + + H2 O2 VO(O2 )+ + H2 O
50 A. Karpinska et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 106 (2015) 4651

Table 1
Kinetic characteristics of carbamazepine degradation under inuence of studied processes.

Studied process pH Final concentration of Final concentration of k (L mol1 min1 ) t1/2 (h)
metal ion (mol L1 ) H2 O2 (mol L1 )

Classical Fenton 5 5 104 5 104 10.08 33.09

reaction 4 5 104 5 104 32.13 10.38
3 5 104 5 104 80.87 4.12
3 1 103 5 104 53.34 6.25
3 2 103 5 104 45.55 7.32
3 2.5 103 5 104 65.74 5.07
3 5 103 5 104 177.35 1.88

Vanadium ion modied 2 5 104 5 104 18.71 17.82

Fenton process 2 1 103 5 104 28.82 11.57
2 2 103 5 104 518.26 8.63
2 5 103 5 104 Total degrdation after 5 min
2 5 103 5 103 124.95 2.67
2 5 103 1 102 242.74 1.37
2 5 103 2 5 102 236.63 1.41
2 1 102 5 103 Total degradation after 5 min.

Table 2
+ + The rates of carbamazepine degradation under inuence of studied processes at the
VO(O2 ) + H2 O2 VO(O2 )2 + 2H presence of natural matrix.

Raw sewage Treated sewage

VO(O2 )2 + H HVO(O2 )2 Classic Fentons reaction
Fe(II):H2 O2 = 1:1 k = 14.73/L min1 mol1 23.57/L min1 mol1
cFe(II) = 5 104 mol L1
It is assumed that the generated in the presence of hydro- 1
cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L
gen peroxide the monoperoxo and diperoxo vanadium species are
responsible for degradation of carbamazepine. Fe(II):H2 O2 = 4:1 24.50/L min1 mol1 54.46/L min1 mol1
cFe(II) = 2 103 mol L1
Finally, a qualitative chromatographic analysis of carba- 1
cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L
mazepine solutions subjected to the inuence of the standard and
the modied Fentons reagent was carried out. The rst chro- Modied Fentons reaction
matograms were recorded 5 min after the mixing of the reagents, V(V):H2 O2 = 2:1 560 min 560 min
and all subsequent records were taken every 20 min. Carba- cV(V) = 5 103 mol L1 1098.80/L min1 mol1 k = 331.16/L min1 mol1
mazepine retention time in the discussed chromatographic setting cH2 O2 = 1 102 mol L 70120 min 70120 min
k = 420.49/L min1 mol1 k = 11.81/L min1 mol1
was 26.56 0.21 min. Some gradual decrease of the peak of the
analyzed drug was noted; however, no new peaks related to the
potential products of decomposition were observed. The HPLC 4. Conclusion
technique results conrmed the conclusions concerning the out-
come of the spectrophotometric measurements. The presented study describes research on the kinetics of car-
bamazepine degradation under the inuence of the standard and
3.2. Standard and modied Fentons reaction in the presence of the modied Fentons reagent. In the course of the conducted
natural matrix experiments it was concluded that the V(V)-H2 O2 reagent system
when applied to carbamazepine is just as effective as the standard
The process of carbamazepine degradation under the inuence Fentons reagent. Analogically to the classic Fentons reaction, effec-
of the standard and the modied Fentons reagent was also stud- tiveness of the modied reagent is increased when there is an
ied when raw and treated municipal waste was introduced into the excess of metal ions in relation to hydrogen peroxide. The presence
reaction environment. The wastewater samples had been retrieved of the excess of hydrogen peroxide worked as radicals scavenger.
from a local municipal waste treatment plant. In the experi- The action of modied by metavanadate Fenton-reagent could be
ments, the following reagents were used: the standard Fentons explained by presence of VO2 + ion which undergoes reactions
reagent with the components in 1:1 molar ratio (cFe(II) = cH2 O2 = with compounds present in reaction environment with generation
of monoperoxo and diperoxo vanadium species. The presence of
5 104 mol L1 ) and 4:1 molar ratio (cFe(II) = 2 103 mol L1 ,
organic carbon rich matrix promote the reaction of CBZ decompo-
cH2 O2 = 5 104 mol L1 , as well as the modied Fentons reagent sition under the modied Fentons reagent.
V(V):H2 O2 = 1:2 (cV(v) = 5 103 mol L1 , cH2 O2 = 102 mol L1 ).
The achieved results are compiled in Table 2. Basically, it was estab- References
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