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Name : Dion Satrio Pambudi
Student ID : B1B015018
Group : VII
Subgroup :1
Assistant : Ifonaha Kristian





1.1. Background

Sensory neurons also known as afferent neurons are neurons that convert a
specific type of stimulus, via their receptors, into action potentials or graded potentials.
This process is called sensory transduction. The cell bodies of the sensory neurons are
located in the dorsal ganglia of the spinal cord. This sensory information travels along
afferent nerve fibers in an afferent or sensory nerve, to the brain via the spinal cord.
The stimulus can come from extoreceptors outside the body, for example light and
sound, or from interoreceptors inside the body, for example blood pressure or the sense
of body position (Purves et al., 2008).
Chemoreceptors sense environmental signals and drive chemotactic responses.
There are two main classes of chemoreceptors: integral inner membrane and soluble
cytoplasmic proteins. Cytoplasmic chemoreceptors appear to share the same key
structural features as integral membrane chemoreceptors, including the formations of
homodimers, trimers of dimers, and 12-nm hexagonal arrays within the cell.
Cytoplasmic chemoreceptors exhibit varied subcellular locations, with some localizing
to the poles and others appearing both cytoplasmic and polar. Some cytoplasmic
chemoreceptors adopt more exotic locations, including the formations of exclusively
internal clusters or moving dynamic clusters that coalesce at points of contact with
other cells. Cytoplasmic chemoreceptors presumably sense signals within the
cytoplasm and bear diverse signal input domains that are mostly N terminal to the
domain that defines chemoreceptors, the so-called MA domain (Kieran et al., 2014).
The signal input region of chemoreceptors is extremely variable, in contrast to the
highly conserved signal output region. Transmembrane chemoreceptors typically
present an easily identifiable region for signal input outside the cytoplasmic
membrane. In contrast, it is often difficult to identify the signal input domain of
cytoplasmic chemoreceptors, and it is not yet clear if it always lies N terminal to the
MA domain. Lacal and colleagues reported that some cytoplasmic chemoreceptors
have a large N-terminal region, with a portion containing known or predicted sensing
domains, while other cytosolic chemoreceptors have only a very short N-terminal
domain that has no identifiable sensing domains (Lacal et al., 2010). According
Wadhams & Armitage (2004) Chemoreceptors are capable of responding to a broad
range of chemoeffector concentrations through a process known as adaptation.
According (Winter et al., 2008). Mechanoreceptors are sensory receptors which
respond to mechanical forces, such as pressure or distortion. Specialized sensory
receptor cells called mechanoreceptors often encapsulate afferent fibers to help tune
the afferent fibers to the different types of somatic stimulation. Mechanoreceptors also
help lower thresholds for action potential generation in afferent fibers and thus make
them more likely to fire in the presence of sensory stimulation. According (Purves et
al., 2008) Proprioceptors are another type of mechanoreceptors which literally means
"receptors for self". These receptors provide spatial information about limbs and other
body parts. Nociceptors are responsible for processing pain and temperature changes.
The burning pain and irritation experienced after eating a chili pepper (due to its main
ingredient, capsaicin), the cold sensation experienced after ingesting a chemical such
as menthol or icillin, as well as the common sensation of pain are all a result of neurons
with these receptors (Lee et al., 2005).
A photoreceptor cell is a specialized type of cell found in the retina that is capable
of phototransduction. The great biological importance of photoreceptors is that they
convert light (visible electromagnetic radiation) into signals that can stimulate
biological processes. To be more specific, photoreceptor proteins in the cell absorb
photons, triggering a change in the cell's membrane potential. There are currently three
known types of photoreceptor cells in mammalian eyes: rods, cones, and
photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. The two classic photoreceptor cells are rods and
cones, each contributing information used by the visual system to form a
representation of the visual world, sight. The rods are narrower than the cones and
distributed differently across the retina, but the chemical process in each that supports
photo transduction is similar. A third class of mammalian photoreceptor cell was
discovered during the 1990s: the photosensitive ganglion cells. These cells do not
contribute to sight directly, but are thought to support circadian rhythms and pupillary
reflex (Foster et al., 1991).
1.2. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment was to observe and determine the chemoreceptor
function of lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus).

2.1. Materials

The materials used in this practice are lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus), water,
Tubifex sp., pellet.
The tools used in this lab activity are aquarium, scissor, tweezer, flashlight,
2.2. Methods

1. Fill the aquarium with freshwater and then lobster are prepared.
2. Do ablation of antenula, eye and total then put lobster into aquarium.
3. Put Tubex sp. or pellet into aquarium.
4. The movement of lobster is observe, note the time and how much lobster
5. Observe until 10 minutes.
6. Take lobster and clean aquarium.
7. The method number 3 5 are repeated.

3.1. Result

Table 3.1.1 Observation Table in Lobster Antenula Movement


1 2 3 4

MOVEMENT Pellet Pellet Tubifex sp. Tubifex sp.

Eye Control Antenula Eye Eye Control Antenula Total

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st


Flicking - - 200 5 158 30 147 26 036 18 136 6 10 11 15 10

Withdraw 800 2 600 3 130 6 122 6 147 11 223 5 10 7 12 9

Wiping 500 2 300 4 519 1 658 2 317 1 - - 10 13 421 2

Rotation - - 900 2 236 22 236 9 - - - - 10 3 357 5

Feeding - - - - - - 727 2 036 1 326 3 848 - - -


Flicking 700 1 200 4 050 34 019 40 100 20 220 4 030 12 - -

Withdraw 300 2 200 5 015 4 110 4 148 14 012 23 119 7 1258 2

Wiping 100 4 100 2 - - - - 025 10 249 6 214 13 1217 18

Rotation 500 6 100 3 019 19 019 14 322 2 - - 350 1 - -

Feeding - - 200 2 242 2 108 1 800 4 - - - - - -

Table 3.1.2 Feed Treatment for each Crayfish

Group Treatment Feed
1 Eye ablation + control Pellet
2 Antenula + Total ablation Pellet
3 Eye + Control Tubifex sp.
4 Antenula + Total Tubifex sp.
5 Control Pellet + Tubifex sp.
3.2. Discussion

Based on observations made by groups of two premises and normal antenulla

ablation treatment showed different results. Normal treatment shows that the lobster
was very responsive to the movement. While the ablation treatment is not a big lobster
eye response. Based on the amount of movement made the lobster with eye ablation
treatment does not give any response. This occurs because the organ that serves as the
receptor has been lost. Eyes on normal intact shrimp to shrimp can receive stimuli from
the environment so that it requires a short time to detect the feed they also seem when
walking always bumping into aquarium walls then turn to another direction (Roger,
Chemoreseptor is a sense that the stimulant by various chemical ions or molecules
in the form of gas or liquid. Chemoreseptor include the sense of smell, sense of taste
and also receptors that monitor the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide
(Gordon, 1982). There are two kinds of chemoreseptor namely to recognize the
stimulus coming from a distant source of the body, such as hair on the antenna with a
very low threshold value or stimulus in the form of low concentration gas. Second to
recognize the stimulus coming from sources nearby, either palpus maxillary and often
in torque with a high threshold value. Thus, to find out where the stimulus is based on
the concentration of the stimulus in the form of gas can know much nearby stimuli
(Ville et al., 1988).
Antenulla is a sensory structure that can be moved to receive and detect stimuli
from the outside. Organ function is to seek shelter, find food, find a mate and to avoid
predators (Storer, 1975). Antenulla located in the middle that is between the antenna
and scaphocerit, shaped like an antenna but shorter than the antenna and the number
two post. While only a pair of antennas and has a size longer than antenulla. The
antenna is used to detect the influence of the outside.
To achieve real side of chemoreceptor and try to eat it. Movement-run movement
antenulla on Lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus) by Pearson (1979) are:
1. Namely antenulla flicking motion whipped forward.
2. Wipping a movement antenulla cleaning (cleaning the feed that exist around
antenulla). Cleaning antenulla usually occurs when there are mechanical
stimuli aesthecs.
3. Withdraw namely antenulla whipped backward movement serves to avoid the
4. Rotation is a movement to disrupt the function antenulla rotate the ions in the
feed so that the feed can be easily and quickly diffuses into the cells
Privilege in lobster is a typical diet, there are three stages of response behavior for
lobster feed to feed ie orientation, searching and detecting feed (Harfaz & Galun,
1987). Feed mechanism until the stimulus starts from the feed is put into an aquarium
which is then fused into the water in the form of ions. Then these ions will be accepted
by chemoreseptor contained in antenula. Impulses from antenulla will be transferred
to the brain through afferent neurons. It is processed by the brain impulses into a
response and forwarded to the receptor organ via afferent neurons. Organ receptor then
perform the appropriate motion information received by the brain, and there was
movement approaching the feed supplied lobsters in the aquarium (Yuwono, 2001).
According Corotto et al., (1992), metabolic control using two chemoreseptor whose
functions: located in the middle chemoreseptor ventral medulla and peripheral
chemoreseptor located in the carotid. Chemoreseptor middle sensitive to hipercapnia
(high blood CO2 levels) and peripheral chemoreseptor hipercapnia and sensitive to
hypoxia (low blood oxygen level).
Lobster is a species that is active at night (nocturnal) and considering the tidal
wave in the area Paranggupito. The majority of the sense of sight (eyes) of marine
animals very high sensitivity to light. Not all light can be received by the marine biota,
only light that has a wavelength between 400-750 nm intervals which can be received
by the sense of sight of marine life. Light penetration in water is very closely related
to the wavelength emitted by the light. The greater the wavelength, the more rapidly
absorbed in the waters. Wavelength has the interval between 400-750 nm is the color
violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (Bogi et al., 2014).

Based on the result can be concluded that

1. Chemoreseptor on freshwater crayfish serves to detect the presence or absence
of food or feed that has to respond to the presence of a distinctive aroma.
2. Movement to do lobster in detecting the presence of a stimulus that is by
flicking motion, wipping, withdraw, rotation, and closer to the feed.
3. Lobster with normal treatment, is the most responsive compared to shrimp
treated others, because antenulla very important for chemoreseptor on lobster.
4. Factors affecting the lobster in approaching fodder is given and the condition
of the receptor organ.

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