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14-1 | SOUDS SOURCES, CHARACTERISTICS, AND QUANTITIES 1451 Sources 1451 Characteristics 1451 Quantities 1454 REGULATIONS FOR THE REUSE AND: Dera OF SOLIDS 1448 Copter 14 14-10 14-11 14-12 14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal of Solids ond Biosolids Selection of Tank Design and Mixing System 1516 ‘Methods for Enhancing Solids Loading and Digester Performance 1522 Gas Production, Collection, and Use 1523 Digester Heating 1525 Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion 1529 TwoPhased Anaerobic Digestion 1531 AEROBIC DIGESTION 1533 Process Description 1534 Conventional Air Aerobic Digestion 1535 Dual Digestion 1541 Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) 1541 HighPurity Oxygen Digestion 1545 COMPOSTING 1546 Process Microbiology 1547 Process Description 1547 Design Considerations 1550 ‘Cocomposting with Municipal Solid Wastes _ 1551 Public Health and Environmental Issues 1554 CONDITIONING 1554 Chemical Conditioning 1555 Other Conditioning Methods 1557 DEWATERING 1558 Centrifugation 1559 BeltFilter Press 1563 Filter Presses 1565 Sludge Drying Beds 1570 Reed Beds 1578 lagoons 1578 HEAT DRYING 1579 HeatTransfer Methods 1579 Process Description 1580 Product Characteristics 1584 Product Transport and Storage 1585 Fire and Explosion Hazards 1585 Air Pollution and Odor Control 1585 INCINERATION 1586 Fundamental Aspects of Complete Combustion 1587 MultipleHearth Incineration 1588 Fluidized'Bed Incineration 1590 Coincineration with Municipal Solid Waste 1592 AirPollution Control 1592 SOLIDS MASS BALANCES 1592 Preparation of Solids Mass Balances 1593 14-17 14-18 Chopter 14 Treatment, Revs, and Disposal of Solids ond Biosolids 1449 Performance Data for Solids Processing Facilities 1593 Impact of Return Flows and loads 1594 ‘APPLICATION OF BIOSOLIDS TO LAND 1608 Site Evaluation and Selection 1609 U.S. EPA Regulations for Beneficial Use and Disposal of Biosolids 1610 Design loading Rates 1613 Application Methods 1617 Application to Dedicated lands 1619 landfilling 1621 BIOSOLIDS CONVEYANCE AND STORAGE 1621 Conveyance Methods 1622 Storage 1622 PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION TOPICS 1623 REFERENCES 1628 ‘The constituents removed in wastewater-treatment plants include screenings, grit, scum, solids, and biosolids. The solids and biosolids (formerly collectively called sludge) resulting from wastewater-treatment operations and processes are usually in the form of 8 liquid or semisolid liquid, which typically contains from 0.25 to 12 percent solids by weight, depending on the operations and processes used. The term biosolids, as defined by the Water Environment Federation (WEF 1998), reflects the fact that wastewater solids are organic products that can be used beneficially after treatment with processes such as stabilization and composting. The term sludge is used only before beneficial use criteria (discussed in Sec. 14-2) have been achieved. The term sludge is generally used in conjunction with a process descriptor, such as primary sludge, waste-activated sludge, and secondary sludge. In cases where itis uncertain whether beneficial use eri- teria have been met, the term solids is used. OF the constituents removed by treatment, solids and biosolids are by far the largest in volume, and their processing, reuse, and disposal present perhaps the most complex problem facing the engineer in the field of wastewater treatment. For this reason, a sep- arate chapter has been devoted to this subject. The disposal of grit and screenings is dis- cussed in Chap. 5. ‘The problems of dealing with solids and biosolids are complex because (1) they are ‘composed largely of the substances responsible for the offensive character of untreated wastewater; (2) the portion of biosolids produced from biological treatment requiring disposal is composed of the organic matter contained in the wastewater but another form, and it, too, will decompose and become offensive; and (3) only a small part is solid matter. The principal purpose of this chapter is to describe the solids operations and the processes that are used (1) to reduce the water and organic content and (2) to render the processed solids suitable for reuse or final disposal. The principal methods used for solids processing are listed in Table 14-1. Thick- ening (concentration), conditioning, dewatering, and drying are used primarily to remove 1450 Chapter 14 Treatment, Reuse, ond Disposal of Solids and Biosolids Table 14-1 Solids processing methods Unit operation, or treatment it process, Pumping Preliminary operations Grinding Screening Degriting Blending Storage Thickening: Gravity thickening Flotation thickening Centrifugation Gravity belt thickening Rotary-drum thickening Stobilization: Alkaline stobilization ‘Anaerobic digestion Aerobic digestion ‘Autothermal aerobic digestion (ATAD) Composting Conditioning ‘Chemical condiioning Other conditioning methods Dewatering Centrifuge Bel-itor press Filler press Sludge drying beds Reed beds Lagoons Heat drying Direct dryers Indirect dryers Incineration: Mubiple-hearth Flidized:-bed incineration Coincineration wih solid waste Application of biosolids to land: Land application Dedicated lond disposal landiling Conveyance and storage Function Transport of sludge ond liquid biosolids Particle size reduction Removal of fibrous materials Grit removal Homogenization of solids streams Flow equalization Volume reduction Volume reduction Volume reduction Volume reduction Volume reduction ‘Stabilization ization, mass reduction ‘Stobilization, mass reduction ‘Stabilization, mass reduction Stobilization, product recovery Improve dewaterabilty Improve deweterabilty Volume reduction Volume reduction Volume reduction Volume reduction Storage, volume reduction Storoge, volume reduction Weight and volume reduction ‘Weight ond volume reduction Volume reduction, resource recovery Volume reduction ‘Volume reduction Beneficial use, disposal Dispotel, land reclamation Disposal Solids transport and storage See Sec. a4 14-5 14-5 145 145 14-5 14-6 14-6 146 146 + 146 148 14-9 14-10 14-10 a1 1412 1412 14-13 1413 1413 14-13 14-13 14-13 14-14 1414 1415 1415 115 17 Wwi7 14-18 14-1 14-1 Solids Sources, Characteristics, ond Quantities 1451 ‘moisture from solids; digestion, composting, and incineration are used primarily to treat or stabilize the organic material in the solids. To make the study of these operations and processes more meaningful, the first two sections of this chapter are devoted to a dis- cussion of the sources, characteristics, and quantities of solids; the current regulatory environment; and a presentation of representative solids-treatment process flow dia- grams. Because the pumping of sludge is a fundamental part of wastewater-treatment plant design, a separate discussion (Sec. 14-4) is devoted to sludge and scum pumping. ‘The various methods used in the processing of solids are discussed in Secs. 14-5 through 14-15. Stabilization of solids and biosolids is introduced in Sec. 14~7 and is divided into four subsequent sections for more detailed discussion: alkaline stabiliza- tion, anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, and composting (see Secs. 14-8 through 14-11). The preparation of solids balances for treatment facilities is described in Sec. 14-16. The application of biosolids to land and conveyance and storage of biosolids after processing is discussed in Secs. 14-17 and 14-18. SOLIDS SOURCES, CHARACTERISTICS, AND QUANTITIES To design solids processing, treatment, and disposal facilities properly, the sources, characteristics, and quantities of the solids to be handled must be known. Therefore, the purpose of this section is to present background data and information on these topics that will serve as a basis for the material to be presented in the subsequent sections of this chapter. Sources ‘The sources of solids in a treatment plant vary according to the type of plant and its method of operation. The principal sources of solids and the types generated are reported in Table 14~2. For example, in a complete mix activated-sludge process, ifthe ‘wasting of solids is accomplished from the mixed liquor line or aeration chamber, the activated-sludge settling tank is not a source of solids. On the other hand, if wasting is accomplished from the activated-sludge return line, the activated-sludge settling tank constitutes a solids source. Processes used for thickening, digesting, conditioning, and dewatering of solids produced from primary and secondary settling tanks also consti- tute sources. Characteristics To treat and dispose of the solids produced from wastewater-treatment plants in the ‘most effective manner, itis important to know the characteristics of the solids that will be processed. The characteristics vary depending on the origin of the solids, the amount of aging that has taken place, and the type of processing to which they have been sub- jected (see Table 14-3). General Composition. Typical data on the chemical composition of untreated sludge and digested biosolids are reported in Table 14~4. Many of the chemical con- stituents, including nutrients, are important in considering the ultimate disposal of the processed solids and the liquid removed during processing. The measurement of pH, 1452 —Chopter 14 Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal of Solids and Biosolids Table 14-2 Sources of solids from conventional wastewater-treatment plants Coarse solids Corse solids ore removed by mechanical ond hand-cleaned bar screens. In small plants, screenings ore often comminvted for removal i subsequent treatment units “Types of solids Remarks Grit romovel Grit ond scum Scum-emoval facilites are often omitted in grit-removol facilites Preaeration Grit ond scum In some plants, scum-removel facilities are not provided in preaeration tanks. I the preaeration tanks ore not preceded by grit: removal facilities, grit deposition may occur in preaeration tanks Primary sedimentation Primary solids Quontites of solids and scum depend upon the nature of the cond scum collection system ond whether industrial wastes are discharged to the system Biological treatment Suspended solids Suspended solids are produced by the biological conversion of BOD. ‘Some form of thickening may be required to concentrate the waste sludge stream from the biclogica treatment system ‘Secondar Secone biosolids Provision for scum removal from secondary settling tanks is o Sedimentation — requirement of the U.S. EPA ee Solids proces Solids, compos, The characteristics ofthe end products depend on the characerisis fecliies ? hd osbes cf the solids rected and the operations and processes used Regulations forthe disposal of residuals are stringent alkalinity, and organic acid content is important in process control of anaerobic diges- tion. The content of heavy metals, pesticides, and hydrocarbons has to be determined when incineration and land application methods are contemplated. The thermal con- tent of solids is important where a thermal reduction process such as incineration is considered. Specific Constituents. Solids characteristics that affect their suitability for appli- cation to land and for beneficial use include organic content (usually measured as volatile solids), nutrients, pathogens, metals, and toxic organics. The fertilizer value of the sludge and solids, which should be evaluated where they are to be used as a soil con- itioner, is based primarily on the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (potash). Typical nutrient values of wastewater biosolids as compared to commercial fertilizers are reported in Table 14-5. In most land application systems, biosolids pro- vide sufficient nutrients for good plant growth. In some applications, the phosphorus and potassium content may be low and require augmentation. Trace elements are those inorganic chemical elements that, in very. small quanti- ties, can be essential or detrimental to plants and animals. The term “heavy metals” is used to denote several of the trace elements present in sludge and biosolids. Concen- trations of heavy metals may vary widely, as indicated in Table 14-6. For the applica- tion of biosolids to land, concentrations of heavy metals may limit the application rate and the useful life of the application site (see Sec. 14-17) ae 14-1 Solids Sources, Characteristics, and Quaniies 1453 Table 14-3 Characteristics of solids and sludge produced during wastewater treatment Solids or sludge Deseription i Screenings ‘Screenings include oll types of organic ond inorganic moterials large enough to be removed ds afer wks. The orgonic content varies, depending onthe nature of he system ond the seoson of he year Gait Gri i usally mode up of he hecvier inorganic solids thot sete wih relatively high velocis. Depending on the operating conditions, grit may also contain significant amounts of organic trate, especially fos and grease ‘Scum/grease ‘Scum consists ofthe floatable materials skimmed from the surface of primary ond secondary toting tanks ond from grit chambers and chlorine contact tanks, if so equipped. Seum may Conlon grecse, vegeoble ond mineral os, animal fal, waxes, soops, bod wastes, vegetable Ged frusking hae, paper and cotton, eigarete lps, plac meterils, condoms, grit perils, Grd similar materiel, The specie gravity of scum i less than 1.0 and usualy around 0.95 Primary shee sludge from primary setting lonks is usvlly gray and slimy and, in most cases, has on — extenely oftensive Sdor. Peary sladge con be readily digested under avitable conditions of poration Sludge from chemiesl Sludge from chemical precipitation wth metal soll is usually dork in color, though its surface ee Meee are e ten Une dodges rate, He oor of erred Shige moy be objectionable, but is notes objectionable asthe odor of primary shdge. pe me se sepa iy er on or chin ree gelatinous the sludge is lin the lank it undergoes decomposion similar fo prima Irdge, but oto slower rate. Substotcl quan of gas may be given off and te sodge dens ineeosed by long residence fines in sorage Activated sludge Acivated sludge generally has o brown occlent appearance the colors dar, the sh : thoy be approndiang a septic condifon, I the colors fighter thon usu, there may have been Undereraton wile lendeney forthe solids lo sell lowly. Sludge in good condiion has on inoffensive “eorhy” odor. The sludge lends o become septic roptcy and then has 0 Eogreecble odor of putrefoton, Advaled shag wil digest ready alone or when mixed wih primary sludge “icking filer sdge _ Humus de from ticking fiers is brownish, Rccuen, and relatively inoffensive when eth general underees decomposon more dow hon oer vdigosed ud When. trickling fier sludge contains many worms, it may become inoffensive quickly. Tickling fier sludge digests reodlly ‘Aercbically digested _Aerobically digested biosolids are brown to dark brown and have a flocculent appearance. biosolids ‘he odor of cerobically digested sludge isnot offensive; itis olen choraclerized as mush Wall-digesed aerobic sludge dewoters easily on drying beds Anoerobicelly Ancercbically digested biosolids ore dark brown to black and contain an exceptonelly la digested biosolids ‘quantity of gos. When thoroughly digested, they ore not offensive, the odor ia 9 {int ond like that of hot tor, burnt rubber, or sealing wax. Primary sludge, when anaerobically digested, produces about tice as much methone gos os does waste activated sludge. When = sludge volumes P,, P; = percent of solid matter ‘The application of these volume and weight relationships is illustrated in Example 14-1 RA ERE EXAMPLE 14-1 Volume of Untreated and Digested Sludge _Determine the liquid volume before and after digestion and the percent reduction for 500 kg (dry basis) of primary sludge with the following characteristics Primary Digested Solids, % 5 10 Volatile mater, % 60 60 (destroyed) Specific gravity of fixed solids 25 25 Specific grovity of volatile solids =10 =10 Solution 1. Compute the average specific gravity of all the solids in the primary sludge using Eq, (14-1). i 1 _04 | 06 ! taste 5 i 5,725 107 97° 1 : S. ane (primary solids) 2. Compute the specific gravity ofthe primary sludge. 3. Compute the volume ofthe primary sludge using Eq. (142). Vinee” - (1000 kg/m*) (1.01) (0.05) = 99m? 1460 —Chopor 14 Treatment, Reuso, and Disposal of Solids ond Biosolids ‘Compute the percentage of volatile matter after digestion {otal volatile solids after digestion Volatile matter, % = oT solids after digestion 0.4(06 x 1000) 400 + 0.4 (600) 5. Compute the average specific gravity ofall the solids inthe digested sludge using Eq, (14-1). 0.625, 0.375 0825 5 9375 _ gens SB 4 OT? = 06 1 = pga = LS gested solids) 6. Compute the specific gravity of the digested sludge (S,,). 100 X 100 = 37.5% a S. & ‘Compute the volume of digested sludge using Eq. (14-2). yn 200 kB + 0.4(300 ke) : (1000 kg/m*) (1.04) (0.10) Se a3. mt 14-2 REGULATIONS FOR THE REUSE AND DISPOSAL OF SOLIDS IN THE UNITED STATES In selecting the appropriate methods of solids processing, reuse, and disposal, consid- eration must be given to the appropriate regulations. In the United States, regulations (40 CFR Part 503) were promulgated in 1993 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that established pollutant numerical limits and management practices for the reuse and disposal of solids generated from the processing of municipal wastewater and septage (Federal Register, 1993). The regulations were designed to protect public health and the environment from any reasonably anticipated adverse effects of pollutants con- tained in the biosolids. 14-2 Regulations for the Reuse ond Disposal of Solids in the United Stoes 1461 ‘The regulations addressed by 40 CFR Part 503 cover specifically (1) land applica- tion of biosolids, (2) surface disposal of biosolids, (3) pathogen and vector reduction in treated biosolids, and (4) incineration. Each of these subjects is discussed below. The regulations directly affect selection of many of the processes used in solids treatment, especially for sludge stabilization, i... alkaline stabilization, anaerobic digestion, acro- bic digestion, and composting. In some cases, to achieve compliance, appropriate treat- ‘ment requirements or methods are stipulated by the regulations. Additional discussion regarding regulations for applying biosolids on land is provided in Sec. 14-17. Land Application Land application relates to biosolids reuse and includes all forms of applying bulk or bagged biosolids to land for beneficial uses at agronomic rates, ic., rates designed to provide the amount of nitrogen needed by crop or vegetation while minimizing the ‘amount that passes below the root zone. The regulations establish two levels of biosolids quality with respect to heavy metals concentrations—pollutant ceiling and pollutant concentrations (“high” quality biosolids); two levels of quality with respect to pathogen densities—Class A and Class B; and two types of approaches for meeting vec- tor attraction—-biosolids processing or use of physical barriers. Vector attraction reduc- tion decreases the potential for spreading infectious disease by vectors such as rodents, insects, and birds. Surface Disposal ‘The surface disposal part of the Part 503 regulations apply to (1) dedicated surface dis- posal sites; (2) monofills,i., solids-only landfills; (3) piles or mounds; and (4) impound- ‘ments of lagoons. Disposal sites and solids placed on those sites for final disposal are addressed in the surface disposal rules. Surface disposal does not include placement of solids for storage or treatment purposes. Where surface disposal sites do not have a liner or leachate collection system, limits are established for pollutants such as arsenic and nickel and vary based on the distance of the active surface disposal site boundary from the site property line (see Federal Register, 1993). Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction ‘The 40 CFR Part 503 regulations divide the quality of biosolids into two categories, referred to as Class A and Class B (see definitions in Table 1-1), Class A biosolids must meet specific criteria to ensure they are safe to be used by the general public and for nurseries, gardens, and golf courses. Class B biosolids have lesser treatment require- ‘ments than Class A, and typically are used for application to agricultural land or posed of in a landfill. ‘When biosolids are prepared for sale or given away for land application to lawns and home gatdens or are marketed in containers, they must meet one of the following Class A biosolids criteri + A fecal coliform density of less than 1000 MPN/g total dry solids + Salmonélla sp. density of less that 3 MPN per 4 g total dry solids (3 MPN/4 g TS) Bulk biosolids applied to lawns and home gardens or sold or given away in bags or other containers must meet the Class A criteria for pathogen reduction (see Table 14-9) 1462 —Chopler 14 Treotment, Reuse, ond Disposal of Solids and Biosolids Table 14-9 Pathogen reduction alternatives? Class A: In addition to meeting the requirements in one ofthe six allernatives listed below, fecal coliform or Salmonella sp. bacterial levels must meet specific densities ofthe fime of biosolids use or disposal, when prepared for sole or giveaway in a bag or other container for sxplcoion the lend, or when prepared fo mee ereqremens in 503.1, orf) Altenative 1 Thermelly reated biosolids: use one of fur ime-lemperature regimes Alterative 2 Biosolids treated in a high pH-high temperature process: specifies pH, femperature, ond airdrying requirements Alterative 3. For biosolids treated in other processes: demonstrate thatthe process con reduce enteric viruses and viable helminth ova. Maintain operating conditions used in the demonstration Alternative 4 Biosolids treated in unknown processes: demonstration of the process is unnecessary. Instead, tes for pathogens—Salmonella sp. bacteria, enteric ses, ond ible ath ot etme the Thos ove vied i oF ore prepar. le or giveaway in @ bag or other eras chor hed cueecuera requirements in 503.10{b), fl, (), or (f) Alerative 5 Use of PFRP: Biosolids are treated in one ofthe processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRP) ‘Alierative 6 Use of a process equivalent to PFRP: biosolids ore treated in a process equivalet fe one ol he PFRPs, os determined by the periting cuhory Cass The requirements in one ofthe three alternatives below must be met in eddiion to Class B site restrictions forthe application of biosolids to land Alerative 1 Monitoring of indicator organisms: test for fecal coliform density os an indicator for all pathogens at the time of biosolids use or disposal ‘Alternative 2 Use of PSRP: biosolids are treated in one ofthe processes to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRP} ‘Alternative 3. Use of processes equivolent fo PSRP: biosolids are treated in a process ‘equivalent fo one of the PSRPs, as determined by the permiting authority From U.S. EPA (1992). and one of several vector attraction reduction processing options (see Table 14-10). In addition, other requirements that must be met that are related to either (1} time/ temperature for heat drying, (2) alkaline treatment, or (3) testing for virus. Alterna- tively, biosolids can be treated by a prescribed process that reduces pathogens beyond detectable levels (see Process to Further Reduce Pathogens discussed below). Class B pathogen requirements are the minimum level of pathogen reduction for land application and surface disposal. The only exception to achieving at least Class B level occurs when the solids are placed in a surface disposal facility that is covered daily. Biosolids that do not qualify as Class B cannot be land applied. To meet Class B requirements, biosolids must be treated by a process that reduces but does not eliminate pathogens (see PSRP, also discussed below), or that must be tested to meet fecal coli- form limits of less than 2,0 10° MPN/g TS or less than 2.0 x 10° CFU/g TS. Table 14-10 14-2 Regulations forthe Reuse and Disposal of Solids in the United Stotes Vector attraction reduction® “Requirement” ion 1 '503,33{b)(1) on 2 503,33(b){2) Option 3 503,33(b1(3) Option 4 503.33(bK4) Option 5 503.33(b1'5) Option & 503.33(b)(6) Option 7 503.33(b\(7) Option 8 503.33(b)(8) Option 9 503.33(b)(9) fon 10 BazaIs10 i ‘What is required?” At least 38% reduction in volatile solids during biosolids treatment less than 17% odditional volatile solids loss during bench-scale anaerobic batch digestion of the biosolids for 40 addtional days ot 30-37°C (86-99°F) les than 15% additonal volatile solids reduction during bench-scale cerobic batch digestion for 30 cational days ct 20°C (68°F) SOUR ot 20°C (687i 15mg Oy/hg tt lids Aerobic treatment ofthe biosolids for ot least 14d at over 40°C (104°F) with an average temperature of over 45°C (13°F) ‘Addition of sufficient cali o raise the pH to ot least 12 at 25°C (77°F) and maintain a pH of 12 for 2 end o pH of 11.5 for 22 more hours Percent solids of 75% prior to mixing with other materials, Percent solids of 90% prior to mixing with other rmolerials Biosolids are injacted into sil so that no significant ‘amount of biosolids is present on the land surfoce hour afer injection, except Class A biosolids, which must be injected within 8 h afer the pathogen reduction process. Biosolids are incorporated ino the sol within 6 h cher application to lend. Class A biosolids must be applied to the land surface within 8 h clr the pathogen reduction process, ond must bei ‘within 6 h ater oppiiation 1463 Biosolids processed by ‘Anoerobic biological treatment ‘Aerobic biological treatment Chemical oxidation Only for anaerobically digested biosolids Only for aerobically digested biosolids with 2% orless solids—e.g, biosolids treated in ‘extended aeration plants Biosolids from aerobic processes (should not be used for composted sludges). Also for biosolids that have been deprived of oxygen for longer thon 1-2 h ‘Composted biosolids (Options 3 and 4 are likely to be easier to meet for biosolids from other cerobie processes] Alkal-rected biosolids (alkalies include lime, Ay ash, kiln dust, and wood ash) ‘an aerobic or anaerobic Told tat do not cnton ‘wastewaler treatment) Biosolids that contsin unscbilized solids generated in primary wastewater treatment fogs ony hoat dred sludges) Levi nats oped land Domestic septage of to agricul land cforet, oro Felton se Biosolids applied to the land. Domestic septoge opplied fo agricultural land, forest, fora recomation sie From U.S. EPA (1992). — 1464 Chopler 14 Treatment, Reuse, ond Disposal of Solids and Biosolids To meet pathogen and vector reduction requirements, two levels of preapplication treatment are required, and have been defined by the U.S. EPA as Processes to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP) and Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRP). These processes are defined in Tables 14-11 and 14-12, Because PSRPs reduce:but do not eliminate pathogens, PSRP-treated biosolids still have the potential to transmit dis- ‘ease. Because PFRPs reduce pathogens below detectable levels, there are no pathogen- related restrictions for land application. Minimum frequency of monitoring, record- keeping, and reporting requirements must be met, however. Incineration ‘The Part 503 regulations establish requirements for wastewater biosolids-only inciner- ators. The regulations cover incinerator feed solids, the furnace itself, operation of the furnace, and exhaust gases from the stack. The rule indirectly limits emissions of heavy metals and directly limits total hydrocarbon emissions from incinerator stacks. Pollu- tant limits for wastewater solids fired in an incinerator are established for beryllium, ‘mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel. Incinerators must also meet @ monthly average limit of 100 pprh for total hydrocarbons (THCs), corrected for mois- ture level (0 percent) and oxygen content (to 7 percent) to control toxic organic com- pound emissions (Federal Register, 1993). Monitoring and reporting are also required. Table 14-11 i Delidtion Oe eR EMSs Hee cep we Regulatory definition ee ner ee of processes to Composting Using either within-vessel or static oerated pile composing, the further reduce temperature of he bcs monn 55°C higher 9 Using windrow composting, the temperature ofthe wastewoter sludge Pathogens (PFRPI? is meintained of 85°C or higher for 15 d or longer. During this period, €@ minimum of five windrow hvmings is required Heat drying Dewatered biosolids ore dred by direct or indirect contact with hot Ib Jemperature ofthe gas stream in contact withthe biosolids os the biosolids leave the dryer exceeds 80°C se f0 reduce the moisture content fo 10 percent or lower. fe temperature of solids particles exceeds 80°C or the wet Heat rectment Liquid biosolids are heoted fo a temperature of 180°C or higher for 30 mi Themophi Liquid biosolids are agitated with cir or ciygen to mcntsin oerobic aerobic digestion conditions, and the MCRT is 10 d at 55 to 60°C Beloray Biosolids are iradited with bela rays from on accelerator at dosoges irodictfon fetes | Omegred hed) tm onpere oparna 20° einer Biosolids are iraited wth gamma ros om certain slopes such inedioton” ts 60-

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