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State of the art article

Needs analysis in language teaching

Richard West School of Education, University of Manchester

broader aspects such as needs analysis, methodology

Introduction and evaluation. It therefore seems appropriate to
There have been several surveys of approaches to survey the field of needs analysis in a broad context.
needs analysis in foreign-language teaching (James, This survey concentrates on work relating to English
1974; Jordan, 1977; Chambers, 1980; Cunnings- (for a survey of recent work in other European
worth, 1983; Brindley, 1989; Riddell, 1991; van languages, see van Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990).
Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990; Robinson, 1991; Jordan,
forthcoming). During the period of 20 years covered
by these surveys, both the focus and scope of needs Origins
analysis have changed. The dominant focus of early The term 'analysis of needs' first appears in India in
needs analysis was occupational/EOP, but this later the 1920s (see Howatt, 1984: 245; White, 1988:
changed to academic language/EAP (for the origin 12-13; Tickoo, 1988), when Michael West intro-
of the terms EOP and EAP, see T.Johns, 1981: 16). duced the concept to cover two separate and
More recently the focus has shifted again to include potentially conflicting concepts of' need' contribu-
general language learning. The scope of needs ting to the 'surrender value' of learning: what
analysis up to and including Munby (1978) was learners will be required to do with the foreign
syllabus specification derived from target-situation language in the target situation, and how learners
needs, but the scope has since been broadened to might best master the target language during the
include areas specifically excluded by Munby - period of training. West was concerned with
practicalities and constraints, teaching methods and secondary-level learners whose needs, though de-
learning strategies, and, recently, materials selection. terminable in broad terms, could not be defined
This evolution can be summarised by characterising with any great precision and whose teaching is
each of three stages in the development of needs indeed often defined in terms which exclude any
analysis, and to hint at the future by suggesting a concept of need-what Abbott (1980: 123; 1981a:
fourth stage (see table below). 12; 1981 b: 228) calls TENOR (Teaching English for
Much of the later work in needs analysis is either not No Obvious Reason). The concept of need does not
widely known or (Richards, 1984, cited by Nunan seem to reappear for almost 50 years after West, a
1988 a: 17) it is still assumed that curriculum point commented on by Schutz and Derwing
development in language teaching should con- (1981: 30): 'it would seem that most language
centrate on language syllabuses to the exclusion of planners in the past have bypassed a logically

Stage Period Focus Scope of analysis Examples

1 early 1970s EOP target situation analysis Richterich, 1971/1980

ELTDU, 1970
ESP Stuart & Lee, 1972/85

2 later 1970s EAP target situation analysis Jordan & Mackay, 1973
Mackay, 1978

3 1980s ESP & general target situation analysis Tarone & Yule, 1989
language teaching deficiency analysis Allwright & Allwright, 1977
strategy analysis All wright, 1982
means analysis Holliday & Cooke, 1982
language audits Pilbeam, 1979

4 early 1990s ESP integrated/computer-based analyses Jones, 1991

materials selection Nelson, 1993

After training as a teacher in Zambia and teaching English for miners and metallurgists there for five years,
Richard West worked on Business and Engineering ESP projects and materials. He is currently Senior Lecturer
in Education at the University of Manchester. The present article is an expansion of a unit from the distance
M Ed module on teaching ESP offered at Manchester.


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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
necessary first step: they have presumed to set about theoretical discussion. The broad underlying theor-
going somewhere without first determining whe- etical basis is that of curriculum development (see
ther or not their planned destination was reasonable Rodgers, 1980: 148; Littlewood, 1992), which,
or proper'. However, the term returns to central according to Holec (1985: 263-4), has since the
prominence with the advent of ESP, for which early 1960s followed three main tendencies: im-
needs analysis has become a key instrument in proving teaching methods, adapting the teaching to
course design. The term 'English for Special the type of learning public, and training the learner
Purposes' appeared first at the Makerere Conference how to learn. Needs analysis has been rooted in the
in 1960 (Commonwealth Education Liaison Com- second of these tendencies and, more recently, the
mittee 1961: 19), and this was soon linked to third.
concepts of need. Indeed, Halliday, Mclntosh and More narrowly, any system of needs analysis is
Strevens (1964: 189) refer to 'English for Special related to the theory of the nature of language from
Needs', although for them 'need' was defined which the categories of language employed in the
purely in linguistic terms as a special language or procedure derive (Tarone & Yule, 1989: 12-20).
register. The selection of language categories constitutes the
Language teachers have frequently based their first step of the six-step model of course design
teaching on some kind of intuitive or informal proposed by Coffey (1984: 7-8):
analysis of students' needs (Tarone & Yule, 1989: 1 selection of theory = nature of language:
21) but the concept of a formal analysis of 'the | principles of restric-
requirements which arise from the use of that tione.g. communicative
language in the multitude of situations which may functions
arise in the social lives of individuals and adults' 2 needs analysis a matching of vocat-
(Richterich, 1973: 32) was established during the \. ional needs with the
early 1970s, largely as a result of the work of those categories established
associated with the Council of Europe, and it was in 3 language realisation the transforming of the
the field of ESP that it was taken up most vigorously. | functions, skills previous-
The take-up was by no means immediate: even ly identified into lan-
though Strevens mentions 'the requirement that guage items
SP-LT should analyse the needs of the learner' in his 4 course design = the ordering of the lan-
1977 survey of ESP (1977: 157), he offers no l g u a g e items, by their
examples of how this might be done (despite his relative importance and
close association with Munby at that time) and most their sequencing
of his survey is still concerned with the answer to 5 course construction = the devising of strat-
the question 'what is the nature of scientific l egies and techniques
discourse?'. In Coffey's update of Strevens' survey 6 classroom teaching
(1984:7), needs analysis figures prominently 'largely In Munby's case, the theoretical bases of his needs
due to the far-reaching effects of John Munby's analysis model were contemporary views on the
Communicative syllabus design (1978)'. The size and nature of communicative competence, derived
scope of Munby's work have meant that needs principally from Hymes (1971). It would be possible
analysis is now crucial to any consideration of ESP to build a model of needs analysis on a base of
course design and almost every modern survey of linguistic competence (as posited by Da vies, 1977:
ESP (McDonough, 1984; Hutchinson & Waters, 36; Robinson, 1991: 11), taking both target needs
1987; Robinson, 1991) accords it a central place and present levels of competence into account. Such
(Swales, 1985, is a notable exception; see 1985: 177 a model would, in effect, be a study of interlanguage
footnote b for the explanation).
and so we may see error analysis, interlanguage
studies and grammatically-based diagnostic testing
(e.g. Cooper, 1970) as the ancestors of needs analysis
Theoretical basis of needs analysis (Schutz & Derwing, 1981: 30), followed by other
types of analysis, notably register analysis, discourse
Needs analysis is, by its very nature, a pragmatic analysis and genre analysis (Jordan, forthcoming). It
activity (Schutz & Derwing, 1981) based on highly is no accident that needs analysis emerged at a time
localised situations (Tarone & Yule, 1989: 11). when communicative approaches to language and
However, explicitly or implicitly, it has a basis in language learning were displacing grammar-based
theory (Coffey, 1984; McDonough, 1984: 31) or approaches (e.g. Wilkins, 1976: 55, who noted:
principle (Robinson, 1991: 11-12) that was largely ' The first step in the construction of any language
established by the Council of Europe (Richterich, syllabus or course is to define objectives. Wherever
1973/1980; see Council of Europe, 1981, for a possible these will be based on an analysis of the
survey) and Munby (1978), although Yalden (1987 b: needs of the learners and these needs, in turn, will be
107) suggests that there has been little subsequent expressed in terms of the particular types of

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
communication in which the learner will need to Coffey's stages (1984: 8). Coffey ended his discussion
engage'. See also Schutz and Derwing, 1981: 31). of the theoretical basis of ESP by predicting little
Despite its base in concepts of communicative change:' There is a need for refinement, for allowing
competence, Munby's model is essentially perform- real-life circumstances and validated successes to
ance related, with his categories of communicative have their proper effect on theory, but in the
activity and communicative event which are cat- communicative idea ESP surely reached its maturity.
egories of real-world language use rather than At any rate, there is nothing else in sight at the
elements of a construct of communicative com- moment'. Even in 1984 this statement was de-
petence. Munby was here following others in the batable: theories of language learning methodology
field of needs analysis (ELTDU, 1970; Bung, 1973; (Phillips, 1981; Crocker, 1981), materials design
ELTDU, 1975; Allwright & Allwright, 1977) in (Phillips & Shettlesworth, 1978) and language-
adopting a 'performance repertoire' model (Hut- learning styles and strategies (James, 1980 a) were
chinson & Waters, 1980) and subsequent models of becoming well established and learning styles had
needs analysis have largely adopted a similar already been incorporated into needs analysis
theoretical base. However, this performance-based procedures (notably in Allwright, 1982), thus
approach has long been questioned by Hutchinson bringing Coffey's fifth stage (course construction)
and Waters (1980; 1987), who have argued that 'it within the scope of needs analysis. It is this area of
is necessary to examine the underlying competencesecond-language acquisition and strategy analysis
which the learner must bring to... the study of any which has provided an additional and important
specialised subject' and 'if we are to prepare the theoretical basis for needs analysis in the 1980s (see
overseas student adequately for, say, technical Ellis & Sinclair, 1989b: Nunan, 1989).
instruction, what he needs to acquire is this assumed
competence' (1980: 178 original emphasis). The Fundamental questions in needs
concept of underlying competence has now been analysis
extended from pre-intermediate technical ESP to
higher-level EAP (Waters & Waters, 1992), yet it In any needs analysis procedure 'we find ourselves
remains evident that the components of any faced with a number of unavoidable questions to
underlying competence are empirical categories which one must, in one way or another, find
derived from observation or introspection rather answers ...These questions with their possible
than theoretical elements of the same order as, say, answers are a prerequisite to all identification meth-
Canale and Swain's (1980) discourse competence or odology' (Richterich, 1983: 1). These fundamental
questions and possible answers are surveyed in this
Bachman's (1990: 84107) language competence
and strategic competence. Attempts have been made
to derive needs analysis procedures from such
theoretical bases: Tarone and Yule (1989: 31-60) What and why
apply Canale and Swain's model of communicative
competence to needs analysis by demonstrating that There has remained a great reluctance to agree on a
various needs studies relate to one of four 'levels of definition of needs: 'The very concept of language
generality': (a) global (i.e. the situations in which needs has never been clearly defined and remains at
learners will need to use the language), (b) rhetorical best ambiguous' (Richterich, 1983: 2; see also van
(the typical way in which information is organised Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 7). Widdowson (1979,
in any language-related activity), (c) grammatical- cited by Bowers, 19806: 66) and Brindley (1989:
rhetorical (those language forms which realise the 65) identify the main source of this ambiguity as the
information structure of the language activity), and distinction or even contradiction between various
(d) grammatical (the frequency with which language concepts of need: necessities or demands (also called
forms are used in different communication sit- objective, product-oriented or perceived needs), learners'
uations) (see James 1973, summarised in Mackay & wants (subjective, or felt needs) and the methods of
Bosquet, 1981: 12-13, for a very similar classi- bridging the gap between these two (process-oriented
fication). Tarone and Yule's model in effect needs). The term 'needs' is often now seen as an
incorporates register analysis (Barber, 1962; Palmer, umbrella term (Richterich, 1983: 2; Porcher, 1983a:
1981 a) and discourse analysis (P. Robinson, 1981; 22; Hutchinson & Waters, 1987: 55) covering
Palmer, 1981/)) as layers of target-situation analysis several interpretations. Hutchinson and Waters
and present-situation analysis, the findings of which (1987) offer a useful classification of needs which
are then available as input data for the syllabus may be seen to reflect differing viewpoints and to
design stage. give rise to different forms of needs analysis (see
Target-situation analysis and present-situation James, 1974: 76; Alderson, 1980: 135; Bowers,
analysis are essentially concerned with establishing 19806: 67; Mackay & Bosquet, 1981: 6-7; All-
language items to be taught and, as such, these wright, 1982: 24; McDonough, 1984: 35-40 and
procedures relate only, at best, to the first four of Robinson, 1991: 7-8 for different classifications):

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
(a) Necessities are ' the type of need determined by deficiency analysis (see Allwright & Allwright, 1977;
the demands of the target situation, that is, what the Abbott, 1978: 99).
learner has to know in order to function effectively (c) Wants: Hutchinson & Waters' third class of
in the target situation' (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987: needs is wants: ' what the learners want or feel they
55). Richterich (1973/1980: 32) described these as need' (1987: 57). These needs are personal and are
objective needs which ' can more or less be assumed to therefore sometimes referred to as subjective needs
be general from an analysis of typical everyday 'which cannot be said to be general...are quite
situations' and any such needs analysis approach unforeseeable and therefore indefinable' (Richterich,
identifying these necessities is frequently known as 1973/1980: 32). It is often pointed out that these
target-situation analysis (see Chambers, 1980). It is may differ, even conflict, with necessities as perceived
apparent, however, that many language courses are by a sponsor or employer, and lacks as identified by
not terminus courses and that interim objectives the teacher. This, however, does not mean that
short of the necessities of the target situation will wants are any less real and ways will have to be
have to be set. In such cases, it would seem better to found to accommodate them. While this may be
regard the course objectives as short- or medium- difficult in cases where the wants are idiosyncratic or
term goals or aims rather than target necessities, and even opposed to the aims of the intended course
the needs analysis procedure would therefore be one (Mead, 1980, cited in Hutchinson & Waters, 1987),
of goal setting (Frankel, 1983: 123) or aim definition there may be wants which are perceived by the
(Richterich, 1973/1980: 32). Goals or aims of this majority of the potential participants which can be
type may be determined by the end-of-course test incorporated into the syllabus or methodology,
or examination (Tarone & Yule, 1989: 40), so that especially if this is negotiated between instructor
it becomes important to determine the test require- and learner. A common example of this is the
ments in such a way that they represent practical demand for speaking, which 'normally emerges as
and useful learning goals (Morrow, 1983: 1056) the least needed skill [for EAP students, but]... if not
providing beneficial washback and washforward a need, speaking is often a want, since in many
effects. At the other end of the scale, language audits students' opinions oral proficiency is the best
may establish target needs in terms of key assets, i.e. indicator of mastery of a language' (Robinson,
'the need for foreign languages as a " k e y " to new 1991: 105; see also Chamberlain & Flanagan, 1978:
possibilities and opportunities, e.g. new markets' 42-3; Chitravelu, 1980: ix; Schutz & Derwing,
(van Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 7). 1981: 4 1 ; Coleman, 1988: 163). Deficiency analysis,
Target needs may be defined at three levels (van which asks learners to identify their own learning
Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 8-9). At its most basic, priorities, should throw up any such wants.
the target-situation analysis may go little further (d) Learning strategies: Hutchinson and Waters
than identifying which languages are needed. Other (1987: 60-2) here identify two types of learning
surveys may go further and establish needs in terms needs which may usefully be separated, the first
of skills priorities (spoken German, written French, being the learner's preferred learning strategies for
etc). Most, however, define needs in situational or progressing from where they are (present situ-
functional terms (listening to lectures, speaking on ation/lacks/deficiencies) to where they want to go
the telephone, writing business letters, etc). Some (target situation/necessities). In this survey ins-
procedures then go even further to specify what truments designed to identify preferred learning
grammatical or lexical language components are strategies will be discussed under the heading of
necessary in order to realise a particular function. strategy analysis (Allwright, 1982; Widdowson,
(b) Lacks: 1983). Once again, these needs may be a source
of conflict because the teacher's interpretation
To identify necessities alone is not enough... You also need to
know what the learner knows already, so that you can then
of suitable strategies may differ from learner's
decide which of the necessities the learner lacks...The target expectations or 'preconceptions about the form a
proficiency in other words, needs to be matched against the language learning experience should take' (Tarone
existing proficiency of the learners. The gap between the & Yule, 1989: 9).
two can be referred to as the learner's lacks (Hutchinson &
(e) Constraints: The second element included by
Waters, 1987: 55-56; see also Hutchinson, Waters & Breen,
1979). Hutchinson and Waters when considering the
decision-making process in a needs analysis is the
It is, then, lacks which determine the syllabus: potential and constraints of the learning situation.
' rhetorical structures are not included in the syllabus These are the external factors which may include
simply because they exist, but only if they are either the resources (staff, accommodation, time) available,
seen to cause comprehension difficulty... or if the prevailing attitudes or culture, and the materials,
knowing how to handle the particular rhetorical aids and methods available. These were all areas
structure can help in the reading process' (Alderson, deliberately ignored in early approaches to needs
1980: 136). In this survey, any needs analysis analysis (e.g. Munby, 1978) but they are now seen
procedure adopting this approach will be called as central to the process of course design and have

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
come to be known as means analysis (Holliday & their needs, although learners' perceptions of their
Cooke, 1982; Holliday, 1984), for 'if the resources own needs may be ill-founded, inaccurate or
are fixed then the objectives themselves must be incomplete, and courses devised by off-line analyses
negotiable' (Crocker, 1981: 14). of this sort may frequently have to be reviewed as
(/) The language audit: This is the sixth type of needs learners' perceptions evolve. Early accounts of off-
analysis (Pilbeam, 1979; van Hest & Oud-de Glas, line needs analysis procedures include ELTDU
1990; Lynch et al., 1993); it is a large-scale survey (1970); Stuart and Lee (1972/85); Mackay (1978);
undertaken by a company, an organisation or even and Munby (1978).
a country to determine what languages ought to be (b) The second answer is 'on-line' or 'first-day'
learnt, for what reasons, by how many people, to needs analysis, which takes place when trainees
what level, in what type of institution, by what arrive to start their course. The advantages and
methods, at what cost, and so on. These are big and disadvantages are the converse of the off-line
often political questions that were originally deemed approach: the trainer or course designer has little
outside the scope of needs analysis (Munby, 1978) time to prepare a detailed course outline, but it is
but which now give it a much broader remit possible to ensure that the information obtained is
making it a matter of language planning. In essence, a full, relevant and accurate, although (as with all
language audit differs from a needs analysis in scale: analyses based on input from trainees) its fullness,
needs analysis is used to determine the various needs relevance and accuracy may be short-lived. An early
of an individual or group; a language audit defines and detailed account of an on-line analysis procedure
the longer-term language-training requirements of is given by Hughes and Knight, 1977.
a company, country or professional sector, and can (c) The third approach is a response to the limi-
thus be seen as a strategy or policy document. The tations of the second and, in particular, the realisation
language audit may include all the levels or layers that learners' needs, or, at least, their perceptions
of a needs analysis (a-e above), so that, say, the
of their needs, will change as the course proceeds
strategy analysis component would seek to identify
(Richterich & Chancerel, 1977: 9; Chambers,
delivery modes which are appropriate for the
1980: 28-30; Holec, 1980: 35; Richterich,
majority of learners or trainees and which would
1983: 5; Coleman, 1988: 157; Jordan, 1993: 74).
then become company practice or ministry policy.
Awareness of both the demands of the target
Each of these approaches to needs analysis will be
examined further below. situation and their own shortcomings become more
clearly focused. So, for example, Jordan (1993)
reports that EAP students attending a pre-sessional
When course expect academic writing to be the most
difficult skill when they transfer to their subject
At what point in the course should needs analysis be departments. After one term, however, the majority
carried out ? There seem to be three or four possible find academic speaking to be the main difficulty,
answers to this question - before, at the start and findings supported by Geoghegan (1983) and
during the training course (Hoadley-Maidment, Christison and Krahnke (1986). In addition, the
1983: 43 adds end-of-course). It has been standard instructors' perceptions of the learners' needs and
practice to conduct as much of the needs analysis as possible solutions may emerge as the course pro-
possible before the start of the course (Robinson, gresses (Henderson & Skehan, 1980: 38). A process
1991: 15) but it is now generally accepted that the of on-going needs re-analysis is therefore required
procedure should be repeated during the course, so in response to these changing perceptions, so that
that needs analysis becomes an on-going process. both learner and teacher can identify new or short-
This is a reflection of the now-common acceptance term priorities. It is also valuable from a motivational
that a concern with process is a ' good thing' in all point of view to have learners reformulate their
areas of language teaching. objectives periodically (Richterich, 1979: 74). It has
(a) The first answer has been called 'off-line' also been pointed out (Richterich, 1983: 3; Nunan,
analysis (Chambers, 1980: 28) and involves analysis 1988 a: 6; Jordan & Mackay, 1973) that learners
in advance of the course so that the course designer often find it difficult to articulate their needs and
has ample time to prepare a syllabus and select or preferences, especially in the initial stages of the
develop appropriate training materials. Typically, course (see also Ellis & Sinclair, 1989 b: 48; Sinclair
off-line approaches build up a picture of the target & Ellis, 1992: 213), and so on-going re-analysis is
situation through questions addressed to sponsors necessary. Finally, frequent but small-scale surveys
(e.g. training managers) or those currently working may well provide a more accurate picture than
in the target situation, who may or may not have an elaborate, large-scale procedures, 'since each new
accurate view of learners' language requirements. attempt can draw on and refine the last' (Gardner &
Alternative approaches to off-line analysis require Winslow, 1983: 75).
learners (if they are accessible and/or if it is thought
desirable) to complete questionnaires identifying

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
1981 on the arguments for and against the separation
Who of needs analysis and teaching). Alternatively, they
The question to be answered here is 'who should may involve the learner (Allwright & Allwright,
decide what the language needs are?'. There are 1977; Abbott, 1978: 98) more centrally in the needs
three principal parties involved in what has come to analysis process. The involvement of the learner in
be called the needs analysis triangle (Hoadley- the process that Robinson (1991: 14) calls 'par-
Maidment, 1980: 1 and 1983: 40; see also Johns & ticipatory needs analysis' has several advantages
Dudley-Evans, 1980: 8): which have been catalogued by Nunan (1988 a: 5):
Learners come to have a more realistic idea of
what can be achieved in a given course.
teacher-perceived needs student-perceived needs Learning comes to be seen as the gradual accretion
of achievable goals.
Students develop greater sensitivity to their role as
language learners and their rather vague notions of
what it is to be a learner become much sharper.
Self-evaluation becomes much sharper.
Classroom activities can be seen to relate to
company-perceived needs learners' real-life needs.
Skills development can be seen as a gradual, rather
Ideally, these three teacher, student and sponsor than an all-or-nothing, process.
interact in a cooperative way (Hoadley-Maidment, (For other discussion of learner-centred needs analy-
1980; Hawkey, 1983), although, as Jones (1991: sis, see Tarone & Yule, 1989: 46-47; see Kennedy,
163) points out, each party may also impose 1980: 120, Richterich, 1973/1980: 47, Richterich,
constraints. Richterich (1979: 73) states that 'any- 1983: 3, and Porcher, 1983 a: 19 for pitfalls.)
body' can identify language needs and he clarifies However, if needs analysis is to be a cooperative
this statement by listing nine combinations of the process, there is a need for a common language
three principal parties working in cooperation. between trainers and trainees (see Hoadley-
There are also various informants or sources for needs Maidment, 1980: 3 and 1983: 40-1 on the use of
analysis, notably former students (Allen & Spada, the mother tongue in needs analysis) or for a shared
1983: 135), those already working in the target terminology for describing objectives which is
situation (Richterich, 1973/1980: 47; Tarantino, accessible to both language specialists and non-
1988: 34) and specialist/native-speaker informants specialists (Crocker, 1981: 15; Gardner & Winslow,
(Smith & Arun, 1980: 211; Price, 1980; Crocker, 1983: 72; Yates, 1977: 47; Harbord, forthcoming).
1981: 9; Farringdon, 1981: 66-7; Mackay & At the other end of the scale, employers and
Bosquet, 1981: 8; Bheiss, 1988; Tarone & Yule, governments have had to formulate or re-evaluate
1989: 33). Porcher (1983a: 18) stresses the im- their language-training policies in the light of
portance of having the maximum number of sources changing economic or political circumstances, and
of information if the identification of needs is to be have commissioned language audits from experts in
reliable. order to determine their needs and the most efficient
Lurking behind the educational institution/ ways of achieving them (Emmans et al., 1974). One
company/sponsor is the figure of the 'specialist needs outcome of such a language audit might be a re-
analyst', and it is the role of this 'expert' in applied consideration of who the learners actually are: ' the
linguistics which has sometimes been viewed with most effective way of bringing about change in
suspicion as 'isolating needs analysis from other language use in one part of a system may be to
aspects of teaching and learning' (Swales, 1985: provide input in a quite different part of the
177 b; see also Hawkey, 1983: 79; Tarone & Yule, system... we cannot take it for granted that the
1989: 4 and 21), leading to potential conflict. "learners" in a large organisation will be easily
Hutchinson and Waters (1980) lay the blame for this recognisable as such' (Coleman, 1988: 167).
separation of needs analysis from pedagogic concerns
on elaborate analysis models requiring an expert
analysis (e.g. Munby, 1978) and a feature of later For whom
models has been a reaction against sophistication The usual assumption is that the needs analysis is
towards simpler models (Gardner & Winslow, 1983: carried out for the benefit of the user, i.e. the student
74). Some of these place the teacher in the central or trainee. However, language audits are more
role (Richards & Rodgers, 1986: 78; Tarone & Yule, likely to be carried out from the viewpoint of the
1989: 21; but see Mackay & Bosquet, 1981: 7 for requirer - institutions or even countries needing the
spurious 'teacher-created needs', Bowers, 19806: services of trained personal with identifiable foreign-
73; Bachman & Strick, 1981: 45 on teachers' language knowledge (van Hest & Oud-de Glas,
preconceived ideas; and Chambers & McDonough, 1990: 8).

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
lems in self-reporting (Jordan, 1977, notes a tendency
How for weaker students to over-estimate their language
Needs analysis is carried out through a series of steps ability; Blue, 1988, found over- or under-estimation
or phases - Schutz and Derwing (1981: 35) list eight varied with cultural background), self-assessment
such phases - but perhaps the crucial one is' selecting has been used with success to enable learners to
the information-gathering instrument'. There are identify their own level of language proficiency and
many ways to carry out a needs analysis ranging areas of special priority (see Allwright & Allwright,
from major 'scientific' surveys to informal tools put 1977; Floyd, 1984; Tarantino, 1988, and Brookes &
together by an individual teacher for and with Grundy, 1990, for examples; see Oskarsson, 1977,
his/her class (Richterich, 1983: 9). Of course, any for a survey of procedures; see Ward Goodbody,
project may employ more than one method, 1993, for later discussion). Self-assessment may also
although ' the scope and objectives of the inquiry present problems when grouping students (but see
will largely determine the nature of the in- Spaventa, 1980).
vestigation, and hence the choice of the most (4) Observation of classes Yalden (1987a: 132)
appropriate investigatory instrument' (Schutz & suggests classroom observation as an approach
Derwing, 1981: 37). Richterich (1983: 9) even goes requiring little explanation if ' a checklist or set of
as far as to say that the method used in each case notes is at hand'. She seems to have in mind
must be unique if it is to accommodate all the observation of learners' classroom performance with
variables of persons, institutions, time and place. an error-analysis checklist of the type provided for
Needs analysis methods can be classified in various roleplay by MacGregor (1979) or an evaluation
ways. Berwick (1989: 56-61) makes a distinction sheet (North, 1991), or more formal classroom-
between inductive (i.e. observations and case studies observation procedures (Porcher, 1983 a: 19; Fur-
from which courses can be generalised) and, more neaux et al., 1991: 767). Jordan's (forthcoming)
common, deductive methods (i.e. questionnaires, summary of the findings of classroom observation
surveys or other data-gathering instruments which of EAP students in British universities suggests that
provide various forms of information as the basis of this approach is principally of value for deficiency
course design). Berwick does not catalogue the analysis. He adds that informal class or progress tests
methods for gathering data for needs analyses, but perform a similar function in providing indicators
Richterich and Chancerel (1977: 11), Richterich of present needs or deficiencies.
(1983: 12), van Hest and Oud-de Glas (1990: 12-13) (5) Surveys based on questionnaires In an early
and Jordan (1977: 13-18; forthcoming) list various example, Jordan and Mackay (1973) used a ques-
methods covering both inductive and deductive tionnaire to survey 106 students at two British
approaches. Jordan's (forthcoming) list includes ten universities to assess their learning priorities, and the
methods of collecting data for a needs analysis: questionnaire is now established as the most
(1) Pre-course placement/diagnostic tests Pre-course common method of needs analysis. Gardner and
placement tests estimate the approximate language Winslow (1983: 74-5) identify objectivity as the
level of the student, but the main application of such principal advantage of questionnaires but also admit
tests is selection and for this reason diagnostic to expense and a very low (7 %) rate of return plus
information tends to be limited. The Cambridge a difficulty in achieving a balance between asking
Syndicate's International English Language Test- too many questions and asking too few. Classifi-
ing System is one of the few public tests providing cations of questionnaires are offered by Richterich
results in the form of a profile, enabling the teacher and Chancerel (1977: 59-77) and Mackay and
to diagnose areas of weakness and strength according Bosquet (1981: 9), and analyses of their advantages
to skill. and disadvantages for needs analysis are given by
(2) Entry tests on arrival These tests potentially Hoadley-Maidment (1983: 41); Schutz & Derwing
have greater diagnostic value and are therefore (1981: 37) and Low (1991). Basic rules for question-
more precise in identifying learners' language naire construction are given by Utley (1992: 40).
weaknesses and lacks. Such tests function according (6) Structured interviews Jones (1991: 155) refers to
to their underlying construct of language: tests of the 'intrinsic superiority' of the interview as an
underlying linguistic competence (e.g. Chaplen, information-gathering technique for needs analysis.
1970) may have good predictive validity (James, Mackay (1978) points out the advantages of the
19806) but little diagnostic value, while those interview over the questionnaire: completeness of
covering a broader range of skills (e.g. the English coverage and the opportunity to clarify and extend
Language Teaching Development Unit's Test Bat- because of the physical presence of the analyst
tery; see Yates, 1977) may have limitations of (although this requirement is also the principal
practicality. Placement interviews may lack pre- shortcoming). Porcher (1983a: 18) adds economy,
cision but provide valuable information akin to that Gardner and Winslow (1983: 74) include familiarity,
generated by structured interviews (see 6 below). degree of co-operation and lower levels of specialist
(3) Self-placement/diagnostic tests Despite prob- training, and Hoadley-Maidment (1983: 41) the

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
establishment of rapport. Richterich and Chancerel (10) Previous research Considerable research has
(1977: 78) offer a classification of interviews and been conducted into the needs and deficiencies of
guidelines for their content and conduct are offered certain categories of learners. The research can be
by Hoadley-Maidment (1980, 1983: 46-51) and divided into two types: case studies of individuals or
Utley (1992: 402). Discussions of the advantages and small groups (see Robinson, 1991: 1314 for a
disadvantages of this approach are given by Mackay survey; Bell, 1981: 159-70 and Cumaranatunge,
and Bosquet (1981: 9), Schutz and Derwing (1981: 1988, for examples of on-site observation or
37), Hoadley-Maidment (1983: 41) and Jones (1991: 'shadowing') and surveys of large groups, notably
155). Interviews may be combined with ques- those of business people (ELTDU, 1970; Stuart &
tionnaires to exploit the advantages of each method. Lee, 1972/1985; Lee, 1977: Hagen (ed.), 1988);
(7) Learner diaries O'Brien (1989) analysed 15 EAP doctors and patients (Candlin et al. 1974, 1976, 1981)
student diaries and found that they tended to focus and academic students (Jordan & Mackay, 1973;
on four areas: course input, tutor performance, Jordan & Matthews, 1978; Ostler, 1980). Richterich
learner performance and external factors affecting (1973/1980: 68-84) offers a classification of groups
study (home-related anxiety, food and accom- of adults with sample needs.
modation, and personal variables). The first area, in The kind of data to be gathered by the needs
particular, could provide the basis for students and analysis will inevitably vary according to the
tutors to work towards a negotiated syllabus. A instrument used and the purpose of the survey (van
more structured survey of diaries was carried out by Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 7-13), but most of the
Parkinson and Ho well-Richardson (1990) under following areas are likely to be covered (Schutz &
four headings: in-class activities, out-of-class activities, Derwing, 1981: 37, who give percentages of total
my problems and what I have learnt. The findings questions for guidance):
suggest that there is' a high correlation between rate (a) general personal background (7%)
of improvement and the amount of time which (b) occupational speciality or academic field
students spent outside class in social interaction with (1%)
native speakers of English'. In addition to student (c) language background (14%)
diaries, teacher diaries (Porcher, 1983 a: 19-20; (d) attitudinal and motivational factors (8 %)
Bailey, 1990; Porter et al., 1990; McDonough, (e) relevance of language to target use (10%)
1994) can be a source of needs analysis. Diaries, (f) priority of basic language skills in target use
however, are essentially retrospective, i.e. last year's (25 %)
diaries are useful when planning next year's course, (g) functional registers and job tasks in target use
and this is an obvious limitation. (20%)
(8) Case studies, i.e. in-depth investigations of the (h) course content and method of instruction
learning needs and difficulties of individual students (13%)
or groups (Richterich (ed.), 1983, is a major source (i) reaction to project (1 %)
of such case studies). Schmidt (1981) conducted a
case study of lecture comprehension and essay
writing of an advanced student and James (1984) How long
carried out an investigation with a Brazilian student The length of time taken to carry out a needs
writing a thesis on the sociology of medicine con- analysis will obviously vary with the scale and
cluding: 'Students need help with what they find method. However, Gardner and Winslow (1983:
most difficult. What they find most difficult can 76) report that the reason most often given for not
only be discovered by observing them at work on setting up and implementing needs analysis pro-
the job'. Dudley-Evans (1988) extends James' work cedures was pressure on staff time. In part, this
with a case study of four students' theses and problem stems from a lack of awareness on the part
suggests that the language tutor may be able to give of institutions and employers of the value or even
clearer advice on the ' move structure' of a thesis existence of needs identification.
than the subject tutor. The advantages of the case
study as a means of needs analysis, especially in
providing a process-oriented definition of needs, are Target-situation analysis
discussed by Schmidt (1981: 208-9).
The most common form of needs analysis is devoted
(9) Final evaluation/feedback At the end of the to establishing the learners' language requirements
course, a test or evaluation provides information for in the occupational or academic situation they are
the student on the effectiveness of learning which being prepared for - target situation analysis
can be used as the basis for future self-improvement (Chambers 1980: 29). The earliest TSA procedures
(Hoadley-Maidment, 1983: 43). For the teacher, it were designed to determine how much English was
indicates the soundness of the initial needs analysis used (Ewer & Hughes-Davies, 1971: 16), usually
and can suggest ways in which future courses could using a questionnaire (Mackay, 1978). Surveys of
be improved. this kind provided a strong justification for TESP

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
courses but they did not give a clear picture of what and so it is difficult to repeat during the course, thus
the language was used for. The most widely-used setting initially-perceived needs in stone. The
procedure for providing detailed data about the complexity and impracticality have been enough to
precise uses of the target language by different put many off altogether (Schutz & Derwing, 1981:
groups of personnel was devised by the English 32; Nunan, 1988a: 43; Berwick, 1989: 52). All
Language Teaching Development Unit (ELTDU, subsequent systems of needs analysis have striven for
1970) and subsequently adopted by others (e.g. simplicity the systems of Holliday and Cooke
Stuart & Lee, 1972/85; Gardner & Winslow, 1983; (1982), for instance, start with a blank piece of
Hagen (ed.), 1988). This procedure sub-divides the paper, and Harbord (forthcoming) makes use of a
four traditional language skills and so arrives at a 'Chinese take-away' approach, i.e. clients choose a
classification of 20 'activities' to cover all business selection of dishes from a set menu of 14 modules.
and commercial situations. Some of these surveys Learner centredness. Despite Munby's claim, his CNP
were carried out on a vast scale and obtained data is not learner-centred (Nunan, 1988a: 24): the
from training or personnel managers, but the starting point may be the learner but the model
advantage of scale must be balanced against the fact collects data about the learner rather than from the
that the data were collected at second-hand. learner. The very sophistication of the variables and
The most well-known approach to TSA was that their associated inventories and taxonomies tends to
devised by Munby (1978) for the British Council. mean that the profile is drawn up by a needs analysis
The basis of Munby's model is a two-part instrument specialist with limited reference to the participant,
consisting of a communicative needs processor which is what White (1988: 89) calls a 'hands-ofF approach.
then converted into a communicative competence As a reaction, more recent needs analysis procedures
specification. Munby aimed to be systematic and have been developed which deliberately adopt a
detailed where ELTDU was brief and simple; very different starting point, reasserting the value of
ELTDU concentrated on 'activities', whereas this is the judgement of the teacher (Tarone & Yule, 1989:
the one component ('events') for which Munby 21) or involving the learner from the start (e.g.
offers no inventory. The Munby model is well Allwright & Allwright, 1977) without the re-
enough known not to need explanation here - brief quirement for a needs analysis expert. At the other
accounts are available from Munby himself (1977) end of the spectrum, Coleman (1988: 156) notes
and Hawkey (1980a and b), and the model has been Munby's 'tendency to idealise the individual lan-
converted into a four-page questionnaire by Harkess guage learner', making large-scale application of
(reproduced in West, 1992: 75-82). Munby's work the model to the analysis of needs of heterogeneous
has attracted a lot of attention as 'the most groups problematic.
comprehensive' approach to needs analysis (Dickin- Constraints. Munby saw constraints as matters to be
son, 1987: 90) and 'a watershed for the field of considered after the needs analysis procedure had
LSP' (Riddell, 1991: 73; Hutchinson & Waters, been worked through, leading to an inevitable
1987: 54), but much of this attention has been 'compromise phase' (Mackay & Bosquet, 1981: 16;
critical (Swales, 1980: 68-9; Davies, 1981a and b; see also Trim 1973/1980: 22; Ellis & Sinclair,
Hawkey, 1983: 84; Coffey, 1984: 7; Hutchinson & 1989 b: 49) where what is needed has to be
Waters, 1987: 12 & 54; Coleman, 1988: 156; balanced against what is feasible. These constraints
White, 1988: 88-9; Nunan, 1988 a: 24). The rigour were classified (Munby, 1978: 217) as socio-political
and complexity of the Munby model tended to halt (e.g. status of the target language), logistical
rather than advance development in the field of (financial constraints, numbers of teachers available),
needs analysis: 'real advance in this area that was administrative (time available), psycho-pedagogic
originally seen as being so critical to ESP is now (previous learning methods) and methodological
lacking' (Chambers, 1980: 25). However, it is now (recommended methods and materials available).
possible to see that the subsequent developments in Many (e.g. Frankel, 1983: 119; Hawkey, 1983: 84)
needs analysis have either been derived from Munby felt that these practical constraints should be
(Dickinson 1987: 90) or in many ways been a considered at the start of the needs-analysis process
reaction to the shortcomings of Munby's model. and, in later statements, Munby revised his view
Discussion of these shortcomings may be sum- somewhat, allowing that 'political factors affecting
marised under four headings. the target language and the homogeneity of the
Complexity. Munby's attempt to be systematic and learner group should be applied at the needs analysis
comprehensive inevitably made his instrument stage' (1984: 64, added emphasis). Nevertheless, it
inflexible, complex and time consuming (Coffey, was Munby's failure to consider such constraints in
1984: 7; Frankel, 1983: 122; McDonough, 1984: his 1978 model that led to the development of means
33). It has been estimated that it can take two full analysis (Holliday & Cooke, 1982; Holliday, 1984).
weeks to work through (Carrier, 1983: 3, but see Language. One criticism is that Munby fails to
Porcher, 1983 a: 15 for indications that any large- provide a procedure for converting the learner
scale needs analysis is likely to be a lengthy process) profile into a language syllabus (Richards, 1984). It

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
was also somewhat strange that Munby should task should be taught, ranging from not at all to 7 or
adopt classifications of language in his skills selection more times per semester.
process that were derived from social English, A refinement of the Allwright system of com-
especially the work of Wilkins (1976) and the bined present-situation analysis and target-situation
Council of Europe (van Ek, 1975). The work of analysis is illustrated by Bheiss (1988), who adopted
Candlin et al. (1974 a-d, 1976, 1981; see also Ranney, a more formal procedure for establishing syllabus
1992) clearly demonstrated that ESP language priorities. This system has three components: (a) a
functions are related to 'job-specific tasks' (Candlin list of potential target-situation skills supplied by a
et al., 1976: 246) and, as such, are likely to differ specialist informant, in Bheiss's case a university
from those used in social or general discourse, nursing tutor; (b) a needs questionnaire using a ' 0 =
although categories relating to business socialising unnecessary to 4 = essential' scale to establish target-
are prominent in most surveys. It is also clear that situation need for each of the sub-skills; (c) a lacks
the language used in real-world ESP situations questionnaire using a '0 = no difficulty to 4 = very
differs from that predicted by course designers difficult' scale to establish the present-situation
(Williams, 1988, on business meetings; Mason, deficiency of each of the sub-skills. Each ques-
1989, on service encounters; Lynch & Anderson, tionnaire is given to either specialist tutors or
1991, on seminars; Jones, 1991, on technical students and the overall needs and lacks of the group
employees). It is for this reason that subsequent are calculated. Learning priorities are then estab-
needs-analysis procedures have tended not to work lished by multiplying the two scores together,
with a pre-ordained inventory of language items, which has the effect of accentuating the scores at
and certainly not items derived from non-ESP either end of the scale.
contexts. Other aspects of deficiency analysis may include
discovering whether students are required to do
something in the target language which they cannot
Deficiency analysis do in their mother tongue: ' Teaching a student to
The approaches to needs analysis that have been do something in English which he or she can already
developed to take account of learners' present do in Spanish is a very different problem from
needs/wants as well as the requirements of the teaching him or her something in English which he
target situation, may be called analyses of learners' or she cannot do in Spanish' (Alderson, 1980: 135).
deficiencies or lacks (Allwright, 1982: 24; Robinson,
1991: 9 refers to this process as combined target-
situation analysis and present-situation analysis): Strategy analysis
'start from the target situation and design the As was noted at the start of this survey, the 1980s
curriculum around the gap between the present saw the extension of needs analysis from what
abilities of the target trainees and the needs of the (syllabus content) into how: 'language tutors spe-
situation in which they will find themselves at the cifically need to know the preferred learning styles
end of the training programme' (Smith & Arun, and content expectations their students hold when
1980: 210). Most systems taking this approach they learn a language' (James, 1980 a: 8; see Mackay
include two central components: (a) an inventory of & Bosquet, 1981:17-18 +appendix 2 for'classroom
potential target needs expressed in terms of activities, procedures: strategies and associated techniques'
and (b) a scale that is used to establish (and selected by teachers but with student feedback
subsequently re-establish) the priority that should be questionnaire). The obvious focus for this analysis is
given to each activity. For example, the ELTDU methodology (Nunan, 1988 a: 17) but related areas
system (Yates, 1977) has 27 activities, all described of relevance in a strategy analysis (Nunan, 1988 a:
on an eight-point attainment scale (see Carroll & 189-91 developed from Brindley 1984) are pre-
West, 1989, and Alderson, 1991, for more on similar ferences in terms of grouping size, extent of
banded scales). In a less complex system, Allwright homework, learning in/out of class, learning styles,
and Allwright (1977) list 12 activities that, on past correction preferences, use of audio/visual sources,
experience, were judged to be potential needs for and methods of assessment.
doctors visiting Britain - reading medical textbooks, It is learning strategies which have been the major
writing medical papers, giving papers/lectures focus of attention: ' there is a growing recognition
at medical conferences, etc. Learners are first asked within the profession that specification of the end
to establish whether or not each potential need is an products (the syllabus design component of the
actual need, and then to establish their present level curriculum) must also be accompanied by spe-
of difficulty ( = deficiency) in each activity on a cifications of methodology (that is indications on
none/some/a lot scale. A similar procedure is how to reach that end point)' (Nunan, 1988a: 17).
described by Shaw (1982), while Richards (1990: Allwright (1982) was a pioneer in this area (see
29) provides an extract from a questionnaire where Dickinson, 1987: 93-4 for discussion) and sub-
learners are asked to indicate how frequently each sequent instruments of analysis have become ever
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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
more sophisticated: Oxford (1990: 283-300) offers a and Flanagan (1978) and Hawkey (1983) list these
comprehensive 'strategy inventory for language practicalities and constraints, and Bachman and
learning' (SILL), with a diagnostic profile designed Strick (1981) attempt to quantify them. Others have
to interpret a learner's results in terms of currently- argued that instead of thinking about constraints,
preferred strategies. Tarone and Yule (1989: 9) course designers should consider how plans can be
discuss the conflict that may arise between teachers' implemented in the local situation. This approach
and learners' expectations and suggest that there has received powerful expression in what Holliday
may be three solutions -fight 'em, join 'em or channel and Cooke (1982; Holliday, 1984) call 'means
'em. The problem is particularly acute where learners analysis' or 'the ecological approach'. According to
bring with them inefficient learning strategies, and this view, the question for the course designer is
this situation is well documented (summarised by B. 'how to make ESP take root, grow, bear fruit and
Robinson, 1981: 29). Robinson himself cites rote propagate in the local soil' (1982: 126). The course
learning as one such strategy and several writers designer or teacher first identifies the relevant
(Henderson & Skehan, 1980: 35; Chamberlain, features of the situation (the 'ecosystem') and
1980: 105; Watt, 1980: 40; Hawkey & Nakornchai, then sees how the positive features can be used
1980: 73; Dudley-Evans & Swales, 1980: 93; to advantage to accommodate what would con-
Bowers, 1980a: 110; Blue, 1981: 59; Hoadley- ventionally be seen as constraints. Holliday (1984: 45)
Maidment, 1983: 39) note that many learners take a identifies four principal steps in such a means
passive, non-participatory, teacher-dependent at- analysis: (1) observe lessons, taking random notes
titude towards language learning (type 1 learners in on all significant features; (2) use the notes to
the classification offered by James, 1980<J: 13). construct a report on the lesson to form the basis of
Tarantino (1988) and Strevens (1988: 40) show that discussion with the teacher; (3) review all the
previous school learning experience influences both original notes and draw out significant features
proficiency and learning style, while James (1980 a) common to all observations; (4) construct a
suggests that learning styles relate to cultural communicative device (chart, diagram, etc.) which
experience - the culture in which learners have expresses the findings. This device then forms the
learned to succeed and the one in which they hope basis of realistic negotiation of the course between
to succeed. Where these two cultures differ (what all interested parties in the light of available resources
Dudley-Evans & Swales, 1980: 91 call 'education and options (Crocker, 1981: 9).
shock'), there is potential for conflict, especially
This approach is directly opposite to the way in which needs
where the learner is willing to make only minimal analysis is usually done, where the categories are defined before
or negligible changes in learning processes. Some the observation and are based on linguistic descriptions and not
writers have gone further and attempted 'cultural the situation being observed. The Means Analysis approach
profiles' of learners from various backgrounds allows sensitivity to the situation and prevents the imposition of
(Hawkey & Nakornchai, 1980; Dudley-Evans & models alien to the situation (Holliday, 1984: 45).
Swales, 1980; Reid, 1987). Brew (1980:123) suggests
Mountford (1988) and Swales (1989) have de-
that 'creating an atmosphere of dialogue where
veloped the scope of means analysis further by
students can be helped to articulate and explore for
suggesting other factors which need to be taken into
themselves their attempts to make sense of the
learning environment is important'. The range of consideration by curriculum specialists if courses are
learning/teaching styles selected for any course to have any chance of success, especially in ' alien'
obviously has implications for learner-teacher rel- learning environments. Swales lists five such factors:
ationships (James, 1980 a: 16-18) and roles (Wright, classroom culture (Holliday, 1984; cf. Mount-
1987). It also has implications for learner training ford's learner factors)
and the development of learner autonomy (Holec, EAP staff profiles (T.Johns, 1981; Chamberlain,
1980; Hoadley-Maidment, 1983; Holec, 1985; Ellis 1980; cf. Mountford's teacher factors)
& Sinclair, 1989 a, b). pilot target-situation analysis
status of service operations (Drury, 1983; Tan,
1988; cf Mountford's institutional factors)
study of change agents (Kennedy, 1987, 1988;
Means analysis White, 1988: 136-56).
The failure of the Munby (1978) model to take On the basis of the data thrown up by analysis of
account of matters of logistics and pedagogy led these five factors, Swales argues, decisions can be
to debate about practicalities and constraints in made. The literature contains project case studies
implementing needs-based language courses (sum- (Frankel, 1983; Drury, 1983; Holliday, 1984) but no
marised by Swales, 1989: 86): 'in the real-world of documentation of a full means analysis. It is, of
ELT, there has to be a creative synthesis of theoretical course, true that many programmes have been
principles and practical constraints, and... where successfully implemented, but this success becomes
these conflict, as they sometimes do, the latter must evident only with hindsight. Means analysis is an
take precedence' (Frankel, 1983: 120). Chamberlain attempt to reduce the hit-and-miss nature of many


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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
projects and this kind of approach, which is normally definition, coordination and objectivity involved in
discussed in EAP contexts, has parallels with more carrying out a language audit, but guidelines in
systematic approaches to EOP and general language formulating the basic operational questions are
course design (Holliday, 1994) which have involved offered by Olshtain (1989).
investigations of the 'objective context' (Porcher, Language audits have become important as a
1983 a). response to changing economic and political cir-
Related questions of culture include cultural cumstances, notably the single European market,
factors that must be taken into account in conducting economic developments in the Middle East and
the needs analysis itself (Hoadley-Maidment, 1980: south-east Asia and political changes in eastern
3). It is also possible to see the EOP equivalent of Europe, although audits can also be prospective (van
classroom culture as the business culture of the Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 16). Richards (1984)
target situation (Reed, 1992): 'What makes them points out that needs analysis was espoused in a
tick will be different from your own cultural climate of language planning within the Council of
background and upbringing. They will have dif- Europe (see Emmans et al., 1974, for a Council of
ferent attitudes to business relationships, to neg- Europe survey of national requirements in foreign
otiations... to life in general' (Embleton, 1992: 31). languages). Although there has been nearly 20 years
of such work in Europe, the results have often been
Language audits limited and disappointing. Hagen (1988) surveys
company language audits ranging from 1972 to
The early literature on language audits (e.g. Pilbeam, 1981 and reports depressing results: 'Despite the
1979) defined them in rather narrow terms derived findings on employers' needs, it is still apparent that
from ELTDU experience (ELTDU, 1970; Stuart & many firms remain unconvinced of the commercial
Lee, 1972/1985): (a) analysis of needs based on on- advantages of taking on personnel with foreign
the-job tasks; (b) assessment of current staff capa- language skills' (1988: xviii). Despite the origin of
bilities by means of a sophisticated placement test; language audits within mainstream needs analysis
(c) a training specification drawn up to bridge the for specific-purpose language teaching (notably
training gap between present performance and ELTDU, 1970, and Stuart & Lee, 1972/1985), it has
required performance in the target language. The to be said that much of the recent literature of
scope of language audits has now been broadened to language audits is not always 'clear and worked
include any large-scale exercise forming the basis of out' (van Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 15).
strategic decisions on language needs and training The primary limitation of language audits derives
requirements carried out by or for (i) individual from their very scale:
companies (e.g. Hagen (ed.), 1988; Embleton, as these data take the form of statistical averages, which may
Hancy & Gannon, 1992) or institutions (e.g. indeed be representative for a common core of learning
Coleman, 1988), (ii) professional sectors (e.g. Rich- objectives, but do not coincide with the particular situation of
terich, 1971; Brown et al., 1993) or (iii) countries the individual learner, the picture has to be completed by a
(e.g. Denmark Looms, 1983; Portugal Rod- further needs analysis involving personal contact with the
individual learner... (van der Handt, 1983: 32).
rigues, 1983; Hungary - Teemant et al., 1993) or
regions (Hagen (ed.), 1988). At their most basic,
language audits simply provide data about the Conclusions
current state of language needs in the sector; at their
most sophisticated they lead on to the development Nunan (1988 a: 44) points out that needs analysis
of an integrated policy or strategy which may take and syllabuses planned on a needs basis have been
months or even years to implement: ' the first issue widely criticised. While some of this criticism may
concerns the efficiency of the present system, the be justified, ' recent critics have generally failed to
second implies changes with a view to a future appreciate the significant shift which has occurred
system...' (Looms, 1983: 62). The basic issues of over the years, and still tend to equate needs analysis
definition, prerequisites and procedures are surveyed with the sort of narrow-band ESP approach which
by Utley (1992), the strategic reasons for a language typified the work of people such as Munby'. There
audit are established by van Hest and Oud-de Glas has been a broadening of the scope of needs analysis
(1990: 6), and the stages of proceeding in various to encompass the full educational process - the
types of audit are set out by Pilbeam (1979 determination of objectives, contents and curricula,
company audits), Berggren (1987 - company for the production and testing of new materials, for
audits), van Hest and Oud-de Glas (1990 the development of autonomous learning, assess-
company audits), Lynch et al. (1993 company ment by the learner, feedback for the conduct and
audits), Hagen (1988 - regional audits), Dubin and reorientation of the project, teacher education and
Olshtain (1986 - national educational audits) and re-education, and 'for running an entire system'
Richterich (1971 - national vocational audits). (Richterich, 1983: 12). Nevertheless, needs analysis
Looms (1983: 66-7) discusses the problems of is still perceived to have limitations.
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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
than language)... and in order to participate in these
Limitations of needs analysis things in a foreign language, certain language skills
Several criticisms of needs analysis and its ap- will be needed'. In the case of second-language
plicability to language teaching have emerged since learners where the target language is also the
the mid-1970s (Richterich, 1983: 2-5; Gardner & medium of instruction, needs are defined in terms of
Winslow, 1983: 77-8). The most fundamental different school disciplines (Tongue, 1991: 112-13;
remains the lack of awareness of the existence of Martin, 1985,1986). Ellis (1991:192) takes a broader
needs analysis as a tool in course design, as well as approach and sees learner training as an effective
narrower problems of familiarity and expertise. method of developing an awareness of needs in
There is also little information on the validity or young learners. For a further discussion of the needs
reliability of the instruments used and the results of young learners, see Porcher (19836).
obtained (van Hest & Oud-de Glas, 1990: 13). More Self-assessment of needs. Strevens (1980: 27) points
general areas where limitations have been identified out that early models of needs analysis (e.g. Munby,
are discussed in the following sections. 1978) reflect little that has to do with 'personalised
Needs analysis in general ELT. Most of the literatureinstruction', although subsequently needs analysis
on needs analysis originally came from the realm has been seen as 'a sine qua non of all learner-centred
of TESP but needs analysis procedures have in- teaching and of all learning which is matched to the
creasingly come to be seen as 'fundamental to the learner's resources, expectations and interests'
planning of general language courses' (Richards, (Richterich, 1983: 2). Holec (1980) and Dickinson
1990: 2; but see Trim, 1980: 50 and Hutchinson & (1987: 88-98) outline applications of needs analysis
Waters, 1987: 53 for practical difficulties). Ash worth to general self-instructional language learning, and,
(1985: 78) and Yalden (1987 a: 130-56) give outlines while pointing out that 'the vast majority of
of the scope of needs analysis in ESL situations, and learners do not have any [needs]', Dickinson suggests
Dubin and Olshtain (1986: 25) point out that needs that a needs analysis questionnaire can be used to
are 'more pronounced in the ESL [situation] in help learners assess their achievement of their
those cases where the target language plays a crucial objectives. He cites an 'aims and objectives'
role in the overall process of acculturation...the questionnaire (Cousin, 1982) as an example of such
learners might be painfully aware of immediate, a procedure which lists a range of general language
daily needs in order to begin to function in the new objectives (correct model of spoken English, reading
community'. They go on to apply this observation speed, etc.) and asks the student to estimate the
to young learners and adult ESL students, whose necessity and priority of each one. A somewhat
needs not only include social-survival needs outside similar needs analysis questionnaire is described by
the classroom but, additionally, the need to learn the Blue (1988). Bloor and Bloor (1988: 66-7) describe
TL in order to have access to other academic a learner's questionnaire designed to serve as the
subjects. basis for a subsequent consultation with a counsellor
In the field of EFL as opposed to ESL, there has in order to determine learning objectives.
been an increasing application of needs analysis, Converting needs into goals. Needs analysis has been
especially as learner training has become an es- accused of being both too limiting and not limiting
tablished component of course books (Sinclair & enough: Richterich (1972, cited by Trim, 1980: 62)
Ellis, 1992). Harding-Esch (1982) describes a and Widdowson (1983; 1987, cited by Nunan,
'MAFIA' model for general learners in Britain, 1988 a: 43-4) suggest that syllabuses which specify
where MAFIA stands for motivation - aims - precise needs or ends result in restricted competence
functions - information - activities. The aim of the (Maley, 1980: 37 and Holec, 1985, address the
procedure is to get learners to identify their own same concern), while Dubin and Olshtain (1986:
aims and objectives in a language course before 102) complain that 'an assessment of individual
selecting a course or materials (see Dickinson, 1987: needs could result in multiple course objectives'.
95 for a summary). The broader context of needs The first objection is discussed approvingly by
analysis in state-sector TENOR situations is dis- Tomlin (1988) but has been dismissed as 'logico-
cussed by Holliday (1994). deductive rather than empirical' (Nunan, 1988a:
Needs analysis for young learners. Young learners may44); the second objection is well handled by Shaw
seem to present the ultimate TENOR situation of (1982) and Holec (1985), who offer alternative
learners whose needs cannot yet be defined, and procedures for converting individual needs into
Rixon's (1992: 80) observation that many countries teaching objectives either through group nego-
have adopted syllabuses which have a structural tiation (Shaw, 1982) or through the development of
basis would seem to support this. However, whole- self-directed or autonomous learning programmes
language classrooms (Goodman, 1986) emphasise (Holec, 1985).
the creation of individual meaning and Williams Requirements for an effective needs analysis procedure.
(1991: 206-7) proposes a content-based approach in Several commentators have now produced con-
which 'the purpose is learning other things (other siderations or requirements for an effective needs


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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
analysis procedure. Dickinson (1987: 98), for usually seen as a subjective matter (Jones, 1991: 166)
example, lists eight considerations: of teachers' intuition or inspiration:
- Is the questionnaire to be used by the learner or by
there exists a wide range of alternatives, both in teaching
a specialist (teacher, helper, counsellor) ? methods and in types of materials, and ... the way to make their
- Is the questionnaire complete in itself or is it own lessons work effectively with their own particular students
designed to act as the basis of an interview with a is to develop the ability to select from those alternatives (or
specialist ? even to create novel approaches) in accordance with what they
perceive to be their students' needs (Tarone & Yule, 1989: 3;
- Is it designed to elicit needs irrespective of whether but see Porcher 1983a: 21 for a rejection of 'irrational
facilities exist for meeting them or only to the level intuition').
for which teaching/learning facilities and materials
exist ? Crocker (1981: 9) points out that 'there is no
- Should it elicit information on learners' preferred necessary content or methodology for an LSP course
learning strategies, etc.? since the only criterion for course evaluation must
- Will the questionnaire be concerned with identi- be whether what is used works'. However, it has
fying the time available? been pointed out that this intuition may be unsound
- Should the questionnaire endeavour to analyse or, in ESP situations, totally lacking: ' the only way
needs into short-term objectives? round the problem is to have an intuitive feel for
- Will the questionnaire attempt to suggest ap- what is appropriate for scientists, and it is just this
propriate materials to meet objectives? intuition that the EST teacher, with his literary
- Will the questionnaire attempt to guide the background, does not possess' (Greenall, 1981: 25).
learner in ways of assessing the achievement of Richterich (1983: 3) is also pessimistic: 'Relating
objectives? teaching to language needs remains the most difficult
Ways forward for needs analysis. The last two points problem to resolve in the implementation of learner-
in Dickinson's analysis lead to areas currently centred teaching systems'. For this reason attempts
thought to be beyond the scope of needs analysis - have been made to establish a more sophisticated
materials selection and self-assessment. Most needs picture of needs through computer analysis (Jones,
analysis procedures do not begin to handle the leap 1991) and to link perceived or identified priorities to
between needs analysis and methods/materials a database cataloguing potentially suitable teaching
selection or development. It is often stressed that the materials (Nelson, 1992, 1994). Nelson's model
two processes are closely linked (Porcher, 1983 a: integrates placement testing, needs analysis and
17) but moving from the former to the latter is materials selection:


Oxford Placement Test (Allan 1985/1992) Needs analysis carried out:

a) of the students
b) of the company point of view


PRELIMINARY COURSE DESIGN - defined by subject areas

MATERIALS chosen from Materials Data Base

COURSE BEGINS - negotiation with students about course plan

Mid-course evaluation:
students evaluate course so far; possible re-orientation, new materials, etc

FINAL TEST: course specific

Final evaluation of the course by the students

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State of the art: Needs analysis in language teaching
Dickinson's final consideration self-assessment isBACHMAN, L. & STRICK, G. (1981). An analytic approach to
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Acknowledgements: I should like to thank the following current dependence. In Brookes & Grundy (eds.), 100-18.
and former members of the School of Education, University of BLUE, G. (ed.) (1993). Language, learning and success: studying
Manchester for their assistance: Gerry Abbott, Mike Beaumont, through English. London & Basingstoke: Modern English
Richard Fay, John Harbord, Lindsay Howard, Bob Jordan, Publications/British Council.
Gary Motteram, Mike Nelson, June O'Brien, Teresa O'Brien, BOWERS, R. (1980a). The background of students from the
Gillian Walsh and Isao Yasuhara. I should also like to thank Indian sub-continent. ELT Documents, 109, 104-13.
Mike Crompton of Manchester Metropolitan University for BOWERS, R. (1980i). The individual learner in the general class.
help with the section on language audits. In Altman & James (eds.), 66-80.
BREW, A. (1980). Responses of overseas students to differing
teaching styles. ELT Documents, 109, 115-25.
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