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Volume 13, Number 4, Pages 511513

University of Bialystok, 2005

Formulas and Identities

of Hyperbolic Functions

Pacharapokin Chanapat Hiroshi Yamazaki

Shinshu University Shinshu University
Nagano, Japan Nagano, Japan

Summary. In this article, we proved formulas of hyperbolic sine, hyper-

bolic cosine and hyperbolic tangent, and their identities.

MML identier: SIN COS8, version: 7.6.01 4.46.926

The papers [1], [3], [6], [5], [7], [4], and [2] provide the terminology and notation
for this paper.
We follow the rules: x, y, z, w are real numbers and n is a natural number.
One can prove the following propositions:
sinh x
(1) tanh x = cosh x and tanh 0 = 0.
1 1 1
(2) sinh x = cosech x and cosh x = sech x and tanh x = coth x .
(3) sech x 1 and 0 < sech x and sech 0 = 1.
(4) If x 0, then tanh x 0.
(5) cosh x = 1 2
and sinh x = tanh x 2 .
1(tanh x) 1(tanh x)
(6) (cosh x + sinh x)n = cosh(n x) + sinh(n x) and (cosh x sinh x)n =
cosh(n x) sinh(n x).
(7)(i) exp x = cosh x + sinh x,
(ii) exp(x) = cosh x sinh x,
cosh( x2 )+sinh( x2 )
(iii) exp x = cosh( x2 )sinh( x2 ) ,
cosh( x )sinh( x )
(iv) exp(x) = cosh( x2 )+sinh( x2 ) ,
2 2
1+tanh( x2 )
(v) exp x = 1tanh( x ) , and
1tanh( x2 )
(vi) exp(x) = 1+tanh( x ) .

2005 University of Bialystok
511 ISSN 14262630
512 pacharapokin chanapat and hiroshi yamazaki

coth( x2 )+1 coth( x2 )1

(8) If x 6= 0, then exp x = coth( x2 )1 and exp(x) = coth( x2 )+1 .
cosh x+sinh x 1+tanh x
(9) cosh xsinh x = 1tanh x .
(10) If y 6= 0, then coth y + tanh z = sinh ycosh z and coth y tanh z =
sinh ycosh z .
(11) sinh y sinh z = 21 (cosh(y + z) cosh(y z)) and sinh y cosh z =
1 1
2 (sinh(y+z)+sinh(yz)) and cosh ysinh z = 2 (sinh(y+z)sinh(yz))
and cosh y cosh z = 21 (cosh(y + z) + cosh(y z)).
(12) (sinh y)2 (cosh z)2 = sinh(y + z) sinh(y z) 1.
(13) (sinh y sinh z)2 (cosh y cosh z)2 = 4 (sinh( yz 2
2 )) and (cosh y +
cosh z)2 (sinh y + sinh z)2 = 4 (cosh( yz 2
2 )) .
sinh y+sinh z
(14) sinh ysinh z = tanh( y+z yz
2 ) coth( 2 ).
cosh y+cosh z
(15) cosh ycosh z = coth( y+z yz
2 ) coth( 2 ).
sinh y+sinh z cosh ycosh z
(16) If y z 6= 0, then cosh y+cosh z = sinh ysinh z .
sinh ysinh z cosh ycosh z
(17) If y + z 6= 0, then cosh y+cosh z = sinh y+sinh z .
sinh y+sinh z y sinh ysinh z
(18) cosh y+cosh z = tanh( 2 + 2 ) and cosh y+cosh z =
tanh( y2 z2 ).
tanh y+tanh z sinh(y+z)
(19) tanh ytanh z = sinh(yz) .
sinh(yz)+sinh y+sinh(y+z)
(20) cosh(yz)+cosh y+cosh(y+z) = tanh y.
(21)(i) sinh(y + z + w) = (tanh y + tanh z + tanh w + tanh y tanh z tanh w)
cosh y cosh z cosh w,
(ii) cosh(y + z + w) = (1 + tanh y tanh z + tanh z tanh w + tanh w tanh y)
cosh y cosh z cosh w, and
tanh y+tanh z+tanh w+tanh ytanh ztanh w
(iii) tanh(y + z + w) = 1+tanh ztanh w+tanh wtanh y+tanh ytanh z .
(22) cosh(2 y) + cosh(2 z) + cosh(2 w) + cosh(2 (y + z + w)) = 4 cosh(z +
w) cosh(w + y) cosh(y + z).
(23) sinh y sinh z sinh(z y) + sinh z sinh w sinh(w z) + sinh w sinh y
sinh(y w) + sinh(z y) sinh(w z) sinh(y w) = 0.
(24) If x 0, then sinh( x2 ) = cosh2x1 .
(25) If x < 0, then sinh( x2 ) = cosh2x1 .
(26) sinh(2 x) = 2 sinh x cosh x and cosh(2 x) = 2 (cosh x)2 1 and
2tanh x
tanh(2 x) = 1+(tanh x)2
2tanh x
(27) sinh(2 x) = 1(tanh x)2
and sinh(3 x) = sinh x (4 (cosh x)2 1) and
sinh(3 x) = 3 sinh x 2 sinh x (1 cosh(2 x)) and cosh(2 x) = 1 + 2
1+(tanh x)2
(sinh x)2 and cosh(2x) = (cosh x)2 +(sinh x)2 and cosh(2x) = 1(tanh x)2
3tanh x+(tanh x)3
and cosh(3x) = cosh x(4(sinh x)2 +1) and tanh(3x) = 1+3(tanh x)2
formulas and identities . . . 513

sinh(5x)+2sinh(3x)+sinh x sinh(3x)
(28) sinh(7x)+2sinh(5x)+sinh(3x) = sinh(5x) .
cosh x1
(29) If x 0, then tanh( x2 ) = cosh x+1 .
(30) If x < 0, then tanh( x2 ) = cosh x1
cosh x+1 .

(31)(i) (sinh x)3 = sinh(3x)3sinh

4 (cosh(4x)4cosh(2x))+3
(ii) (sinh x) = 8 ,
5 (sinh(5x)5sinh(3x))+10sinh x
(iii) (sinh x) = 16 ,
6 ((cosh(6x)6cosh(4x))+15cosh(2x))10
(iv) (sinh x) = 32 ,
7 ((sinh(7x)7sinh(5x))+21sinh(3x))35sinh x
(v) (sinh x) = 64 , and
8 (((cosh(8x)8cosh(6x))+28cosh(4x))56cosh(2x))+35
(vi) (sinh x) = 128 .
(32)(i) (cosh x)3 = cosh(3x)+3cosh
4 cosh(4x)+4cosh(2x)+3
(ii) (cosh x) = 8 ,
5 cosh(5x)+5cosh(3x)+10cosh x
(iii) (cosh x) = 16 ,
6 cosh(6x)+6cosh(4x)+15cosh(2x)+10
(iv) (cosh x) = 32 ,
7 cosh(7x)+7cosh(5x)+21cosh(3x)+35cosh x
(v) (cosh x) = 64 , and
8 cosh(8x)+8cosh(6x)+28cosh(4x)+56cosh(2x)+35
(vi) (cosh x) = 128 .
2 2
(33) cosh(2 y) + cos(2 z) = 2 + 2 ((sinh y) (sin z) ) and cosh(2 y)
cos(2 z) = 2 ((sinh y)2 + (sin z)2 ).

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[2] Yuzhong Ding and Xiquan Liang. Formulas and identities of trigonometric functions.
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[3] Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Basic properties of real numbers. Formalized Mathematics,
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[4] Takashi Mitsuishi and Yuguang Yang. Properties of the trigonometric function. Formalized
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Received November 7, 2005

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