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SCHOOLYEAR 2003 – 2004
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工作和学在低收, 学位英格 Top University Programs
Addressing challenges in science,
engineering and and the environment
The researchers would like to acknowledge and express their deepest appreciation
to the Japanese restaurant, “Sawasdee” for helping them answer some questions they
needed for the betterment of their experiment. With the help of sales lady, Ms.
Lanny Dela Cruz and the owner, Mrs. Soranee Supprasiti, the curious researcher w
ere enlightened by the information they had given them about the so- called trop
ical flower juice. The parents of the researchers have been very supportive to w
hat the researchers were doing for the well hard worked project and the good of
their Investigatory Science Project.
It would not have been such an accomplishment if it weren’t for the researchers wh
o worked very hard for the triumph of the ISP. For Kristine’s parent who provided
the venue in performing the experiment which made their work more proper, neat a
nd effective. The researchers would like to thank the Science Coordinator and th
e teacher Mdm. Elsa Moralda for allowing them to research and find, investigate
and broaden their knowledge about the topic wherein they learned a lot of new th
ing and ideas. The support and comments she has given for the improvement of the
research. Lastly, for God who has always been there in times when they really n
eeded him, for protecting and guiding the researchers to the right path that led
to their accomplishment…
Table of content:
Cover page
Title page
Table of content
Abstract(description about the study)
Chapter I


Statement of the problem

Significance of the study

Delimitation and limitation of the study
VII. Chapter II

Materials and methods
VIII. Chapter III


Analysis of data

Orange juice, pineapple juice and other types of beverages are the usual drinks
we find as typical now a days. But what if one accidentally eats at a foreign re
staurant and actually gets to taste an extraordinary drink known to be made out
of flowers. Well, coincidentally, one of the researchers did experience such a t
hing. This was when the group got the idea of making an investigation on such a
The researchers, being very curious themselves, tried to fill their curiosity. T
rying to find out if flowers can be used as an ingredient to create an island ju
ice and wondering if it would turn out to be great tasting at the same time forc
ed them to execute an investigatory project.
After a lot of inquiries and brainstorming, the researchers finally found out ho
w to execute the experiment with the aid of all their sources in the bibliograph
y including Sawasdee restaurant and Mrs. Soranee Supprasiti. They started with t
he cleaning of the flowers and the preparation of the materials needed. When all
were ready for the experiment, they boiled water and added the flowers while le
tting it seep for about ten to fifteen minutes. Finally, when the process was do
ne, the flowers were removed and the juice was poured to a glass passing through
a strainer for removal of any particles left. Then, they got a savor at the nat
ural taste of the flower’s juice. They made some
minor improvements to the taste to make it have a lot more delectable taste. The
y had transformed the beauty and aroma of flowers into a delightful, mouth-water
ing island juice. Summer season in a glass, it captures nature’s goodness of fresh
ly picked flowers. Now you can add the sense of taste to your enjoyment of every
food on your table with this flower juice at your side.
Flowers can be seen in different places, and can be seen in different types. All
flowers have a distinctive size, color and fragrance. Whether eye-catching or i
nconspicuous, Flowers are seldom used for drinks. Most herb flowers have a taste
that s similar to the leaf, but spicier. The concept of using fresh edible flow
ers in cooking is not new. Today, many restaurant chefs and innovative home cook
s garnish their entrees with flower blossoms for a touch of elegance. But who co
uld have guessed that with the use of creativity, its sweet juice can be made in
to a delicious thirst quencher.
The researchers can make use of the God-given gifts in a unique and imaginative
sense and also use their God-given talents and intelligence to create a splendid
new idea. An interesting research project like this gives them a sense of curio
sity and creativity. This research project gives them the inkling of how to be p
ractical and resourceful. The investigators have observed that Santan flowers ha
ve a sweet liquid that comes out when they sip the stem of the flower. This obse
rvation really convinced them to push through this kind of topic.
According to what the researchers have discovered, with the aid of the internet,
flower juices are made as a national drink to other countries and some people h
ave them as a refreshing beverage.
According to, Flowers like theHibiscus
Sabdariffa, a kind of hibiscus plant, Jus de Bissap can be made into
what seems to be more of a tea than a "juice". It is often called the "national
drink of Senegal". A similar drink, made more-or-less the same way, calledzob o
ortsobo, is popular in Northern Nigeria. When you think of a flower being made i
nto a juice, it is quite impossible but the researchers has made it possible for
you to taste a flower being extracted, to be made into a flower juice.
“A pretty and fragrant flower that pleases the eyes and that attracts
the nose of the beholder”
They expect their product to be as good tasting as any other and at the same tim
e good for a persons body and affordable. The juice that the researchers are goi
ng to make will be as attractive and as fragrant as the fresh flower. It is not
just going to attract your sensory organs but it can also quench your thirst. A
cool and refreshing drink which soothes the soul which is sure to feels good in
your mouth so enjoy it.
Statement of the problem:
The study seeks to answer the following questions:

Can flowers be used as an ingredient in making a refreshing beverage while findi
ng out and knowing if the flowers about to be used are safe to drink?

Will it be delicious and turn out to be great tasting?
With this study, the researchers can learn that flowers are not only used for de
coration and displays but are also used to create delectable foods and drinks. S
ince our world today has so many thirst quenchers that quenches our thirst like
fizzy drinks, but it ends in that. Yes, they quench your thirsts but it also har
ms your body, so the researchers have made it possible for you to try something
new aside from that carbonated drinks that when you drink it regularly can harm
your body, so the researchers thought of a juice out of flower that can quench y
our thirst, satisfy your taste buds, and which are sure to be unique tasting.
The community will have a discovery of the beautiful taste of flowers and gain m
ore knowledge and creativity on its uses and what they can make out of it. Filip
inos will have a new and refreshing juice made of flowers which are sure to attr
act people. We will have an
original and exceptional tasting island drink which can be enjoyed by
every member of the family.
Delimitation and limitation of the study:
For about one week, the group was trying their best to dig for mire vital inform
ation that could help them figure more about the nature of flower juice. Each me
mber of the group got most of their information from the internet. But the main
foundation of the topic and its information is from the Thai restaurant “Sawasdee”.
The group’s investigation for flower juice would have not been possible without it
s resources. According to the group, their resources were numerous varieties of
edible flowers. These flowers were boiled and used its juice as the product. The
group did not spend so much for the materials needed, because most of the equip
ment needed is found in the residences of the group members. A woman too, by the
name of Ms. Linda Cruz also contributed much to the groups Investigatory Projec
t. Ms. Linda Cruz is an employee of the Thai restaurant “Sawasdee”. Ms. Linda has di
ligently and patiently answered every questions asked by the members of the grou
p. Mr. and Mrs. James Limquiaco, Kristine’s parents had also contributed to the gr
oup’s progress. They had willingly and whole heartedly allowed the group to perfor
m and conduct the experiment in their house.
Not to forget, the group owes the brilliant idea of conducting an experiment abo
ut flower juice to the owner of “Sawasdee”, Mrs. Soranee Supprasiti. The flower juic
e as a product would have not been completed without the tools and techniques in
volved. The tools being used by the group were blender, saucepan, strainer, flav
orings (sugar) and a cup of water. These tools will be used in different techniq
ues involved in making the flower juice. The techniques that were used were blen
ding, cleaning, heating, rinsing and squeezing activities.
Materials and Methods:
In performing this experiment, the researchers used two to three cups of dried f
lowers (chrysanthemum or rose), one to two cups of sugar, one or two of the foll
owing optional flavorings:
one-half teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
one half cup lemon juice
one cup pineapple juice or orange juice
They prepared the needed materials which included a saucepan,
blender, strainer, sugar, cup and bowl.
After the researchers gathered all the materials needed, they briefly rinse the
dried flowers in cool water to clean it and remove any unseen insect that maybe
present. Then, the researchers picked out the petals of the flowers since these
are the only part of the flower which they will use for guarantee of safety. The
researchers first tried to extract the juice out of the flower by using the ble
nder. The flowers ended up very finely minced and only very little amount of jui
ce was extracted. Seeing that this process would not be of much convenience, the
researchers made another process. In a saucepan they heated three to four cups
of cold water. As soon as the water began to boil, they added the dried petals.
They allowed the flowers to steep for ten minutes. They poured the water from th
e pot into a pitcher using a
strainer to separate the flowers from the water making sure not to pour any of t
he flower sediment into the pitcher. Afterwards, they tasted the outcome then st
irred in the sugar. Add any other flavorings if desired. Finally, the researcher
s added the ice and chill completely.
at and at They did the experiment for ab
out three times. The researchers gathered all these data by surfing the internet
and interviewing the Sawasdee Thai House owner named Soranee “tata” Supprasiti. The
y organized data through e-mail and meetings.
Analysis of data:
The flower juice which was the final product turned out to have a taste of real
flower; one could actually know that it was made of real flower even if one isn’t
told. It truly captured the true fragrance of the flower we used. Before accompl
ishing such product, the researchers used other methods. They tried extracting t
he juice out of the flower by using the blender but, the flower ended up finely
minced and useless. This show us that it is best that we do it the way the resea
rchers had it written on their procedures. Minutes after the researchers added t
he flower in the boiled water, the aroma of the flower would actually be noticed
. After taking the flower out of the water, the researchers observed that the wa
ter became a yellowish in color. The yellow liquid was already the flower juice.
During their taste- testing, the final product tasted like real tea which was a
little bit bitter. If you add in some sugar, the taste became a little bitter s
weet. Aside from regular juices, it had a unique and different taste which isn’t t
hat delicious if it is made purely out of flowers but with addition of several f
lavoring, the taste got to be satisfactory. With this additional flavor, the tas
te of the flower juice became similar to that of the Ice Tea. If you chill the f
lower juice and add some calamansi it would turn out to be just like the real ic
e tea. The next day after doing the experiment, the
researchers noticed that the yellowish water turned to greenish. The
tastes still ended up the same.
The researchers recommend that one should use flowers or choose flowers which ha
ve more juices than others in order to have more liquid with the fact that flowe
rs only have very little amount of liquid. One should choose the right flower to
produce the flavor you want for the fact that not all flowers taste good. Choos
e the flavoring fit for making your juice better tasting.
But one very important thing that you need to remember is that not every flower
is edible and great tasting. In fact, sampling some flowers can make you very, v
ery sick. You also shouldNEVER use pesticides or other chemicals on any part of
any plant that produces blossoms you plan to eat. Identify the flower exactly an
d eat only edible flowers, and edible parts of those flowers. Always remember to
use flowers sparingly in your recipes due to the digestive complications that c
an occur with a large consumption rate

How To Harvest and Prepare Flowers For Eating
HARVESTING ~ Pick the flowers when they are just opened. It is best to
pick them just before you are going to use them. Be sure they are
herbicide-free and pesticide-free.
WASHING ~ Wash flowers gently in luke-warm water with a little salt in
it. The salt will remove any insects. Gently pat them dry or let them drip
dry on a towel.
STORAGE ~ If the flowers have long enough stems, stores them in water
in the refrigerator until needed. Otherwise, store the whole blossoms in a
plastic bag in the refrigerator until needed. Do not pull the petals off until
you are ready to use them. Some flowers such as pansies, calendula,
chives and daisies will last 4 - 6 days if they are kept cool; nasturtiums,
roses and bergamot will last 2-3 days; tuberous begonias and squash
blossoms should be used as soon after they are picked as possible.
For long term storage, flowers can be dried or frozen. They will have the
flavor and color but not the texture of fresh flowers. Frozen flowers work
well for infusions where you will strain the petals out. Dried flowers can
be used wherever there is some liquid in the recipe so that the flowers
can re-hydrate.
What part of the Flower do you eat?
My suggestion to which part of which flower to eat is simple - if it feels
good in your mouth, enjoys it; if not, leave it out of your food. For
instance, Scented Geranium flowers and leaves are edible but the leaves
feel like furry lumps in your mouth. Use them as you would bay leaves,
cook them in the dish but remove the leaves before it is served. The
petals of Daisies, Roses, Clover and Marigolds are wonderful to cook with
but the tough centre is unpleasant in the mouth. Pansies and Nasturtiums
can be eaten whole. Separate the individual flowers from the stems for
flowers like Chives, Sage and Lilacs. Squash blossoms, Tulips, Hollyhocks,
and Day Lilies require the removal of the stamens and pistils from their
centres before they are cooked or stuffed. It is the stamens of the Saffron
Crocus that are dried and become "Saffron."
II. Jus de Bissap
Made from the dried red flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa, a kind of
hibiscus plant, Jus de Bissap seems to be more of a tea than a "juice".
It is often called the "national drink of Senegal". Every busy street,
train station, bus depot, and stadium will have its bissap vendors
selling the drink. The dried flowers can be found in every market.
Bissap is equally popular in many neighboring countries of Western
Africa: both the flower and the beverage are also known as l Oseille de
Guinée, Guinea Sorrel, and Karkadé. In Arabic-speaking countries, such
as Egypt and Sudan, they are calledKarkaday. The dried flowers are
often called dried red sorrel, sorrel, or roselle.
III. Getting To Know Edible Flowers
We have begun our list of edible flowers with flowers that are
readily available in Western Canada. We will continue to expand this
list and give you suggestions for using them and recipes that we have
enjoyed. We have included the botanical names so that you can be
sure you have correctly identified each flower. And please be sure to
eat only organically grown flowers, either from your own garden or
from a source you trust.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Lobularia maritime
mildly floral
Anise Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum
sweet licorice
Apple Blossoms
Maalus spp.
floral apple
Bachelor Buttonsor
Centaurea spp
Sweet to spicy
Begonia, Tuberous
Begonia X tuberhybridia
crisp, lemon
Bergamot or Bee Balm
Monarda didyma
or monarda fistulosa
sweet, tangy
Bergamot, Lemon
Monarda citriodora
spicy citrus
Borago officinalis
Calendula officinalis
tangy, savoury
Chamomile or Pot Marigold
Chamaemelum matricaria
Carnations or Clove PinksDianthus spp.
Allium schoenopraum
oniony taste
Chrysanthemum spp.
savoury herbal
especially Shungiku or Garland Chrysanthemums
Trifolium pratens
sweet, floral
Primula veris
light flowery
Bellis perennis
lightly herbal
Taraxacum officinalis
slightly bitter
Day Lilies
Hemerocallis spp
floral to onion
Geraniums, Scented
Pelargonium spp.
rose, lemon, etc.
Althea rosea
variable, floral
Lavendula spp.
fragrant, lemony
Syringa vulgaris
like it smells
Tagetes spp
Variable, citrusy
Mint flowers
Mentha spp.
like the leaves
Tropaeolum majus
Pansies, Viola and VioletsViola spp
Rosa spp.
just like they smell!
Crocus sativa
Carthamus tinctorius
light, grassy
Salvia officinalis
like turkey
Sage, Pineapple
Salvia elegans
sweet pineapple
Scarlet Runner Bean
Phaeolus coccineus
like beans
Squash Blossoms
Cucurbita spp.
lightly like the
Strawberry Flowers
Fragaria X ananassa
Tulipa spp
Crisp pea-like
Thymus spp.
like thyme
Galium odorata
IV. The 10 Rules of Eating Edible Flowers.
1. Eat flowers only when you are positive they are edible. Not all
flowers are edible. Some are poisonous.
2. Just because a flower is served with food does not mean it is
3. Eat only flowers that have been grown organically.
4. Do not eat flowers from florists, nurseries or garden centres.
5. If you have hay fever, asthma or allergies, do not eat fresh
6. Do not eat flowers picked from the side of the road. They may be
contaminated from car emissions or herbicide sprays.
7. Eat only the petals from larger flowers; remove the pistils and stamens. You
can eat the whole flower, for example, of pansies, nasturtiums, or scented geran
8. Always toss salads before adding flowers because the dressing
will spoil the colour and fresh appearance of the delicate petals.
9. There are many varieties of any one flower. Flowers taste differently and hav
e different colours when grown in different locations.
10.Introduce flowers into your diet the way you would new foods to
a baby - one at a time in small quantities.
Adapted from: Edible Flowers by Cathy Barash
Toxic Flowers
Anemone, Autumn Crocus, Azalea, Bleeding Heart, Buttercup, Calla Lily, Christmas
Rose, Clematis, Daffodil, Delphinium, Foxglove, Hydrangea, Iris, Ivy (English i
vy), Larkspur, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia,
Lupin, Mistletoe, Monkshood, Morning Glory, Narcissus, Petunia, Potato,
Poinsettia, Primrose, Rhododendron, Sweet Pea, Wisteria
1. Certain flowers are said to be toxic by some but not by others; for example p
etunias and primroses. Do err on the side of caution and do not eat them.
2. Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrum, which kills aphids, mites and other insects
but will not harm fish, plants, waterfowl or mammals and which breaks down quic
kly in sunlight. Do not confuse pyrethrum with pyrethoids, which are highly toxi

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