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iu- lt :h0

Nu.,,., (
Aldnrr {t'-r'rvr(H" i-r:y;l,:. secriorlflhtLL-LauNo.fu
cnoose Lhe letter of the correct answer.
' \ 'I S .i
\* ;t yz(^rcnof the following determine the value of the coefficients of kinetic
/' and static friction?
a. Surface area ofthe surfaces in contact
b. Magnitude of the applied forces
q Weight ol the object/s involved
(d.,' Nature of the surfaces in contact
2rz6block is resting on an inclined plane as shown. By using the equations
-. of equilibrium, the Frictional force was computed and found to have a
value lower than the sum of the components of P and the block's weight

along the direction of the incline. Which of the following is likely to

*f the following is NOT TRUE regarding the angle of static
3>nWnicn of
h b # lt is equal to tan-tprronly when motion is impending.
e tt is equal lo tan-l ;t, even when motion is not impending.
Y It is the angle between the normal force N and the resultant R of the
normal and frictional forces.
d. the highest possible value for the angle between R and N.
S/tporthe figure shown, which of the following conditions satisfy the
equation T, - Tre/,,B 1

I. The belt is about to slide to the right. t )\

II. The belt is about to slide to the left. / \ / \ G

rr.r2>r, \l \ T2
IV. T2 < Tr
a. I and III b. I and IV c. II and III @f *a fV
5y' A rope is wrapped five full turns around a pole. What is the angle of
" contact between lhe rope and the pole in_.radians?
a. 15.7 b.17.7 @:r.+ d.3s.4
vV\Il F-Lt
ur rr rnirnQu,"# b
This 5-item multiple choice-type quiz shall be accomplishbd for 20
minutes and shall include topics on Equilibrium of 2D and 3D fugid
Bodies. Encircle the letter of'the best answer among the choices. Use
black/ blue pens only.
l:) Given a two-dimensional (2D) structure that is completely
constrained and the support reactions are statically determinate,
which of the following statements is incorrect?
ft a. The reactions involve three unknowns only.
b. The supports are arranged wherein the r@ctions are
The lines of action ofthe support reactions are not parallel.
None ofthe Above
A three-dimensional (3D) structural member is supported by a
pin-and-bracket support at one end and a ball-and-socket at the
other. How many unknown support rcactions are inbuced in the
@ 5 force components and 2 couples only
b. 5 force components and 3 couples only
c. 6 force components and 2 couples only
drt 6 lorce components and 3 couples only

/ For a three-force two-dimsnsional (2D) rigid body, the lines of

action ofthe forces corild be:
a. concurent always
b. Parallel always
c. Collinear alwavs
or pamllel
@, -Eith.t "on.urrint
qr/tWntcnof the following statements is/are true?
' a. The support reactions are also called constraining force.
b. A rigid body in equilibrium will.produce a resultant 6fal'l
acting lbrces that is a null vector.
c-. The forces acting in a two-force body is collinear always.
t, All of the Above

5. )k11at must be the ratio ofthe weights ofboxes A, B, C and D

'.'-1e:B:C:D) so that the lSver is horizontal?
b. l:4

c l:2

Corrected By:
sr.rion' WW FL t
ES ll ShortQliz#_
'this 5-itern rnultiple choicE-rype quiz shatl be aqcomplishod for 20
mioutes and shall include topics on Moment of a Force about a Point
or about a Line and Vector Operations. Encircle the lctter ofthe best
answer among lhe choices. Usc black/ blue pens only.

;(t ) f,,F2, F3 are fbrces acting at pornt A. what can be said about
\J their effective rnoment M., about point 0, given the position
vector r frorn poinl O to poinr A?
.^, M" = lrt lFrl - lrl lFl + jrl lFrl
fb.I By Varignon's Theorem, M" = (Fr+Fz+Fr) x r
Y M. is the producr ofthe vector suln, R, oi'three forces and
shortest distance between pL O and LOA ofR.
d hI" is equal to th product of the resultant R of the three
.forces and the magnitude ofthe position vector"
Which of the following statErhents islare fahel
-K I. The dot product of two vecto$ is a scalar and will tre
' equal Io zero ifthe veclors are perpendicular-
U.V = lul lVl cos 0; where 0" < 0 180o, and 0 is the
angle when the lwo yectors are placed tail+o'tail.
ilI. One of the applications of the vecter product is the
projection of the vector onto a line.

' ru.
The sum ofthe direction cosines ola vector should be
equal tc l. I'

a I and ll ontv
6\ ltl and IV ontv
; II. ttl and IVonll
d. I, li and Ill anly
e. . All statements are false.

-3/" Wh'tch of the following statements is false regarding lhe

computation of the moment of a fqrce about a line?
Note:Mt=1'1',*P; I

L The moment of a lorce about a line that is pamllel to

the line cf action ofthe forcq is equal to 0.
Il. ?, represents the unit vector ofthe line.
ItI. r is the position vector from a point along the line to a
point aiong the line ofaction ofthe force.
IV. This type ofvector operation id called a mixed triple
product following a circular permutatiori.
a. I and II only
b, I and IV only
i !
c. III and IV only
@ NoneoftheAbove

For nos- 4"5a

Giveg tOi + 60J - 20k passing through point A (8, 6, 4)
,F What woUtd be the magnitude of the moment of the force about
pint B (2,0,4)?
fa:) 345 N-m
Y 425 N-m '{'lA^9
c. 375 N-m d/*d\"-tc
' -\rett'2i.1f:,
5.,/DercTmine ihe magnilude of the moment of force F about a line
, paising through 2 points B (2,0,4) and C (.7,6,2). '(lr{ r}'rc
a. 8? N-m
-tu b'Y,lq^rd\Jta--
at 109 N-m
154 N-m
95 N-m Wlff,q,tl

Jdnttary V, 2008

Correeted By:

Lab +
T- loo
. tt 4o

t lou

Fill!T,o,t.Friday7-s:3oAM fil
H"'", Aldvrrn ltrnvr4\n C- I r,
lo\aVstua"nt *,*0",' 2h$Jblol

A L/ Ay'':::'J:"fl""y'::"'"""":i::1':"::":*L"""*:l?:*'
completely constrainod and statlcally determlnate F'sure 1I
1 t,

( O)
-d improperty constralned and .latically determinate 'f,
o.,.. ,. s....,,=o,.,. ,,o
d. u.mtable . ':r,!,
/ ,o- -{_
a. Extemal loads can be epplled anwhere along a truss membor.
I Some truss members are zerc-fore memboF whlch rrmain so v6n if lhg loading conditlons are changed
fc:l ea* member i.s acted upon at both ends by two equel and opposite forces directed along the
v member-
d. Some lrusses may contain multlforce bodles which, ln general, are not dlrected along the

z DPmbet
ot lhe lollowlng statements i3 always TRUE?
a. A minimum of three equilibrlum equetlons can be used in analyzlng two dimensional trusses
using the method of sections.
b. The cuttlng llne to be used ln the method of sectlons should not inteBect more than three
mombers havlng unknown forces.
(g) ln using the method ol ioints, Joints having a maxlmum of two unknowns should be analyzed first.
d. Thgnethod of secllons nd method ofjolnts cennol be used together ln a slngle problem.

ay'rhe truss sysfem in Figure 2 is analyzed by uslng the method ot

/- ioints in the order given h l-lV below, choose whlctr among them B D I
will give the value of the force in member DE?
I. G.F-D
il. G-F-E
rv. A-C-B-D
8, land ll Oll and lll
b. ll only d. ll and lV
IreuE z

\/ ., fr)Unich
of the members shown in Figure 3 is NoT a zeoforce membef
Y or d.FK
Aldnrr b^narrr C Ln4*'' bia,8b
ESll Quiz Number I (February 12t2010)

(qh istrue abor4t the first mornerct of area? :

It has units of length to th* second degree (i.e. L2)

It ian be expressed as the product of the iength of the line and the coordinate of its
In plane x-y, the integral I x CA is knows as the first moment of area.with rrespect to the y-
always positive

The y cowponent af the centroid of the plane area shown in the

figwre ti

d. , data insufflrcient.

': '
The first ffiaffierlt af the plane area sltawn in the figure with
respect to the y axis is'
a. a positive real number
b. a qegative real number
@),&to +-- fl ---->

What'is always {rue a,f a centroid af a bady?

a. It is a point of symmetry
b. rL;.* ^ noint that coincicles with the origin of the coordinate system
@ rtis a pomt In ="- +he.resultant.weight of the body passes through
d. It is a point located withru Lndy- j i-
If an area is :symvTTsStic about the x and y ilxls, wr.'; -i,4 staiement is not .true.

Al4rnKo'in{5 C J UuWia

1}po$* lvl Cl

ES 11 lab 3: Multiple Choice Quiz

y'Wnictt,of the following does NOT describe Varignon's Theorem?
'/ if..,ru* tft. molnent of the individual fories equals the moment of the resultant talcenl
". I about the same point.
r b.; The surn of the moment of the individual forces equals the moment of the resultant taken
about thg same axis.
S) ffr" sums of the components of the individual fo{cssqual the nnoment of.the resultant
abou.t the same point.
d. The surn of,the rnoments of the individual forces and the pesultant about the origin is the
./- .' .l
{S"b"tthe answer that represents the position vector r.
a. -2i'* 4j + 3kr(m)
h. 3i + +i{m) \7-,f, '

G) +: + rlim)
, dl ii++i++ii1m; .

ich"of the following is false?

hich"of false? ! x

Two forces F and F ' are equivalent if and only if they have equal.mornents about a given
b. Moment of a force is:the measure of the tendency of a force F to make the rigid body
rotate about a fixed axis peryendicular to the plane of the force'F.
c. The direction of the moment of a force F abaut a poinl O is perpendicular tc the plane
i containing F and the position vector of F with rcspeet to point O. /
d. The moment arm of the moment of a force is defined as the perpendicular distance from
' the axis of rotation to the line of action of the faree/
,/ . .i,

O4"angle between the two vectors EG (l .6i, -1.2i,0.95k) and BC (3.2i, -0.9j, -z.4klis close
a. 551 b,600 d. 700
If the moment about I of force F passing through points Xand Iis to be determined, which
of the following is the L-orrect moment arm?,
@ t-,

13lrtardr 2008
Student number: dq-S?g'la
Name of Student: - provided before the number'
to the belt answer on the sPace
Part lt, write the tetter corresponding
g 1. what is true of a tnrss? dnds of each
:qted at joints located at the

or a truss:::l5-j:1i""']1;XllTi;u*u,n"*be,, or a rruss are srender and are
' att toaas of a truss are aPptr
weak tateratty'
{d) Att of the above'

which is false?
tn drawing shear diagrams'

fiilgffi i;n1;[g.T*g;1"il::HY"iti";i'*1nderthetoaddiasrambe'iween is parabolic'

increasins' the shear diasram
,,., llf;"tJinlT"lllTlgram is'rirrartv
id) Hone of the above'
tn" area uoder the shear
sectrons Ee
);i il JJ^* in Lending moment between two
t'"' #t"t""n the two sections'
aiul*'n may not tlot:',.--
{c} A correct bending moment diagram -"
or maiimum bendins moment'
l;i ;;;ffii"-.o 'r'8"' u'" tt'ii"is
!-, A concentrated force apptied
at misdpan of a simpty supported
reactions at both supPorts'
;i;ian gutar uending monf nt.atdlusi-l:
);i iiiii'#;;
'il;;;;*tmim musPan'
bendins moment
i:i iviii
(d) Att of the above'
C .,0. forces on a rumber are independent
of --g6;6;oroperties
- ru' tnternat
of the men$er
i"l ii? of.the appl'ied
l'o) or, or.* "*"".
(b) The "ri"^i"tron
support coMrtlons'

ES 11 FOURTH EXl 26 February 2008

Name of Student: Student n umber: ?Qdr'- 5!Q!4

Prrt l. write the &etter coresponding to the best amwer on th space provided before the number,

D f. Forabeammembcrsubjectedtopurebending its nreasurc ofresistancc m bending is given

a. Moment of inertia c. Second alea momenl
b. First area moment d- aorc
considering an axis passing through rhc cenroid of the tbllowing shapcs, for which of the
following shape/area would tfic centroidal nnoment of inertia with respect to both the x- and
y-axis bc the same: (Note: assume lhat the y-cis is a line of rymmetryfor aH shapes\
a. isoscelcs triangle c. rectangle
f b. rhombus d. noneoftheabove
\, 3. When comparing the momentof inertia I*_s6'wi& respecr to the base of a rcctangle to the' with respect to a parallel centroidal axis, which ofthe following conclusion is TRUE:
* a. I.jng- is always smallcr tharr l.-cc.

5 f b. No conclusion can be made, insuflicient informaion.

c. always largerthan I*-s(..
d. ly s9. ma) be larger tlran I-* E6-depending on the distancc berween
the base and thc ccntroidal-axis
Co. For a shaft membcr subjected to pure lorsional loading its measurc of resistance to twisting is
given by
a. Bi-polar moment of inertia c. Polar momcnt of inertia
c5 b. Tri-arial moment of inertia d. b or c
Whici of the follorving relations is TRUE considcring the radius of gyration kz witfi respecr to
the z-qryis that is nomral to dplarrc arca fiar lies on the 'xy' plane:
a- lqlt=k112*2kxkr+kVa c. k12=1rrn1*r

cl(D'l*Fr;h'*t.thegrem,*,.*,f Lk;tJTi,..JJLnsion(uponsubstirutionory
Y = y' + d) eventually disapperus in the expression for reason thal
a" the first ara momcnt is rcro.
b. the potar moment of inertia is zero.
c, the second arca moment is zero.
a d. the mass moment of inertia is nragical.
U 7. Considering two rectangularsections (designatcd as S I and 52 rcspectively) having the same
area but with sl having larger depth D comparcd to s2, then which of the follor*'ing
exprcssion rhat rclates moments of incrtia with rcspcct to drc x-axis is TRUE:
Ix_rlislessthanlXJe c. llsrisgreaterthanlys2
Insufficienr information . rd. I[r is eCrial ro l[sz
f n*^bSuppose the moment of inertia with respect to thc x-axis (as-sq.err in the figure below) for the
-)(!r) scmi-circle is required and the moment of inertia with respect to the base AAt is known. then
the erprcssion that will yield the conect ansrycr is given bv:
a lp,r + n6,2- 46rl c. lst Ad
h,a b. lAnr-Adr!+Ada: d. l*ioneoftheabove
" I\-'l another temr used to refer to the momcnt of ircrtia is:
a. instantaneous lethargy c. second srea momenl

a shaft, a pure torsional c. beam, pure flexural

b. link,apureaxial d cable, an axial
ES 11 THIRD EXATA 29 January 2008

NamesfStudenf.' Stndent number: 1@lo-s3gaz

'part l.,Write th letter correspondinB to the best answer dr the space provided before the nu.nbr.

-?-43\'/ Refer to the figure on th right. lf tlle btock is in the state of imperding ntotion, which is true?
[ a. The arB(e of friction is greater than 0. c. The arBte of frlctiofl i5 equal to 0'
t0 b.- Thangleoffrirctionislessthan0. d. Theanglcoffri.tionisnotequattoo.
A 2- wt i.n ,tatement about the angte of friction, f, is true?
a. tan* -p' c. tan'r4 -*
b' tan6 ' P* d. g ls the arlgle between the LOAS of the friction and norrnat force.

D . l. onkf, o"tement is fatse?

b. The coefitient of friction strongty depnds ofl the nature of the surfaces in contact.
c. The coe{ficient of frlction is dimansiontess.
d. The ratue of the coefficient of kinetlc triction E at$rayr greater tftan that of static friction.
which staternent about the bett fricticn equa,*, it r.U"l
"'''J ,

a. Th rdtlo TrlTz is atways greater than or equal to one, c. p must be ln radians

(- b. The equation is onty applicabte lf thts bett k aboljt to ttide. d. Notre of the above

'-a s. wnt.t ,taternent abost the centroid of a honlogenous nat ptate is false?
a. lt is a loint such that a straight edge passltE through this polnt batjances the ptate.
b. lt G al$ ttF centr of gravity of th Plate.
c. The centroid is a poimbch that any strdight the dassirE thrflEh this point dtvidg the area of
the pQte into two equat area5.
d. il'oneoftheabove.
u I :
- 6. z- Whichexpr-essionatruc?
* a

a. Q,=fiA u. Qr=|A c. Q^=iA. :.d. Qr=ftA

C ,. n ptate can be suMivided into three elementary areas: Ar, A2, and AI and tl',e
".**rtteof their centroids are (xr, yr), (xr, yzl, and {&, yt, relpectivety, which is the correct
expressiori for the composlte flatets Q,?
a. Q,=U,+4+4Y;',+xr+:i) c. Q*=yrA,+yr4+yr4
b. Q--n4+rr.4r+xrA, d. Q,=4y/r+\h4+r*ft4
- 8. which of the fotlowing statements is true?
a. The center of giavtty is equal to the centroid if the rofume is homogeneors art' 'g' is constant.
b. The point defined by the coordinates (t,lf
) is the centroid of the body.
c. The integrat
xdA is known as the first rnoment of the area A with respect t0 the y-axis.
d. AUoftheabove.

Which of the fo{towing staternents is false?

a- The first mohent of a ftat ptate with r6pct to a lin of syrffnetry is zero,
b- lf an a'rea is said to be symmetric with respect to the center O, Q, = Qr: 0.
c. lf the centroid coincides with the center of gravity and g is coratant, th body i5
g is inversety proportional to th sqrare of the altitude, what can be said about the
v center ofthat
gravity aM centroid'of a very tatt homogeneous structure on earth?
a. The centroid is tower than th center of gravlty.
b. Th centroid is higher than th center of gravlty.
c. The centroid coincidg with th center of gravity.
d. The centrold does not coincide with the centcr of gravity.
' ./; \,

Name; srldentNo. 2009-i9t0l score.
may be expressed as a function of depth h. which of the foilowing
$atefients is TRUE regarding the resulting disiributed load 6n a submerged rectangular gate an angle I with respect to tlle water surface?

t&l The distributed load varies linarly and acts perpendicular to the gate.
b. The distributed load is coflstant (or uniform) throughout the entire length of the gate
and acts perpe4dicular to,the gatF..
,c, The disuibuted load is parabolic in shape and acts perpmdicutar to the gate.
d None of the above,
.// -by
,-/ e.disttib*ed load can be replaced ! singie concentrated load equal to and acts

$- "r"" una"l. ,he load iurve; at the centroid o{ that area

b. area under the shiar diagram; at the startinB point of the distributed io;id
c. averige value of the distributed loacl; at $e ;idpolnt of the beam
d. area underthe load diagram; atthe centei ofgravity oftle beam
The magnitrrde ofthe fotce exerted by a llquid.ofl a submerged object is depndent on
a. Depth oftheliquid
b. Densityoftheliquid
Dimension ot tie object
(dJ All of the above .
qr.ffircnof the following ivare Bue about distributed loads on a beam?
t/ l. lt can be replaced by a concentrated load u/hich can hF used to determine the dellection
and support feactions ofthe beam-
ll. Thelineotastionofthatconcentratedpessesthroughthecentroidoftheb;am.
Itl.The megnhufe of that aoncntrdted toad is eqrat tothe area under the load curve.
lV- Th'e equivbfenJ concentr-ated load m.aytg used tddetintiina: the internal forces on a beam-

a. ! oniy c, lt and tll only
I lt ority d. I and tV only *.,
an experiment 2 rectangular plates, A and B. wre submerged vertically (ftom the iee
d/1 surfacel with the same depth but in different liquid. lfthe area of B is threetimesthe area of
f and the fluid at B has e speciffc weight that is two iimes as that of A, iflhat is the ratio of the
I hydrostatic force of A to B? Note pn = 0.
t Ovt _ b.zlt c.6 d.3/Z

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