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2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook

Project Management Documentation

for Engineering and Construction
By Valentin Kouprine, PMP, PhD, P.Eng, Michael K. Fontaine, P.Eng, CMC, and Tim Cook

project management system consists of a set of
relevant processes, tools, techniques, methodologies,
Customer Performing Project Third Parties
resources, and procedures used to manage a project. Organization (including agencies ,
governmental bodies ,
This article presents a framework for organizing the Policies Project
contractors and suppliers )

documents associated with a project management system and Policies
suggests ways of improving these documents. and Project
Charter Policies Policies
All major project stakeholders that are actively involved in
the project (e.g., customer, performing organization, project
manager and project team members, governmental bodies Standards Functional Guides

and agencies, and contractors and suppliers) will influence Standards ,
Guides and
Execution Standards and
the preparation of project management documentation. Strategy

Stakeholder requirements and documentation (policies, Standards

standards, guides, plans, and procedures) must be properly Project Project Project Execution
defined, analyzed, and reflected in the project management Execution
Plan/Project Quality
documentation. Figure 1 presents the hierarchy of stakeholder
documents associated with the preparation of project Plans,
Project Procedure
- multiple
Manual (PPM)
management documentation. and Procedures
(SPM) Work Inspection and Test
Instructions Plan
In Figure 1, the vertical flow indicates the sequence in Procedures
- single
which documents are prepared. Earlier documents serve as functional

the basis for later documents, but the later documents take
precedence over the earlier documents. The horizontal flow User Manuals Procedures

indicates the input of organizational documents into the

project documents. Organizational documents serve as the Templates
and Forms

basis for project documents, but the project documents take Templates
and Forms
and Forms
Templates and
precedence over the organizational documents. Templates and
An organization has flexibility in the way it chooses
to document its project management system, and each
organization must develop the documentation it needs Figure 1: Preparation of Project Management Documentation.
to effectively execute projects. At a minimum, the project Organizational procedures multiple functional
management documentation should include the following groups: standard procedures applicable to all projects
major documents: that focus on the relationships among different func-
Project execution strategy (PES): a high level execution tional groups. These procedures define the tasks associ-
frameworkfor the project that takes into account project ated with project processes and the functional group
policies and objectives; it sets the direction for the co- responsible for each task. The procedures are organized
ordinated use of resources and: according to the framework discussed below and as
creates a common understanding and commitment shown in Figure 2. These standard procedures are not
to project objectives within the project team; revised for a given project and are independent of the
facilitatesearlyrecognitionofmisalignmentandin- specific system or software used for project manage-
validassumptions; ment. If one of these standard procedures requires
ensures the consistency of approaches; modification, it is via notes in the project execution plan
provides a sound basis for the development of a or preparation of a project-specific work instruction. As
detailed project execution plan (PEP) and project a rule, these procedures are organized into a standard
procedures manual (PPM); and procedures manual (SPM). The SPM is a basic compo-
enhances the integration and trust between the cus- nent of the PPM.
tomer and project team Organizational procedures single functional group:
procedures applicable to all projects that define how
Project execution plan (PEP): a detailed description individual functional groups complete each task from
of how the project will be executed and a collection of the multiple functional group procedures discussed
the project-specific information required to execute the above. These procedures are very detailed and are based
project. A number of subsidiary plans are assembled on a specific project management system and software.
to create the PEP. The specific contents of these They are of interest only to members of the applicable
subsidiary plans depend on the project delivery method functional group and belong to that functional group.
selected for engineering and construction projects. The Project work instructions (WIs) project-specific
subsidiary project plans include: a scope management documents that supersede the organizational procedures
plan, a cost management plan, a quality management described above or provide additional details.
plan, a human resource (HR) management plan, a
communications management plan, a risk management The information defining how to manage and execute a
plan, a procurement management plan, an engineering project is included in the PEP and the PPM. The differences
management plan, a construction management plan, between these documents must be clearly distinguished.
a commissioning management plan, and a health and There are a number of issues frequently encountered
safety management plan. Other key components of during PEP and PPM preparation; these issues and the
the PEP includeproject-specific information, such as means of addressing these issues are discussed below:
the work breakdown structure (WBS), procurement Consistent framework: Due to the lack of the overall
package list, organization chart, document distribution, framework and explicitly defined responsibilities, each
and handover matrices. The PEP describes how project functional group often prepares project documents
policies, procedures, and protocols will be applied to without taking into account the inter-relationships with
accomplish project objectives in accordance with the other functional groups.
Project procedures manual (PPM): a compilation of all To avoid this problem and simplify preparation, storage,
the project procedures. Typically, the PPM consists of: retrieval, and understanding, all documents related to the
organizational procedures multiple functional execution of specific activities within the project should be
groups; organized according to a single overarching framework. A
organizational procedures single functional Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK
group; and Guide)Fourth edition, is one such framework that can be
project work instructions used for the PEP and SPM. One of the biggest advantages of

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
the PMBOK Guide lies in the fact that it is internationally Resources, 0015 Estimate Activity Durations, 0016
recognized. Develop Schedule, and 0017 Control Schedule;
The PMBOK Guide organizes project management into Project Cost Management:0018 Estimate Costs, 0019
five Process Groups of two or more processes each: Determine Budget, and 0020 Control Costs;
Initiating Process Group: recognizing that a project Project Quality Management: 0021 Plan Quality, 0022
should begin and committing to do so; Perform Quality Assurance, and 0023 Perform Quality
Planning Process Group: devising and maintaining a Control;
workable scheme to accomplish the business need that Project Human Resource Management: 0024 Develop
the project was undertaken to address; Human Resource Plan, 0025 Acquire Project Team, 0026
Executing Process Group: coordinating people and Develop Project Team, and 0027 Manage Project Team;
other resources to carry out the plan; Project Communication Management: 0028 Identify
Monitoring & Controlling Process Group: ensuring Stakeholders, 0029 Plan Communications, 0030
that project objectives are met by monitoring and Distribute Information, 0031 Manage Stakeholders
measuring progress and taking corrective actions when Expectations, and 0032 Report Performance;
necessary; and Project Risk Management: 0033 Plan Risk
Closing Process Group: formalizing acceptance of the Management, 0034 Identify Risks, 0035 Perform
project and bringing it to an orderly end. Qualitative Risk Analysis, 0036 Perform Quantitative
Risk Analysis, 0037 Plan Risk Responses, and 0038
These five Process Groups have interdependencies and Monitor and Control Risks;
are performed on each project. The processes are linked by Project Procurement Management: 0039 Plan
the results they producethe result or output of one process Procurement, 0040 Conduct Procurements, 0041
becomes an input to another. Administer Procurements, and 0042 Close Procurements;
The project management processes for engineering Project Engineering Management: 0043 Generic
and construction projects are shown by Process Group and Engineering Design Process, 0044 Design Review, 0045
area of activity in Figure 2. For each process, a standard Checking Engineering and Other Documents, and 0046
organizational procedure covering multiple functional groups Progress and Performance Measurement;
defines the requirements and responsibilities. Project Construction Management: 0047 Generic
The PEP is organized according to the same framework Construction Management Process;
as the SPM. This leads to the following PEP sections and/or Project Commissioning Management: 0048 Generic
SPM groups (The individual procedures associated with each Commissioning Management Process;
SPM group are also shown. The procedure numbers shown Project Health and Safety Management: 0049 Generic
correspond with the numbers shown in Figure 2): Health and Safety Management Process; and
Introduction/Overview: based on the specific clauses of Glossary: defines all of the terms and acronyms used on
the contract between the customer and the performing the project.
organization, including a project description, references
to the contract, project objectives, and execution In the simplest case, the cost management section of the
strategy; PEP, for example, will state that cost control on the XYZ
Project Integration Management:0001 Develop Project project will be in accordance with standard organizational
Charter, 0002 Develop Project Execution Plan, 0003 procedure 0020 Control Costs. More likely, the cost
Direct and Manage Project Execution, 0004 Monitor and management section of the PEP will state that cost control
Control Project Work, 0005 Perform Integrated Change on the XYZ project will be in accordance with standard
Control, and 0006 Close Project or Phase; organizational procedure 0020 Control Costs, with the
Project Scope Management: 0007 Collect following exception: exception #1, etc. Finally, if there are
Requirements, 0008 Define Scope, 0009 Create WBS, too many exceptions to the standard procedure, the cost
0010 Verify Scope, and 0011 Control Scope; management section of the PEP will state cost control on the
Project Time Management: 0012 Define Activities, XYZ project will be in accordance with project-specific work
0013 Sequence Activities, 0014 Estimate Activity instruction (WI) No. XXX.

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
Develop Project
Project Execution
Charter Plan
0001 0002

Legend Require-
Create WBS
Project Integration Management

Project Scope Management

Project Time Management

Project Cost Management

Estimate Estimate
Project Human Resource Define Sequence Develop
Activity Activity
Management Resource Activities Activities Schedule
0012 Durations 0013
Proejct Quality Management 0014 0015 0016
Project Communication
Project Procurement Management

Project Risk Management

Project Engineering Management

Estimate Determine
Project Construction Management Cost Budget
Project Commissioning 0018 0019
Project Health & Safety



Identify Communi-
Stakehol- cations
ders 0029
Planning Processes
Initiating Processes


Perform Perform
Plan Risk
Identify Qualitative Quantitative Plan Risk
ment Risks Risk Risk Responses
0034 Analysis Analysis 0037
0035 0036

Figure 2 (Part I): Project Management Processes (continued with Part II on the next page).

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
Direct and Monitor and Perform Close
Manage Control Integrated
Project Project Change
or Phase
Execution Work Control
0003 0004 0005

Verify Control
Scope Scope
Generic 0010 0011

Generic Control
Com- Schedule
missioning 0017

Safety& Control
Management Costs
Process 0020

Acquire Develop Manage Checking
Project Project Project Design Engineering
Team Team Team Review and Other
0025 0026 0027 0044 Documents

Perform Perform
Quality Quality
Assurance Control
0022 0023

Progress and
Monitoring and Controlling Processes


Distribute Report
Information Performance
0030 0032
Executing Processes

Conduct Administer
Procure -
Procurement Procurements ments
0040 0041

and Control

Figure 2 (Part II): Project Management Processes (continued from Part I on the previous page).

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
Consistent Table of Contents and Format: There is PEP should be prepared as a stand-alone document that
often no standard format, layout, or table of contents for is individually managed. As a result, each functional
the different sections of PEPs and PPMs. The result is a manager is responsible for his or her section of the PEP
collection of documents that are difficult to use. and has the ability to revise and re-issue it as required.
Use of Standard/Consistent Terminology: Frequently,
For ease of writing and understanding, all documents the different sections of PEPs and PPMs do not use
of a specific type should have a standard table of contents, common terminology, which causes confusion and makes
which allows users to quickly find the information they need. communication more difficult. Standard PMI (Project
A standard table of contents can be used for each procedure, Management Institute) terminology and standard
whereas another similar table of contents can be used for each project-specific terms must be included in a single project
section of the PEP. One standard table of contentsthat can be glossary to avoid confusion.
used isas follows: Document Revision: All project management documents
Cover Page (with signatures for Prepared by, Reviewed need to be revision controlled, which includes a signed
by, and Approved by); cover page with indication of the versions of documents
Table of Contents; that may be accessed through an organizations document
Introduction; management system. This ensures that users know that
Purpose; the documents are indeed ready for use and have gone
Responsibilities; through a documented review/approval process. It also
Scope; provides users with the names of persons to contact if
Definitions; they have questions about a document. Access to the
Process; native files of documents should be restricted so that users
Inputs/Prerequisites (SPM only); cannot modify standard organizational documents.
Tools/Techniques (SPM only); Make It Easy for Users: Live electronic links in the PEP
Outputs (SPM only); and PPM to reference documents and forms simplify
Supporting Documents; information access; thus, users accessing the PEP or
Related Procedures (SPM only); PPM online can access any referenced document quickly.
Associated Forms; However, most of the referenced material is included as
References; and appendices as well. A lot of users prefer hard copies, in
Appendices. which case the links will not work. Also, the hard copies
of both the PEP and SPM can be issued in paperback
Each procedure includes a flowchart defining process formats (5.5 inches by 8.5 inches). This makes it easy
tasks. The flowchart shows how various elements of a system for users to carry the documents and refer to those
interrelate, outlines the links of inputs and outputs with documents when needed.
other project processes, and allows the user to quickly locate
any referenced document. A sample flowchart for standard Conclusion
organizational procedure 0024 Develop Human Resource The PEP and PPM are two major sets of project management
Plan is presented in Figure 3. documents that are necessary for successful execution of
Alignment between PEP and PPM: In some cases, engineering and construction projects.
the same information is presented in both the PEP and The PMBOK Guide can be used as the framework
PPM, whereas in other cases, conflicting information is for organizing both the PEP and SPM, which are basic
presented. As well, some of the information required is components of the PPM. This common framework helps
not included in either the PEP or PPM. Careful review eliminate gaps and overlaps in content, reduces confusion,
and alignment of the PEP and PPM are required during makes searching for information easier and more intuitive,
the preparation of the project documentation. and simplifies the process of document preparation during the
Creation of Separate Documents: A typical PEP is a course of the project.
single document with multiple sections, which makes The PPM captures the SPM, single functional group
the initial issue of the PEP more complicated, because procedures, and WIs in one place. The SPM contains
all sections are required at the same time, making standard procedures representing an organizations best
subsequent revisions more difficult. Each section of the practice for executing projects that should be followed on

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
Project Human Resource Management
0024 Develop Human Resource Plan
Project Management Team* Project Manager Customer
Task Description

Human Resource (HR) planning is the process of identifying , and

documenting project roles and responsibilities , and reporting
relationships , as well as creating the HR Management Plan
(staffing management plan).
A1 B1
Enterprise A1/B1. Some of the relevant enterprise environmental factors involving
Environmental Factors organizational culture and structure are: organizational; technical;
interpersonal; logistical; political.
In addition, constraints limit the project teams options , e.g.:
0002 organizational structure; collective bargaining agreements; economic
A2 conditions.
B2 A2/B2. As project management methodology matures within an
Organizational organization, lessons learned from the past Human Resource Planning
Process Assets
experiences are available as organizational process assets to help plan
the current project.
Templates and checklists reduce the amount of planning time needed
at the beginning of a project and reduce the likelihood of missing
0014 important responsibilities. Templates that can be helpful in human
A3 B3 resource planning include project organization charts, position
Activity Resource descriptions, project performance appraisals, and a standard conflict
Requirements management approach. Checklists that can be helpful in human
resource planning include common project roles and responsibilities,
typical competencies , training programs to consider , team ground
rules, safety considerations, compliance issues, and reward ideas.
A3/B3. The Project Execution Plan includes the activity resource
requirements, plus descriptions of project management activities , such
as quality assurance , risk management, and procurement, that will help
the project management team identify all the required roles and
Human Resource Planning uses activity resource requirements to
determine the human resource needs for the project . The preliminary
A4 B4 requirements regarding the required people and competencies for the
project team members are refined as part of the HR Planning process .
Determine Analyze input information
A4/B4. The human resource planning process tools and techniques
using human resource
project roles, planning process tools and
can include:
responsibilities techniques - organizational charts and position descriptions (generally three types
of formats are used to document organization charts and position
and develop descriptions: hierarchical, matrix, and text-oriented. Additionally, some
Human project assignments are listed in subsidiary project plans , such as the
Resource risk, quality, or communication plans. Whichever combination of
A5 B5
Management methods is used , the objective is ensure that each work package has
Identify and document project an unambiguous owner and that all team members have a clear
Plan roles, responsibilities , understanding of their roles and responsibilities;
reporting relationships . - networking (HR networking activities include proactive
Develop orgcharts . correspondence, luncheon meetings, informal conversations, and trade
conferences. While concentrated networking can be a useful technique
at the beginning of a project, carrying out networking activities on a
regular basis before a project begins is also effective );
A6 B6 - organizational theory (provides information regarding the ways that
Prepare Revise people, teams, and organizational units behave).
HR Management Plan
and resubmit
A5/B5. Resource Planning Tool (RPT) assists in the planning and
(staffing management plan ) utilization of employees globally and links information from a
spreadsheet to a central database to generate various reports . The
RPT provides information on the availability of personnel used for
planning, mobilization, demobilization, and re-mobilization of people on
No projects and proposals.
A6/B6, A7/B8. The HR Management Plan (staffing management plan )
is a subset of Project Execution Plan and describes when and how HR
B7 C1 requirements will be met. Items to consider include : staff acquisition ;
Approved ?
timetable (describes necessary time frames for project team members ,
either individually or collectively, as well as when acquisition activities
such as recruiting should start . One tool for charting human resources
is a resource histogram); release criteria (determining the method and
timing of releasing team members benefits both the project and team
Yes members); training needs; recognition and rewards; compliance
B8 strategies for complying with applicable government regulations , union
A7 contracts, and other established HR policies); safety.
0025 Issue The plan is updated continually during the project to direct ongoing
HR Management Plan team member acquisition and development actions .
A8/B9. Items to address when listing the roles and responsibilities
A8 B9 needed to complete the project include role , authority, responsibility,
Roles and
and competency.
0025 Responsibilities
A9/B10. A project organization chart is a graphic display of project
team members and their reporting relationships. It can be formal or
informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based on the needs of the
A9 B10 project.
Project * Project Management Team includes, but is not limited to : Engineering
0025 Manager, Procurement Manager, Construction Manager, Quality
Organization Charts
Manager, Project Controls Manager, Commissioning Manager, Cost
Controller, Scheduler, HR Coordinator , Area Managers, Practice
Leads, Customer Team members.
Link FROM Link TO
Process Activity Decision Process End/Link

Figure 3: Develop Human Resource Plan Flowchart.

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook
every project. The standard procedures use a common table Policy - broad, precedent-setting decision that guides or
of contents, include flowcharts, and provide a consistent substitutes for repetitive managerial decision making. A
product. If project requirements are such that a standard policy guides thinking, decisions, and actions of managers
procedure cannot be followed, then a project-specific WI can in implementing the organizations strategy; and provides
be prepared. guidelines for establishing and controlling the ongoing
The PEP documents all of the project-specific items operating process of the firm in a manner consistent with the
needed to execute the project and defines specifically how firms strategic objectives. In a project context, a policy is a
the SPM and the single functional groups procedures will be general guideline/formalized methodology on how a project
applied on a specific project. The PEP also defines exceptions will be managed.
being taken to the procedures and provides additional project- Procedure step-by-step instructions on ways to perform a
specific details. The specific contents for a given project are given task.
usually developed from a review of the project execution Standard - document that provides, for common and
strategy and the SPM. The PEP should be organized repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for products,
according to the same framework as the SPM. The other key processes, or services for which compliance is not mandatory.
component of the PEP isproject-specific information such Strategy - action plan to set the direction for coordinated use
as the WBS, procurement package list, organization chart, of resources through policies, procedures, and organizational
document distribution, and handover matrices. design and establishment of performance standards.
Both the PEP and procedures should be prepared as a Template - pattern for a document from which new
series of short, stand-alone documents instead of preparing documents may be made. A template may include sample
a single document for the PEP and another single document document outlines, forms, and checklists.
for the PPM. This means that each section of the PEP or each
individual procedure is a controlled document that can be Reference
revised and reissued without impacting any other section or Project Management Institute. (2008). A guide to the
procedure. project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide)
Standard PMI terminology and standard project-specific Fourth edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.
terms should be used and included in a project glossary to
avoid conflicting terms and definitions. About the Authors
The responsibility and ownership within an organization Valentin Kouprine, PMP, PhD, P.Eng., is a senior engineer
for each procedure in the PPM and section in the PEP must for the project delivery group at Hatch Ltd., Canada. He has
be clearly defined to avoid conflicts in documentation. over 20 years of management and leadership experience in the
performance of engineering and construction projects. Mr.
Glossary Kouprine is the author of more than 20 technical papers and
Charter - formal document issued by senior management, he can be reached via e-mail at
formally authorizing the existence of the project and Michael K. Fontaine, P.Eng, CMC, is the risk
providing the project manager with the authority to apply management lead of the project delivery group at Hatch Ltd.,
organizational resources to project activities. It includes Canada. He has over 30 years of experience in a variety of
a mission statement (including background, purpose, roles in engineering and construction projects covering all
and benefits), a goal, objectives, scope, assumptions, and phases of the project life cycle. Mr. Fontaine can be reached
constraints. via e-mail at
Form - printed document with blank space for information to Tim Cook is the regional practice director inthe project
be inserted. delivery groupfor the Americasat Hatch Ltd. and works out
Guide/Guideline - document that recommends methods and ofthe Mississauga office inCanada. He has over 20 years of
procedures to be used to accomplish an objective. experience in the management of project control activities for
Instruction - project-specific directive or order. different engineering and construction projectsglobally.Tim
Manual - generic book of instructions for a specific piece of can be reached at
software or system.
Plan - formulated and especially detailed method by which
the project will be executed; project-specific document
developed from a template.

PMI Virtual Library | | 2010 Valentin Kouprine, Michael K. Fontaine, and Tim Cook

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