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Prepare an irresistible menu

What you have to do:
Identify what your audience needs -research
Why they need it
How you will give it to them
TAKE -AWAY: what they will learn, they will solve a mystery, what they want to learn

Effective title: let them understand what you offer

Title: title + subtitle

Whats in it for me?

Information imbalance - unknown terms

Make every take-away specific

Of immediate value
Action verbs (rule the room vs presentation techniques)
7 words or less
Use familiar words
Be brief
Organise them in the right order: the most important last

Whys: subconscious needs:

Pain points: problems, fears -> relieve
Pleasure points: what they want to achieve -> enhance
o Happy
o Successful
o Free
Tell how will you do it
-> Take-away HOOKs: what why how

Introduce each new topic with a hook

Create a main hook for the entire presentation

Teach actionable things

2. Create your core content
Be able to present it comfortably
Make sure the audience comprehend it / follow it easily
Goal: pass info OR change in behaviour, they will change action?

Do what youve promised

Get rid of the conventional script
Instead: BLUEPRINT: make sure you say everything you intended in the right order

Feel secure, relaxed, credible -> audience not be bored

1 define the tasks
2 solve the mysteries
3 keep things simple
15 min talk - 10 min q ratio for 1 hour??????
8-9 takeaways
Takeaway does the audience already know that?
3 task for each takeaway
Subtasks - until it is evident for the audience

Create the examples-

specific and clear
= solution to the mystery
with words/picture
Use specifics, not theoretical fluff
Immediately actionable tasks!

BLUEPRINT - a reminder, a trigger, ensures the right order

Takeaway->task->subtask->sub-subtask->> EXAMPLE

Develop the structure

Define tasks-> action verbs
Take-away-main task-subtask-example`solving the mystery
Keep things simple

Map out your message

Ppt creation: words + slide show together: work in complementary ways
Ppt: visual aid, not a crotch

The slides have to benefit the audience (>>>presenter)

Whats interesting about listening to someone reading to you when you can read the slides

1. Opening slides -
a. Title slide: ensure the audience that they are in the right place: what, to whom; should
be on screen previously (+ take a handout)
Say: introduce yourself, give your credentials (what is important to know for
them!),deliver the main hook
b. Main agenda slide - hook, list the takeaways. DONT READ IT
Say: introduce the agenda, paraphrase the goal indicated by the title
2. Core content -
a. Placeholders : the main agenda slide - one for each takeaway, the actual takeaway
Say: introduce the hook, introduce a transition, deliver the takeaway hook
b. Task slides: one for each takeaway (4-8 takeaways for 1 hour). List only the
takeaway and the main task -
Say: task, subtask, research
c. Example slides - pictures
Say: comment about the slides
3. Closing slides
a. Summary: repeat the agenda, repeat the introduction
Say: invite questions
b. Last slide - make sure they know its over, thanks, contact info
Say: offer to stay for individual qs,thank you for a specific thing: for being
Make it clear youve finished

10 min question time / hour : 5 during (at the end of every other TA), 5 at the end

BLUEPRINT ~ slides
7 brief introductory sentences ~10 sec each
3 interactive segments -5 min
4-7 takeaway segments

Make your visuals clear and memorable

Pictures - copyright! Royalty free/ copyright free
Search for keywords
Simple graphics: legible text: arial, sans seriff; large font, ensure contrast
Use simple tools
Avoid clutter and distraction
Sole purpose: to get your point across!!!
Illustrate to enhance comprehension
Use handouts
Contact info, dont offer explanation in it! Create mystery
Choose realistic images
Task slides: the audience will be looking at it for an extended time

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