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Alain Lipietz

From Althusserianism to
"Regulation Theory"
The Althusserian Legacy Almost the entire generation of May 1968 in France came to Marxism

through the work of Louis Althusser and his school. And even today almost
everything fruitful that is written in France within a {greatly rarefied)
culturally Marxist atmosphere remains marked by this origin. To say this is
not to negate the importance of existential Marxism and the philosophy of
praxis (in particular the work of Henri Lefebvre), nor to ignore the negative
effects of the "structural Marxism" of Reading Capital (1965). It is simply to
Edited by state that the success of the articles in the collection For Marx (1965)
greatly helped to disengage French Marxism from the oversimplification,
E. ANN KAPLAN determinism and mechanism inherited from the Stalinist period. It is also to
and recognize that the viable and justified critiques of which "Althusserianism"
MICHAEL SPRINKER has been the object have allowed some currents to "interiorize what has
been transcended" (to appropriate a Hegelian term which doubtless would
have displeased the master!), and thus to escape the general crisis of the
human sciences and of structuralism during the 1970s. I am thinking in
particular of the sociology of Pierre Bourdeiu (1987), and, in relation to my
own profession {political economy), that which today is referred to as
"regulation theory."' We ourselves are "regulationists," in a way "rebel sons"
of Althusser.
From the very first, Althusser {for example in "Contradiction and
Overdetermination," 1962) taught us to conceive of history as a fabric of
contradictory relations, autonomous in relation to one another, although
overdetermining rather than "reflecting" one another. Neither politics nor
ideologies "reflect" economic forces, but ideological-politico-economic
"configurations" exist, either as stable configurations or configurations of
crisis. During the 1960s, French Marxism thus aligned .itself with all the
reductionism of the "kapital-logik" genre. We were even invited to discover
in every social formation a plurality of "modes of production" (relation-type
configurations) articulated one to another (Rey, 1969): in short,
configurations of configurations.
Since then, for example, domestic social relations (or patriarchy, or
"sexage") could be studied for themselves, without previous subordination to
"capitalism." France, as everywhere, was acquainted with the opposition

London New York

between "socialist feminists" and "radical feminists," but it was less virulent French Marxism (although, it is true, in a different political conjuncture) in
there than elsewhere. Autonomy and reciprocal overdetermination of social the middle of the 1970s.
relations offered a theoretical substratum to think the autonomy and It is precisely in a return to the contradictory character of social relations,
convergence of social movements. That this opportunity was hardly taken which inhibits their reproduction, and in taking into consideration the
advantage of politically, I explain elsewhere (Lipietz, 1986a), but the conscious element, the active role of "representation" in reproducing itself,
possibility of a convergence and its theoretical articulation exists that the approaches based on "regulation" found their origin. Naturally the
nevertheless. opening of the Great Crisis of capitalism in the 1970s obliged us at any rate
Althusser and his school (in particular Balibar in his contribution to to keep our distance from any approach that placed quasi-exclusive
Reading Capital, and Bettelheim, 1970) broke with a determinist vision of emphasis on reproduction.
historical evolution which conceived of the "productive forces" themselves It is good, at the distance of a quarter of a century, to measure our
( traditional "locomotives" of history for Stalinist Marxism) as social continuities and discontinuities. In the first part of this article, I will present
relations born in the organization of production. It was not from outside a synthesis which I believe is able to honestly qualify the meaning of
that the local representatives of a larger current, which from Maoists to "classical Althusserianism" in the 1960s, and what comprised its evolution
radical Americans by way of the Italian "workerist" movement, proceeded in and its divergences. By "classical Althusserianism," I refer to the texts For
the 1960s and '70s, to concentrate in its attacks on capitalism no longer on Marx, the contributions to Reading Capital (particularly those of Etienne
the extraction of surplus-value alone, but on the dominant post-war Balibar) and those of Nicos Poulantzas (1968). The post-1968 evolutions of
industrial paradigms, accepted for the most part by communist parties: these authors belong to another history, while the texts of this "corpus" were
Taylorism and Fordism. This current was not only critically in sync with the point of departure for the majority of those who continued in, amended
the reality of the labor struggles of the period, but also broke above all with or broke with "classical Althusserianism."
the idea that "the development of capitalist productive forces prepared the In the second section, I will expand the critique of the insufficiencies and
way for communism." Capitalism did not prepare the way for anything but dilemmas to which classical Althusserianism contributed.2
itself, and further over the course of time it had experienced and developed In the third section, I will briefly show how "regulation theory" currently
contrasting "forces of production" (forms of the organization of labor). . seeks to overcome these obstacles. It goes without saying that, here as
At the political level, this double rupture with determinism was elsewhere, I speak only for myself: numerous "regulationist" practitioners
developed principally by Poulantzas (1968) in his reading of Gramsci. For have long eschewed referring to Marxism at all, and would not accept the
the simple and permanent juxtaposition of "bourgeoisie/proletariat," connection claimed here. However, I do not intend to totally chart their
Poulantzas substituted the stabilization and dilution of successive, and intellectual itinerary, or that of those who are "agnostics" today.
always original, "hegemonic historical blocs," uniting the dominant and the
dominated in struggles over the limits and terms of social compromise, on I. Theses of Classical Althusserianism
the basis of a perpetually new articulation of social relations. In this first section, we will seek to present under the heading of "theses"
These fecund basic notions unfortunately began to freeze in a kind of ("didactic and dogmatic," as the Master liked to say) the ideas of the body of
formal scholasticism in which social relations were no longer understood as works cited above which had such a great intellectual resonance for a
contradictions or unstable tensions but as structures. This evolution generation of social science researchers. We will see that from the
developed explicitly out of Reading Capital. Althusserianism went on from beginning (that is, between For Marx and Reading Capital), some slippages
there to reject the contradictory character of social relations themselves, operate whose ravaging effects would only be felt later. We will only sketch
and with it the autonomy of the individuals and groups contained in these out the critique, pointing out in passing what the "regulationists" maintain.
relations and their capacity to be constituted as social subjects capable of But we must liegin by placing the emergence of classical Althusserianism
transforming structures. This was a return to a pre-Marxist materialism, itself into perspective.
forgetting the Theses on Feuerbach, forgetting that there is a "consciousness"
and thus a potential generator of transformation in the most routine 1) Althusserianism in its Time
practices, and cut off a fortiori from the transforming practice of the masses. The first part of the 1960s marked, in France, the "resurgence" of
This ossification contributed to the crisis of structural Marxism and all Marxism, the re-emergence of the "frozen" theoretical Marxism of the
Stalinist era. Of course, some isolated thinkers, marginal militants, had university of a "new scientific continent," still contaminated by ideology:
never ceased to oppose the reigning dogmas, but often without taking into the social sciences. The dominant ideology for the most serious researchers
account the problematic which precisely defined these theses as "dogma." was structuralism. The Althusserian school inscribed itself completely in
As for antidogmatic reactions, for example those of the journal Arguments the course of the discovery of this continent, marking when necessary its
and Henri Lefebvre, they slipped rapidly into eclecticism, either directly or distances from a certain structuralism, but claiming no partisan specificity:
through their readers. Finally, the fraction of the existentialist "fellow there was only one science, and may the best-equipped win. Significant in
traveler" current of the French Communist Party brought into French this respect are the total absence of a "class break" within French
philosophy a wave of interest in "the anthropology of praxis" but virtually epistemology (Bachelard, Canguilhem, Koyre, etc.) and the fundamental
without touching the "theory of history" that they then qualified as Marxist: weakness of the break with structuralism. A proudly asserted refusal in the
in a way, they juxtaposed "the supplement of the soul." In any case these first case (autonomy of theoretical practice), and a tactical choice in the
"contestations" left the intellectual field intact, since they barely affected second case (one sole enemy: historicism).
the principal "potential users" of Marxism: the political parties which
claimed it for themselves (and it was not the French Communist Party 2) The Dialectical Materialism of the Althusserian School
alone), and academic research. What then is the "Philosophy," Dialectical Materialism (DM), latent in
It was completely different for the true theoretical "reformation" ( in the practice of the "historical theoretician" of Historical Materialism
Calvin's sense) inaugurated by Louis Althusser's articles in For Marx, which (HM) ?3 It includes two groups of theses: methodological and ontological.
would place at the front of the intellectual scene a pleiad of scholars and
philosophers. Such bastions as the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Ecole a) The Process of the Production of Knowledges
Pratique des Etudes propagated a wave of strictly academic, or The methodological theses are posed in opposition to empiricism, and
politically more useful, research: what we call here the "Althusserian define the process of knowledge. We can summarize them thus:
Thesis 0: The real exists independently of the knowledge we have of it, and
This school arises from a very particular political and epistemological
is not engendered by human thought nor by the development of an
conjuncture, evoked in the preface of For Marx.
"absolute idea." This is the fundamental thesis of all materialism.
a) Politics first. The renaissance of Marxist thought was provoked by the Thesis I: The progress of knowledge is a process of production like any
collapse of "frozen" Marxism: Althusser attributed the awakening to Stalin's other, which sets into motion the activity of a theoretician (who carries out
death and the 20th Congress. He evokes the theory of "two sciences" a theoretical practice), who applies means of production to objects of labor
(bourgeois science/proletarian science) advanced by the communist leaders to furnish a product. The whole of this process unfolds entirely within the
"to defend against bourgeois attacks on Marxism at that time dangerously at realm of thought. Objects of labor ("Generalities I") are previously
risk in Lyssenko's biology." The Althusserian rupture with Stalinist produced notions or concepts, the means of labor ("Generalities II") is the
dogmatism thus goes on to take the form of a restitution of the autonomous already-existing conceptual body, the product ("Generalities III") a new
rights of "theory" in relation to political "necessities." This choice led to a concept. In particular, the operation which consists of passing from
series of consequences which today appear contradictory but whose logic was "ideological" knowledge (recognition-misrecognition) to the scientific
clear at the time. Tactically, this signifies the exclusion of the other "escape knowledge of a domain, an operation which marks the "birth" of a science,
hatch" that Stalinism then advanced: the "Italian," "Togliatist" route, to is called "epistemological break." In the course of its accumulation,
which Garaudy can be linked. Philosophically, it is the obsessive refusal of knowledge is elevated from the abstract to the concrete, that is, from more
"historicism" and the "problem of the subject." Scientifically, it is the general concepts to more fertile determinations, thus reproducing in the
completely natural union with the second component of the conjuncture at form of "concrete thought" the complexity of concrete reality.4
which the Althusserian school began: the structuralist vogue. Thesis 2: This process is the method for appropriating the realm of thought;
it is different from the method belonging to art or pratcial activity. There is
b) In effect, the Althusserian school was resolutely inscribed in a purely ths not a "problem of knowledge" (the guarantees of the adequacy of the
scientific movement which corresponds to the emergence in the French
idea of the real), but a place for mechanistic theory by which theoretical Hegelian dialectic," that of the vulgar Marxism of the Stalinist period,
practice is articulated to other practices in the appropriation of the real. according to which the economic infrastructure would be reflected as far as
The result is that the primacy of practice does not signify the subordination the intellectual sphere, opposing "expressive totality" at every tum: two
of theory to other instances of human activity, since the "criterion of solitary terms to a single contradiction. Bourgeois science and proletarian
practice" is internal to the very moment of theory.5 science ... The following theses specify the structure of this "already given
complex whole" and the modality of its unity.
b) A Complex Overdeterminated Whole
Thus we arrive at the ontological theses which are also gnoseological Thesis 6: In everything a dominant structure exists such that this
theses, since there is all the same a relation between the structure of the real domination is the unity of the whole ("the complex whole possesses the
and the knowledge we have of it. Arriving at the object itself (here: the unity of an articulated structure in dominance" [PM, p. 208]). This
history of human social formations), we must be aware of "Marx's immense domination consists in that, to repeat the words of Marx in the Introduction
theoretical revolution": the setting in motion of"structural causality" (LLC, to the Critique of Political Economy, "it is a light in which all colors are bathed
II, p. 56). It is precisely there that Althusser himself brings us the most and which modifies their particular tonalities, a particular ether which
original and useful but also the least infallible and most unsable ideas, the determines the specific weight of all forms of existence which resort to it."
most"degradable" in the course of development of the Althusserian school. The effects of this domination do not intervene "from the outside" of the
Here it follows the most controversial path (for other Marxists) yet the most dominant structure but as a specification of the structure itself.
fertile (for everyone). Let us again try to state the theses.
Thesis 7: Reciprocally, "the secondary contradictions" are essential to the
Thesis 3: The real is presented as a structural whole, not as an "even" very existence of the principal contradiction, in reality they constitute its
combination of homogenous elements. Everything is first of all a structure "condition of existence." For example, "the relations of production are not
of structures, a system of relations more than a collection of elements. The the pure phenomena of the forces of production: they are also their
"elements" are themselves defined only by their place in the structure. For condition of existence" (PM, p. 211).
example, the capitalist and the proletarian, more generally defined as "men,"
are defined only as places in the capitalist relations of production.6 Thesis 8: Within the structure in dominance the dominated structures and
conditions have their own efficacy and autonomy which are each time
Thesis 4: These structures articulate relationships which are presented as precised by the dominant structure, which for that reason is said to be
"contradictions" between two aspects, of which one "dominates" the other, "determinant in the last instance."
the sense of the term "domination" being specified in each case. For
example, the infrastructure of the CMP (Capitalist Mode of Production) The four preceding theses permit a definition of the category of
combines two relations of domination, proprietorship and possession. "overdetermination," which designates within the contradiction (or
structure), whether it is principal or subordinated, the following essential
It seems that, in classical Althusserianism, "structures" and quality: "the reflection, in the contradiction itself, of its conditions of
"contradictions" are equivalent, and the categories and theses valid for one existence, that is, of the situation within the structure in dominance of the
are so for the other as well. Here the great slippage becomes a decoy: PM complex whole" (LL, p. 215). For example, the principal contradiction
speaks of "contradictions" and "overdetermination," LL of "relations" and (bourgeoisie/proletariat) can be overdetermined in "blockage" or
"structural causality." "explosion" by the multiple secondary contradictions which dominate it but
Thesis 5: Everything is always already given to us as complex (that is, which are not its simple development (men/women, citizens/immigrants,
constituted of multiple independent contradictions). It is concrete in this etc.). It is important as well to grasp the reality, the efficacy of this
sense. The real does not develop out of an original "simple unity": on the overdetermination, unthinkable in the framework of a dialectic of Hegelian
contrary, a simple category can appear at the heart of the most complex form, where, lacking the autonomy of the "already given," in the absence of
given structures. a dislocation, irreducible to the principal, the secondary contradictions are
This thesis marks the radical rupture with the "vulgar reversal of the m:ade only of an interiorization of the one and only contradiction,

indefinitely connected, hence indefinitely "frozen." With this we have "the essential continuum of the function of the subject will be constituted in
introduced two theses on the dynamic of reality (the possibility of change). mystified being" (LLC, III, p. 77).
Thesis 9: The principal contradiction, as the principal aspect of every
contradiction (said another way: the dominant element of each relation) 3) The Concept of the Capitalist Mode of Production
can be displaced, because "nothing ever develops in an absolutely even The philosophical rupture registered with the "Hegelian" conception of
fashion" (according to the terms of Heraclitus and Mao Tse-tung). the whole (a single contradiction which exteriorizes and interiorizes the
economic ad infinitum) opens in effect the breach of a series of scientific
Thesis 10: The overturning of the structure is made possible when the ruptures which shake the representation of historical materialism to its very
displacement of the contradictions brings dominance into a "strategic place" foundations. What is taken again into consideration is the most classic
where a "condensation" of a contradiction operates. "Comprised in this concept of Marx: that of "modes of production." The famous "Preface of
way, the contradiction is the engine of all developments. The displacement 1859" presented a simple schema ("matrix"):
and condensation, founded in its overdetermination, account for the phases -At the base, productive forces that "evolve." This is the "engine."
which constitute the existence of complex processes, that is, of the
-Above, the "relations of production" adequate to the degree of develop-
becoming of things" (PM p. 223).
ment of the productive forces.
When the Althusserian school has finished emptying the contradiction, -On top, a political armature and an ideological justification for it all.
it will become incapable of thinking the possibility of change, but will The first two levels form the economic "infrastructure," where all is
remain perfectly capable of describing it. It will extract the tools of that defined; the other levels (political and ideological) only "reflect." This is
description particularly from Balibar and Poulantzas. These we will discuss why, in scholarly terms, a "mode of production" is defined as these two first
in the following paragraphs. But we must first proclaim our debt to the levels, distinguishing therein two degrees: the first, fundamental
Althusserian school's first blow to "frozen" Marxism: the end of the myth of (man/nature relations: the productive forces), and the already derived
the single contradiction, of the messianic anticipation of a revolution from second, the relations of production (relations between men in nature).
the implacable virtue of the contradiction between the productive forces The Althusserian school breaks with this simple schema, a Hegelian
and the relations of production, "interiorized" in the proletariat/bourgeoisie "matrix" simply turned upside-down, and conducts its attack on two fronts.
contradiction. First Front: the mode of production is the concept (entirely within thought)
All this, set apart from the degradation of the contradiction in structure, of the articulation of three ever-present instances (and always already given
would then be very positive if it were not necessary to note in the course of together): economic, political, ideological. This "complex whole in
these pages an eleventh thesis, not necessarily a consequence of, yet strongly dominance" is dominated in the last instance by the economy, in the sense
indicated by the preceding: that the economic structure determines the "matrix" of the mode
Thesis 11: The support-agents of active structures conform to the (indications of the dominance and autonomy of various instances until their
requirements of the latter, such that they appear in a representation which excision). For example, the economy can determine the dominance of
the theoretical gives them, that can be vastly different from them politics and religion in the feudal mode of production.
conceptually, but which induces them nevertheless, conforming to their Second Front: it is necessary to consider the very structure of the
"place," to reproduce the structures which define them. infrastructure, with its canonical distinction between productive forces
(defined "technologically") and relation of production (defined "socially").
History thus appears as "a theater whose spectators can, on occasion, be In so doing, the "development of productive forces" is itself defined as a
spectators only because they are first of all forced to be its actors, caught in social relation.'8
the constraints of a script and parts whose authors they cannot be since it is Although the consequences of these two affirmations in the destruction
in essence an authorl.ess theater'' (LLC, II, p. 71 ). This radical negation of the of technologico-economic determinism are considerable, certain questions
subject in the name of structuralism knows its most refined form in the mt1st remain. Let us stop at one of them, beginning with the "determining
analysis of "forms of representation"7 given by Ranciere, which concludes: instance."
a) The Economic is opposed to the indifferent worker who is only the servant of the
All material production (whatever its mode) is necessarily social and machinery.
brings into play the following elements: workers, means of production We thus establish in the CMP a homology between each of the two
(objects of labor and means of labor) and non-workers. The "relations of economic relations (proprietorship and possession, not counting their
production" are the combination of these elements. For example, in the correspondence witht the juridical relation), characterized by the separation
CMP, the "worker" is separate from the means of production which is the of the worker and the means of production and by the domination of the
property of non-workers. This is well known. Still, it is necessary to specify non-worker. The profit the theoreticians of "Fordism" draw from these
what it means. From the economic point of view, property signifies the reflections is well-known (in particular Coriat, 1978). At this point, two
capacity of the dominant element to "affect the unity of production onto errors of vulgar Marxism, juridicism and quantitativism, are clearly
which it brings to a particular production and to dispose of the product" denounced.
(Bettelheim, 1970). But one such capacity supposes as a condition on the The first consists of identifying capitalist relations of production at the
political and juridical level, the existence of the right and property and level of the juridical property relation. We are thus led not to recognize in
contracts which "permit" the worker to sell his labor power, and the such an economic form the capitalist relations of production, thinking that
proprietor of the means of production to keep the product. The juridical they are not yet there (the putting-out system), or thay they are no longer
right of property is logically independent of economic property (and it is there (state capitalism in Eastern nations).
made separate from it in numerous situations comprised within capitalism). In addition, Balibar's demonstration that the "level of productive forces"
We have thus already distinguished two relations: property/juridical is also a "relation of production" shatters the glass of the "neutrality of
property, borne by the same supports (men and things) , but in places productive forces": they have a class character. The politics of
inscribed in two different and relatively autonomous instances. These two "quantitative" developments of capitalist-type productive forces, from which
relations define (economically and juridically) the conditions of pl.a.cing value Stalin expected the production of "material bases of communism" have
on capital (the process of "valorization"). Froin this point it is possible to {literally) bound labor. This error (essentially identical to technological
develop theories of exchange value and surplus value. But nothing has been determinism) has existed since the beginning of the Russian Revolution;
said of the process of labor itself, or the production of use values that the since then "the workers' opposition" has been opposed on this point to
"frozen" reading of Marx leaves in the indifferent quantitative flow of Lenin, who mechanically imported Taylorism and the individual direction
"productive forces": the accumulation of men, machines, invention, know of f actories. In this instance, "frozen" Marxism confused the two
how ... constitutive relations of the economic instance.
It is there that the Althusserian school's reading of Capital delivers a The "two" constitutive relations ... according to Reading Capital. Because
second relation which intervenes in the structure of economics: the relation the least vulgar economist cannot suppress his astonishment: evidently, one
of real appropriation (from Balibar) or possession (from Bettelheim). It is lacking. That to which Marx dedicated the first section of Capital, and
determines, for the labor process itself, the combination of the same notably the first chapter: market relations. We will not enter into the
elements of economic structure. It substitutes, for the element "possessor," symptomatic analysis of this oversight here, but the fact remains that
"the capacity to set in motion the productive forces in the process of labor" classical Althusserianism's criticism, from Althusser and B alibar to
(Bettelheim, 1 970). This implies a particular determination of the Poulantzas by way of Macherey, purely and simply makes out that the
combination of the activity of the worker, the means of labor and the object unification of the means of production and workers, under juridical and
of labor. It is this combination (this relation) which qualifies the famous economic proprietorship and possessed by capital, operates within separate,
"development of productive forces." non-coordinated economic unities, independent of one another, which must
In the case of the feudal or the artisanal mode of production, the worker first of all find suppliers and afterward a "client" for their production.
himself sets the productive forces into motion. The means of labor is only a The oversight of this first relation, its reduction to an ideological and
tool which extends his arm, and the process of labor, to his "work." There is juridical illusion, without doubt corresponds first to a simple reaction:
a unity, in terms of the object, of the activity and the means of labor. In Stalinist Marxism has for too long limited its critique of capitalism to the
developed forms of capitalist production, there is on the contrary unity of "anarchy of the market-place." By placing the accent on the extortion of
the means and the object of labor (the press and the steel plate), a unity that surplus-value and the dispossession of the direct producer from the control
of his labor, classical Althusserianism pursues legitimate political goals. But "State" other than the bourgeois. This autonomous place for political
this does not excuse (autonomy of theory! ) such a failure to take into structure within the CMP is precisely the effect of determination in the last
account. instance of economic structure. In this mode of production, in effect, the
As we see it, however, the criticism is deeper than that. With the double separation of the producer from his means of production assures the
autonomy of economic units, the autonomy of the individual appears ( its unity of the process of valorization under the ownership of capital, and
"liberty") and the contradiction between individual subjects and social hence the appropriation of surplus-value, in the (apparent) absence of all
reproduction. "Subject," "contradiction": two words which will become external "violence" except the "despotism of the enterprise."
taboo; "Hegelians," "humanists." This is why Althusser, in his Preface to Let us go further. The capitalist relations of production which govern
the Garnier-Flammarion edition of Capital, strongly advises the reader to the production of j uridically private labor, executed on one another
"skip" the first chapters. This is why Macherey (LLC, IV) persists in independently within separate economic unities which integrate workers
forgetting, over the course of dozens of pages, that the process of capitalist themselves separate from their means of production-have, in the
production is administered by different capitals. This is why Balibar (LLC) consequent practice and social relations of the agents, an "isolating effect"
persists in demonstrating that this variety is only illusory and introduces no (concurrence between capitalists and workers, etc.) which refers to the
"original" contradiction in the reproduction of capitalism as a whole. juridical-political superstructure, "autonomous" in relation to the economy,
the group of functions of the "unity" of the structume (I, p. 133-37). It is
b) The Articulation of Political and Ideological Conditions the State which integrates, organizes and represents a people-nation of
Evidently, it is no longer a question of building upon this infrastructure a citizens, juridical personalities. In particular, we have already observed that
political and ideological superstructure, "like preliminary essences entering the relation of "economic ownership" has as a condition of existence (was
into a series of external relations. The articulation proper to all research on overdetermined by) the relation of juridical ownership.
a Mode of Production requires the constitution [of these] regional instances" In this way the two specific traits of politics in the CMP are isolated:
(Poulantzas, 1968 Part I, p. II). However, these instances have in principle a autonomy (by its relation to economics) and the function of unity. They
general definition of their autonomy, specified in each mode, according to differentiate it from the detailed and indissolubly economic structure of
modalities to be determined "in the instance" by the economic. feudal power. These two traits are intimately linked, when one imagines the
The political level for Poulantzas (p. 36) is that of decoding, maintaining characterization of the bourgois class that we attribute to Marx, a class
or transforming the unity of a social formation. The political structures of a "which, at each moment, sacrifices its own general class interest, its political
mode "consist of the institutionalized power of the State." Political practice interest, to its most limited particular and private interests" ( The 18th
is that which produces transformations within the unity of the mode and the Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte).
social formation. Politics is thus the crucial instance when all the This conception is thus opposed to the fixed conception of the State that
contradictions of a function are reflected and condensed, that which can could be drawn from Lenin's polemical definition in State and Revolutian: a
imply the existence of political structures (and practices) corresponding to tool of the dominant classes to "subdue" the oppressed classes. It emphasizes
economic and ideological functions of politics properly stated. (l) that "the bourgeoisie" exists only as "a class for itself," it needs the
The "ideological" level is the site where the agents of a formation, bearers existence of political structures to be recognized as a class; (2) that the
of its structures, live their conditions of existence, the "lived" relations of relative autonomy of politics permits the State to assure the reproduction of
agents to these conditions (II, p. 27). In modes and social formations, its the capitalist mode of production even if the bourgeoisie is incapable of
function is "to occult real contradictions, to reconstitute in an imaginary insuring its historical responsibility; and (3) that, in particular, it is relieved
plan a relatively coherent discourse" (II, p. 28). More than the conceptual of complex tasks other than that of subduing the dominated classes by
system, it recovers a group of practices and structures which constitute the means of "special detachments of armed men."
"culture" of a society (such as religion) . It thus reflects the unity of the The "autonomy" of politics thus acquires a strong meaning: structural and
formation, and constitutes its cement (using Gramsci's word), but only at the institutional autonomy, not identified with optimal political economy (from
level of the imaginary (which does not impede its real efficacy on the other an economistic point of view) and optimal general politics (from the point of
levels of the structure). view of maintaining the social formation), not identified with the dominant
The real autonomization of the political level is a characteristic aspect of class (economically), the "reigning" class or "tenants of poverty," etc.
the capitalist mode of production: to speak truly, there is no "Politics and
It is easy to guess the profit which the "regulationists" will later draw from This concerns the dominant mode itself. It delimits first in the history of
the work of Poulantzas: if politics (and ideology) are "always already" given the social formation two phases: that of its "beginnings" ( transition in the
and economically overdetermined, the State is no longer a "support for strict sense); and the phase of reproduction enlarged in the structure. But
capital." Law and Representation intervene in the formation of economic the unequal development between the branches imposes case by case a
relations themselves: market, wage-earners (Lipietz, 1985b). And insofar as realization of this distinction after the establishment of the dominance of
the State (as an institution) "intervenes," it does so as an archetype of the the mode. Next, the displacement of the contradictions of the mode to the
regulated forms of the social formation (Delorme, Andre, 1983; Lipietz, 1986). interior of its invariant structure founds a "periodization" of this mode which
However, the already-sketched critiques do nothing but aggravate the is imposed (with dislodgings) on the formation.
difficulties. First of all, in the absence of "subjects" really opposed in The periodization by the CMP by Marxists presents numerous gaps: the
contradictory structures, it is no longer possible to see very well what there is contrary would be surprising, the "dislodgement" between the structures
to unify. What are these if not structures combatting one another? This is a contradictions permitting choice. Marx privileges the periodization by the
useful point of view, but insufficient, and we will see the efforts of relation of .possession: manufacture/large-scale industry/automation.
Poulantzas to address this difficulty. In addition, the "isolating" effect Ultimately the Marxists have privileged a periodization in stages relative to
(between capitalists, between wage-workers) is reported by Poulantzas (who the functioning of the unifying structure of the CMP which the
follows classical Althusserianism in ignoring the contradictions of market Althusserians ignore: the market. We arrive at the division "competitive
relations) as the j uridical instance: "economic units" are autonomous stage/monopoly stage."
because they are juridically private, the ideological effect of which is the The coexistence in a single social formation of different modes of
m isunderstanding (meconnaissance) of their unity at the heart of production, stages, etc. subdivides the dominant and dominated classes into
reproduction. Bettelheim ( 1970) will rectify this fundamental error by strata or fractions. What is then the uniry of a social formation? Structural
showing that the separation of market units is a real separation at the core of unity is inscribed in it, we have already said, at the political level. The
the process of social production, indicating a real contradiction in economic question is naturally that of the unity founded by a "domination." This
reproduction, which is only formally recovered by the planning within "unity under domination" introduces the concept of hegemony, particularly
nations having public ownership of the means of production. . as developed by Poulantzas following Gramsci, and means two things.
-It indicates the constitution of the political interests of the dominant
4) Social Formations classes, in their relation to the Capitalist State, as representative of the
Pure modes of production do not exist. All that exist, in reality, are general interest of the "people-nation." Gramsci points out (in his Modern
particular combinations, specific intersections of modes. It is thus necessary Prince) : "This means that the dominant group is concretely coordinated
to have recourse to concrete objects of thought, social formations, complex with the general interests of the subordinated groups and that the life of the
wholes dominated in general by a mode of production which imprints its State is ... like a continual passage of unstable equilibria ... , equilibria to
matrix upon them. "In general," because there exist precisely social which the interests of dominant groups bring it, but only up to a certain
formations in transition between the dominance of two modes. point, that is, not up to the paltry interests of corporative economy."
To render more concrete in thought the concept of the mode compared to
-In the block of dominant classes in power, one of the classes (or a fraction)
that of formation, two directions can be taken: the external articulation of
holds a hegemony over others.
the dominant mode with other modes, or the international periodization of
the mode. We can see that the analysis in terms of "social formation" rectifies the
External articulation with other modes evidently does not consist of a "economic" conception of "frozen" Marxism:
simple juxtaposition: the dominant mode overdetermines the others and -Because it takes into account a plurality of contradictions overdetermined
gives them a specific "degenerated" form (ground-rent, the "slave plan between them, and no longer leaves two homogeneous camps face to face,
tations" of the American South). It is even possible to locate modes of defined by their antagonistic place in the relations of production. There are
production which cannot exist as dominant but which can appear in the certainly at every moment two camps on e ither side of a principal
transitions or under the domination of another, such as the mode of "small contradiction, but it must be determined at all moments because it is
independent producers." displaced and not necessarily identifiable at the economic level.
-Because, even at the economic level, it can explain the obstacle or the produce and objects to be produced in a specific form for social relations"
lessening of the tendentially explosive contradictions of capitalism (against (LLC, II, p. 175). This is why the theory of reproduction is conceptualized
the "catastrophism" of Rosa Luxemburg). not in time but "in a plan" which translates the "eternalization" of the mode
-Because at the political and ideological level, it permits a "distancing" and of its "places." Production is a "process without a subject," or perhaps
between the immediate and catastrophic interests of the bourgeoisie and the (but this means nothing), the subject is the relations of production that "set
strategy of their class. This distance provokes a fracturing within the into motion" the workers who are already defined as proletarian before being
dominant classes, and shows that the fraction which is hegemonic is not sold to a particular functionary of capital.
indifferent to the dominated classes, neither from the point of view of their To conceive of the structure as reproduction, and reproduction ( of social
short-term material interests, nor from the point of view of the struggle for relations) as the condition of production (of objects), is not only to make
social transformation. the mode of production the very con!,'.'.ept of historical continuity, but also to
Poulantzas certainly had in mind the choice between fascism and social prevent thinking the passage between two modes as an "irrational gap," in
democracy, which the KPD did not know how to make under the Weimar which one stops and sees what one will do next (since to live it is certainly
Republic. But the regulationists reintroduced a much more general idea: necessary to produce, hence to reproduce the conditions of production), and
capitalism does not always function in the same way; there are several inversely to prevent thinking the passage to another structure by the same
solutions, several possible forms of reorganization at the time of its great functioning of the previous structure ( which would only be known as a
crises, and the choice very much depends on the forms of institutionalized reproduction of itself: we know of the Althusserians' affection for Spinoza) .
compromise which the dominating classes are capable of proposing or The result: each passage is a "revolution," and one does not slip insensibly
imposing. from one mode to another; each beginning is a "discovery." The new mode
needs to "find" elements in the dissolution of the one preceding; each
5 ) The Theory of Passage transition is a "quasi-mode of production," with its specific structure and
What is most striking about the preceding explications is the strange reproduction.
appearance of "historical materialism." The Althusserian school has
brought a quantity of concepts depicting a static reality up to date, but it a) A Theory of Origins
seems that this could be to the detriment of what has passed as the very To formulate a theory of the origins of a mode is to take a retrospective.
originality of Marxism: a theory of variables, even a tentative "absolute We know the structural elements of this mode: thus, we know the theoretical
historicization" of whatever seems eternal in the dominant ideology. presuppositions of the appearance of this mode. If they are reunited, the
Balibar and Althusser do not conceal it: their reading of Capital is first a mode can begin its greater reproduction. But whence comes the reunion?
condemnation of "evolutionism." "Marx told us that all modes of Cetainly not from the mode itself, but as a product of the social formation
production are historical moments; he did not tell us that these moments under the domination of the preceding mode, which constitutes the historical
engendered one another ... here the identity of chronology and of an conditions of the appearance of the mode, and of the realization of its
internal law of the development of forms is found broken" (LLC, II, p. ll2) . theoretical presuppositions. These elements are defined in the new world
And Balibar recognized that "historical materialism, reduced to the single but born separately in the ancient one and are thus susceptible to a genealogy
concept of modes of production conceived as combinations, should be found which is indifferent to its means of arrival: it will "forget" its origin, and
in the impossibility of thinking at the same theoretical level the passage of from there several series of "historical conditions" can satisfy the same
one combination to another" (LLC, II, p. 157). Hence the necessity of a "presuppositions" (LLC, II, p. l84ff).
second concept: that of "passage," analysis of the transition between two This is far from evolutionism. Capitalism, contrary to what Stalinist
modes, thus of the formation and dissolution of modes. Balibar (in LLC) Marxism thought, does not descend from feudalism as man descended from
provides the principal contribution on this point. the ape in vulgar Darwinism. These presuppositions can be satisfied as well
The mode of production is in effect first a reproduction of the places of by the dissolution of the Asiatic mode of production as by the unleashing of
the various elements of the structure: "production of objects and individuals a "dictatorship of the proletariat."
for social relations, a production in which individuals are determined to
b) The Theory of Tendencies economic. I t must be supposed that in addition one rethinks relations in
Let us imagine the problem in the other sense (the end of a mode). The terms of contradictions, but the analysis of Balibar is perfectly pertinent to
question is very different: it ignores some elements it acts to create (they are the critique of the economic determinism of "frozen" Marxism, as it is to the
defined only by the structure of the following mode). We can at the most catastrophism of Rosa Luxemburg.
see what elements of the present mode tend to become. The "regulationists" remain faithful on this point to the Althusserian
Now these are defined in the "space-plan" of the reproduction of their contribution. In fact, their objects will not be "modes of production," but
structure, the synchrony which the concept constitutes of their relations. the modes of particular forms of capitalism, the "models of development,"
The "funcitoning" of that structure is the "dynamic" of the structure, "that analyzed as combinations of a technological paradigm, a regime of
is, its existence in time" (LLC, II, p. 194). Is this dynamic simultaneously accumulation, a mode of regulation. They will maintain the distinction
the "history" of the structure, the engine of its obsolescence? No. The between the analysis of "theoretical presuppositions" of a model, the
"contradiction" announced by Marx in the CMP between the socialization "discovery" of its historical conditions, the "tendencies" conducive to its
of productive forces and the private character of the relations of production crisis; but they will refuse, against for example the theory of "long cycles," to
is only, for Balibar, that the structure itself developed in time; in fact it is think that models of development are linked to one another according to
manifested only as a contradiction by the dissociation in thought of the some transhistorical (technological?) determinism. In marking a more and
"contradictory effects" of the structure. The representation of laws of the more pronounced skepticism towards the idea of the emergence of a new
dynamic as "tendencies" is coupled with "counter-tendencies": in fact, the mode of production at the horizon of their own time, they will insist on the
tendency (of the decline of the rate of profit, for example) is the same law profusion of ruptures ( great crises, institutionalized compromises) separating
inherent to the structure, coupled with the internal determination of the the consecutive models of development.9 In return, all their effort against
rhythm of the appearance of its effects (pp. 198-99), that is, of the definition the Althusserian heritage will consist of showing that the contradictions of a
of "its" temporality. model of development are original, inscribed in its structure, and that it is a
Thus, "the contradiction is only between effects, but it is not original, the veritable miracle (a "find") that a mode of regulation should have been able
cause is not divided in itself, it cannot be analyzed in antagonistic terms" (p. to be established as a resolution, over a long period, of these contradictions.
201). Notably, the two relations of the economic base (relations of property Before evoking their solutions, it is necessary to pass to a more symptomatic
and possession) are in relations of "reciprocal limitation," they co-determine critique of classical Althusserianism. But first let us show what is
the submission of labor to capital: "we thus rediscover here, not the bequeathed, to the economists of Marxist inspiration who have had to
contradiction, but the complexity of the mode of production, [its] double confront the crisis of the 1970s, by the Althusserian school, in matters of
articulation" (p. 204). predictive methodology.
Let us specify at once that, for us, Balibar marks here the "point of
inversion'' of classical Althusserianism, and the substitution of "structure" 6) Prediction
for "contradiction" as a fundamental category will not be long in making its With the two fundamental concepts which resume the Althusserian
effects felt: the return to non-dialectical materialism, with characteristically conception of time, that of the dynamic as the existence of a structure in
the change "by the external causes" which will appear in the next time and that of overdetermination, we have two tools at our disposal ( to
paragraph. combine) for thinking evolution and mutation.
But before "surpassing" Balibar, we will subscribe to the conclusion of his
theory of tendencies: the "contradiction" between the effects of the a) The Tendential Analysis
immanent laws of economic structure cannot, of itself, elicit the mode of its The first type of result is produced by a theoretical reflection on an
own nature; being the very function of structure, it can only arrive at an abstract structure (the CMP, or the economy in the CMP). It expresses the
equilibrium, even in the form of prolonged or cyclical crises. But the effects development of the structure in a temporality which is proper to it. That is
of economics can be "the material base" of other results, such as the to say that such a "state" of the structure can be found as much in the future
constitution of reformative or revolutionary social forces, in other instances as in the past or even never to be attained! Everything depends on the
endowed with their temporality. To understand that these temporalities can concrete diachrony in which this dynamic is articulated. The process that
be born in the unity of a conjuncture is another problem, exterior and consists of developing the internal dynamic in thought up to its ultimate

form then takes on the allure of a scientifically estblished prophecy, a Althusser tells us (LLC), that we must rid of our minds the "linear time in
prophecy that may or may not be realized but which in all rigor is perhaps which events unfold ." I t is first of all necessary to construct the
written as much in the past as in the future. This type of prophecy, frequent temporalities of each structure or contradiction as a whole, but above all to
in the texts of Marx, founded on a very profound comprehension of the examine carefully how each structure is conditioned, overdetermined by
essence of the mode of production, Lipietz and Rouilleault ( 1972 ) call others, specified in the whole which is always already given us, and that in a
"prophetic analysis" or "tendenciality." very precise conjuncture: that which Lenin calls the "present moment."
The most celebrated prophetic analysis is the Communist Manifesto (first From this moment, it is possible to see how each dynamic is articulated with
chapter) of Marx and Engels, written in 1848. It described in a stupefying the dynamic of other contradictions, and to construct concrete historical
fashion the great traits of the contemporary world. It is written entirely in the time.
past tense. "By exploiting the global market, the bourgeoisie gives a If a "general synchrony" existed, that is, if all past and future structures
cosmopolitan character to production and consumption .. . It has removed were articulated "as in a plan," it would then be theoretically possible to
industry from its national base. The old industries have been destroyed and leave the actual moment, to deduce the following moments and begin again.
replaced by new ones which do not use indigenous materials, but materials This is not possible for several reasons. Practical reasons first: analysis can
which come from the most distant regions, and whose products are be "infinintely concrete" only by being put into the form of the "general
consumed in all parts of the globe ... In place of ancient isolation a equat ion" wh ich would require " Balibar's demon" to foresee the
universal interdependence between nations is developed ... In a word the transformation of societies just as "Laplace's demon" foresaw the evolution
bourgeoisie fashions a world in its own image . . . The development of of mechanical systems. Reasons of principle also: contradictions do not
machinery and the division of labor, removes from the worker all the "displace themselves"; they can, as Althusser would say, "fuse" into
autonomous characters of his work, all its attraction. The producer becomes explosive conjunctures on the other side of which the complex whole is
a mere accessory to the machine," etc. restructured in another "illumination," in a radically different structure
At the limit we can say that the verification or non-verification of these which redefines all contradictions. The next Revolution or "great crisis" of
prophecies has no importance, any more than the law of gravity is disproven a model of development would appear as the closure of the field which the
by the flight of objects "heavier than air." The non-verification of a Althusserian school opened in the exploration of the future.
prophetic analysis invites us "simply" to search for, in the complex whole in Consequently, the prediciton must limit its ambitions (but this is already
dominance, the causes which have fettered the articulated dynamic in a an enormous task) to the analysis of the conjuncture, from the point of view of
concrete dichotomy, causes that prediction seeks in the analysis of a the reciprocal conditioning of the dynamics of diverse contradictions which
conjuncuture in order to support its prognostics with a scientifically present themselves. This operation is what Lenin calls "the living soul of
produced diagnostic. Marxism: the concrete analysis of the concrete situation," and what we
"Simply": that is already a great deal. The great error of the majority of simply call diagnostic.
Marxists is to take tendential analyses literally. They have good reason at The first step of the diagnotic is to grasp the principal contradiction in a
certain moments. But not always. Next to the genial prophecies such as we conj uncture. The second is to determine the state of the principal
have cited, Marx is responsible for celebrated errors (social bipolarization, contradiction, that is, the modality of its overdetermination by the
the development of India, etc. ) . More characteristic still is the "conditions" ( the other contradictions ) : by "displacement" ( non
"catastrophism" of Rosa Luxemburg. It is precisely with the proof of antagonistic contradiction, quantitative variations ) , or by "fusion"
"deviation" between the tendential scenario and reality (for example the (antagonistic contradictions can be resolved only by a qualitative change) .
emergence of the New Industrial Nations , the absence of a crisis of Such, a t least, i s the methodology which is i mpl icitly used b y the
overproduction in 1945 and 1979) that the work of the regulationist begins. regulationists in: the analysis of the present crisis. 10
To understand how an explosive tendency has been inhibited is the first The problem of Althusserianism is that the ossification of the category of
step in understanding crisis. contradiction within the category of structure no longer allows thinking
"fusion," explosion, the qualitative good, except by inserting every structure
b) The Diagnostic of Conjuncture into a generalized structure comprising the succession of structures as a
To understand the reality of past diachronies ( that is, of concrete variation. Balibar (LLC) slips toward one such solution: the transition from
histories) or to "evaluate" the possibility of future diachronies, suppose,

one structure to another is there conceived as an effect of the mode to come Will it not be possible then to "apply the methods of retrospection to the
(e.g. capitalism) on the anterior mode (e.g. feudalism). This is the future"? That is: knowing the theoretical presuppositions of the future
theoretical myth of "generalized synchrony." mode, to search for the historical conditions in the present? A reading of
Poulantzas introduces an audacious solution. In the social whole, an the present to illuminate the future? A prediction of the future anterior
instance (the political) is the strategic site where the principal contradiction ("the present will have prepared the future")? This would be a powerful
will be condensed when it is antagonistic. But the "structure of politics" has guide in the analysis of the conjuncture. Such an element obeys less and
for him reached such a point of ossification that it is confused with less the dynamic of the structure from which it issues; it begins to follow
institutions. How, as the political structure becomes "principal," can it another dynamic, that of a structure which will remain dominant tomorrow.
reverse the social whole? He is obliged to reintroduce the notion of the This is what Lenin meant when, in response to the "Friends of the People"
"practice" of agent-bearers constituted in "classes," classes defined by the on the development of capitalism in Russia, he referred to rural artisan
effect, on the practice of agent-bearers, of the whole of the structure. From production as that which "still" produced under command and which
this is drawn a "field of practice," projected shadow of the field of structures "already" produced for the market. But he had the conceptual knowledge of
(with all possible displacements: it is not a Hegelian expressivity). This field what had to develop: capitalism. This is where the problem lies.
is that of cl.ass struggle because all classes are there defined in relations of After they had made a precise enough "conceptual" idea of the dominant
opposition (here at least contradiction reigns). It is determined by the field capitalist mode of development after the Second World War, a model called
of structures (classes are not subjects, even so!), in the form of limits to the "Fordism" in homage to Gramsci, the regulationists undertook the genealogy
variations of class struggle, bit it has its own effectivity on the field of of its different elements: Taylorism, collective conventions, welfare state,
structures at the level of the poUtical instance. "The effectivity of structure on money credit, etc. Robert Boyer' 1 in particular will show at what point the
the field of practice is thus itself limited by the intervention, in the structure, origin of these elements was heterogeneous, hazardous, and not in the least
of political practice" (1968, I, p. 97). having in mind the instigation of "Fordism." But as a result, numerous
What a strange construction! It is in this way that the "shadows" social forces gained an idea of the contradictions which the crisis of 1930
projected on Plato's Cave by the Heaven of Structures had the capacity to be revealed, and advanced propositions of which some had a nearly Fordist
autonomized in order to change the constellation of structures! It is certainly allure (as much for fascists as for social democrats and communists). The
somewhat in this manner that the regulationists conceive putting in place projects they advanced often indicated a rupture with the representations
new models of development. But from the beginning, they have admitted which were formed in the preceding period (Lipietz, 1985).
that social groups, however constituted by and in ancient relations, can be Since the regulations tried to perform again the same operation on the
subjects of contradictory ambitions, and thus capable of conflicts and contemporary crisis, they had to combine two steps anew:
compromise. -An "Althusserian" analysis of the present moment, but taking seriously
into consideration the contradictory character of the real, and the different
c) Can We Make a "Prediction in the Future Anterior"? possible solutions for stabilizing it;
Scoffing at Hegelian dialectic, where what is obsolete is also saved, and -A location of the social forces capable of bringing a specific solution to
where the past thus finds its key to the evening of "absolute knowledge," the located contradictions.
Althusser refuses "history in the past anterior," where each era ''had already Examples of the above can be found in Leborgne and Lipietz (1987),
prepared and announced" the future period. Nevertheless, we know how to Mahon (1987), Noel (1988). Still, it is necessary to take seriously the
make a geneology of the elements of a mode. But it is necessary not to forget notions of "contradiction" and "subject." And then to go beyond the limits
that the theory of origins is a "prehistory," a "retrospective." This means that of Althusserianism.
we know the structural elements of a mode and we will search for them in the
products of the dissolution of the previous mode. But for any structure, the II. The Trouble With Althusserianism
new mode is not produced by the anterior mode: its constitution is a Rejection of Contradiction and the Subject: these two censures seem to
"discovery," and, from the phase of reproduciton, it radically "forgets" the be the ransom in classical Althusserianisrn for the emergence of the concept
occasional origins of its elements. The "retrospective" (genealogy element by of Reproduction. This connection is particularly clear in the contribution
element) thus has nothing to do with a "tendential prediction applied in the
of Balibar to Reading Capital . His analysis of capitalist economic
correct to speak of the "implication/control contradiciton." In depriving the
reproduction furnishes a "prototype" which involves a whole vision of
direct producer of intellectual mastery of the operations (for example in
history and humans.
Taylorism), the capitalist sacrifices the efficiency of which the producer who
is "implicated" in his work is capable (which Swedish and Japanese
1. Fecundity and FaiUngs of the Category of Reproduction
employers know very wel l ) , but inversely the producer "implicated"
In reading into capitalist production the reproduction of social relations,
increases his capacity to control (which Taylor understood too well). The
Balibar brings to light a very fertile idea in Marx. In the capitalist process of
"dispossession" of the direct producer thus is not the univocal dynamic of
the production of things, seen from the point of view of the whole, from the
the capitalist organization of labor; Taylorism is not the unsurpassable
point of view of results, what fundamentally occurs is the reproduction of
horizon of professional relations (Leborgne, Lipietz, 1987).
places in the synchronic structure of the mode, a place from which the
structure determines the functions in the reproduction of the mode. For -Next, Balibar forgets the existence of market relations. The capitalist
example, at the end of the cycle, Sector I has reproduced all the constant producer is also a vendor who must find clients, for example with the wage
capital and Sector II all the variable capital, but above all the capitalist class workers.
is reproduced with the ownership of the means of production, and the -It follows that thus overdetermined, the relation of exploitation is highly
proletariat is reproduced always also dispossessed. The reproduction of unstable: too much surplus-value is extorted, and there are no longer enough
people and things thus determines them to produce and to be products. clients.
Where we cannot agree is where reproduction becomes the foundation of One more word: each of the elementary structures of capitalism is itself a
production (determines men to produce), when the production of things contradiction. And at bottom, it is this way because contradiction unites
becomes "appearance" and reproduction "reality," "the effectivity" (II, pp. and opposes human bearers of projects which are only compatible within
174-5). We disagree that Marx institutes a rupture between "production as narrow limits. The contradiction is "original" (not only in its effects)
an act, objectification of a subject," and the "concept of a production because at the origin a social structure does not unite places but opposes
without a subject, which determines as a result certain classes as their own "objective subjects," beings as capable of routine activity as of deviance.
functions" (p. 171).
In a celebrated text (On Contradictin, 1937), which served as a point of 2. The Problematic of the "Objective Subject"
departure for For Marx, Mao Tse-tung opposes "the two fundamental Another reading of Capital is in effect possible. "Our point of departure,"
concepts of development." The first sees the causes of development of said Marx, "is labor in a form belonging exclusively to man .... What first
things "from the outside, in the action of exterior forces." The second distinguishes the worst architect from the most expert bee is that he has
thinks that "the development of objects is sustained by their internal constructed the chamber in his head before building it in the hive. The
contradictions." Does this exclude the external causes? "Not at all. The result toward which the worker moves ideally pre-exists in the imagination
external causes constitute the conditions of change, the internal causes are of the worker.... He realizes there his own goal of which he is conscious,
its base, and the external causes operate by the intermediary of the internal which determines his mode of action as law, and to which he must
causes." What is this for Balibar, who sees in the "matrix of the CMP" (the subordinate his will. And this subordination is not momentary .... It is even
homology of the relations of ownership and possession) a non-contradictory more exacting as the work is less attractive" (Book I, Chapter VII, P 1).
structure ? He is obliged to think change by the effectivity of a relation I t is this thesis of Marx, a thesis of philosophical anthropology,
(ownership) over another (possession), of an instance (political) over unchanged from the manuscripts of 1844 to the Critique of the Gotha
another (economic), of a new mode (the CMP) over the ancient (the feudal Program, that replaces the other theses which found the category of man as
mode of production) ... and of structures over their supports. "objective subject" and as social being, historical and "predictive," which
What Balibar does not see is that the base of the effectivity of the Labriola (1899) and Kosik (1968) develop, for example. 12
external cause is internal to each structure under consideration. He In this problematic, man ( philosophically) appears with a double aspect:
specifically forgets three things: -Subjective being: he introduces a "mediation" between his needs and
-First, that the relation of "possession" is contradictory. It would be more their satisfaction, he forges for himself an "artificial milieu," and to produce
objects he is produced and reproduced himself as a social being. "His"

nature is thus the product of "his" activity, the "objective world of men and confuses the existence of man with conditions. In my sense, the
their products"- an originally contradictory world. Althusserian school is par excellence the school of the methodology of
conditions; in this regard, a renaissance of historical materislism can be
-Objective being: he obeys the laws of nature such as they are (including
legitimately atttributed to it. Unfortunately, it slipped from methodology to
"his" nature); he evolves in this objective and contradictory world which
ontology. It has thus remained capable of analyzing past conditions (the
determines the mode of satisfaction of his needs.
retrospective branch of being) but finds itself powerless to apprehend the
From the second aspect it is possible to produce the "social sciences," and
new, humanity in the process of making the world. Having dissolved the
this is why economics takes the dominant role in them. From the first
vulgar "pseudo-concrete," it fetishizes, in an academic mode, the
aspect man could be known as a historical being, liable to a past, a future, a
"conditions" that it has analyzed so well, by denying that the "conditions"
project, a prediction.
should themselves be the product of subjects. It has taken "conditions" for
The problematic of the objective subject, according to which, as Labriola
(p. 237) said, "man is developed or produces himself, not as an entity,
We saw, however, that Poulantzas reintroduced, in the shadow of the
generically provided with certain attributes, who repeats himself or develops
field of structures, a "field of practice" determined by the effect of the field of
himself according to a rational rhythm, but is produced and developed at
structures on the "agent-bearers." Let us note first of all the advantages of
once as cause and effect, as author and consequence of determined
this conceptualization. It excludes the empiricism which would read off
conditions," thus opens onto two dialectically connected points of view:
from the relations of production the existence of a "class in itself" (the
-That of the "objectifying practice": the movement by which humans are proletariat), which would become (the concept was developing in the real
produced and engendered their future routines. and was self-conscious) a "class for itself' susceptible to political autonomy.
-That of the "objectified practice," the state of social man produced in this It instituted a field of analysis where contradiction reigned. It reintroduced,
way, of his material production as well as his routine practices in social in making the class the effect of the totality of instances, an entity which,
relations, which are now presented as "conditions." without being a "pars totalis" of the "expressive totality," at least has the
Kosik compares this doubling to Spinoza's categories of "natura naturans" characteristic of being "present" (that is to say, contemporaneous) in all
and "natura naturata." And rightly so: the question is neither of two instances (economic, ideological, political).
different moments (humans will sometimes be followers of routine, and These advantages, we have said, are met with a singular oddity. What
sometimes innovators), nor of a division of humanity into two groups are these structures? What do they structure? Are they empty forms, a
("leaders" and sheep), but into two aspects, always coexisting in variable "container" which informs the contents? And practice? Is it not structured?
proportions, in all human practice. Such is the opposition currently used If the structures are not those of the practice-and Poulantzas takes great
(from Poulantzas to Giddens) between structure and practice. Because in care to affirm the relative autonomy of the two fields, the first only imposes
the same way that practice is determined by conditions, the "trajectories" of "limits" on the other-then must structures be represented as a "too-large
these practices are mechanically obtained by a "duality" apart from the garment" in which practice "swims"?
knowledge of structures, and reciprocally social structures are only the Effectively, it seems that the "stake" should be the effect sought by
pattern for these objectified practices (Lipietz, 19886). Poulantzas in the distinction of fields. It is a question of being given with
Knowledge of social reality as "conditions" is thus a moment (but only a the practices that which is forbidden to lone structures: to think their
moment) of the knowledge of the "social being" of man. Again it is overturning. The "practices" appear as an "escape hatch" for structuralism.
necessary, as Kosikreminds us, not to forget that "conditions are not being" But Poulantzas takes great care to restrain them: they are determined
and that these conditions are "products": "social being is not contained, but (limited) by the field of structures, and can only have "effectivity" on the
simply fixed, in economic categories and their articulation. For the analysis field of structures at the level of the political instance. Poulantzas timidly
to grasp social being in the system of economic categories, it must dissolve reconnects with the Third Thesis on Feuerbach: "the materialist doctrine
its fixity and conceive of it as the expression of the objective activity of which would have man be the product of circumstance and education ...
men" (1968, p. 135). forgets that it is precisely the men who transform circumstance and that the
It is thus necessary not to confuse the methodology of the analysis of the educator himself needs to be educated....The coexistence of the change in
conditions of objectified practice with the metaphysical ontology that circumstances and human activity or self-change, can only be considered
and comprehended to the same degree as is revolutionary practice." In an Hegelian and Stalinist mythology, but, failing to put in place an "organizing
ossified form, he thus retrieves the two fiundamental ideas of the subject," Althusser rejoined the worldview of the 18th century: the
problematic of the objective subject: it is a human practice that makes kaleidescope of Diderot. For if the circles are decentered, for the
history, but not all practices are transforming. contradictions to condense, it is necessary either for them to be set into
But it is still necessary to think practice authentically, as Kosik reminds place by pure chance and to be content with a mere "history of
us: "Even a totality thought as articulation of contradictions remains combinations," or to imagine a structure of all structures similar to the
abstract, if one does not show that man, as a real subject of history, created dream of "the single equation" of modem physics, or to reintroduce structure
the base and superstructure, and in the process of production and by means of a subject endowed with the contemporaneity of all instances.
reproduction, elaborates social reality as a totality of social relations, At the heart of classical Althusserianism, the first solution seems to be that
institutions and ideas, and, in this fashioning of social objective reality, was of Althusser, the second the temptation of Balibar, the third describes well
himself created at the same time as a historical and social being ...." Lacking enough the attempt of Poulantzas, with his class-effects of the ensemble of
which, he pursues, "One falls into the snare of fetishism, of which the fruit is structures, and their practices which are condensed in the single political
the false totality. Social reality then is conceived as the sum of autonomous instance.
structures which influence one another. The subject has disappeared, or
better, the actual subject is replaced by a mythical subject, reified and III. The Regulationist "Surpassing"
fetishized, of knowledge: by the autonomous movement of the structure" (p. When in the first half of the 1970s economists of Marxist inspiration had
42). One thus finds oneself facing the following dilemma: "At one of the to think the crisis, there remained af first, for many of them, to "surpass" the
poles relations (conditions) are petrified, and at the other, the spirit, the Althusserian heritage. Approaches in terms of "regulation" have
psyche. Either the conditions are passive, such that the spirit, the psyche, corresponded, for many among us, to this need. The results have since
sets them in motion and gives them a meaning; or else the conditions are mostly been published, and it is not a question of explicating them here. I
active and themselves become subjects, whereas the psychic element or the nevertheless wish to try to "realign" a bit better these results with their
consciousness has as a function only to know in an exact, or mystified, heritage. To do this, I will resituate the emergence of the regulationist
manner their natural or scientific laws" (p. 92). This takes yet another form: approaches in the intellectual context of the l970s, and then I will respond
"The alternative, either mechanical causality, where one factor is cause and to the notion of "reproduction" as I have extracted it from Balibar, precisely
the other effect, or pluralist interaction, simple reciprocal connection from economic production.
excluding all actual causality ... ; this alternative is already the consequence
of a determined vision of reality which, apart from social realities, has l. Confronting the Heritage
elaborated isolated abstractions of which it makes ontological essences From the preceding long critical analysis, we can summarize what helped
(factors) .... Metaphysics bases all its premises on this problematic" (p. 79). us and what hindered us in four "main theses."
Here we are precisely at the heart of the contradiction between Balibar
and Poulantzas, on the common terrain inaugurated by Althusser. Balibar a) Social reality is a fabric, an articulation of relatively autonomous and
chose the complete autonomy of the movement of the "structure of specific relations, overdetermining one another (even if some are more
structures," of generalized synchrony, with its consequence, rallying around fundamental than others): an "always already given, overdetermined whole,
mechanical causality ("one structure over the other"). Poulantzas, who in dominance."
cannot resort to this, introduces political struggle as the "motor of history," b) Each of these social relations is reproduced as a result of the action of its
political struggle determined by the totality of the structure, thus by a "bearers" ("structure exists as a result"), in placing the bearers into the
plurality of relatively autonomous instances. But are these instances so contradictions of reproducing it, independent of their subjectivity.
different from the "factors" against which Labriola and Kosik polemicize? To these fundamental methodological theses, the school of Althusser
In fact, this dilemma ("symptomatic form of ideological questions," said associates, in a more or less contingent or haphazard way, two important
Althusser) already finds its source in the famous critique of the "simple theses for economists:
reversal of the Hegelian dialectic." In positing reality as a network of
c) Productive forces themselves are the materialization of social relations of
"decentered circles," of autonomous contradictions, For Marx shattered
production (a theme developed by Balibar and Bettelheim).
d) The contradictory character of the relations of exchange is superficial and The seminal thesis of Michel Aglietta (1974) sacrificed at this altar: it
secondary (a theme affirmed forcefully by Althusser and developed by was necessary to work through hundreds of pages dedicated to the analysis of
Balibar, but rejected by Bettelheim). the labor/capital relations, but fortunately diffracted in a relation of labor
We will not discuss any further the fertility of Thesis (a). Neither will we organization and a relation of distribution of the value added (possession
discuss further the fecundity of Thesis (c), which is subjacent to all our work and proprietorship) before the existence of autonomous capitals would
on Taylorist organization of labor, its crisis and its overcoming. appear. But this "diffraction" sufficed to bring about the contradiction in the
Thesis (b), on the other hand, and Thesis (d), which is basically its reproduction of this complex relation, hence the possibility of crisis, and
corollary and its illustration, constitute the "bad side" of Althusserianism, by hence the problem of regulation. It was time: the crisis of Fordism was about
which it participates in the structuralist hegemony of its epoch which, from to erupt.
Levi-Strauss to Lacan, everywhere pummels the "subject." Individualism, Let us admit: the introduction of the term "regulation" does not at all
the subjectivism of the "captain of industry," for example, finds its first suffice to dissipate the functionalist ambiguities connoted by the term
illustration (and perhaps its economic determinant) in the existence of "reproduction." In some of our formulations, "regulation" is designated
market relations, and in the autonomy of "private labors executed simply "what is needed for reproduction to work however." Evidently, to
independently of one another" and which search after the fact for their explain the crisis we sought to explain what, first of all, was not in crisis,
social validation in Chapter One of Capital. Throwing onto this first Fordism. The "mode of regulation" was hence freed for public diffusion in
chapter the mantle of Noah, Althusser erased in a single stroke the subject, the form of its result, rather than starting with a discussion previous to the
contradiction, and market relations. Developing this idea, Balibar came to "however," to the contradiction and the tendency to crisis (which it has to
deny the existence of structural contradiction at the origin of crises: a inhibit as an unstable result): one can rigorously speak of "functionalism
structure has as its mission to persevere in its being. after the fact."
From here to think that "all is done for this," it was only a short step to
functionalism. This is what Terray (1977) explained quite well: "we have 2. From Reproduction to Regulation
frequently seen the reintroduction, in favor of considerations on We insist on this point: it is apropos of problems of capitalist
reproduction, of the whole out-of-date arsenal of functionalist accumulation that the passage of the notion of reproduction makes way for
interpretations: reproduction is conceived as a final cause from which the that of regulation. Let us return in effect for an instant to the emblematic
ensemble of structures and analyzed institutions proceeds.... To avoid this example of the reproduction of places (capitalist/proletarian) in Balibar's
error, it is necessary to recall first of all that reproduction can only be a goal: reading of Capital. He has clearly underscrored the fact that the circulation
only a subject can propose a goal. Society is not a subject. It is necessary to of merchandise between capitalists and proletarians would result in a
recall above all that what is reproduced is precisely and before everything reproduction of the structure of the wage relation. The conditions of the
else a contradiction .... Consequently, to be placed at the point of view of relation ( and of the circulation it induces) appear in effect identical in
reproduction is definitively to understand how the same cycle of production result:
and distribution constantly replaces in presence the two terms of the
A P ( .. . . M --+ A' . . . . A
contradiction which is the fundamental relation of production: dominant { pl
and dominated, exploiter and exploited; how the first attempts to embellish
the crises to which this contradiction leads so that it could be surmounted or Capitalist Money- Conditions Products Money Money-
resolved, how the second is attached to the contrary, more or less concisely, capital of capital
to abolish or invade it. Reproduction in its totality is at once the stake of production
their confrontation and its result." Proletarian Labour- Money Subsistence Labour-
Retrospectively, we consider the long period of Fordist expansion with - power V goods power
out a crisis "in circulation" to be the most significant part of the function
alist illusion. "Circulationism" was thus one insult in the debates between F V M......F
Marxists (in particular in the critique of Rosa Luxemburg, but also in the
analysis of "center-periphery" relations). It began to be applied to produc Figure 1: Reproduction of the Wage Relation
tion, to labor-capital relations.
This chart may be read in two ways. Should one be interested in the From these figures, the Althusserians have essentially retained the
reproduction of positions (vertical, synchronic, paradigmatic, harmonic "vertical" dimension (the system of places). It is in' effect sufficient to
readings): consider the first chart "head on" (that is, with time moving towards us) and
not longitudinally (with time from left to right) to obtain the famous "figure
eight" of reproduction:


A A'

j}, efilu>tion

Labour market ......._.,_PRODUCTION<Goods market


/}, EmE:n;


Figure 2: The Structure in Time PROLETARIANS

Should one be interested in the trajectory of agents (horizontal, Figure 4: The "Figure Eight"
diachronic, syntagmatic, counterpointed readings):
Seen from this angle, reproduction appears in effect "non-contradictory."
All the work of "regulationists" can thus be understood as a triple effort:
-to show that capitalist reproduction "doesn't run by itself'';
-to show why, for vast periods of time, it is pursued "however";
-to show why, at the end of a certain time, a great crisis erupts.
,,- .... ,, ,-, ,, -,,
These things are known today. First, the simple reality of the market
relation, the uncertainty of the capitalist producer concerning the social

,' -
\;-----,/'\ '/(1 \,--;...
validity of the merchandise offered, introduces a radical dissymmetry
I: -+t-1-
\ -----,L...f-A+--l:-
..,...\ I [/ .\ I between merchandise and money: money is a general "unconditional"
I ,, I I ,' 1 I , equivalent of merchandise; the realization of merchandise in money is on
I ,, I ,, I I , ,- ' l

1,-' ' I I ,' I the contrary a "perilous leap, " indicated in Figure 4 by the sign Z,

..;/ ...
. 1 --; "dangerous turn." The flow of merchandise going out at the northeast end
I \ I of the schema must be correctly proportioned (in volume and value) to the
.... _,,
I \
,_.,/ , I
,_ ,,./ demand which is expressed in the southeast loop, but also in the non
-----+----------1-------------.. time represented loops, in particular the "accumulation-investment" loop
(purchase of productive goods by capitalists). The uncertainty in this
subject constitutes the "formal possibility" of crises. Its necessity is
Figure 3: Trajectories introduced by accumulation itself, which tends to inflate the flow coming
out of the northeast, all in containing the growth of the southeast loop. ...->A->P...M->A'->P...
This contradiction is at the heart of the wage relation. It can be summarized and ...->F->S->M...F->S...
in one phrase: either the price of exploitation is too high and the crisis of This concept of "values in process" metamorphosing from form to form is
overproduction threatens, or else it is too low and the crisis of introduced in the third chapter of Capital and gradually developed through
underinvestment threatens. This price is itself a function on one hand of out Book II. These millions of individual "flows" constitute the thread of
the relations of distribution (norms of consumption), and on the other hand economic reality. In "everyday life" (Alltagsleben) they are even the only
of the transformations in production (norms of production), and in positive reality. At the heart of this tide, the values in process change their
particular of gains in productivity and changes in the organic composition of forms, as is seen developing in time in Figure 4, the "figure eight." In reality,
capitals. the two spirals of this figure are composed of myriads of individual spirals:
A mode of transformation conjoined to and compatible with norms of the tide. "Ex post," when the regime of accumulation is stabilized, this tide,
production and consumption is called a regime of accumulation. This regime in its structure, must fit exactly the proportions repetitively described by the
can be described as the given repetition of the production of sections or schema of reproduction.
productive branches and of the corresponding demand: what is called But "ex ante," the tide is guided by millions of individuals, each respon
schema of reproduction or macroeconomic structure. We have shown that sible for "his" value in process, and most particularly the well-named
the "Fordist" regime could be described as a parallelism of the increase of "captains of industry." To guide themselves, they make use of "maps,"
productivity, the norm of consumption of wage-workers, and of the Representations (DarsteUungen) of their insertion in the tide, and their errors
composition of capital. Said another way, it follows a schema of intensive are sanctioned by slumps or unemployment. Can we then compare
reproduction with increase of wage-worker consumption such that a parallel individuals to automatons receiving informational "input" of which the
increase occurs in the volume of the net product of Sections I and II, related "output" is behavior conforming to reproduction? By no means.

_ _
in number to productive wage-workers. This regime of accumulation thus is

The possibility of a satisfactory reproduction is only designated by Marx

T _
a kind of "chain"ll of possible capitalist reproduction:

in the celebrated "schemas of reproduction" and in his reflection on the

[J --_
"price of production" (Lipietz, 1983). But this possibility does not imply any
guarantee of a happy ending. It suffices that the assumed laws of formation
Value added in Sector I of wages and nominal profit are not be adapted to the evolution of norms of
production, for imbalances appear. The tide of values in process thus seems
to "overflow" the increase in value of the schema of reproduction, or on the

-- --- --
-- -
Value added in Sector II contrary to prove inferior to the potential increase. In the economic fabric,
wrinkles or holes appear: inflation or overproduction. This then poses the
.......... problem of the adaptation of the tide to the regime, or, to keep the
--- Smithian metaphor of weaving, the woof to the warp. This adaptation is

I _ ____ _I ______ -I ---

- -- Purchasing power of salaries
the effect of regulation in action, which plays, in the metaphor of weaving,
the role of warps, or the "invisible hand" of Adam Smith.
---t-----4-------+-----+I time
The whole effort of economic works in terms of regulation, and in
particular of the CEPREMAP report (1977) and its derivatives, has consisted
of showing that this "invisible hand" was not the transhistorical mechanism
of concurrence pure and simple. The mode of regulation includes, among
Figure 5: Regime of Accumulation as a Chain others, direct and indirect forms of determination of wages, of inter
enterprise concurrence and of increase and self-guidance of values in
But let us return to Figure L The question is whether to take sriously the process. As the regime of accumulation is itself transformed, great crises can
longitudinal dimension of this chart. The agents (capitalists and arise from the inadequacy of the mode of regulation. These great crises (like
proletarians) can be considered the proprietors of "value in process," that is, the current crisis, or that of the 1930s) are to be distinguished from cyclical
of the "flow" of values of respective generic forms: "small crises," _which are the same form of the action of regulation in the

modes called "competitive." As for the "intentionality" of putting in place can be taken into consideration about their contradictory character, the
an adapted mode of regulation, as in the "monopolist regulation" for the multiplicity of possible conjunctures.
Fordist regime, we have been able to show that historically the question has I have recalled that the regulationists began in the school of Althus
most often been one of "discoveries," which in the thread of time have been serianism in the comprehension of notions such as productive forces, social
able to be consciously consolidated, by Keynesian theoreticians of Fordist formations, state/economic relations.
regulation, by reformist unions, and by governments seeking to preserve I undertook to show that the notion of "regulation" literally constituted a
social consensus. "surpassing" (Aufhebung) of "reproduction": the unity of opposition and
Inversely, to understand how the great crisis of Fordism (for example) identity at the heart of a contradictory structure, the moment dialectically
appears, how the "fabric" is torn, implies a double labor. On one hand, at a opposed to that of "the crisis of the structure." I did it, like Balibar, through
profound level, the progressive deformation of the macro-economic structure: the example of economic reproduction of capitalism. I was equally able to
decline of gains in productivity, sluggishness of the organic composition, evoke the regulationist surpassing of the reflections of Poulantzas, which is
increased internationalization. On the other hand, at an "esoteric" level, we beginning today (Jenson, 1988; Lipietz, 1988b).
seek to show how socioeconomic actions, in their struggles to "modify the But I wish to conclude by recalling what remains for me the fundamental
given," at the very interior of the logic of the model of development, but also lesson of Althusser: simply the methodological theses 0, 1 and 2. The real
in their efforts to transform it in the name of a "nature" incompatible with exists independently of our thoughts. The concepts through which we
this model, have "accumulated divergences." The unions have sought to pretend to know it exist only in our minds. Their adequation to other
render wage increases more and more automatic, to consolidate the assets of practices at the heart of the real is only a matter of pertinence. Or again, as
the welfare state: offensives internal to the model. But workers have resisted Umberto Eco, author of The Absent Structure, made the hero of The Name of
more and more alienating forms of Fordist organization of work. To oppose the Rose say: "The concepts which we fabricate are only ladders, threads by
these tendencies, entrepeneurs have sought to enlarge the scale of which to grasp something. After which, they can be thrown into the fire."
production, to accelerate automation (a strategy internal to Fordist logic); Shall we one day throw into the fire Mode of Production, Reproduction,
but also to transfer production to countries with modes of regulation more Fordism, and Peripheral Fordism? Certainly. But they can be useful in the
favorable to profit, to distort social legislation by the "dualization" of the meantime.
labor market: a form of avoiding by flight the institutionalized Fordist
compromises. "Regulation" has given way to crisis. Translated by Erika Thomas
The result of these divergent strategies is known. The essential thing is
to understand that it is not a question of a regrettable weakening of
consensus that a b i t of good will would be able to smooth out. Notes
Contradiction is internal to the regime itself.
1. The works of reference of this "school" are: Aglietta ( 1976), Boyer (1987), Boyer and
Mistral (1978), C.E.P.R.E.M.A.P. (1977), Coriat (1979), Lipietz (1979, 1983, 1985a), which all
Conclusion make critical reference, implicitly or explicitly (mine in particular) to Althusserian
In France today, Althusser is, as Hegel once was, treated like a "dead contributions. An International Congress on Regulation Theory, uniting economists,
geographers and social and political scientists of all continents, was held in June 1988 in
dog." He and his school bear certain responsibilities, deriving from the Barcelona. In my contribution ( 1988a) I remarked that Anglo-Saxon geographers making
structuralist deformation imposed on the reading of Marx. Forgetting the reference to the "theory of structuration" of Antony Giddens (1984) themselves also practiced a
subject, forgetting contradiction, hypostasis of reproduction: all this form of critical Althusserianism.
2. For this I based myself on works (Lipietz and Rouilleault, 1972; Lipietz 1973) representing
prevents thinking the crisis, thinking the positive value of individualism. my own "rupture with the Father."
Althusserianism was thus condemned by the 1970s. Unfortunately, those 3. According to the Althusserian distinction, dialectical materialism is the spontaneous
who today "forget" Althusser in fact "forget" Marx, the existence of philosophy of scientists, practitioners of the science of history, i.e., Historical Materialism.
4. Pour Marx (Althusser, 1965), pp. 187 ff. For the remainder of this article the book will
structures of exploitation, the weight of social relations. be designated PM.
I have attempted to show that in "classical Althusserianism" there was 5. Lire le Capital (Althusser et al., 1965), tome I, pp. 67 ff. For the remainder of this article
much to save: the irreducible multiplicity of the relations which weave the book will be designated LLC.
social reality, overdetermination of these relations, and, for the little which
6. Innumerable references in PM and LLC: this is the "theoretical anti-humanism" C.E.P.R.E.M.A.P. (1977)
common to all structuralism. Approches de !'inflation: l'example francais, report to CORDES by J.P. Benassy, R. Boyer,
7. Ranciere translates with this single term "Darstellung" and "Vorstellung" in Marx, without R.M. Gelip, A. Lipietz, J. Mistral, J. Munoz, C. Ominami. Paris, mimeo.
inquiring whether they mean exactly the same thing.
8. See especially Balibar (LLC, pp. 214 ff.) and Bettelheim ( 1 970). Coriat, B. (1979)
9. See, for example, Boyer (1986), Lipietz ( 1985b). L'atelier et le chronometre, Bourgeois, Paris.
10. Thus, Glyn et al. ( 1 986) and Lipietz ( 1985a) have analyzed the current crisis as a "crisis
of the Fordist model" (notably in the "relation of possession"), overdetermined by the Delorme, R.; Andre, C. (1983)
contradiction between the more and more internationalized character of production and the L'tat et l'economie, Seuil, Paris.
national character of the mode of regulation. Giddens, A. (1983)
1 1 . See his numerous historical articles, in particular his contribution to the CEPREMAP The Constitution ofSociety, Polity Press.
(1977) report.
12. The concept of the "objective subject" is developed by Kosik (1968). There is a long Glyn, A., et al. ( 1 987)
Marxist tradition that derives ( via Gramsci and Labriola) from the Marx of the 18th Brumaire The Rise and Fall of the Golden Age, WIDER/Oxford University Press.
("Men make history, but on the basis of given conditions") and above all the Third Thesis on
Feuerbach. These two theses of Marx are the point of departure reclaimed by the "theory of Jenson, J. (1988)
structuration" of Giddens (1984) and of the "genetic structure" of Bourdieu (1987) as well as my "'Different' but not 'Exceptional': Canada's Permeable Fordism," Canadian Review of
own theory of regulation (1988). Sociology and Anthropology , Special Issue on "Comparative Macrosociology."
Let us remark, for the benefit of Anglo-Saxon feminists, that the generic term "homme" (of
masculine gender) has been monopolized by males in France (the Latin root "vir" existing only Kosik, K. (1968)
in the adjective "virile"), while in English "men" have inversely imposed the genericness of La dialectique du concret, Maspero, Paris.
their name to the entirety of "human beings." It is not as easy to disrort social relations of
gender in the French language as it is in English. As all efforts being made here are bound to Labriola ( 1899)
fail, I keep the masculine to refer to the philosophical concept of "man" (and the feminine for Essais sur la conception materialiste de l' histoire, ed. Gordon & Breach, London-Paris, 1980.
that of"nature": all is evidently not neutral).
13. On the "warp/woof duality," see Lipietz (1983, 19866). Leborgne, D., Lipietz, A. ( 1 973)
"L'apres-fordisme et son espace," Les Temps Modemes, April.English translation: Society and
Space, vol. 6, 1988.
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