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The primary advantage of nonporous compared to porous orbital implants is

a. better orbital volume replacement
b. lower exposure rates
c. increased implant stability
d. better prosthesis motility
answer : B
AAO 2011-2012, Section 7

2. a 67-year-old male patient was diagnosed with left uper lid sebaceous gland
carcinoma. The size of tumour is 15 mm x 17 mm. the tumor was excisied
with a 3 mm safety margin. The best reconstruction of the eyelid margin was
achieved through
a. Rotation Cheek Flap (Mustarde)
b. Direct closure with lateral cantholysis
c. Tenzel semicircular flap
d. Hughes procedure
e. Cuttler beard procedure
answer : A
AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 181-187

3. The following measurements are obtained bilaterally in a patient with

congenital ptosis: margin - reflex d istance (MRD), + 1 mm; eyelid fissure,
5mm ; and eyelid excursion, 4 mm Which of the following bilateral surgical
procedures is the most appropriate?
a. frontalis suspension
b. maximal external levator resection
c. Fasanella-Servat
d. mullerectomy
Answer: A
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7)

4. A man, 42 years old, came to RSMH with previous history of chemical burn on
his left eye since 3 month ago. From examination, his visual acuity was 1/300.
His eye was redish with abration on his leukoma and excessive tearing. there
was an outward turning of the left lower eyelid margin The treatment for this
patients is..
a. Weiss Procedure
b. Quickert Procedure
c. Release+ Skin Graft
d. Release+ Skin graft+Lateral tarsal strip
e. Release+Horizontal eyelid shortening
Answers : C
(AAO 2014-2015 section 7 page 190-194)

5. A 38-year-old woman has a mass medial to the inferior punctum and a yellow
discharge from the punctum. Her visual acuity was normal. Examination
revealed anterior and posterior segmen of the globe was in normal limit Which
of the following is the most appropriate management option?
a. digital massage
b. aspiration of the mass with a large-bore needle
c. oral steroids
d. dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
Answers : A
(AAO 2011-2012. Section 7)
6. Seorang laki-laki usia 50 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kiri sering
berair-air dan keluar sekret, mata merah bila bangun tidur. Keluhan ini
dirasakan 1 tahun yang lalu, sampai saat ini masih mengganggu. Tajam
penglihatan masih cukup baik. Segmen anterior dan posterior mata kanan
dan kiri dalam batas normal. Hasil tes anel pada pungtum lakrimal palpebra
inferior mata kiri didapatkan refluks pada pungtum lakrimal palpebra inferior
tersebut. Hasil tes anel pada pungtum lakrimal palpebra superior mata kiri (+).
Maka sumbatan ada di
a. Duktus nasolakrimal kiri
b. Kanalis lakrimal superior dan inferior
c. Kanalis lakrimal superior
d. Kanalis lakrimal inferior
e. Kanalis komunikans mata kiri
Answer: D
(AAO 2011-2012. Section 7, 249-278)

7. A boy, 7 years old, came to the clinic with chief complain tearing in his both
eyes. His eyelid margin was found inversion to the eye since children. The
treatment of this patients is..
a. epilation
b. Y-V plasties
c. cryotherapy
d. remove the small amout of the skin and orbicularis along the subciliary
portion of the eyelid
e. observation
Answer : D
(AAO section 7; 146)

8. A 20-year old boy came to our clinic with tearing on her right eye since car
accident 2 years ago. The doctor said that she had nasal fracture and then
she underwent surgery. Dye Disappereance Test (DDT) showedunilateral
delayed dye disappereance on right eye. Anel test was negative. From
lacrimal drainage system irrigation, irrigation fluid refluxed through the
opposite punctum. The refluxed fluid contain mucus. Sondage test revealed
soft stop. The site of obstruction in this case isi ...
A. Canaliculus superior
B. Canaliculus inferior
C. Ductus Lacrimal
D. Saccus Lacrimal
E. Common Canaliculus
Answer : E (AAO 2014-2015, Section 7, hal 265)
9. A woman, 60 years old, got basal cell carcinoma,had excision of the tumor
with a 4 mm safety margin was done, with the resulting defect measuring >
33% and < 50% of the horizontal dimension of the lid margin. The best
reconstruction of the eyelid margin was achieved through is...
a. Tenzel semicircular flap
b. Hughes procedure
c. Cuttler beard procedure
d. Mustard procedure
e. Direct closure
Ans. A (AAO 2014 2015, section 7, page 184)

10. A girl, 10 years old came with chief complain drooping in his right upper
eyelid. MRD1 0 mm, MRD2 5 mm and levator function was 3 mm. In his right
eye, MRD1 4 mm and MRD2 5 mm, the interchantal distance was 38 mm and
there was fold of skin extending from the lower to upper eyelid.The diagnosis
of this patients is
a. Congenital Ankyloblepharon
b. Epichantussupraciliaris
c. Blepharophimosis syndrome
d. Congenital Ectropion
e. Epichantussupraciliaris
Answer : C (AAO section 7 p. 145-148)

11. A girl, 10 years old came with chief complain drooping in his right upper
eyelid. MRD1 0 mm, MRD2 5 mm and levator function was 3 mm. In his right
eye, MRD1 4 mm and MRD2 5 mm, the interchantal distance was 38 mm and
there was fold of skin extending from the lower to upper eyelid. The treatment
of this patients is
a. Levator Resection and Y-V plasties
b. Levator Resection and Transnasal wiring
c. Frontalis suspension and Y-V plasties
d. Observation
e. Fasanellaservat and Y-V plasties
Answer : C (AAO 2014-2015 section 7 p. 145)
12. A 17-year old boy came to our clinic with tearing on her left eye since
motorcycle accident 2 years ago. The doctor said that he had nasal fracture
and then he underwent surgery. Dye Disappereance Test (DDT) showed
unilateral delayed dye disappereance on left eye. Anel test was negative OS
positif OD. From lacrimal drainage system irrigation, irrigation fluid refluxed
through the opposite punctum. The refluxed fluid containmucus. Sondage test
revealed soft stop in the left eye. The most likely possible The management
for this case is?
a. External dacryocystorhinostomy.
b. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy.
c. Endonasaldacryocystorhinostomy.
d. Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy.
e. Canalicular stenting.
Answer : D (AAO 2014-2015, Section 7, hal265)
13. a 75-year-old man diagnose with upper lid squamous gland carcinoma in the
left eye since 3 month ago. The size of tumour is 16 mm x 14 mm. Excision of
the tumor with a 3 mm safety margin was done. The best reconstruction of the
eyelid margin was achieved through ?
a. Rotation Cheek Flap (Mustarde)
b. Direct closure with lateral cantholysis
c. Tenzel semicircular flap
d. Hughes procedure
e. Cuttler beard procedure
Answer: A
(AAO book 7 2014-2015 page
Defek palpebral horizontal >50% dengandefek palpebral vertical >15mm)

14. A man,47 years old, came to RSMH, with chief complain right upper eyelid
lower than left eyelid. Ophthalmologicexamination found, high upper eyelid
crease, MRD11mm, LA13mm, left eye normal. The most possible diagnosis of
this patient is...
a. Neurogenic ptosis
b. Congenital myogenic ptosis
c. Acquired aponeurotic ptosis
d. Mechanical ptosis
e. Cranial nerve III palsy
Ans. C (AAO 2014 2015, section 7, page 206)
15. A girls, 24 years old, came to RSMH with previous history chemical burn on
his right lower eyelid since 4 month ago. From examination, there was an
outward turning of the left lower eyelid margin. The treatment for this patients
a. Weiss Procedure
b. Release+ Skin graft+Lateral tarsal strip
c. Quickert Procedure
d. Release+ Skin Graft
e. Release+Horizontal eyelid shortening
Answer :B (AAO 2014-2015 section 7 page 190-194)
16. A man, 35 years old, came to RSMH with chief complain watering on right
eye. From the examination, there is a distension medial to the inferior
punctum, massage may reflux yellow mucoid discharge from the punctum,
oedema (-), erythema (-). Management for this patient is...
a. Irrigation of the canalicular system
b. Dacryocystorhinostomy
c. Aspiration of the mass
d. Incision & drainage of the mass
e. Topical antibiotics
jawaban. B (AAO 2014 - 2015 section 7 page 268)

17. A man, 57 years old, came to RSMH, with chief complains of tearing and
discharge on the left. Irrigation of the lower canaliculus produces
mucopurulent reflux from the upper canaliculus. The most common cause
A. sinus disease
B. dacryolith
C. involutional stenosis
D. trauma
E. inflammatory disease
Ans. C (AAO 2014 2015, section 7, page 266)
18.A 7-years-old girl was examined because of her unilateral droopy eyelid since
birth. The visual acuity and ocular motility examinations were normal. The
eyelid measurements: Margin-reflex distance 1 = 1 mm, Levator function 2
mm, and eyelid crease was absent. Upgaze accentuates ptosis, downgaze
exhibits eyelid lag. Bells phenomenon was positive. Which of the following is
the most appropriate surgical management
a. Fasanella-Servat procedure
b. Levator aponeurosis advancement
c. Levator suspension
d. Levator muscle resection
e. Levator release

Answer: C
(AAO 2011-2012. Section 7, page 189-239)
19. Seorang ibu membawa bayi laki laki berusia 7 bulan dengan keluhan utama
kedua mata berair-air, tanpa adanya riwayat mata bersekret. kedua mata
penderita tampak berair-air sejak usia bayi 2 bulan. ibu melahirkan bayi
dengan persalinan normal. Pemeriksaan segmen anterior lain dan posterior
dalam batas normal. Tindakan awal yang dilakukan adalah
i. Pijat sakus lakrimal dan observasi sampai usia 1 tahun
ii. Probing dengan anestesi umum
iii. Intubasi dengan silikon stent
iv. Conjungtivodackriosistorinostomi
v. Dye disappearance test
answer : A
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 249-271)

20. Seorang ibu membawa bayi laki laki berusia 1 tahun dengan keluhan utama
kedua mata berair-air, tanpa adanya riwayat mata bersekret. kedua mata
penderita tampak berair-air sejak usia bayi 2 bulan. ibu melahirkan bayi
dengan persalinan normal. Pemeriksaan segmen anterior lain dan posterior
dalam batas normal. penderita sudah pernah berobat ke dokter spesialis mata
dan hanya disarankan pijat sakus lakrimal tanpa diberi obat-obatan. Tindakan
selanjutnya yang sebaiknya dilakukan pada pasien ini adalah
i. Dye disappearance test
ii. Probing dengan sedasi
iii. Intubasi dengan silikon stent
iv. Conjungtivodackriosistorinostomi
v. dacryocystorhinostomy
answer : B
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 249-271)

21. Seorang laki-laki, 47 tahun dengan basal cel carcinoma di palpebra inferior
mata kiri. Visus mata kiri 6/20, mata kanan 6/30. Tumor ini berukuran 5x8
mm. Setelah dilakukan wide eksisi dengan VC maka terjadi defek palpebra
yang bebas tumor sebesar 10x14 mm. Tekhnik operasi untuk rekonstruksi
defek palpebra yang paling tepat untuk pasien ini adalah
a. Posterior lamellar graft dan skin flap
b. Cuttler beard procedure
c. Mustarde procedure
d. Hudge procedure
e. Tenzel procedure
Answer: A
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 181-187)

22. Seorang laki-laki, 67 tahun dengan squamous cell carcinoma di palpebra

superior mata kiri. Visus mata kiri 6/60, mata kanan 6/30. Tumor ini berukuran
14x16mm. Setelah dilakukan wide eksisi dengan VC maka terjadi defek
palpebra yang bebas tumor sebesar 20x20mm. Tekhnik operasi untuk
rekonstruksi defek palpebra yang paling tepat untuk pasien ini adalah
i. Posterior lamellar graft dan skin flap
ii. Cuttler beard procedure
iii. Mustarde procedure
iv. Hudges procedure
v. Tenzel procedure
Answer: B
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 181-187)

23. Seorang laki-laki 42 tahun mengeluh mata kanan terus berair-air dan kelopak
mata kanannya tidak menutup sempurna pada saat tidur. Ia memiliki riwayat
terkena percikan cuka para disekitar wajah bagian kanan 3 bulan yang lalu.
Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan visus mata kanan 1/300 dan mata kiri 6/6,
kelopak mata kanan bawah tereversi, lagoftalmus (+), sikatrik (+) hampir di
seluruh palpebra inferior. Pada kornea tampak keratopati exposure dengan
flouresent test (+). Tindakan pembedahan yang dapat dilakukan untuk
mengurangi exposure terhadap kornea adalah
a. Fascia lata suspension
b. Lateral tarsal strip
c. Medial spindle procedure
d. Z plasty
e. skin graft
Answers : E
(AAO 2011-2012. Section 7, 189-240)

24. A girl, 10 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint of right upper
eyelid dropped since birth . examination in right eye revealed palpebra
fissure height: 7 mm, MRD1: 1 mm, MLD: 4 mm, LA: 9 mm, lid crease was
negative, bells phenomenon was (+), brow lift (+). Eye ball movement was
good to all direction. Right eyelid was higher than left eyelid when he looked
at downgaze. The appropriate treatment for this patient is:
i. Frontalis suspension surgery
ii. Fasanella servat
iii. Advancement aponeurosis levator
iv. Levator resection approach
v. Observation
Answer: D
( AAO 2011-2012 section 7 hal 189-239)

25. A girl, 10 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint of right upper
eyelid dropped since birth . examination in right eye revealed palpebra
fissure height: 7 mm, MRD1: 1 mm, MLD: 4 mm, LA: 9 mm, lid crease was
negative, bells phenomenon was (+), brow lift (+). Bells phenomenon was (-).
Eye ball movement was good to all direction. Right eyelid was higher than left
eyelid when he looked at downgaze. How long levator was incisiced for this
patient is:
i. 15 mm
ii. 16 mm
iii. 18 mm
iv. 20 mm
v. 21 mm
Answer: A
( AAO 2011-2012 section 7 hal 189-239)

26. A 63-year-old man patient complain of left upper lid basal cell carcinoma. The
size of tumour was 18 mm x 15 mm. Excision of the tumor with a 3 mm safety
margin was done. The best reconstruction of the eyelid margin was achieved
a. Direct closure with lateral cantholysis
b. Tenzel semicircular flap
c. Hughes procedure
d. Cuttler beard procedure
e. Rotation Cheek Flap (Mustarde)
Answer: E
(AAO 2011-2012, Section 7, 181-187)

27. A woman, 67 years old, came to RSMH complaining red eye on her right eye,
watering (+), foreign body sensation (+). ophthalmology examination revelaed
trichiasis(+). From pinch test we got moderate, snap back test was not
normal. there was an inward turning of the right lower eyelid margin. The
appropriate treatment for this patients is.
a. Eye ointment
b. Everting suture
c. Weiss Procedure
d. Weiss Procedur + tarsal strip
e. Release+ Skin Graft
Answer : D
(AAO 2011-2012. Section 7, page 189-194)

28. A squamous cell carcinoma of the lower eyelid was excised with controlled
margins. The resultant defect on lower eyelid greater than 50% in middle part.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
a. Observation
b. Hughes procedure
c. Skin graft
d. Skin flap
e. Cutler-beard procedure
Answer : b (AAO 2014-2015, book 7, page 185)

29. A case of right upper lid basal cell carcinoma in a 56-year-old male patient.
The size of tumour is 15 mm x 8 mm. Excision of the tumor with a 3 mm
safety margin was done. Patient had history using glaucoma medication in his
right eye. The best reconstruction of the eyelid was achieved through ?
a. Rotation Cheek Flap (Mustarde)
b. Skin Flap + Posterior Lamellar Graft
c. Tenzel semicircular flap
d. Hughes procedure
e. Cuttler beard procedure
Answer: B
(Defek palpebral horizontal >50% dengandefek palpebral vertical 10-15mm)
Answer : b (AAO 2014-2015, book 7, page 185)

30. A 45 year old male, with basal cell carcinoma,after wide excision was done,
the result eyelid defect was > 33% and < 50% of the horizontal dimension of
the lid margin. The best reconstruction of the eyelid margin was achieved
through is...
a. Tenzel semicircular flap
b. Hughes procedure
c. Cuttler beard procedure
d. Mustard procedure
e. Direct closure
Answer : A (AAO section 7 2014-2015 p184)

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