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to the record.

2. Contact the provider's or payer's office to ask if they have a form they require for making amendments to your medical records. If so, ask them to

email, fax or postal mail a copy to you.

3. Make a copy of the record page(s) where the error(s) occur. If it's a simple correction, then you can strike one line through the incorrect information,

and handwrite the correction. By doing it this way, the person in the provider's office will find it most easily and be able to correct it most easily. If

they sent you a form to fill out, you may staple this copy to the form.

4. If the correction is more involved, you may need to write a letter outlining why you think it is wrong and what the correction is. If you do write a

letter, make sure you include some basics, such as your name and the date of service in your letter, then staple your letter to the copy of the page that

contains the error. Be concise, and write the correction exactly as you think it should be noted. The idea is to make it very easy for the provider's

records person to amend your records.

5. Make a copy of each page you have put together to send to the provider: the form they sent you, any letters you have written, and any page you

have written on.

Mail, fax or deliver your amendment request in person.

What Happens Next?

The provider or facility must act on your request within 60 days but may extend up to 30 days if they provide a reason to you in writing.

They are not required to make the change you request. In many cases, they will, because it will benefit both you and the provider. However, if they

believe your request does not have merit, they can refuse to make the amendment. They must notify you of their decision in writing.

If they have refused to amend your records as per your request, you may submit a formal, written disagreement which must be added to your file.

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