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Solar Atmospheres olar Atmospheres processes
critical titanium parts for the
down to 10-4 torr or lower; ramp up
at 300F/h to 1300F; hold 30 min-
processes critical aerospace industry, and the utes; vacuum cool at 50 to 75F/h to
formation of alpha case is a below 600F work thermocouple;
aerospace titanium parts heat treatment quality issue and argon cool.
for the aerospace industry. that requires careful attention. Based The base cycle was run in Solars
on its experience in titanium heat all-metal (molybdenum) hot zone
As is typical with the heat treating, it is unusual to have alpha (Fig. 1) with heat up started at 7
treatment of important case on parts that have a bright sur- 10-5 torr. The test sample was placed
face after heat treatment. However, on the moly rails. After the cycle, the
titanium parts, alpha case the presence of alpha case on Ti-6Al- sample surface spanning the rails
is a quality issue that 4V has been noted in laboratory re- was slightly discolored (light grey/
ports. For example, it was reported gold/brown), but areas shielded by
requires attention. that subjecting parts to a vacuum contact with the support rails re-
level of 5 10-5 torr prior to heating mained bright. Both the bright and
to 1300F, and maintaining a good discolored areas were examined met-
vacuum level throughout the cycle allographically to check for the pres-
Don Jordan* produces bright parts, yet the mate- ence of alpha case. Metallographic
Solar Atmospheres Inc. rial exhibited alpha case to a depth specimens were etched using Krolls
Souderton, Pa. of 0.0004 in. Because this contradic- reagent (~8 s), followed by swab
tion is perplexing, Solar Atmospheres etching with 2% ammonium bifluo-
Technology Center conducted a pro- ride (~5 s). No alpha case was re-
gram both to better understand this vealed.
discrepancy and the overall propen- Test cycle 2 was run in the metal
sity of alpha case formation on hot zone, but with the specimen
Ti-6Al-4V during vacuum stress spanning a 6 in. 3.5 in. container of
relieving at 1300F. 1-in. deep titanium sponge powder
placed in the bottom of the furnace
Test Conditions to act as a getter (scavenging reagent
Test specimens (4 in. long 0.75 in. for residual gases). After the cycle,
wide 0.094 in. thick) were taken the entire surface of the sample was
from Ti-6Al-4V sheet and run in lab- bright, but the sample suffered a
oratory vacuum furnaces using dif- slight weight loss of 0.0003 g. It was
ferent atmosphere parameters. The assumed, based on the sample con-
*Member of ASM International and member, heat treatment used in production dition after the base cycle, that no
ASM Heat Treating Society was used as the baseline cycle: pump alpha case was present. The weight

Fig. 1 All-metal (molybdenum) hot zone. Fig. 2 Graphite-insulated hot zone.


loss was attributed to the sample processing in that it had a 0.000015
being a thoroughly cleaned in the to 0.00002 in. thick continuous grey
high vacuum at high temperature. oxide at the surface (Fig. 11).
Test cycle 3 was the same as the A summary of test cycle conditions
base cycle, but run in a graphite-in- and results is given in Table 1.
Fig. 3 Coloration of test sample from cycle 4 sulated hot zone (Fig. 2) with heat up
(graphite-insulation; damp conditions). started at 3 10-5 torr. The test sample Comparative Data
was slightly discolored except in the At the same time as the alpha-case
areas shielded by the moly support study, Solar also was conducting de-
rails, and the sample experienced a velopment work on hydriding scrap
slight weight gain of 0.0004 g. No Ti-6Al-4V fasteners. One cycle in the
alpha case was observed at the clean graphite insulated furnace had
or discolored regions. oxygen contamination in the furnace
Test cycle 4 was run in the during the cycle (ramp to 1200F at
graphite-insulated hot zone after 600F/h, hold for 30 min, cool at
leaving the furnace open to the shop 50F/h). Fasteners were processed in
Fig. 4 Cycle 4 sample at blue region shows atmosphere for three hours on a a 4 in. diameter 10 in. high stainless
alpha case. 1,000 damp morning. Heat up was started steel container with an open top and
at 3 10-4 torr, and ramped at sealed bottom. The top first 2 in. of
1200F/h. Out-gassing commenced material was discolored ranging
at about 200F, increasing the pres- from light gold to dark gold/bronze,
sure by 2 10-4 torr. After the cycle, purple, blue, and green (Fig. 12). The
the specimen surface was blue part surface below the first 2-in. layer
except at the contact locations with was light gold.
the rails where it was purple, and the No alpha case was observed on the
sample experienced a weight gain of light gold colored fastener, but was
0.0012 g. Metallographic examina- observed on the multicolored fas-
Fig. 5 Cycle 4 sample at purple region shows tion (Fig. 3) revealed alpha case at the teners to an average depth of about
alpha case. 1,000 blue region to an average depth of 0.0003 in. The surface etched white,
about 0.0004 in. (Fig. 4) and at the and there was no distinct mor-
purple region to a depth of about phology change compared with the
0.0003 in. (Fig. 5). structure below it, as with other test
Test cycle 5 was the same as cycle samples processed in vacuum (Fig.
4, except it was run on a less humid 13). Alpha case on a dark blue-col-
Fig. 6 Coloration of test sample from cycle 5
(dry) morning, which produced less ored fastener had a different appear-
(graphite insulation; less humid conditions). outgassing. The specimen surface ance with white etching alpha
was purple/blue, except at the loca- grains more prominent at the sur-
tions in contact with the rails, where face, which is more characteristic of
it was bronze (Fig. 6), and the sample typical text-book alpha case where a
experienced a slight weight gain of morphology change consisting of
0.0014 g. Metallographic examina- concentrated stabilized alpha is
tion revealed alpha case at the present at the surface compared with
purple/blue region to an average the base metal. The depth of this case
depth of about 0.0003 in. (Fig. 7), and extended to 0.0004 in. (Fig. 14).
at the bronze region to a depth of Test results indicate that only
about 0.0002 in. (Fig. 8). deeply colored surfaces of heat
Fig. 7 Cycle 5 sample at purple/blue region
shows alpha case. 1,000 Test cycle 6 was run in air at 1300F treated titanium have alpha case. To
for one hour. The color of the spec- evaluate further, Solar examined a
imen after treatment was dull test specimen (bright surface) from a
grey/brown (Fig. 9). Metallographic wrought titanium alloy sheet that the
examination revealed alpha case to laboratory reported contained a
a depth of about 0.00015 in. (Fig. 10). 0.0004 in. alpha case. One side had
This alpha case was different than no alpha case (Fig. 15a) and the other
anything else observed from vacuum showed a nebulous zone (Fig. 15b);

Fig. 8 Cycle 5 sample at bronze region shows

alpha case. 1,000

Fig. 9 Coloration of test sample from cycle 6 Fig. 10 Cycle 6 sample shows alpha case. Fig. 11 Cycle 6 sample alpha case contains a
(run in air). 400 thin oxide layer at the surface. 1,000


Table 1 Test cycle conditions and test results
Pump down, Ramp up, Alpha
Test Furnace conditions torr F/h Surface condition case
1 All metal Mo hot zone 710-5 300 Slight discolor (lt. gray/gold/brown) No
2 All metal Mo hot zone + 310-4 300 Bright No
Ti sponge getter
3 Same as #1, but graphite insulation. 310-5 300 Same as #1 No
4 Same as #3, but furnace open 3 h 310-4 1200 Blue (out-gas at 200F) 0.0004
in damp conditions in. deep
5 Same as #3, but furnace open 3 h 310-4 1200 Purple/blue (out-gas less than #4) 0.0003
in dry conditions in. deep
6 Anneal carried out in air 1300 Gray/brown with 0.00002 in. outer 0.00015
oxide layer in. deep

a nonuniform zone dispersed among Fig. 14 Dark blue-colored fastener shows

areas having no alpha case. The struc- classic text-book type alpha case. 1,000
ture of saw-cut sample ends was
masked due to disturbed metal. Recommendations
In addition, a non-heat treated ti- It is recommended that furnaces
tanium weldment section (Fig. 16) be pumped down to 5 10-5 torr min-
was evaluated. The back side of the imum and held for at least one hour
weldment (opposite the weld be- before starting heat up to degas sol-
tween the titanium sheet and extru- vents, air, and water from the furnace
sion) had some light brown discol- hot zone and workload. A ramp rate
oration. No alpha case was observed of 600F/h maximum is recom-
at the discolored region in the weld- mended. If considerable out-gassing
ment cross section, nor at other areas occurs during heat up, hold the tem-
along the sheet, or areas of the extru- perature at which out-gassing com-
sion, or weld metal (Fig. 17). mences until the vacuum level drops
below 2 x 10-4 torr.
Summary The more titanium surface area
Bright heat treated Ti-6Al-4V, and present in a given load, the better for
lightly discolored (light yellow/ minimizing alpha case. Since tita-
gold/brown) material show no evi- nium powder has an extremely high
dence of alpha case. Alpha case was surface area or gettering capacity, it
only observed on darkly discolored is an excellent choice for a getter.
material. Running samples in an all- It is necessary to establish a clear
graphite hot zone produced compa- definition of define alpha case be- Fig. 15 One side of bright heat treated
rable alpha case results to samples tween customer and heat treater. titanium sample shows alpha case (a); the
opposite side shows a nonuniform zone of alpha
run in an all-metal hot zone when Standards that reference acceptable/
case dispersed among alpha case-free areas (b).
processing at comparable vacuum unacceptable photomicrographs 1,000
levels. should be established as the basis
There was a morphology differ- for inspection acceptance. The stan-
ence associated with the sample that dards need to include detailed
was heat treated in air at 1300F for polishing and etching procedures to
one hour, amounting to a continuous ensure consistency in the analyt-
surface grey oxide that accounted for ical technique. HTP
about 10% of the alpha case depth. It
is surmised that the scale served as a
barrier film limiting oxygen reaction, For more information: Don Jordan, Solar
accounting for a white etching alpha Atmospheres Inc.; e-mail: dfj@solaratm. Fig. 16 Cross section of titanium to extrusion
case depth of only 0.00015 in. com; Web site: weldment (non-heat treated). 50

Fig. 12 Coloration of Ti-6Al-4V fastener run Fig. 13 Multicolored fastener shows alpha
in graphite-insulated furnace that had oxygen case with no distinct change in morphology Fig. 17 Back surface of sheet from weldment
contamination. compared to the structure below. 1,000 shown in Fig. 16 does not contain alpha case. 400


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