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Progress Check L A N G U A G E S Gap Year Experiences

The final task you have to do is to write an article for the school newspaper giving your
opinion about the importance of taking a gap year. Activities A and B will give you input for
Activity C.

Activity A 12 points
1. Look at these headings. Match them with the pictures below.
a. Travelling worldwide b. Improving language skills c. Doing volunteer work
2 3

2. Complete the text with the comparative/ superlative of the adjectives/ adverbs in
brackets. 15 points

A year out between school and work or (a)_____ (high) education can be very
enjoyable. For me it was the (b)_____( rewarding) experience Ive ever heard. I
returned (c)______(motivated) and confident. Although my language skills could
have improved to a (d)______(great) degree, I loved my gap year. One of the (e)
_______ (good) weekends was when we went to Paris to see the Rugby World Cup
3. What would you like to do if you could take a gap year? Describe your
25 points
preferences in about 40 words.

Activity B
1. The following sentences / phrases have been removed from the text. Read them 10 points

and decide in which numbered gap each sentence should go.

a. If these concerns are running through your head
b. On the other hand, if youre thinking to yourself
c. Once youve decided that taking a gap year makes sense for you
d. The best advice is
e. However, taking a gap year means making a well-researched plan

Read the text again and then do the tasks that follow.

How to plan your gap year

Each year, more and more young Canadians are choosing to augment their education by
taking time out to travela trend that is being encouraged by educators and employers
alike. Finishing school is a unique time in anyones life. Options are virtually limitless and
responsibilities are relatively few. Its the perfect time to pursue those things youve
5 always wanted to do. You could travel, learn another language, do conservation work,
teach in another country. The possibilities are endless. Every year, more and more people
are opting to take some time out for themselves, to do some exploring, gain some life
experience and to find out where their interests and aptitudes really lie. Theyre deciding
to take a gap year and have fun.
10 1_____________________________ about where in the world you would like to go and
what you would like to do when youre there.
2_____________________________ , you may well run into some objections from friends
and family. Youll be thousands of miles away from them. Youll be older than everyone
else in your class when you return to school.
15 3_____________________________ and youre saying to yourself yeah, thats true, then
maybe youre not ready for a year away yet. Be honest with yourself.
4_____________________________ yeah, that may be true, but imagine doing
conservation work in Fiji or hiking in the Andes, or assisting in a medical clinic in Nepal
then go for it.
20 5_____________________________: do your homework. You have a well thought out plan
of action with definite goals and ways of achieving them.
Adapted from:

2. Identify six advantages and two disadvantages of taking a gap year. 16 points

16 points
3. Complete the following sentences using information from the text:
a. More and more young Canadians are taking time out to travel because ________
b. ________________________ are responsible for encouraging young Canadians to take a
year out.

4. Say what the following words refer to. 16 points

a. their (l. 1) b. It (l. 4) c. themselves (l. 7) d. them (l.13)

Activity C 60 points

Now write your article for the school newspaper giving your opinion about the importance of
taking a gap year. Dont forget to give an appealing headline to your article.
Write about 80-100 words. You may use the input provided by Activities A and B.
Activity D Listening
Progress Check L A N G U A G E S Gap Year Experiences

1. Listen to these youngsters gap year experiences and complete their statements. 30 points

Speaker 1
I have learned so much about myself, where I (1) _________________the world and
what I want to do with my life. I wouldnt trade the debt or (2) _________________
when I went for anything! All of (3) _________________graduated and settled down
right away into serious jobs, invested in cars and more debt, and now they dont see
(4) _________________as an option. I had no idea what I wanted to do or what I could
do, so (5) _________________staying here was pointless. I know there are many other
people who feel the (6) _________________.

Speaker 2
I found the (7) _______________ a fantastic opportunity for my (8) _____________
broadening my horizons and giving me the opportunity to meet so many interesting
people. It is not only a (9) _________________as you go about trying to shop at a
supermarket in a (10) _________________or scaling the streets in a different climate,
its a test in yourself as person. I think it has helped me to (11) _________________in
my own character and I have gained knowledge (12) _________________with the
diversity of the people that I shared this time with. Looking back, I have made so many
great friends from many different countries including USA, Australia, Italy, France,
Belgium, Finland, Russia, Sweden, etc. and have countless happy memories.

Speaker 3
Before my Erasmus year I was a bit anxious like most people. Not so much about the
prospect of (13) _________________from home, but more the struggle I would have
with my (14) _________________ability.
Before starting my degree, I took a gap year and was (15) _________________to have
been able to do a round-the-world trip. What a life changing experience that was!
Test Specification

Activity A 3. ...........2 x 8 = 16
1. ...........4 x 3 = 12 4. .......... 4 x 4 = 16
2. .......... 3 x 5 = 15 Activity C
3. ................= 25 ...................= 60
Activity B Activity D
1. ...........2 x 5 = 10 ...........2 x 15 = 30
2. .......... 8 x 2 = 16 TOTAL ..............= 200 points


Os critrios de classificao so organizados por nveis de desempenho, a que correspondem cotaes fixas, expressas
obrigatoriamente em nmeros inteiros.
Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados trs nveis (N3, N2 e N1); para a tarefa final so considerados cinco
nveis em cada parmetro competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Os nveis intercalares de
cotao, que no se encontram descritos, visam enquadrar as respostas que no correspondam exatamente aos outros nveis.
Qualquer resposta que apresente um desempenho inferior ao mais baixo que se encontra descrito dever ser classificada com
zero pontos.
Nos itens de resposta aberta, ser atribuda a cotao zero a respostas que no correspondam ao solicitado,
independentemente da qualidade lingustica do texto produzido.
Nos itens de resposta aberta, sempre que o aluno apresente mais do que uma resposta para o mesmo item, apenas a
primeira ser classificada. Nos itens de resposta fechada, se o aluno fornecer mais respostas do que a(s) pedida(s), ser atribuda a
cotao zero.
Os itens so todos classificados independentemente.
Atividade A
1. N1 Associa corretamente as trs legendas s respetivas imagens. 12
Chave: a.3; b.1; c.2
2. N3 Insere corretamente 5 formas de adjetivos /advrbios. 15
Chave:1.higher; 2. most rewarding; 3. more motivated; 4. greater; 5. best
N2 Insere corretamente 4-3 formas de adjetivos/advrbios. 10
N1 Insere corretamente 2 formas de adjetivos/advrbios. 5
3. N3 Descreve as suas preferncias com correo lingustica. 25
Utiliza vocabulrio e estruturas adequadas, embora possam ocorrer algumas incorrees no
impeditivas da compreenso da mensagem.
Exemplo de resposta: Id like to work and earn money for university or perhaps volunteer with a
charity. Besides, it would be great to travel and learn something new. I would also try to improve my
language skills by interacting with a diversity of people.
N2 - 15
N1 Descreve as suas preferncias com incorrees lingusticas frequentes, recorrendo, por vezes, ao uso 5
da lngua materna. Em todo o caso, consegue transmitir os aspetos essenciais da informao

Atividade B
1. N3 Relaciona corretamente as frases ao texto de onde foram retiradas. 10
Chave:1.e; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d
N2 - 7
N1 Relaciona corretamente 2 frases ao texto de onde foram retiradas. 4
2. N3 Identifica corretamente as 8-7 informaes pedidas. No ser penalizado se acrescentar mais 16
vantagens do que as solicitadas, desde que a informao esteja correta.
Exemplos: advantages: - augment education; travel; learn another language; do conservation work;
teach in another country; take some time out; do some exploring; gain some life experience; find out
where their interests and aptitudes really lie.
Disadvantages: 1. be thousands of miles away from family and friends.
2. Youll be older than everyone else in your class when you return to school.
N2 Identifica corretamente 6-5 das informaes pedidas. 10
N1 Identifica corretamente 4-3 das informaes pedidas. 4
3. N3 Completa as duas frases de acordo com a informao do texto e com correo gramatical. Pode 16
escrever com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso.
Ex: 1...because they want to augment their education.
2. Educators and employers
N2 Completa uma frase de acordo com a informao do texto e com correo gramatical. Pode escrever 10
com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso. Erra ou omite a outra frase.
N1 Completa as duas frases de acordo com a informao do texto. Escreve com incorrees lingusticas 4
no impeditivas da compreenso.
4. N3 Identifica completamente os 4 itens a que se referem as palavras dadas. 16
Chave:1.young Canadians; 2. finishing school; 3. people; 4. friends and family
N2 Identifica completamente 3 dos itens a que se referem as palavras dadas. 10
N1 Identifica completamente 2-1 dos itens a que se referem as palavras dadas. 4
Atividade C
N5 Escreve um artigo de opinio, fornecendo vrios argumentos em prol do gap year, respeitando as 40
instrues dadas e destacando aspetos relevantes. Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coeso.
Articula as ideias de forma adequada, num texto claro e coerente.
Respeita o limite de palavras indicado.
Competncia Pragmtica

N4 - 32
N3 Escreve um artigo de opinio simples, fornecendo alguns argumentos em prol gap year, respeitando as 24
instrues dadas e destacando alguns aspetos relevantes. Utiliza, ainda que de forma muito incipiente,
alguns conectores simples, articulando as ideias num texto claro.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.
N2 - 16
N1 Escreve um texto simples, abordando de forma global o tema proposto, com repeties e pormenores 8
pouco relevantes.
Estrutura deficientemente o texto.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.
N5 Escreve um texto, razoavelmente elaborado, empregando recursos lingusticos adequados, que lhe 20
permitem argumentar de forma convincente.
Utiliza uma gama variada de vocabulrio, podendo suprir eventuais lacunas de expresso atravs do
recurso a circunlocues.
Pode ocorrer alguma confuso e escolha incorreta de vocbulos e expresses.
Revela geralmente bom domnio das estruturas e formas gramaticais, no cometendo incorrees que
possam causar incompreenso.
A pontuao e a ortografia so suficientemente precisas para no afetarem a inteligibilidade do texto.
N4 - 16
Competncia Lingustica*

N3 Escreve um texto simples, utilizando recursos lingusticos adequados ao que pretende transmitir. Pode 12
revelar alguma interferncia da lngua materna.
Utiliza vocabulrio pouco variado mas suficiente, conseguindo suprir algumas limitaes com recurso a
circunlocues e outros mecanismos de substituio. Pode cometer alguns erros graves quando tenta
exprimir uma ideia mais complexa.
Usa corretamente estruturas simples, no cometendo erros gramaticais elementares de forma
A ortografia suficientemente precisa para no afetar a inteligibilidade do texto.
A pontuao , de um modo geral, adequada.
N2 - 8
N1 Escreve um texto muito elementar, abordando o tema proposto de forma muito genrica, com recurso 4
a repeties e aspetos pouco relevantes. Usa conectores simples na ligao de frases elementares, mas
estrutura o texto de forma deficiente.
Utiliza vocabulrio muito elementar.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.
* A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto pelo menos no nvel
1 da competncia pragmtica.

Atividade D
N3 Completa 15-12 dos espaos usando com preciso a informao ouvida, isto , as duas palavras exatas do guio, 30
para cada espao.
N2 Completa 11-7 espaos usando exatamente a informao ouvida, isto , as duas palavras exatas do guio, para 20
cada espao.
N1 Completa 6-3 espaos usando exatamente a informao ouvida, isto , as duas palavras exatas do guio, para 10
cada espao.

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