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Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Carol Davila Tg-Jiu

Disciplina: limba engleza

Profesor: Nanut Iulia Carmen
Clasa/nr. ore pe sapt.: anul II Asistent Medical Generalist- 5 ore/sapt.

Planificare calendaristic
Anul colar 2015-2016

Nr. Competene Nr. Ore

Unitate de nvare Coninuturi Sptmna Observaii
Crt specifice alocate
The hospital team 1.1 Vocabulary: Verbs for describing jobs 5 S1
1.2 Speaking: Talking personally
2.1 Structures: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
2.3 Reading: The nursing profession
Listening: An admission; A job interview

In and around the hospital 1.3 Vocabulary: Hospital departments 5 S2

5.3 Structure: Prepositions of place and movement
2 5.2 Speaking: On the ward
3.1 Reading: Wheelchairs
Listening: Directions; The porters office
3 Hospital admissions. 2.1 Vocabulary: The admissions procedure, Patient record 5 S3
5.2 Structure: Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
1.1 Speaking: Admitting a patient
4.1. Reading: Bad handwriting
Listening: A patient record
Accldents and emergencies 1.3 Vocabulary: First Aid 5 S4
2.1 Structure: Instructions
4 5.2 Speaking: Emergency helpline
1.1 Reading: A surprise passenger
1.3 Listening:Instructions
Pain 1.2 Vocabulary: Describing pain 5 S5
5.3 Structure: Making comparisons
5 1.1 Speaking: Filling in a pain chart
1.2 Reading: Pain
Listening: Pain chart; Pain relief
Symptoms 1.3 Vocabulary: Researching symptoms 5 S6
2.3 Structure: Question forms
6 4.4 Speaking: Asking questions on a helpline
3.3 Reading: Mystery syndromes
Listening: Symptoms; A helpline call
Carlng for the elderly 1.3 Vocabulary: Problems and aids 5 S7
3.2 Structure: Will
7 1.1 Speaking: Transfer to a care home
4.1 Reading: Old age and the brain
Listening: A care home; Assessing a patient
Nutrition and obesity 1.3 Vocabulary: Diabetes 5 S8
3.2 Structure: should/shouldnt
8 1.1 Speaking: Calculating BMI
1.3 Reading: Eat yourself to death
Listening: A diabetic patient; An eating disorder
Hygiene 1.3 Vocabulary: Hygiene equipment 5 S9
5.3 Structure: Talking about obligation
9 5.2 Speaking: A hygiene inspection
4.3 Reading: Ask the nurse- bacteria
Listening: A hygiene report; Test results
10 Monitoring the patient 1.3 Vocabulary: Describing readings 5 S10
3.2 Structure: The Passive
1.1 Speaking: Vital signs; Anaesthetic procedure
1.3 Reading: General anaesthetic
4.1 Listening: A coma patient; A scan
MedicatIon 1.3 Vocabulary: Types and forms of medication 5 S11
5.3 Structure: be going to vs, Present Continuous for Future
11 5.2 Speaking: Patient medication
4.3 Reading: Pandemics and Tamiflu
Listening: Patient medication
Alternative treatments 1.3 Vocabulary: Typesoftherapy 5 S12 -
5.1 Structure: Giving reasons
12 2.3 Speaking: Two healers
1.2 Reading: Wild treatments
2.3 Listening: Qlgong

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