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General Flying I

Aim: To learn the general flying characteristics of the multi engine


Airmanship - Lookout - Ts & Ps - Autopilot (if available the student must

be able to use)

Taxying - Practice
Props - clearance
Differential Power & Brake, avoid tearing tyre off its rim
Heavier aircraft
Seat position - ensure full rudder movement is available
Position for power checks
Prop wash
Will brakes hold - aircraft moving forward
Occasionally brakes against power to be avoided but sometimes required because better to wear out
brakes than engines
General Flying II

Aim: to learn the characteristics of the aircraft in stall, and to practice

steep turns

Airmanship - Lookout - Ts & Ps - HASELL

Reduce power and hence airspeed to show sysm[toms of slow flight. Speed not below Vsse
Stall and recover with or without power do not hold the aircraft in the stall. SSR beware of opening the throttles too

Stall with power on

Stall with flaps extended

Stall in approach configuration

Note: Mixture rich, propeller fully fine, power increased smoothly to full throttle

Steep Turns
To practice level turns in each direction using 45 and 60 degrees angle of bank
Asymetric I

Aim: To learn to recognise and identify and control an engine failure

Airmanship: Lookout - Height - Ts and Ps

Feather and Unfeathering Drill - Demo

Engine Failure Demo

Simulated by closing one throttle
Note yaw and roll, and descent

Recovery Option1 - Demo

Close other throttle to stop yaw

Recovery Option2 - Demo

Use Rudder to stop yaw

Engine Failure Demo

Maintain straight and level by rudder and selecting higher nose attitude Note Speed
Identify by Dead Leg Dead Engine

Engine Failure in Turn

Inside Engine - Demo

The aircraft wants to develop a rapid roll rate and enter a spiral descent.

Outside Engine - Demo

The aircraft roll rate is slower but again a spiral descent develops

Effect of Speed - Demo

From normal cruise simulate engine failure and pitch up nose to reduce speed and note
increase rudder input to keep aircraft straight.

Effect of Power -Demo

From normal cruise simulate engine failure and maintain speed but reduce power disregard
altitude. Notice increased amount of rudder needed to keep aircraft straight.

Zero Thrust - Demo

To determine zero thrust, from normal cruise:
- feather one engine
- use rudder trim, note speed
- restart engine and find manifold which gives the same speed = 10 approx
Asymmetric II

Aim: To learn the significance of Critical Speed, EFATO Drill &

Unfeathering drill

Airmanship - Lookout - Location - Altitude

Air Ex 1 Minimum Control Speed - Demo & Practice

Reduce Power to Idle on one engine
Control yaw with rudder
Increase power on live engine slowly - prop max, mix rich
Pitch nose to reduce speed
Control Column Central
Aircraft yaws in spite of full rudder P
Note Speed = VMC
Critical Engine
Prop windmilling
Gear Up
Flaps T/O
Max Weight
Most Rearward Balance
Outside Ground Effect
Full Power on Live Engine - Critical Engine Failed
Person of Average strength can control within 20 deg heading Feather
Air Ex 2 EFATO Drill - Demo & Practice P
Control Heading
Ident Ident - Dead Leg - Dead Engine
Drills Full (mix) - Full (pitch) - Full (power) Note
Feather (throttle) - Feather (prop) - Feather (mix) - 'F'rust (10-12") pattern
Gear Up - Flap Up
Speed - Vyse - Blue Line - Climb - Note Rate
Secure - Mags, Fuel Pumps, Alternator, Fuel Cock, Cowl Flap - Open Good, Close Bad
Review - ATC Endurance etc
Could I Fly Further Before Crashing?
Air Ex 2a EFonTO - Practice
Inform ATC C ontrol Yaw, lower nose for speed
Unusual Yaw on T/O control
Close Throttles and Stop I dentify - Dead Leg = Dead Engine
If running off end - Mags off, Fuel off, Ground loop F ull Mixture/Prop/Throttle Live Engine
Air Ex 2b EFATO - Ground to 300' - Discuss F eather Throttle/Prop/Mixture Dead
Engine L-R
Land back on - make safe
B lue Line Speed
Do not raise undercarriage below 300' if you can land on
C hecks Dead Mags off,
Close both throttles and treat as single engine aircraft
Dead Fuel off,
Chk Vacuum,
Air Ex 3 Feathering and Unfeathering - Demo & Practice Dead Alternator off,
As per check list Ts & Ps,
Cowl Flaps

Air Ex 4 Engine Failure in Cruise - Demo & Practice

P Prevent Yaw O Open up good engine S Secure dead engine - pumps, mags
A Airspeed > or = Vyse F Find Fault T Trim
I Identify F Feather (throttle first to verify) A Airframe Clean (cowl flaps)
D Decide (Immediate shut down) R Report to ATC plan, request
Two Engined Circuit

Aim: To learn to fly the circuit and land a multi-engine aircraft

Airmanship - Lookout - Ts & Ps Pre-landing checks

Take-off at 80.
Airborne if area not clear speed above V2 and cannot land back on brakes on/off, undercarriage up. Clear area.
Leave gear down until 300.
Power 24 MAP 2400 RPM.
Lookout. Turn crosswind as required.
Circuit height level out Power 20 MAP, 2400 RPM.
Lookout. Turn downwind.
Pre-landing checks. Increase MAP 1. First Stage Flap. Check asymmetric flap.
Lookout. Turn Base.
Speed VFE. Second Stage Flap. Power 15 MAP. 90 Speed V2+10 (ie 100).
Lookout. Turn finals.
Full Flap. Speed 90.
Red. Blues. Three Greens
Close both throttles on Landing.
80kts speed over threshold.

Full power.
Speed V2.
Flaps up.
Gear up.
Single Engined Circuit

Aim: To learn to fly the circuit and land with one inoperative engine

Airmanship - Lookout - Ts & Ps

Carry out normal Take-off at 80.
Above 300 engine fails.
Carry out HAFIFSSR checks.
Firewall throttles.
C-Correct yaw and lower nose
R-Retract undercarriage and flap
I-Identify and feather failed engine
S-Speed climb VYSE
T-Trim and tidy up
Safe height, turn crosswind (gentle turn)
Level out as required.
Lookout Turn downwind
RT call and pre-landing checks as usual, except undercarriage up and rudder trim neutral
Lookout Turn base.
Undercarriage down and keep speed above VYSE, Base speed 100kts
Nominate ACA 250 above airfield elevation (ACA Asymetric Commital Altitude)
Lookout Turn finals
250 decide
Flap as required
Close both throttles to land

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