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Rose Colored Lenses

This program takes a

def roseColoredGlasses():
normal picture and turns
filename = pickAFile()
in to a rose colored one. It
pic = makePicture(filename)
took a little bit to get the
pixels = getPixels(pic)
color to be what I would
for p in pixels:
consider rose but overall
r = getRed(p)
it was not a very difficult
setRed(p, r * 1.5)
f = getGreen(p)
setGreen(p, f * .75)
y = getBlue(p)
setBlue(p, y * .75)

This program will take any def makeNegative():

picture and switch the filename = pickAFile()
color values to their pic =
opposite numbers. To do makePicture(filename)
this it just took a little bit of pixels = getPixels(pic)
math and color for p in pixels:
manipulation to achieve r = getRed(p)
this but looks great. setRed(p, (255 - r))
f = getGreen(p)
setGreen(p, (255 - f))
y = getBlue(p)
setBlue(p, (255 - y))
Black and White

def BnW():
This program will take filename = pickAFile()
any colored, or even non pic =
colored, picture and turn makePicture(filename)
it into a black and white pixels = getPixels(pic)
picture by scaling all of for p in pixels:
the colors to a like pallet. r = getRed(p)
g = getGreen(p)
b = getBlue(p)
scale = ((r + g + b)/3)
setRed(p, scale)
setBlue(p, scale)
setGreen(p, scale)
Bottom-to-Top Mirror

This program will take def bottomTopMirror(picture):

a picture and put the width = getWidth(picture)
bottom half of the height = getHeight(picture)
picture onto the top
half. The tricky part for y in range(0, height - 1):
about this program for x in range(0, width - 1):
was the make the top sourcePixel = getPixel(picture,
half come out of the x, height - y - 1)
bottom half and not targetPixel = getPixel(picture, x
just have another ,y)
copy of the bottom color = getColor(sourcePixel)
half sitting on top. setColor(targetPixel, color)

This lab I
incorporated a little
bit of each of the
previous labs into it.
However, for some
reason whenever I
would save this file it
would change the
overall color to a
redder color.

def collage(source, target, targetX, targetY):

sourcePic = makePicture(source)
targetPic = makePicture(target)
sourceWidth = getWidth(sourcePic)
sourceHeight = getHeight(sourcePic)
targetWidth = getWidth(targetPic)
targetHeight = getHeight(targetPic)

for x in range (0, sourceWidth):

for y in range (0, sourceHeight):
px = getPixel(sourcePic, x , y)
pxSize = getPixel(targetPic, (x + targetX), (y + targetY))
copyColor = getColor(px)
setColor(pxSize, copyColor)
writePictureTo(targetPic, pickAFile())
def Artify():
filename = pickAFile()
pic = makePicture(filename)
pixels = getPixels(pic)
for x in pixels:
r = getRed(x)
g = getGreen(x)
b = getBlue(x)
if r < 64:
setRed(x, 31)
elif r > 63 and r < 128:
setRed(x, 95)
elif r > 127 and r < 192:
setRed(x, 159)
setRed(x, 223)
if g < 64:
setGreen(x, 31)
elif g > 63 and g < 128:
This program makes a picture setGreen(x, 95)
look more arty. It makes all of elif g > 127 and g < 192:
the colors a little softer and setGreen(x, 159)
gives the look of something else:
that has been painted setGreen(x, 223)
if b < 64:
setBlue(x, 31)
elif b > 63 and b < 128:
setBlue(x, 95)
elif b > 127 and b < 192:
setBlue(x, 159)
setBlue(x, 223)
Green Screen

def setBorder(greenScreen,

This is actually a part of our
St. Patricks day card but it
uses the green screen
effect to add the border to
the picture. Since the
overall picture is rather
green already we ended up
making it more of a fusha
for p in pg:
screen to avoid unwanted
color = getColor(p)
if dist < 170:

This is my groups St. Patricks day greeting card. I do not have
the file for the leprechaun that we used so this one is a little out
of scale, but it brings together several elements in a nice
greeting card.

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