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Utilizing principles outlined in her many works--including the bestselling Anatomy

of the Spirit--Carolyn Myss tells listeners how to restructure their thinking in

order to better handle crises, health problems, and life in general. She divides
power into three levels: tribal, individual, and symbolic, in which a person
observes his/her life as if from a distance. Myss is an energetic speaker, keeping
listeners tuned in by punctuating her lecture with compelling anecdotes (listen for
the one about the mother of a hemophiliac), clear analogies (power as perfume), and
bold statements (she believes the notion of having only five senses is antiquated).
Performed in front of a live audience, Three Levels was also recorded as a PBS
television special. (Running time: 2.75 hours, 2 cassettes) --Kimberly Heinrichs
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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