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A. Background

Everybody knows that language cannot be apart from human life. People need
language for communication with each other. By using language, people can express
their ideas and feeling. Therefore, language has a central role in students social and
emotional development. It can support them in learning all subject matters.

English is one of international languages. This language is used all over the world.
As a result, Indonesian government has decided that English is foreign languagein
Indonesia. In addition, it is the first foreign language taught as a compulsory subject
in junior high school, senior high school and university in Indonesia.

In learning language, there are four skills should be mastered by students, such as
listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills should be involved by
teacher in process of teaching and learning in a classroom. Speaking and writing
refers to productive skills while reading and listening refers to receptive skills
(Harmer, 2003).

Reading is one of language skillswhich is very important to be learnt by students.

Through this activity, students can improve their own language and experience. They
will get information and ideas which they need to know. Moreover, they will be able
to know what they do not know before.

In reading, there are many kinds of reading text, such as narrative, recount, report,
descriptive, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, procedure,
discussion,news item and so forth. Narrative text is one of genre of text should be
taught to students of senior high school especially in tenth graders.
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In teaching reading, teachers use several methods which are suitable with senior
high school students. Moreover, some methods in cooperative learning can be good
methods in teaching learning process such as Student Team Learning (STL), Student
Team Achievement Division (STAD), Team Games Tournament (TGT), Learning
Together, Complex Instruction, and Jigsaw.These methods engage small group
consist of four until six members. In the other hand, there is a method whichconsists
of just two members in a group (dyad) and the technical implementation is highly
structured. This peer method is calling with a term Structure Dyadic method (Slavin,

Structure Dyadic method is one of suitable method in teaching narrative text. In

this method, each member of a group will be as a teacher and a student. After both of
them read a narrative text, they will teach each other until they get comprehension on
the text.According to Slavin (2005), studentswho understand narrative text through
Structure Dyadic method comprehend text better than students who do not use it.
Their memory can go along with in narrative text.

B. Statement of the Problems

The problems are formulated in form of questions:

1. Procedural Text
2. What is problem and solution of reading skills?
3. Rubric

C. Purpose
1. To identify problem and solution in reading skills
2. To identify kind of procedure text
3. To identify the student skill in reading (rubric)
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D. Literature Review

Reading is the one of four language skills. It is the first direct communication of
students to acquire their language development. After years of listening and speaking,
students further goes to school where for the first time,they learn to read before

Reading is a process in which done by reader to get message or information from

the writer through printed media. It is very complex process in recognizing and
comprehending written symbols which influenced by perceptual skill, decoding,
experiences, language background, mind set and reasoning of reader (Tarigan, 2008).

According to Carrel (1988, p. 1), reading is not passive but rather than active
process. It is an active cognitive process of interacting print media in which monitory
comprehension to build up meaning. Moreover, Rahmatullah (2013) states that
reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. This
activity is not simply looking. It is involves deriving meaning from printed words. It
requires a high level of muscular coordination. The reader is not only seeing and
identifying the symbols, but also understanding the meaning.

Based on the definition, present researcher concludes that reading is an active

process of grasp new information which is needed by readers. It is an activity to
understand the meaning of written or printed media.
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A. Prosedural Text

Procedural texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction /
operation manuals or that instruct how to do a particular activity / Texts that deal with
human behavior.

The purpose procedural text is to tell the reader how to do or make something.
The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into
small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present tense. The most
common example of a procedural text is a recipe.

Example :



Hot Water

Instant Coffee

A Cup and a spoon


1. Buy your favorite instant coffee. This step is very important. Whatever the
coffee is, if you do not like, do not buy it. You do not need to buy a famous
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and expensive coffee which you dislike. Be selective in choosing the right
coffee because the flavor is the most important thing in the world of coffee

2. Boils water quickly with a hot water dispenser. A hot water dispenser is a
kettle-like product that will boil and dispense a single mugful of water at a
time. Of course, you should have it if you want to make a cup of instant coffee

3. Pour your instant coffee in a cup and mix it with the hot water. Stir it with the
spoon until you smell the right coffee you like. Thats enough how to make a
cup of instant coffee quickly.

B. Problem and Solution Of Reading Skills

In a learning need of a competent teacher who is able to create an effective and

efficient learning environment and able to process the class, so that student learning
outcomes can be maximized and students have the same motivation to the subject
matter. Therefore, among the one used by teachers to raise the spirit of learning so
that the success of learning is achieved by using the strategy of reading aloud
(reading hard).

In reading there are problems faced by someone, among others:

1. Lack of understanding

The solution to this problem is to enrich the vocabulary to make it easier to

understand the passage, and focus the mind on the contents of the passage.

2. Lazy
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You should remove the sense of laziness and make reading as the main need to be

3. Lack of concentration

To overcome this obstacle is to find a pleasant atmosphere and comfortable to read,

away from something that interfere with concentration, or a short break to refresh the

4. Sore eyes

When the eye pain should rest first, to maintain eye health note the position when
reading, a good reading position is relaxed but alert, reading with ideal viewing
distance, which is 30 cm, and avoid unnecessary body movements.

5. Saturated

To overcome it is to choose an interesting reading book, get used to reading 20 to 30

minutes for each day, organize the reading room to improve the spirit of reading, and
read with a vengeance.

6. The low speed of reading

Focus our attention on what we read, then we extend the range of the eyes for the
time spent to read more briefly, and eliminate the habit of voicing and moving the
lips at the time we read.
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C. Rubric

Nama siswa : _________________________

Kelas : _________________________


50 60 70 80
1. Fluency
2. Accuracy
3. Pronunciation
4. Intonation

Keterangan untuk :
1. Fluency 50 Bila terjadi hesitasi

60 Lancar, tetapi masih ada hesitasi

70 Lancar

80 Sangat lancar

2. Accuracy 50 Semua ucapan tidak dapat dipahami

60 Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah dapat dipahami

70 Sebagain besar ucapan sudah dapat dipahami

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80 Semua ucapan dapat dipahami

3. Pronunciation 50 Hampir semua ucapan tidak benar

60 Sebagian kecil ucapan sudah benar

70 Sebagian besar ucapan benar

80 Semua ucapan benar

4. Intonation 50 Tekanan/irama semua kata salah

60 Tekanan/irama sebagian kecil kata benar

70 Tekanan/irama sebagian besar kata benar

80 Tekanan/irama semua kata, frasa, kalimat benar

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A. Conclussion

Reading is the way to get information from written media. Students will get
knowledge by reading activitiesto motivate their learning, not only in formal
education, but also in informal education. Therefore, reading is one of the urgent
skills for students to obtain their success. Reading some information are given by the
teacher through a text,students will find general information and experience which
later they can increase their language skills such as listening, speaking and writing.

Teaching reading is very important for students. There are some reasons for this.
The first reason is many English students need to read English text for their career,
for study or simply for pleasure. The second reason is reading text also will help the
students when they study writing.
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Akwaluddin. (2011). The effect of English coursebook on reading comprehension of

narrative text for the tenth grader of MA NW LenekLauk in the school year 2010-
2011. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, HAMZANWADI SELONG College of
Teacher Training and Education, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). Prosedurpenelitian :SuatuPendekatanPraktek (6th

ed.).Yogyakarta: PT. RinekaCipta.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Manajemenpenelitian. Yogyakarta: PT. RinekaCipta.

Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Sorensen, C. (2010).Introduction to research in education

(8thed.). USA: Wordworth, Thomson Learning.

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