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Definisi flow chart menurut beberapa standar internasional ISO :

1. A graphical representation of a process or the step-by-step solution of a problem, using suitably

annotated geometric figures connected by flowlines for the purpose of designing or documenting a process
or program (ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993 Information technologyVocabularyPart 1: Fundamental terms,
2. Graphical representation of the definition, analysis, or method of solution of a problem in which
symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment, etc. (ISO 5807:1985 Information
processing Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and system flowcharts, program
network charts and system resources charts, 3.3).

3. A control flow diagram in which suitably annotated geometrical figures are used to represent
operations, data, or equipment, and arrows are used to indicate the sequential flow from one to another
(ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and software engineeringVocabulary).

Diterjemah :

1. Representasi grafis dari suatu proses atau solusi selangkah demi selangkah dari sebuah masalah,
dengan menggunakan figur geometris berurutan yang sesuai dengan flowlines untuk merancang atau
mendokumentasikan proses atau program (teknologi informasi ISO / IEC 2382-1: 1993 -Vocabulary-Bagian
1: Istilah dasar, 01.05.06).

2. Representasi grafis dari definisi, analisis, atau metode pemecahan masalah di mana simbol digunakan
untuk mewakili operasi, data, arus, peralatan, dll. (ISO 5807: 1985 Pengolahan informasi - Simbol dan
konvensi dokumentasi untuk data, program dan diagram alir sistem, bagan jaringan program dan bagan
sumber daya sistem, 3.3).

3. Diagram alir kontrol di mana tokoh geometris beranotasi yang sesuai digunakan untuk mewakili operasi,
data, atau peralatan, dan panah digunakan untuk menunjukkan arus sekuensial satu sama lain (ISO / IEC /
IEEE 24765: 2010 Sistem dan rekayasa perangkat lunak- Kosa kata).

Symbol-symbol flowcharts standart ISO

Standar ECMA-4


In conection with data processing there arises a need for two basic types of flow charts. They are
named respectively.
Program flow charts and data flow charts.
A program flow charts describes the flow of control within any computer program,
(i.e) the order in wich the various programmer stes are to be executed. Therefore it mainly consists of
a. Flow lines conection sucsesive program steps
b. Operational symbol for the actual processing steps
c. flow control symbol defining the path to be followed under various conditions

A data flow charts shows the flow of data through a processing system. Therefore it meanly consist of it
a. Flow lines indicating transfer of data or transpot of media
b. Data symbols namely symbols for data media and storage media
c. Operational symbols
Two levels of data flow-chrting for pinched card equipment may be distinguished :
a. The presentation of the basic logical operations to be carried out on the data in order to solve
the problem
b. The presentation of the processing functions required to implement this solutions, in which the
symbols stand for the work done in each machine operation, whether simple or complex.

The following convention applies to the lines in both program and data flow-chart:
1. The direction of flow is mainly : - Top to right top to bottom
2. Arrows indicating the flow should be used whenever increased clarity will result.
3. If symbols contains more then of text, then they are to be read from top to bottom, irrespective of
the direction of the flow lines.
4. A junction is indicated by meeting of two incoming and one out going flow lines.
5. For the sake of clarity there should be no mixture of incomingand outgoing lines at one edge of
6. Flow lines may cross : in this case they have no lagical interrelation
7. While the standard does not make exact specification about height to width ratios, it does
require the user not to vary these to such an exten that the symbol is not immediately
recognizeable. For this reason it is also suggested that within a singl flow chart the height to
width rations ar held constant.

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