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Friend Rice

materials prepared:
a plate of white rice or your portion
a chicken egg
5 pieces of iris sliced cayenne pepper
3 pieces of red chili sliced iris
2 cloves of thinly sliced red onion
1 cloves of thinly sliced garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt / taste
sweet soy sauce
1 fresh tomato and cucumber
enough celery leaves
2 tbsp cooking oil for sauteing
1 tbsp margarine
1 split leek

How to Make Nasi Goreng Rumah Sederhana Pedas Spesial

1. Heat cooking oil with frying pan and medium heat

2. Saute onion, garlic, and salt until fragrant then enter the cayenne pepper and stir-fry for
a while
3. Enter the white rice and stir until blended, add sweet soy sauce and then stir until
4. After a flat lift and drain to the plate
5. Reheat margarine with pan
6. Beat the eggs and add a little salt and sliced leek, mix well
7. Add the eggs to the pan and the omelette until cooked and then remove and place on
top of the fried rice
8. Add the sliced tomato, cucumber and celery leaves
9. Simple, special spicy fried rice is ready to be served
2. Chiken Soto

1 whole chicken (clean)

200 grams of cabbage
200 grams of bean sprouts (boiled briefly)
4 pieces of potatoes (boiled or steamed, peeled and fried)
2 tomatoes
50 gr of soun (soak in hot water)
3 boiled eggs
2 liters of water
fried onions


3 pieces of orange leaf

2 stalks of lemongrass
2 bay leaves
1 spring onion
25 grams of galangal
2 tbsp cooking oil

Softened seasoning:

5 grams of turmeric
4 pieces of candlenuts
15 grams of ginger
3 pieces of red onion
2 cloves of garlic
tsp pepper
2 tbsp salt
How to make:

1. Saute the spices that are smoothed with a small flame until fragrant
2. Boil chicken in a pan together with sauteed sauces, galangal, lime leaves, bay leaves, and
lemongrass leaves for at least 30 minutes until the chicken becomes tender. Cooking time
can be shortened by using a presto pan.
3. If the sauce is still less tasty may be added salt or pepper to taste
4. Separate meat from bone using a fork and a knife
5. Put the bone back into the sauce in the pan
6. Add the chives
7. Sauce needs to be boiled again before serving

3. Chicken Bakar Seasoning Specials Best Soy

8 fruits / chicken breast

1 orange juice
1 tsp salt
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
8 orange leaves
2 tablespoons soy sauce
tsp pepper powder
tsp sugar
tbsp of tamarind water
250 ml of water
2 tbsp cooking oil

Softened seasoning :

10 onion grains have been smoothed

4 cloves of garlic have been smoothed
2 cm ginger
2 cm galangal
2 pieces of curly red chilli
1 tsp salt

Processing Chicken Burned Spice Specialties Terap Tasty:

1. Spread the chicken with lime juice and salt, then let stand for 15 minutes.
2. Heat the oil. Saute the finer spices, add the leaves of citrus and lemongrass until
fragrant. Enter the chicken, stirring until it changes color.
3. Add sweet soy sauce, pepper powder, granulated sugar, water and tamarind. Stir evenly,
cook until cooked and seasoned.
4. Burn the chicken while being turned back and occasionally smeared with spices until it
feels fragrant. Lift and serve

4. brown peanut pancakes

4 pieces

8 tablespoons medium protein flour

1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
3 tbsp sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon vanilla milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
200 ml of water
1 tbsp groundnut oven, roughly chopped
1 tbsp margarine, melt


1. Beat eggs and sugar until the sugar is destroyed

2. Add water to the egg, mix well

3. Mix flour, milk powder, salt, cocoa powder, baking powder until mixed

4 Put the flour mixture into the egg dough, stir well until nothing is clothed

5. Put the beans into the dough, mix well

6. Add the margarine and mix well

7. Heat Teflon, put the dough into teflon until cooked

5.Cappucino Cake

6 servings

2 packets of instant Coffee

100 ml Hot water
100 grams of Sugar
100 ml Vegetable oil
100 grams Wheat flour
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
150 grams Dates diced
1 teaspoon Cinnamon powder

30 minutes

1. Brewed instant coffee with hot water and strain

2. Mix flour with salt, cinnamon powder and baking soda

3. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. Then enter alternately flour, coffee and oil water. Stir
gently until blended, insert chunks of dates

4. Prepare the baking sheet and pour the dough into the pan.
Steam the dough for 30 minutes

6. Cake Dorayaki

0 grams of wheat flour (blue triangle)

2 eggs
30 gr sugar
30 gr milk powder
1 tbsp honey
50 ml of UHT milk
2 drops of vanilla essens
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Sufficient nutella for stuffing


1. Mix the finished ingredients into a container (except for baking soda), stirring until
smooth and not bergerindil. Enter in refrigerator for 15 minutes, then remove add baking
soda, mix again

2. Heat Teflon with small flame / candle flame

3. Pour a teaspoon of dough in the middle of teflon

4. Wait until the top is hollow

5. Then turn over, cook until done

Hubungan kerja kordinasi antara BI dengan DPR

Dalam rangka menelaah hubungan Bank Indonesia dengan DPR berdasarkan
undang-undang, perlu ditelaah kembali ketentuan Pasal 4 UU Nomor 3 Tahun
2004, yang menyatakan bahwa BI adalah lembaga negara yang independen dalam
melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya, bebas dari campur tangan Pemerintah
dan atau pihak lain, kecuali untuk hal-hal yang secara tegas diatur dalam Undang-
undang Bank Indonesia.

Hubungan kerja kordinasi antara BI dengan presiden

Dalam hubungannya dengan Presiden dan DPR, BI setiap awal tahun anggaran
menyampaikan informasi tertulis mengenai evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan
moneter dan rencana kebijakan moneter yang akan datang. Khusus kepada DPR,
pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang setiap triwulan dan sewaktu-waktu bila diminta
oleh DPR. Selain itu, BI menyampaikan rencana dan realiasasi anggaran tahunan
kepada Pemerintah dan DPR. Dalam hubungannya dengan BPK, BI wajib
menyampaikan laporan keuangan tahunan kepada BPK.

Dilhat dari sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, kedudukan BI sebagai

lembaga negara yang independen tidak sejajar dengan lembaga tinggi negara
seperti Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, dan Mahkamah
Agung. Kedudukan BI juga tidak sama dengan Departemen karena kedudukan BI
berada di luar pemerintahan. Status dan kedudukan yang khusus tersebut
diperlukan agar BI dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsinya sebagai Otoritas
Moneter secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Meskipun BI berkedudukan sebagai
lembaga negara independen, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, BI mempunyai
hubungan kerja dan koordinasi yang baik dengan DPR, BPK, Pemerintah dan pihak

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